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In This Package:

gen::PolyCone Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def parameters
def logvol

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

list NAMES = ["oav","lso", "iav", "gds"]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 183 of file gen.py.

Member Function Documentation

def gen::PolyCone::__init__ (   self,
  parent = None,
  child = None 

Definition at line 185 of file gen.py.

00185                                                                   :
00186         self.zpos=[]
00187         self.radius=[]
00188         self.corner=[]
00189         self.name = name
00190         self.corner=corner
00191         for zpos, radius in self.corner:
00192             self.zpos.append(zpos)
00193             self.radius.append(radius)
00194         self.nsec=len(corner)
00195         self.material=material
00196         self.parent = parent
00197         self.child = child
00198         self.params = []
00199         self.lv = None
00200         return
    def parameters(self):

def gen::PolyCone::parameters (   self  ) 

Definition at line 202 of file gen.py.

00202                         :
00203         """
00204         Build up the parameters for a polycone based on the zpos' and radii.
00205         """
00206         if self.params: return self.params
00208         from XmlDetDescGen.parameter import Parameter
00210         ts = []
00211         if self.name == "oav":
00212             t = [Parameter("OavThickness", "18*mm",
00213                            "Oav wall&lid thickness"),
00214                  Parameter("OavBrlHeight", "3982*mm",
00215                            "Oav barrel height"),
00216                  Parameter("OavBrlOutRadius", "2000*mm",
00217                            "Oav barrel outer radius"),
00218                  Parameter("OavBrlFlgThickness", "45*mm",
00219                            "Oav barrel flange thickness"),
00220                  Parameter("OavBrlFlgRadius", "2040*mm",
00221                            "Oav barrel flange radius"),
00222                  Parameter("OavLidFlgThickness", "39*mm",
00223                            "Oav lid flange thickness"),
00224                  Parameter("OavLidFlgWidth", "110*mm",
00225                            "Oav lid flange width"),
00226                  Parameter("OavLidConAngle", "3.*degree",
00227                            "Oav lid conical angle"),
00228                  Parameter("OavLidConBotRadius", 
00229                            "OavBrlFlgRadius-OavLidFlgWidth",
00230                            "Oav conical lid bottom radius"),
00231                  Parameter("OavLidConTopRadius", "125*mm",
00232                            "Oav conical lid top radius"),
00233                  Parameter("OavLidConHeight", 
00234                            "(OavLidConBotRadius-OavLidConTopRadius)*tan(OavLidConAngle)",
00235                            "Oav cone height from the turning point"),
00236                  Parameter("OavHeight", 
00237                            "OavBrlHeight+OavThickness/cos(OavLidConAngle)+OavLidConHeight", 
00238                            "Oav height to the top of the cone"),
00239                  Parameter("OavLidHeight", "OavHeight-OavBrlHeight",
00240                            "Oav lid height from barrel top to the cone top"),
00241                  Parameter("OavBotRibHeight", "197*mm",
00242                            "Oav bottom rib height")
00243                  ]
00244             ts.extend(t)
00246         if self.name == "lso":
00247             t = [Parameter("LsoBrlRadius", "OavBrlOutRadius - OavThickness",
00248                            "Lso barrel radius"),
00249                  Parameter("LsoBrlHeight", "OavBrlHeight-OavThickness",
00250                            "Lso barrel height"),
00251                  Parameter("LsoConBotRadius","OavLidConBotRadius",
00252                            "Lso cone bottom radius"),
00253                  Parameter("LsoConTopRadius", "OavLidConTopRadius",
00254                            "Lso cone top radius (same as the OAV lid top)"),
00255                  Parameter("LsoConTopTipRadius", "50*mm",
00256                            "The tip of LSO (with thickness of OAV lid flange) so LSO is filled to the very top of its container: OAV"),
00257                  Parameter("LsoConHeight", 
00258                            "(LsoConBotRadius-LsoConTopRadius)*tan(OavLidConAngle)",
00259                            "Lso cone height"),
00260                  Parameter("LsoHeight",
00261                            "LsoBrlHeight+OavThickness/cos(OavLidConAngle)+OavLidConHeight",
00262                            "Lso total height (till the bot of hub, or the very top of OAV)")
00263                  ]
00264             ts.extend(t)
00266         if self.name == "iav":
00267             t = [Parameter("IavBrlThickness", "10*mm",
00268                            "Iav barrel thickness"),
00269                  Parameter("ADiavRadiusThickness", "IavBrlThickness",
00270                            "Iav barrel thickness"),
00271                  Parameter("IavBotThickness", "15*mm",
00272                            "Iav bottom thickness"),
00273                  Parameter("ADiavHeightThickness", "IavBotThickness",
00274                            "Iav bottom thickness (close enough for top)"),
00275                  Parameter("IavBrlHeight", "3085*mm",
00276                            "Iav barrel height"),
00277                  Parameter("IavBrlOutRadius", "1560*mm",
00278                            "Iav barrel outer radius"),
00279                  Parameter("ADiavRadius", "IavBrlOutRadius",
00280                            "Iav barrel outer radius"),
00281                  Parameter("IavLidRadius","1565*mm",
00282                            "Iav lid radius"),
00283                  Parameter("IavLidThickness","15*mm",
00284                            "Iav lid thickness"),
00285                  Parameter("IavLidFlgThickness", "15*mm",
00286                            "Iav lid flange thickness"),
00287                  Parameter("IavLidConInrRadius", "1520*mm",
00288                            "Iav lid cone inside radius"),
00289                  Parameter("IavLidConAngle", "3.*degree",
00290                            "Iav lid conical angle"),
00291                  Parameter("IavLidConBotRadius", 
00292                            "IavLidConInrRadius+IavLidFlgThickness*tan(IavLidConAngle/2.)",
00293                            "Iav lid cone bottom radius"),
00294                  Parameter("IavLidConTopRadius", "100*mm",
00295                            "Iav lid cone top radius"),
00296                  Parameter("IavLidConHeight", 
00297                            "(IavLidConBotRadius-IavLidConTopRadius)*tan(IavLidConAngle)",
00298                            "Iav lid cone height"),
00299                  Parameter("IavBotRibHeight", "200*mm",
00300                            "Iav bottom rib height"),
00301                  Parameter("IavBotVitHeight", "45*mm",
00302                            "Iav bottom viton height"),
00303                  Parameter("IavCtrOflTubFlgHeight", "200*mm",
00304                            "Iav central overflow tube flange height"),
00305                  Parameter("IavCtrOflTubFlgThickness", "25*mm",
00306                            "Iav central overflow tube flange thickness"),
00307                  Parameter("IavCtrOflTubFlgRadius", "150*mm",
00308                            "Iav central overflow tube flange radius"),
00309                  Parameter("IavHeight", 
00310                            "IavBrlHeight+IavLidFlgThickness+IavLidConHeight", 
00311                            "Iav height to the top of the cone"),
00312                  Parameter("IavLidHeight", "IavHeight-IavBrlHeight",
00313                            "Iav lid height from barrel top the cone top")
00314                  ]
00315             ts.extend(t)
00317         if self.name == "gds":
00318             t = [Parameter("GdsConTopRadius", "75*mm",
00319                            "Gds cone top radius"),
00320                  Parameter("GdsConBotRadius", "IavLidConInrRadius",
00321                            "Gds cone bottom radius (same as IAV lid cone inner radius"),
00322                  Parameter("GdsBrlRadius", "IavBrlOutRadius-IavBrlThickness",
00323                            "Gds barrel radius"),
00324                  Parameter("GdsBrlHeight", "IavBrlHeight-IavBotThickness",
00325                            "Gds barrel height"),
00326                  Parameter("GdsConHeight", 
00327                            "(GdsConBotRadius-GdsConTopRadius)*tan(IavLidConAngle)",
00328                            "Gds cone height"),
00329                  Parameter("GdsHeight", 
00330                            "GdsBrlHeight+IavLidFlgThickness+IavLidConHeight",
00331                            "Gds total height (till the bot of IAV hub)")
00332                  ]
00333             ts.extend(t)
00335         i=0
00336         for zpos, radius in self.corner:
00337             i = i + 1
00338             t = Parameter("AD%sSec%szPos"%(self.name,i),
00339                           zpos,
00340                           "The %sth corner z pos of %s"%(i,self.name.upper()))
00341             ts.append(t)
00343             t = Parameter("AD%sSec%sRad"%(self.name,i),
00344                           radius,
00345                           "The %sth radius for %s"%(i,self.name.upper()))
00346             ts.append(t)
00348         self.params=ts
        return self.params

