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In This Package:

GiGa Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
GiGaUtil::DeleteUseful utility(templated class) to delete the object
GiGaUtil::Eraser< TYPE >Useful utility(functor) to delete the object
GiGaUtil::FastCast< FROM, TO >Helpful utility to perfrom a fast cast
GiGaBaseHelper class for implementation of some GiGa classes
GiGaEventActionBaseBase class for implementation of concrete Event Action for GiGa
GiGaExternalPhC< PHYSICSCONSTRUCTOR >Helper templated class to make easy the import of the external Physics Constructors
GiGaExternalPhysicsList< PHYSLIST >Helper class to import external physics list into GiGa
GiGaExternalPhysList< PHYSLIST >Helper class to import external physics list into GiGa
GiGaExtPhysics< PHYSCONSTR >
GiGaHash< TYPE >Hashing function to be used in a conjunction with GiGaMap and GiGaHashMap classes
GiGaHash< std::string >
GiGaHashMap< KEY, VALUE >Trick to hide std::hash_map on Win32
GiGaHitsByIDHelpful class for extraction of G4 hit collections by their unique ID
GiGaHitsByNameHelpful class for extraction of G4 hit collections by their unique Name
GiGaMagFieldBaseA base class for implementation of Magnetic Field Objects
GiGaMap< KEY, VALUE >Map adaptor class to avoid the usage of std::map on Win32 platform for MicroSoft C++ compiler
GiGaPhysConstructorBaseBase classes
GiGaPhysicsListBase"implementation" of basis "Physics List"
GiGaPhysListBase"implementation" of basis "Physics List" it still has 3 pure abstract methods from G4VUserPhysicsList!
GiGaRunActionBaseThe base class for implementation of GiGa Run Actions
GiGaSensDetBaseBase class for implementation of concrete Sensitive Detector for GiGa
GiGaStackActionBaseBase class for implementation of concrete Stacking Action for GiGa
GiGaStepActionBaseBase class for implementation of concrete Steping Action for GiGa
GiGaTrackActionBaseBase class for implementation of concrete Tracking Action for GiGa
GiGaTrajectoryCustomisation of "standard" G4Trajectory class to incorporate TimeOfFlight of the each point
GiGaTrajectoryPointCustomisation of "standard" G4TrajectoryPoint to incorporate TimeOfFlight of the point
__gnu_cxx::hash< std::string >
IGiGaEventActionDefinition of "pseudo-abstract" pseudo-interface for GiGa Event Action
IGiGaFieldMgrAn abstract interface to deal with G4 Field manager, magnetic field and stepper
IGiGaGeoDefinition of "minimal" geometry source interface for GiGa
IGiGaInterfaceIntermediate virual base for GiGa objects
IGiGaMagFieldDefinition of (pseudo) abstract (pseudo) interface for Geant 4 Magnetic field class
IGiGaPhysicsConstructorAn abstract interface to Geant4 Physics Constructor
IGiGaPhysicsListAn abstract interface for Geant4 Physics List
IGiGaPhysListDefinition of (pseudo)abstract (pseudo)interface to Geant 4 Physics List class
IGiGaRunActionDefinition of presudo-abstract interface for GiGa Run Action
IGiGaRunManagerAn abstract interface to GiGa Run Manager
IGiGaSensDetDefinition of pseudo-abstract pseudo-interface for GiGa Sensitive Detector
IGiGaSetUpSvcDefinition of abstract interface to Geant4 Service for configuration of Geant4
IGiGaStackActionDefinition of "pseudo-abstract" pseudo-interface for GiGa Stacking Action
IGiGaStepActionDefinition of "pseudo-abstract" pseudo-interface for GiGa Stepping Action
IGiGaSvcDefinition of the abstract interface to Geant4 Service for event-by-event communications with Geant4
IGiGaToolAn abstract interface for generic "unspecified" GiGa Tool
IGiGaTrackActionDefinition of "pseudo-abstract" pseudo-interface for GiGa Tracking Action
IGiGaUIsessionDefinition of pseudo-abstract pseudo-interface for GiGa Interactive User interface
IGiGaVisManagerDefinition of pseudo-abstract pseudo-interface for GiGa Interactive User interface
GiGaUtil::InstanceCounter< T >Static class used to instrument constructors and destructors to search for memory leaks
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