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In This Package:

MuonProphet Class Reference

Predict the fate of muons and the generation of spallation background. More...

#include <MuonProphet.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonProphet:

Collaboration diagram for MuonProphet:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 MuonProphet (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
virtual ~MuonProphet ()
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode mutate (HepMC::GenEvent &event)
INTupleSvcntupleSvc () const
INTupleSvcevtColSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcdetSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcevtSvc () const
IIncidentSvcincSvc () const
IChronoStatSvcchronoSvc () const
IHistogramSvchistoSvc () const
IAlgContextSvccontextSvc () const
DataObjectput (IDataProviderSvc *svc, DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
DataObjectput (DataObject *object, const std::string &address, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
Gaudi::Utils::GetData< TYPE
get (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getDet (const std::string &location) const
bool exist (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool exist (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
bool existDet (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location) const
bool existDet (const std::string &location) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (IDataProviderSvc *svc, const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TYPE * getOrCreate (const std::string &location, const bool useRootInTES=true) const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
TOOL * tool (const std::string &type, const IInterface *parent=0, bool create=true) const
SERVICE * svc (const std::string &name, const bool create=true) const
IUpdateManagerSvcupdMgrSvc () const
IDataProviderSvcfastContainersSvc () const
StatusCode Error (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Warning (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::FAILURE, const size_t mx=10) const
StatusCode Print (const std::string &msg, const StatusCode st=StatusCode::SUCCESS, const MSG::Level lev=MSG::INFO) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const std::string &message="", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Assert (const bool ok, const char *message, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const GaudiException &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg, const std::exception &exc, const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
StatusCode Exception (const std::string &msg="no message", const StatusCode sc=StatusCode(StatusCode::FAILURE, true)) const
MsgStreammsgStream (const MSG::Level level) const
MsgStreamalways () const
MsgStreamfatal () const
MsgStreamerr () const
MsgStreamerror () const
MsgStreamwarning () const
MsgStreaminfo () const
MsgStreamdebug () const
MsgStreamverbose () const
MsgStreammsg () const
const Statisticscounters () const
StatEntitycounter (const std::string &tag) const
MSG::Level msgLevel () const
bool msgLevel (const MSG::Level level) const
void resetMsgStream () const
bool typePrint () const
bool propsPrint () const
bool statPrint () const
bool errorsPrint () const
long printStat (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printErrors (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
long printProps (const MSG::Level level=MSG::ALWAYS) const
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (const std::string &condition, CondType *&condPtrDest, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (char *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
void registerCondition (TargetClass *condition, StatusCode(CallerClass::*mf)()=NULL)
StatusCode runUpdate ()
TransientFastContainer< T > * getFastContainer (const std::string &location, typename TransientFastContainer< T >::size_type initial=0)
StatusCode release (const IInterface *interface) const
virtual unsigned long release ()
const std::string & context () const
const std::string & rootInTES () const
double globalTimeOffset () const
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvUnknown)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
virtual const std::string & type () const
virtual const IInterfaceparent () const
virtual StatusCode configure ()
virtual StatusCode start ()
virtual StatusCode stop ()
virtual StatusCode terminate ()
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode restart ()
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State targetFSMState () const
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const Property &p)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &s)
virtual StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &n, const std::string &v)
StatusCode setProperty (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
virtual StatusCode getProperty (Property *p) const
virtual const PropertygetProperty (const std::string &name) const
virtual StatusCode getProperty (const std::string &n, std::string &v) const
virtual const std::vector<
Property * > & 
getProperties () const
PropertyMgrgetPropertyMgr ()
ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
ISvcLocatorsvcLoc () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IToolSvctoolSvc () const
StatusCode setProperties ()
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&svc, bool createIf=true) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&svc) const
void declInterface (const InterfaceID &, void *)
PropertydeclareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") const
PropertydeclareRemoteProperty (const std::string &name, IProperty *rsvc, const std::string &rname="") const
IAuditorSvcauditorSvc () const
IMonitorSvcmonitorSvc () const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const T &var, const std::string &desc) const
void declareInfo (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, const void *var, int size, const std::string &desc) const
virtual const std::string & type () const =0
virtual const IInterfaceparent () const =0
virtual StatusCode configure ()=0
virtual StatusCode start ()=0
virtual StatusCode stop ()=0
virtual StatusCode terminate ()=0
virtual StatusCode reinitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode restart ()=0
virtual Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState () const =0
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysStart ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysStop ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysFinalize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysReinitialize ()=0
virtual StatusCode sysRestart ()=0
virtual unsigned long refCount () const =0
virtual const std::string & name () const =0
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)=0
virtual unsigned long addRef ()=0
virtual unsigned long release ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
unsigned int > 
typedef std::vector< IAlgTool * > AlgTools
typedef std::pair< IInterface *,
std::string > 
typedef std::vector< ServiceEntryServices

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode releaseTool (const IAlgTool *tool) const
StatusCode releaseSvc (const IInterface *svc) const
int outputLevel () const
virtual unsigned long refCount () const
IntegerPropertyoutputLevelProperty ()
void initOutputLevel (Property &prop)

Static Protected Attributes

static const bool IgnoreRootInTES
static const bool UseRootInTES

Private Member Functions

MpMuonFate predictMuonFate (HepMC::GenEvent &event)
StatusCode geometryCalculationInit ()
StatusCode geometryCalculation (HepMC::GenParticle *pMuon)
MpTriggerStat triggeredByRpc (HepMC::GenParticle *pMuon)
MpTriggerStat triggeredByWaterPool (HepMC::GenParticle *pMuon)
int spallationProducts (HepMC::GenEvent &event, int idx)
 $$$$$ The idx, index, is for parameter seaching in m_gen.
bool generateOneBkg (int idx, HepMC::ThreeVector &bkgPoint)
 This will determine whether one type of background will be generated.
StatusCode spallationNeutronsInit ()
 Neutron production Neutron production will run on its own set of parameters' value.
int spallationNeutrons (HepMC::GenEvent &event)
 Return number of tracks attached, negative for error.
int generateNeutrons (HepMC::GenEvent *bkgEvt, ISolid::Tick tickBegin, ISolid::Tick tickEnd, double multiplicity)
 The code for generate neutrons in one segment.
StatusCode printout (HepMC::GenEvent &event)
void setPosition (HepMC::GenEvent &event, HepMC::ThreeVector &position)
void setTime (HepMC::GenEvent &event, double t0, double lifetime)

