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In This Package:

GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty:
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def getInterface
def retrieveInterface
def __call_interface_method__
def __setattr__
def __getattr__
def properties
def name

Detailed Description

Python equivalent to the C++ Property interface 

Definition at line 155 of file Bindings.py.

Member Function Documentation

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::__init__ (   self,
  ip = None 

Reimplemented in GaudiPython::Bindings::iService, GaudiPython::Bindings::iAlgorithm, GaudiPython::Bindings::iAlgTool, GaudiPython::Bindings::iDataSvc, GaudiPython::Bindings::iHistogramSvc, GaudiPython::Bindings::iNTupleSvc, GaudiPython::Bindings::iToolSvc, and GaudiPython::Bindings::iJobOptSvc.

Definition at line 157 of file Bindings.py.

00157                                       :
00158     if ip : self.__dict__['_ip'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IProperty)(ip)
00159     else  : self.__dict__['_ip'] = None
00160     self.__dict__['_svcloc'] = gbl.Gaudi.svcLocator()
00161     optsvc = Helper.service(self._svcloc,'JobOptionsSvc')
00162     if optsvc : self.__dict__['_optsvc'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IJobOptionsSvc)(optsvc)
00163     else      : self.__dict__['_optsvc'] = None
00164     self.__dict__['_name'] = name
  def getInterface(self) :

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::getInterface (   self  ) 

Definition at line 165 of file Bindings.py.

00165                          :
00166     if not self._ip : self.retrieveInterface()
00167     return self._ip
  def retrieveInterface(self) :

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::retrieveInterface (   self  ) 

Reimplemented in GaudiPython::Bindings::iService, GaudiPython::Bindings::iAlgorithm, and GaudiPython::Bindings::iAlgTool.

Definition at line 168 of file Bindings.py.

00168                               :
00169     pass
  def __call_interface_method__(self,ifname,method,*args):

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::__call_interface_method__ (   self,

Definition at line 170 of file Bindings.py.

00170                                                          :
00171     if not getattr(self,ifname) : self.retrieveInterface()
00172     return getattr(getattr(self,ifname),method)(*args)
  def __setattr__(self, name, value):

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::__setattr__ (   self,

The method which is used for setting the property from the given value.
- In the case of the valid instance it sets the property through IProperty interface
- In the case of placeholder the property is added to JobOptionsCatalogue

Definition at line 173 of file Bindings.py.

00173                                     :
00174     """
00175     The method which is used for setting the property from the given value.
00176     - In the case of the valid instance it sets the property through IProperty interface
00177     - In the case of placeholder the property is added to JobOptionsCatalogue
00178     """
00179     if hasattr( value, 'toStringProperty' ):
00180       # user defined behaviour
00181       value = '%s' % value.toStringProperty()
00182     ip = self.getInterface()
00183     if ip :
00184       if not gbl.Gaudi.Utils.hasProperty ( ip , name ) :
00185         raise AttributeError, 'property %s does not exist' % name  
00186       prop = ip.getProperty(name)
00187       if not type( value ) == type( prop.value() ) :
00188         if not long  == type( value ) : value = '%s' % value
00189         else                          : value = '%d' % value
00190         if prop.fromString( value ).isFailure() :
00191           raise AttributeError, 'property %s could not be set from %s' % (name,value)  
00192       else :
00193         if not prop.setValue( value ) :
00194           raise AttributeError, 'property %s could not be set from %s' % (name,value)            
00195     else :
00196         if   type(value) == str : value = '"%s"' % value # need double quotes
00197         elif type(value) == long: value = '%d'   % value # prevent pending 'L'
00198         sp = StringProperty( name , str(value))
00199         self._optsvc.addPropertyToCatalogue( self._name , sp )
  def __getattr__(self, name ):

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::__getattr__ (   self,

The method which returns the value for the given property
- In the case of the valid instance it returns the valid property value through IProperty interface
- In the case of placeholder the property value is retrieevd from JobOptionsCatalogue    

Definition at line 200 of file Bindings.py.

00200                               :
00201     """
00202     The method which returns the value for the given property
00203     - In the case of the valid instance it returns the valid property value through IProperty interface
00204     - In the case of placeholder the property value is retrieevd from JobOptionsCatalogue    
00205     """
00206     ip = self.getInterface()
00207     if ip :
00208       if not gbl.Gaudi.Utils.hasProperty ( ip , name ) :
00209         raise AttributeError, 'property %s does not exist' % name  
00210       prop = ip.getProperty(name)
00211       if   StringProperty    == type( prop )   : return prop.value() 
00212       elif StringPropertyRef == type( prop )   : return prop.value() 
00213       try:     return eval( prop.toString(), {}, {} )
00214       except : return p.value()
00215     else :
00216       props = self._optsvc.getProperties(self._name)
00217       for p in props :
00218         if not p.name() == name : continue
00219         # from JobOptionsSvc we always have only strings
00220         try:    return eval( p.value(), {}, {} )
00221         except: return p.value()
00222       raise AttributeError, 'property %s does not exist' % name  
  def properties(self):

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::properties (   self  ) 

Definition at line 223 of file Bindings.py.

00223                       :
00224     dct = {}
00225     props = None
00226     ip = self.getInterface()
00227     if ip :
00228       props = ip.getProperties()
00229       propsFrom = self._name # "interface"
00230     else:
00231       props = self._optsvc.getProperties( self._name )
00232       propsFrom = "jobOptionsSvc"
00233     if props:
00234       for p in props :
00235         try:
00236           dct[p.name()] = PropertyEntry(p)
00237         except (ValueError,TypeError),e:
00238           raise ValueError, "gaudimodule.iProperty.properties(): %s%s processing property %s.%s = %s" % \
00239                 (e.__class__.__name__, e.args, propsFrom, p.name(), p.value())
00240     return dct
  def name(self) :

def GaudiPython::Bindings::iProperty::name (   self  ) 

Reimplemented in GaudiPython::Bindings::iAlgTool.

Definition at line 241 of file Bindings.py.

00241                  :
00242     return self._name
00244 #----iService class--------------------------------------------------------------------- 
class iService(iProperty) :

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