def gen::PolyCone::logvol (   self  ) 

Definition at line 349 of file gen.py.

00351                     :
00352         if self.lv: return self.lv
00354         from XmlDetDescGen.geometry import polyCone, Logvol, Physvol, PosXYZ
00355         from XmlDetDescGen.util import ExternalEntity
00357         pv = []
00358         if self.child:
00359             if self.name == "oav":
00360                 posZ = "OavThickness-(OavBrlHeight-OavBrlFlgThickness)/2"
00361                 if self.child.name == "lso":
00362                     posZ += "+LsoBrlHeight/2"
00363                 pv.append(Physvol("pv"+self.child.name.upper(),
00364                                   self.child.logvol(),
00365                                   PosXYZ(Z=posZ)))
00366             if self.name == "lso":
00367                 posZ = "OavBotRibHeight+IavBotVitHeight+IavBotRibHeight-LsoBrlHeight/2"
00368                 if self.child.name == "iav":
00369                     posZ += "+IavBrlHeight/2"
00370 #                pv.append(Physvol("pv"+self.child.name.upper(),
00371 #                                  self.child.logvol(),
00372 #                                  PosXYZ(Z=posZ)))
00373             if self.name == "iav":
00374                 posZ = "IavBotThickness-IavBrlHeight/2"
00375                 if self.child.name == "gds":
00376                     posZ += "+GdsBrlHeight/2"
00377 #                pv.append(Physvol("pv"+self.child.name.upper(),
00378 #                                  self.child.logvol(),
00379 #                                  PosXYZ(Z=posZ)))
00381         pv.append(ExternalEntity("HandWrittenPhysVols"))
00383         self.lv = Logvol("lv"+self.name.upper(),self.material,
00384                          polyCone(self.name,
00385                                   self.zpos,
00386                                   self.radius),
00387                          pv)
00388         return self.lv

Member Data Documentation

list gen::PolyCone::NAMES = ["oav","lso", "iav", "gds"] [static]

Definition at line 184 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 186 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 187 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 188 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 189 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 194 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 195 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 196 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 197 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 198 of file gen.py.


Definition at line 199 of file gen.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:13:45 2011 for MiniDryRunXmlDetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7