Private Attributes

bool m_active
vector< std::string > m_genToolNames
 GtGenerator --------------------------- Tool to generate spallation background (non-neutron).
vector< int > m_genId
vector< IHepMCEventMutator * > m_genTools
vector< double > m_genYields
vector< double > m_genYieldMeasuredAt
vector< double > m_genLifetimes
bool m_actNeutron
double m_neutronYield
string m_siteName
Site::Site_t m_site
TRandom3 m_rnd
 random number
 A simplified water pool geometry.
string m_topDetectorElementName
 Try the interfaces from lhcb DecDesc top detector name.
 top geoInfo
 top logical volume
vector< IGeometryInfo * > m_ADs
 hold the IGeometryInfo for each AD
ILVolume::Intersections m_intersections
 A container to hold all intersections and materials.
ILVolume::Intersections m_crucialSegments
 A container to hold only interesting intersections with thin material removed.
 Some important materials to identify some volume.
 RPC hit.
Gaudi::XYZPoint m_point
 muon track is expressed as x(t)= m_point + m_unit * t
Gaudi::XYZVector m_vec
Gaudi::XYZVector m_unit
bool m_crossWater
double m_trkLengthInWater
ISolid::Tick m_tickWaterMin
ISolid::Tick m_tickWaterMax
double m_trkLengthInWaterThres
double m_waterPoolTriggerEff
bool m_crossRpc
HepGeom::Point3D< double > m_rpcIntersect
MpTriggerStat m_poolTriggerStatus
MpTriggerStat m_rpcTriggerStatus
TF1 * m_nEnergyPDF
 Spallation neutron energy distribution.
TF1 * m_nAnglePDF
 Spallation neutron angular distribution.
TF1 * m_nLateralPDF
 Spallation background lateral profile universal to neutron and other isotopes.

Detailed Description

Predict the fate of muons and the generation of spallation background.

All geometry related code

Zhe Wang, 12 Oct. 2009 at BNL

Definition at line 47 of file MuonProphet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonProphet::MuonProphet ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
const IInterface parent 

Definition at line 18 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00021   : GaudiTool(type,name,parent),
00022     m_muon(0),
00023     m_topGeoInfo(0),
00024     m_topLVolume(0)
00025 {
00026   declareInterface<IHepMCEventMutator>(this);
00027   //
00028   declareProperty("Active",            m_active=true, "Use false to turn off this module");
00029   //
00030   declareProperty("GenTools",          m_genToolNames,"Tools to generate HepMC::GenEvents");
00031   declareProperty("GenYields",         m_genYields,   "Yield for each generator");
00032   declareProperty("GenYieldMeasuredAt",m_genYieldMeasuredAt,"The energy at which the yield is measured");
00033   declareProperty("GenLifetimes",      m_genLifetimes,"Lifetime of each generator");
00034   //
00035   declareProperty("ActNeutron",        m_actNeutron=true,"Turn on or off neutron production");
00036   declareProperty("NeutronYields",     m_neutronYield=-1,"Neutron yield. See MuonProphet.h for description");
00037   //
00038   declareProperty("Site",              m_siteName="DayaBay", "Site");
00041   declareProperty("TrkLengthInWaterThres", m_trkLengthInWaterThres, 
00042                   "If a track length in water is longer than this, it has high trigger rate.");
00044   declareProperty("WaterPoolTriggerEff",   m_waterPoolTriggerEff=-1,
00045                   "Trigger efficiency in high trigger rate region, not in use!");
00048   declareProperty("TopDetectorElementName",
00049                   m_topDetectorElementName="/dd/Structure/DayaBay",
00050                   "Name of the DetectorElement that holds all others");
00051 }

MuonProphet::~MuonProphet (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 54 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00055 {}

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode MuonProphet::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiTool.

Definition at line 58 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00059 {
00060   info() << "Initializing MuonProphet" << endreq;
00062   size_t s=m_genToolNames.size();
00064   if(s != m_genYields.size() ||
00065      s != m_genLifetimes.size() ||
00066      s != m_genYieldMeasuredAt.size() )  {
00067     error()<<"Imcomplete parameter set"<<endreq;
00068     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00069   }
00071   // print all user configuration
00072   info()<<"MuonProphet is active: "<<m_active<<endreq;
00073   m_site=Site::FromString(m_siteName.c_str());
00074   info()<<"MuonProphet is set to site: "<<m_siteName<<" "<<m_site<<endreq;
00075   info()<<"Name  ||  Yield  ||  Yield measured at  ||  Lifetime"<<endreq;
00076   for (size_t idx=0; idx<s; ++idx) {
00077     info() << m_genToolNames[idx]<< " "
00078            << m_genYields[idx]/(CLHEP::cm2/CLHEP::gram) <<"cm2/g "
00079            << m_genYieldMeasuredAt[idx]/CLHEP::GeV <<"GeV "
00080            << m_genLifetimes[idx]/CLHEP::second<<"s" <<endreq;
00081   }
00083   // get all spallation background gentool
00084   string gtn;
00085   for (size_t idx=0; idx<s; ++idx) {
00086     gtn = m_genToolNames[idx];
00087     try {
00088       m_genTools.push_back(tool<IHepMCEventMutator>(gtn));
00089     }
00090     catch(const GaudiException& exg) {
00091       fatal() << "Failed to get generator: \"" << gtn << "\"" << endreq;
00092       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00093     }
00094     info () << "Added spallation background gentool " << gtn << endreq;
00095   }
00099   if(geometryCalculationInit().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00101   // Spallation neutron related distribution initialization
00102   if(spallationNeutronsInit().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00105   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00106 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from GaudiTool.

Definition at line 109 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00110 {
00111   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00112 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::mutate ( HepMC::GenEvent event  )  [virtual]


For all the rest of situations Attach some spallation background to muon track For all non-neutron products

At the end I add a tiny optical photon which won't affect any physics result. But it will make all the following program happy.

attach it to bkgEvt

Implements IHepMCEventMutator.

Definition at line 115 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00116 {
00117   // Not active. Don't bother to run it.
00118   if(!m_active) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00119   debug()<<"Processing a GenEvent"<<endreq;
00121   printout(event);
00123   m_crossRpc = false;
00124   m_crossWater = false;
00126   // Predict the fate of muon and change it.
00127   MpMuonFate fate = predictMuonFate(event);
00128   debug()<<fate<<endreq;
00130   if (fate.getCode() == MpMuonFate::kNeedSim) {
00131     // do nothing, return
00132     // to do:
00133     // But if geant4 can't produce these background, I still need to do it here.
00134     // For example, Li9 and He8.
00135     // Then it will be consistent within whole simulation scheme.
00136     // Right now no kNeedSim decision has been made.
00137   } else if (fate.getCode() == MpMuonFate::kUnknown) {
00138     // do nothing, return. Let geant4 to handle it.
00139   } else { 
00143     int ntrk=0;
00144     size_t s=m_genTools.size();
00146     for (size_t idx=0; idx<s; ++idx) {
00148       ntrk=spallationProducts(event, idx);
00150       if(ntrk<0) {
00151         error()<<"failed to run one spallation background production"<<endreq;
00152         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00153       }
00154     }
00156     // spallation neutron
00157     // Since it will be triggered, won't be bothered with gamma, 
00158     // because it can only cause prompt background and it is buried in muon signal.
00159     if( m_actNeutron ) {
00160       ntrk=spallationNeutrons(event);    
00161       if(ntrk<0) {
00162         error()<<"failed to run spallation neutron background production"<<endreq;
00163         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00164       }
00165     }
00166   }
00170   HepMC::GenParticle* particle = new HepMC::GenParticle(HepMC::FourVector(0.01*CLHEP::eV,
00171                                                                           0,
00172                                                                           0,
00173                                                                           0.01*CLHEP::eV),
00174                                                         22,
00175                                                         1/*=status*/);
00177   (*(event.vertices_begin()))->add_particle_out(particle);
00180   printout(event);
00182   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00183 }

MpMuonFate MuonProphet::predictMuonFate ( HepMC::GenEvent event  )  [private]


Find the muon track here. All the following methods can use this pointer.

Definition at line 188 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00189 {
00191   HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator p;
00192   HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator particleEnd=event.particles_end();
00194   int nMuon=0;
00196   m_muon=0;
00199   for ( p = event.particles_begin(); p!=particleEnd; ++p) {
00201     // muon pdg id is 13 or -13
00202     if( (*p)->pdg_id() == 13 || (*p)->pdg_id() == -13 ) {
00203       // Get the Muon pointer
00204       m_muon=*p;
00205       // In case of two or more than two muon tracks, don't work.
00206       ++nMuon;      
00207       if(nMuon>=2) {
00208         return MpMuonFate::kUnknown;
00209       }
00210     }
00211   }
00213   if(!m_muon) {
00214     info()<<"No muon track found"<<endreq;
00215     return MpMuonFate::kUnknown;
00216   }
00218   // calculate all needed geometry parameters
00219   geometryCalculation(m_muon);
00221   // get the trigger status of RPC and waterpool.  
00222   //   Note: No MpTriggerStat::kNeedSim will be issued.
00223   m_rpcTriggerStatus = triggeredByRpc(m_muon);
00224   //   Note: No MpTriggerStat::kNeedSim will be issued.
00225   m_poolTriggerStatus = triggeredByWaterPool(m_muon);
00227   debug()<<"RPC trigger status:  "<<m_rpcTriggerStatus<<endreq;
00228   debug()<<"Pool trigger status: "<<m_poolTriggerStatus<<endreq;
00231   MpMuonFate fate(m_rpcTriggerStatus.getCode(), m_poolTriggerStatus.getCode());
00232   m_muon->set_status(fate.getCode());
00234   return fate;
00236   return MpMuonFate::kUnknown;
00237 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::geometryCalculationInit (  )  [private]

Definition at line 17 of file MpGeometry.cc.

00018 {
00019   /*
00021   double width_near = 10.0*CLHEP::meter ; // width of near pool                          
00022   double width_far  = 16.0*CLHEP::meter ; // width of far pool                           
00023   double length     = 16.0*CLHEP::meter ; // length of near and far pool                 
00024   double depth      = 10.0*CLHEP::meter ; // depth of near and far pool 
00025   double PoolDeadThickness = 84*CLHEP::mm;
00027   // OWS box is constructed.
00028   if(m_site == Site::kDayaBay || m_site == Site::kLingAo) {
00030     m_waterPool = new RectangularBox(length/2, -length/2,
00031                                      width_near/2, -width_near/2,
00032                                      depth/2, -depth/2+PoolDeadThickness);
00033   } else if ( m_site == Site::kFar ) {
00034     m_waterPool = new RectangularBox(length/2, -length/2,
00035                                      width_far/2, -width_far/2,
00036                                      depth/2, -depth/2+PoolDeadThickness);
00037   }
00039   info()<<"Water pool geometry "<<*m_waterPool<<endreq;
00040   info()<<"TrkLengthInWaterThres= "<<m_trkLengthInWaterThres/CLHEP::cm<<"cm"<<endreq;
00044   double height_RPC = 0.50*CLHEP::meter ; // RPCs are nominally 50cm above  surface of shield volume (includes 20cm of air above water)
00045   double thick_RPC  = (0.056+0.030)*CLHEP::meter ; // 1.4cm/layer*4layers + 1cm spacing*3spaces between layers
00046   double air_thick  =  0.2*CLHEP::meter ; // 20cm of air above water
00047   double extend_RPC = 1*CLHEP::meter;
00048   if(m_site == Site::kDayaBay || m_site == Site::kLingAo) {
00050     m_rpcPlane = new RpcPlane(length/2+extend_RPC, -length/2-extend_RPC,
00051                               width_near/2+extend_RPC, -width_near/2-extend_RPC,
00052                               depth/2+air_thick+height_RPC+thick_RPC/2);
00053   } else if ( m_site == Site::kFar ) {
00055     m_rpcPlane = new RpcPlane(length/2+extend_RPC, -length/2-extend_RPC,
00056                               width_far/2+extend_RPC, -width_far/2-extend_RPC,
00057                               depth/2+air_thick+height_RPC+thick_RPC/2);
00058   }
00059   info()<<"RPC geometry "<<*m_rpcPlane<<endreq;
00060   */
00063   // 1. DetectorDataSvc
00064   IDataProviderSvc* detSvc = 0;
00065   StatusCode sc = service("DetectorDataSvc",detSvc,true);
00066   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00068   // 2. Top Detector Element
00069   debug()<<"DetectorElement input: "<<m_topDetectorElementName<<endreq;
00070   SmartDataPtr<IDetectorElement> topDE(detSvc,m_topDetectorElementName);
00071   if (!topDE) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00072   debug()<<"DetectorElement output: "<<topDE->name()<<endreq;
00074   // 3. GeometryInfo
00075   m_topGeoInfo = topDE->geometry();
00076   if(!m_topGeoInfo) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00077   debug()<<"Top Geometry "<<m_topGeoInfo->lvolumeName()<<endreq;
00079   // 4. get top LVolume
00080   const ILVolume* cILV = m_topGeoInfo->lvolume();
00081   m_topLVolume = const_cast<ILVolume*>(cILV);
00082   if(!m_topLVolume) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00083   info()<<"Got top logic volume: "<<m_topLVolume->name()<<endreq;
00085   // 5. get the pointer to all charactoristic materials
00086   m_mixGas = 0;    
00087   m_owsWater = 0;  
00088   m_iwsWater = 0;  
00089   m_mineralOil=0;  
00090   m_rock = 0;      
00092   DataObject* pObj;
00097   sc = detSvc->retrieveObject("/dd/Materials/MixGas", pObj);
00098   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00099   m_mixGas = dynamic_cast<Material *> (pObj);
00100   //SmartDataPtr<Material> m_mixGas(detSvc,"/dd/Materials/MixGas");
00101   if(!m_mixGas) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00102   debug()<<"Got charactoristic material for RPC: "<<m_mixGas->name()<<endreq;
00107   sc = detSvc->retrieveObject("/dd/Materials/OwsWater", pObj);
00108   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00109   m_owsWater = dynamic_cast<Material *> (pObj);
00110   //SmartDataPtr<Material> m_mixGas(detSvc,"/dd/Materials/OwsWater");
00111   if(!m_owsWater) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00112   debug()<<"Got charactoristic material for OWS: "<<m_owsWater->name()<<endreq;
00115   sc = detSvc->retrieveObject("/dd/Materials/IwsWater", pObj);
00116   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00117   m_iwsWater = dynamic_cast<Material *> (pObj);
00118   //SmartDataPtr<Material> m_mixGas(detSvc,"/dd/Materials/IwsWater");
00119   if(!m_iwsWater) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00120   debug()<<"Got charactoristic material for IWS: "<<m_iwsWater->name()<<endreq;
00122   // Rock
00123   sc = detSvc->retrieveObject("/dd/Materials/Rock", pObj);
00124   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00125   m_rock = dynamic_cast<Material *> (pObj);
00126   //SmartDataPtr<Material> m_rock(detSvc,"/dd/Materials/Rock");
00127   if(!m_rock) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00128   debug()<<"Got charactoristic material for rock: "<<m_rock->name()<<endreq;
00130   // MineralOil
00131   sc = detSvc->retrieveObject("/dd/Materials/MineralOil", pObj);
00132   if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00133   m_mineralOil = dynamic_cast<Material *> (pObj);
00134   //SmartDataPtr<Material> m_rock(detSvc,"/dd/Materials/MineralOil");
00135   if(!m_mineralOil) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00136   debug()<<"Got charactoristic material for AD: "<<m_mineralOil->name()<<endreq;
00138   //  debug()<<*m_mixGas<<endreq;
00139   //  debug()<<int(m_mixGas)<<" "<<int(m_owsWater)<<" "<<int(m_rock)<<endreq;
00142   vector<string> ADNames;
00144   if(m_site == Site::kDayaBay) 
00145     {
00146       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/db-oil1");
00147       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/db-oil2");
00148     } 
00149   if(m_site == Site::kLingAo)
00150     {
00151       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/la-oil1");
00152       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/la-oil2");
00153     }
00154   if(m_site == Site::kFar)  
00155     {
00156       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/far-oil1");
00157       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/far-oil2");
00158       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/far-oil3");
00159       ADNames.push_back("/dd/Structure/AD/far-oil4");
00160     }
00162   IGeometryInfo* pGI;
00163   for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < ADNames.size(); ++idx)
00164     {
00165       // Get Detector Element
00166       SmartDataPtr<IDetectorElement> pDE(detSvc,ADNames[idx]);
00167       if (!pDE) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00168       debug()<<"Got DetectorElement: "<<pDE->name()<<endreq;
00170       // Then geometryInfo
00171       pGI = pDE->geometry();
00172       if(!pGI) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00173       debug()<<"Got GeometryInfo: "<<pGI->lvolumeName()<<endreq;
00175       m_ADs.push_back(pGI);
00176     }
00178   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00180 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::geometryCalculation ( HepMC::GenParticle pMuon  )  [private]

Definition at line 184 of file MpGeometry.cc.

00185 {
00187   /*
00188   HepGeom::Point3D<double>  aPoint(pMuon->production_vertex()->position().x(),
00189                                    pMuon->production_vertex()->position().y(),
00190                                    pMuon->production_vertex()->position().z());
00191   HepGeom::Point3D<double> aSlope(pMuon->momentum().px(),
00192                                   pMuon->momentum().py(),
00193                                   pMuon->momentum().pz());
00195   aSlope = aSlope.unit();
00197   m_crossWater = m_waterPool->intersect(aPoint,aSlope,m_crossWaterA,m_crossWaterB);
00199   if(m_crossWater) {
00200     debug() << "Intersect with water OWS at " << m_crossWaterA <<" and "<< m_crossWaterB <<endreq;
00202     m_trkLengthInWater = m_crossWaterA.distance(m_crossWaterB);
00204     debug() << "Track length in water is "<<m_trkLengthInWater/CLHEP::cm<<"cm"<<endreq;
00205   }
00208   m_crossRpc = m_rpcPlane->intersect(aPoint,aSlope,m_rpcIntersect);
00210   if(m_crossRpc) {
00211     debug()<<"Intersect with RPC at "<<m_rpcIntersect <<endreq;
00212   }
00213   */
00216   //
00217   // muon track is expressed as x(t)=m_point+m_unit*t
00219   m_point.SetXYZ(pMuon->production_vertex()->position().x(),
00220                  pMuon->production_vertex()->position().y(),
00221                  pMuon->production_vertex()->position().z());
00222   m_vec.SetXYZ(pMuon->momentum().px(),
00223                pMuon->momentum().py(),
00224                pMuon->momentum().pz());
00225   m_unit = m_vec.Unit();
00228   //Gaudi::XYZPoint point(0,0,0);
00229   debug()<<"Point  "<<m_point<<endreq;
00230   string path = m_topGeoInfo->belongsToPath(m_point,-1);
00231   debug()<<"Belong to path "<<path<<endreq;
00233   //Gaudi::XYZPoint point(0,0,0);
00234   //Gaudi::XYZVector vec(1,0,0);
00236   unsigned int N = m_topLVolume->intersectLine(m_point, 
00237                                                m_unit, 
00238                                                m_intersections, 
00239                                                0,100*CLHEP::meter,
00240                                                -1);
00242   debug()<<"Found "<<N<<" intersections"<<endreq;
00243   unsigned int idx;
00244   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00245     debug()<<"intersection: "<<m_intersections[idx].first<<" "      
00246           <<m_intersections[idx].second->name()<<"  "
00247           <<m_intersections[idx].second->density()<<endreq;
00248     //<<" "<<int(m_intersections[idx].second)<<endreq;
00249   }
00251   // Stop muon. Stopping power = 2 [MeVcm2/g]
00252   // Begin with an approximation
00253   double ke = pMuon->momentum().e() - pMuon->momentum().m();
00254   double sp = 2 * CLHEP::MeV * CLHEP::cm2 / CLHEP::g;
00255   double trkLength = ke/sp;
00256   //debug()<< CLHEP::MeV << "  " << CLHEP::cm2 << "  " << CLHEP::g <<endreq;
00257   debug()<<"ke= "<<ke<<"  sp="<<sp<<"  trkLength="<<trkLength<<endreq;
00259   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00260     double Lpred = m_intersections[idx].first.second - m_intersections[idx].first.first;
00261     debug()<<"Length in this volume "<< Lpred*m_intersections[idx].second->density()<<endreq;
00262     if( Lpred*m_intersections[idx].second->density() < trkLength )  {
00263       trkLength -= Lpred*m_intersections[idx].second->density();
00264     } else { // end of track
00265       m_intersections[idx].first.second = 
00266         m_intersections[idx].first.first + 
00267         trkLength / m_intersections[idx].second->density();
00268       break;
00269     }
00270   }
00272   if( idx<N-1 )  {  // erase [ first, last ) 
00273     m_intersections.erase( m_intersections.begin()+idx+1, m_intersections.end() );
00274   }
00276   N = m_intersections.size();
00277   debug()<<"Left "<<N<<" intersections"<<endreq;
00278   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00279     debug()<<"intersection: "<<m_intersections[idx].first<<" "
00280           <<m_intersections[idx].second->name()<<"  "
00281           <<m_intersections[idx].second->density()<<endreq;
00282     //<<" "<<int(m_intersections[idx].second)<<endreq;
00283   }
00288   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00289     if(m_intersections[idx].second == m_mixGas) {
00290       m_crossRpc = true;
00291       break;
00292     }
00293   }
00296   bool first = true;
00297   m_tickWaterMin = 0;
00298   m_tickWaterMax = 0;
00300   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00301     if(m_intersections[idx].second == m_owsWater ||
00302        m_intersections[idx].second == m_iwsWater ) {
00303       // first time find OwsWater
00304       if(first) {
00305         m_tickWaterMin = m_intersections[idx].first.first;
00306         m_tickWaterMax = m_intersections[idx].first.second;
00307         first = false;
00308       } else {
00309         if(m_intersections[idx].first.first < m_tickWaterMin ) {
00310           m_tickWaterMin = m_intersections[idx].first.first;
00311         }
00312         if(m_intersections[idx].first.second > m_tickWaterMax ) {
00313           m_tickWaterMax = m_intersections[idx].first.second;
00314         }
00315       }
00316     }
00317   }
00320   m_trkLengthInWater = m_tickWaterMax - m_tickWaterMin;
00321   debug()<<"Track length in water "<< m_trkLengthInWater/CLHEP::m <<"m"<<endreq;
00324   if( m_trkLengthInWater>0 ) m_crossWater = true;
00330   m_crucialSegments.clear();
00332   for (idx=0; idx<N; ++idx) {
00333     if(m_intersections[idx].second == m_rock ||
00334        m_intersections[idx].second == m_owsWater ||
00335        m_intersections[idx].second == m_iwsWater ||
00336        m_intersections[idx].second == m_mineralOil ) 
00337       {
00338         if(m_crucialSegments.empty())    
00339           {
00340             ILVolume::Intersection * seg = new ILVolume::Intersection(m_intersections[idx]);
00341             m_crucialSegments.push_back(*seg);
00342           } else {   
00343             // check whether last one has the same material as current volume
00344             // iwsWater and owsWater are considered as the same
00345             if((m_crucialSegments.back().second == m_intersections[idx].second) ||
00346                (m_intersections[idx].second == m_iwsWater && m_crucialSegments.back().second == m_owsWater) ||
00347                (m_intersections[idx].second == m_owsWater && m_crucialSegments.back().second == m_iwsWater) )
00348               { // If yes, combine them. Assume LS and oil are same
00349                 m_crucialSegments.back().first.second = m_intersections[idx].first.second;
00350               } else {
00351                 ILVolume::Intersection * seg = new ILVolume::Intersection(m_intersections[idx]);
00352                 m_crucialSegments.push_back(*seg);
00353               }
00354           }
00355       }
00356   }
00358   unsigned int NJiaodian = m_crucialSegments.size();
00359   for (idx=0; idx<NJiaodian; ++idx) {
00360     debug()<<"intersection: "<<m_crucialSegments[idx].first<<" "
00361            <<m_crucialSegments[idx].second->name()<<endreq;
00362     //           <<" "<<int(m_crucialSegments[idx].second)<<endreq;
00363   }
00365   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00367 }

MpTriggerStat MuonProphet::triggeredByRpc ( HepMC::GenParticle pMuon  )  [private]

Definition at line 25 of file MpTrigger.cc.

00026 {
00027   /* old one
00028   if(m_crossRpc) {
00029     return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00030   } else {
00031     return MpTriggerStat::kNeedSim;
00032   }
00033   */
00036   if(m_crossRpc) {
00037     return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00038   } else {
00039     return MpTriggerStat::kFarAway;
00040   }
00041   //
00042 }

MpTriggerStat MuonProphet::triggeredByWaterPool ( HepMC::GenParticle pMuon  )  [private]

Definition at line 45 of file MpTrigger.cc.

00046 {
00047   /* old one
00048   if(m_crossWater) {
00049     if(m_trkLengthInWater > m_trkLengthInWaterThres) {
00050       return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00051     }
00052   }
00054   return MpTriggerStat::kNeedSim;
00055   */
00058   if(m_crossWater) {
00059     if(m_trkLengthInWater > m_trkLengthInWaterThres) {    // 100% triggered
00060       return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00061     } else {
00062       if(m_rnd.Rndm()<0.5) {   // 50% - 50%  triggered or inefficent
00063         return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00064       } else {
00065         return MpTriggerStat::kIneffi;
00066       }
00067     } 
00068   } else {
00069     if(m_rnd.Rndm()<0.05) {   // 5% triggered  95% faraway
00070       return MpTriggerStat::kTriggered;
00071     } else {
00072       return MpTriggerStat::kFarAway;
00073     }
00074   }
00076 }

int MuonProphet::spallationProducts ( HepMC::GenEvent event,
int  idx 
) [private]

$$$$$ The idx, index, is for parameter seaching in m_gen.

.. vector series. Return number of tracks attached, negative for error

Let's see if a background should be generated first. Should it be produced? Where is it?

Nothing generated, go back.

Second, start to work. Produce a spallation background

Fourth set its position and time

Fifth, give all vertices and particles to muon event

Definition at line 15 of file MpSpallation.cc.

00016 {
00017   if(m_muon == 0) {
00018     error()<<"No muon track found"<<endreq;
00019     // Since no muon track, it should not reach this point.
00020     return -1;
00021   }
00025   HepMC::ThreeVector bkgPoint;
00026   bool bkgGenerated = false;
00027   bkgGenerated = generateOneBkg(idx, 
00028                                 bkgPoint);
00031   if( !bkgGenerated ) return 0;
00034   HepMC::GenEvent * bkgEvt=new HepMC::GenEvent;
00035   if(m_genTools[idx]->mutate(*bkgEvt).isFailure()) {
00036     error()<<"Failed to run background gentool "<<m_genToolNames[idx]<<endreq;
00037     return -1;
00038   }
00040   // debug
00041 #if 0
00042   {
00043     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator p;
00044     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator particleEnd = bkgEvt->particles_end();
00045     for ( p = bkgEvt->particles_begin(); p!=particleEnd; ++p) {
00046       debug()<<*(*p)<<endreq;
00047     }
00048     HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator v;
00049     HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator vertexEnd = bkgEvt->vertices_end();
00050     for ( v = bkgEvt->vertices_begin(); v!=vertexEnd; ++v) {
00051       debug()<<*(*v)<<endreq;
00052     }
00053   }
00054 #endif
00057   // change the vertex position first
00058   setPosition(*bkgEvt,bkgPoint);
00060   // change the time of the vertex
00061   // Get muon vertex time 
00062   double t0 = m_muon->production_vertex()->position().t();
00063   // to do: A delta should be added to t0 to account for flight time of muon
00064   //        and flight time of muon's daughter particle which reached the 
00065   //        production vertex of the background.
00067   setTime(*bkgEvt,t0,m_genLifetimes[idx]);
00070   // drag vertices out from background event 
00071   HepMC::GenVertex *bkgVtx;
00072   while( !bkgEvt->vertices_empty() ){
00074     bkgVtx = *(bkgEvt->vertices_begin());
00076     // add to muon event
00077     // This will automatically transfer the ownership from the old event to new event.
00078     // So the original event can be safely deleted now.
00079     event.add_vertex(bkgVtx);
00080   }
00082   // delete the bkgEvt
00083   delete bkgEvt;
00085   return 0;
00086 }

bool MuonProphet::generateOneBkg ( int  idx,
HepMC::ThreeVector bkgPoint 
) [private]

This will determine whether one type of background will be generated.

If generated it will return the position which should be in one AD. For non-neutron background only

if a track has never touch water, that means the track is far away from AD. Don't bother with this situation. Those heavy nuclei won't fly that long.

get yield

get probability

less than the predicted probability

Let's generate something now. If it failed get into an AD, it still will fail. Let's build a muon shower lateral profile function now.

First of all, get the values of all these parameters

Transfer and rotate it to global coordinate system according to muon's oritation

The last thing is to see whether it is in an AD or not. gaudi use its point and vector, not compatible with others. CLHEP

Definition at line 90 of file MpSpallation.cc.

00092 {
00095   if( !m_crossWater ) {
00096     return false;
00097   }
00100   double eMuon = m_muon->momentum().e();
00102   // Mineral oil and LS densities are assumed to be the same.
00103   double density = m_mineralOil->density();
00104   double yield = m_genYields[idx] ;
00105   double alpha = 0.77;
00108   double yieldAtThisEnergy = yield * pow( (eMuon / m_genYieldMeasuredAt[idx]), alpha);
00111   double ProbThres = yieldAtThisEnergy * density * m_trkLengthInWater;
00113   debug()<<m_genToolNames[idx]<<" eMuon= "<<eMuon/CLHEP::GeV<<"GeV "
00114          <<" trkLengthInWater= "<<m_trkLengthInWater/CLHEP::meter<<"m "
00115          <<"ProbThres= "<<ProbThres<<endreq;
00117   if( ProbThres > 1 || ProbThres < 0 ) {
00118     debug()<<"Yield too high or too low. Invalid probability "<<ProbThres<<endreq;
00119   }
00121   if( m_rnd.Rndm() > ProbThres) {
00123     return false;
00124   }
00130   // The position of background in the cylinder coordinate system of muon track
00131   // Muon direction is z.
00132   double r,phi,z;
00135   z = m_rnd.Rndm() * (m_tickWaterMax - m_tickWaterMin) + m_tickWaterMin;
00136   r = m_nLateralPDF->GetRandom() * CLHEP::cm ;
00137   phi = m_rnd.Rndm() * 2 * 3.14159265358979323846;
00140   // try point in coordinate system of intersect 1st
00141   HepGeom::Point3D<double> tryPoint;
00143   tryPoint.setX( r*cos(phi) );
00144   tryPoint.setY( r*sin(phi) );
00145   tryPoint.setZ( z );
00148   /* This is a muon track shown below.
00149    *
00150    *            intersect 1st (tick1)  intersect 2nd (tick2)
00151    * Primary vertex -----1--------C----------2------>
00152    *                        z     | theta
00153    *                              |  
00154    *                              | r
00155    *                              |
00156    *                              |
00157    *                           tryPoint
00158    *
00159    */
00161   // direction of muon
00162   HepGeom::Point3D<double> muonDir(m_unit.X(),
00163                                    m_unit.Y(),
00164                                    m_unit.Z());
00166   // need a y axis which is perpendicular to muonSlope
00167   HepGeom::Point3D<double> y( m_unit.X(),
00168                               m_unit.Y(),
00169                               0);
00170   y.rotateZ(3.14159265358979323846/2);
00171   if(y.r()<=0) y.setX(1);
00173   // tryPoint in ows coordinate system
00174   HepGeom::Point3D<double> tryPointGlobal = muonDir * tryPoint.r();
00176   // rotation
00177   tryPointGlobal.rotate(tryPoint.theta(), y);
00178   tryPointGlobal.rotate(tryPoint.phi(),   muonDir);
00180   // transform                                                                                                              
00181   tryPointGlobal.setX(tryPointGlobal.x() + m_point.X());
00182   tryPointGlobal.setY(tryPointGlobal.y() + m_point.Y());
00183   tryPointGlobal.setZ(tryPointGlobal.z() + m_point.Z());
00185   debug()<<tryPoint<<endreq;
00186   debug()<<tryPointGlobal<<endreq;
00190   Gaudi::XYZPoint p(tryPointGlobal.x(),
00191                     tryPointGlobal.y(),
00192                     tryPointGlobal.z());
00194   bool inside = false;
00195   for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx<m_ADs.size(); ++idx) 
00196     {
00197       if(m_ADs[idx]->isInside(p)) inside = true;
00198     }
00200   if(!inside) return false;
00202   // done
00203   bkgPoint.setX(tryPointGlobal.x());
00204   bkgPoint.setY(tryPointGlobal.y());
00205   bkgPoint.setZ(tryPointGlobal.z());
00207   return true;
00208 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::spallationNeutronsInit (  )  [private]

Neutron production Neutron production will run on its own set of parameters' value.


Zhe Wang 24 Nov, 2009

In principle the following two distributions are muon energy dependent. They will vary as the muon's energy changes. However this is simplified in simulation. Use the mean muon energy instead.

Spallation neutron energy distribution Energy range: 0.001 - 5 GeV 0 is a pole for this function Number of parameter: One

This must be big, else some energy will be missing.

Wierd root problem

Spallation neutron angular distribution cos(thera) range: -1 to 1 Number of parameter: One

Get the lateral profile PDF

Definition at line 12 of file MpNeutron.cc.

00013 {
00014   m_nEnergyPDF=0;
00015   m_nAnglePDF=0;
00016   m_nLateralPDF=0;
00023   // Avarage muon energy is from the estimation of Mengyun Guan. (Ph.D. thesis)
00024   double avaMuonE;
00025   if(m_site == Site::kDayaBay) {
00026     avaMuonE = 55.3*CLHEP::GeV;
00027   } else if (m_site == Site::kLingAo) {
00028     avaMuonE = 61.4*CLHEP::GeV;
00029   } else if (m_site == Site::kFar ) {
00030     avaMuonE = 140.3*CLHEP::GeV;
00031   }
00037   m_nEnergyPDF = new TF1("m_nEnergyPDF",NeutronEnergyPDF,0.001,4,1);
00038   m_nEnergyPDF->SetNpx(200);  
00040   m_nEnergyPDF->SetParameter(0,avaMuonE/CLHEP::GeV);
00041   if(!m_nEnergyPDF) {
00042     error()<<"Failed to get NeutronEnergyPDF"<<endreq;
00043     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00044   }
00049   m_nAnglePDF = new TF1("m_nAnglePDF",NeutronAngularDis,-1,1,1);
00050   m_nAnglePDF->SetParameter(0,avaMuonE/CLHEP::GeV);
00051   if(!m_nAnglePDF) {
00052     error()<<"Failed to get NeutronAngularDis"<<endreq;
00053     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00054   }
00058   m_nLateralPDF = new TF1("m_nLateralPDF",LateralProfile,0,100,1);
00059   m_nLateralPDF->SetParameter(0,0);
00060   if(!m_nLateralPDF) {
00061     error()<<"Failed to get LateralProfile"<<endreq;
00062     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00063   }
00065   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00066 }

int MuonProphet::spallationNeutrons ( HepMC::GenEvent event  )  [private]

Return number of tracks attached, negative for error.

Build a background event, then later add its vertex(es) to the orginal event

Probability = yield * track length * density / multiplicity

generate some neutrons

Move all vertices and particles to muon event

Definition at line 70 of file MpNeutron.cc.

00071 {
00072   debug()<<"Spallation Neutron production"<<endreq;
00074   //--------------------------------------------------------
00075   unsigned int NSeg = m_crucialSegments.size();
00077   double yield;
00078   if(m_neutronYield>=0) {
00079     yield = m_neutronYield;
00080   } else {
00081     yield = NeutronYield( m_muon->momentum().e()/CLHEP::GeV )*(CLHEP::cm2/CLHEP::gram);
00082   }
00084   double tracklength;
00085   double multiplicity;
00087   int nNewTrack = 0;
00090   HepMC::GenEvent * bkgEvt=new HepMC::GenEvent;
00092   for (unsigned int idx=0; idx<NSeg; ++idx) 
00093     {
00094       double prob;
00102       tracklength = m_crucialSegments[idx].first.second - m_crucialSegments[idx].first.first;
00103       multiplicity = NeutronMulti( m_muon->momentum().e()/CLHEP::GeV,
00104                                    tracklength );
00106       prob = yield
00107         * tracklength
00108         * m_crucialSegments[idx].second->density()
00109         / multiplicity;
00111       debug()<<"Yield= "<<NeutronYield( m_muon->momentum().e()/CLHEP::GeV )<<"cm2/g "
00112              <<"TrackLength= "<< tracklength/CLHEP::m <<"m "
00113              <<"Density= "<<m_crucialSegments[idx].second->density()/(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3)<<"g/cm3 "
00114              <<"Multiplicity= "<< multiplicity <<endreq;
00115       debug()<<"prob= "<<prob<<endreq;
00119       if( m_rnd.Rndm() < prob ) 
00120         {
00122           nNewTrack += generateNeutrons(bkgEvt,
00123                                         m_crucialSegments[idx].first.first,   // tick one
00124                                         m_crucialSegments[idx].first.second,  // tick two
00125                                         multiplicity);
00126         }
00127     }  
00130   // drag vertices out from background event
00132   HepMC::GenVertex *bkgVtx;
00133   while( !bkgEvt->vertices_empty() )
00134     {
00135     bkgVtx = *(bkgEvt->vertices_begin());
00137     // add to muon event
00138     // This will automatically transfer the ownership from the old event to new event.
00139     // So the original event can be safely deleted now.
00140     event.add_vertex(bkgVtx);
00141     }
00143   // delete the bkgEvt
00144   delete bkgEvt;
00146   return nNewTrack;
00148 }

int MuonProphet::generateNeutrons ( HepMC::GenEvent bkgEvt,
ISolid::Tick  tickBegin,
ISolid::Tick  tickEnd,
double  multiplicity 
) [private]

The code for generate neutrons in one segment.

The position of background in the local cylinder coordinate system of muon track Muon direction is in z direction. Muon vertex, m_point, is the origin.

(z,r,phi) is the vertex position of neutron

eng (ke, momentum), Neutron energy, (phiN,costh) gives the neutron direction

First of all, get the values of all these parameters

to do: build correlation with neutron energy

Second, put a neutron to its place

Neutron vertex : local

Neutron momentum vector : local

transfer to muon's global coordination system

transfer vertex first

rotate the neutron momentum direction

Create a neutron vertex and track

attach it to bkgEvt

Definition at line 155 of file MpNeutron.cc.

00159 {
00160   int nNeutron = m_rnd.Poisson(multiplicity);
00162   debug()<<"nNeutron= "<<nNeutron<<endreq;
00168   double z;
00169   double r;
00170   double phi;
00173   double ke;
00174   double eng;
00175   double momentum;
00176   double massN = 939.565346*CLHEP::MeV;
00177   double phiN;
00178   double costh;
00179   double sinth;
00181   for(int idx =0; idx<nNeutron; ++idx)  
00182     { 
00184       z = m_rnd.Rndm() * (tickEnd - tickBegin) + tickBegin;
00185       r = m_nLateralPDF->GetRandom() * CLHEP::cm ;
00186       phi = m_rnd.Rndm() * 2 * 3.14159265358979323846;
00188       ke = m_nEnergyPDF->GetRandom() * CLHEP::GeV ;      
00189       eng = ke + massN;
00190       momentum = sqrt (eng*eng - massN*massN);
00191       phiN = m_rnd.Rndm() * 2 * 3.14159265358979323846;
00193       costh = m_nAnglePDF->GetRandom();
00194       sinth = sqrt(1-costh*costh);
00198       debug()<<"z "<<z/CLHEP::m<<"m"<<endreq;
00199       debug()<<"r "<<r/CLHEP::cm<<"cm"<<endreq;
00200       debug()<<"ke "<<ke/CLHEP::GeV<<"GeV"<<endreq;
00201       debug()<<"costh "<<costh<<endreq;
00204       HepGeom::Point3D<double> genPoint;
00206       genPoint.setX( r*cos(phi) );
00207       genPoint.setY( r*sin(phi) );
00208       genPoint.setZ( z );
00211       HepGeom::Point3D<double> genVec;
00213       genVec.setX ( momentum*sinth*cos(phiN) );
00214       genVec.setY ( momentum*sinth*sin(phiN) );
00215       genVec.setZ ( momentum*costh );
00218       HepGeom::Point3D<double> muonDir(m_unit.X(),
00219                                        m_unit.Y(),
00220                                        m_unit.Z());
00222       // need a y axis which is perpendicular to muonSlope
00223       HepGeom::Point3D<double> y( m_unit.X(),
00224                                   m_unit.Y(),
00225                                   0);
00226       y.rotateZ(3.14159265358979323846/2);
00227       if(y.r()<=0) y.setX(1);
00230       HepGeom::Point3D<double> genPointGlobal = muonDir * genPoint.r();
00231       debug()<<m_unit<<endreq;
00232       debug()<<muonDir<<endreq;
00233       debug()<<genPointGlobal<<endreq;
00235       // rotation
00236       genPointGlobal.rotate(genPoint.theta(), y);
00237       genPointGlobal.rotate(genPoint.phi(),   muonDir);
00239       // transform
00240       genPointGlobal.setX(genPointGlobal.x() + m_point.X());
00241       genPointGlobal.setY(genPointGlobal.y() + m_point.Y());
00242       genPointGlobal.setZ(genPointGlobal.z() + m_point.Z());
00245       HepGeom::Point3D<double> genVectorGlobal = muonDir * genVec.r();
00247       genVectorGlobal.rotate(genVec.theta(),  y);
00248       genVectorGlobal.rotate(genVec.phi(),    muonDir);
00252       double t0 = m_muon->production_vertex()->position().t();
00253       debug()<<"t0= "<<t0<<endreq;
00254       t0 += tickEnd / (3e8 * CLHEP::m/CLHEP::s);
00255       debug()<<"dt= "<<tickEnd / (3e8 * CLHEP::m/CLHEP::s)<<endreq;
00256       debug()<<"t0= "<<t0<<endreq;
00257       HepMC::GenVertex* vertex = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(genPointGlobal.x(),
00258                                                                         genPointGlobal.y(),
00259                                                                         genPointGlobal.z(),
00260                                                                         t0));
00262       HepMC::GenParticle* particle = new HepMC::GenParticle(HepMC::FourVector(genVectorGlobal.x(),
00263                                                                               genVectorGlobal.y(),
00264                                                                               genVectorGlobal.z(),
00265                                                                               eng),
00266                                                                               2112,
00267                                                                               1/*=status*/);
00269       vertex->add_particle_out(particle);
00270       bkgEvt->add_vertex(vertex);
00271     } 
00273   return nNeutron;
00274 }

StatusCode MuonProphet::printout ( HepMC::GenEvent event  )  [private]

Definition at line 240 of file MuonProphet.cc.

00241 {
00242   // every vertex
00243   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator vtx, done = event.vertices_end();
00244   for (vtx = event.vertices_begin(); vtx != done; ++vtx) {
00245     debug()<<*(*vtx)<<endreq;
00246     // every particle
00247     HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator p;
00248     HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator inEnd=(*vtx)->particles_in_const_end();
00249     for ( p = (*vtx)->particles_in_const_begin(); p!=inEnd; ++p) {
00250       debug()<<*(*p)<<endreq;
00251     }
00252     HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator outEnd=(*vtx)->particles_out_const_end();
00253     for ( p = (*vtx)->particles_out_const_begin(); p!=outEnd; ++p) {
00254       debug()<<*(*p)<<endreq;
00255     }
00256   }
00257   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00258 }

void MuonProphet::setPosition ( HepMC::GenEvent event,
HepMC::ThreeVector position 
) [private]


Definition at line 13 of file MpPlace.cc.

00014 {
00015   HepMC::FourVector position(aPoint.x(),
00016                              aPoint.y(),
00017                              aPoint.z(),
00018                              0);
00020   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator vtx, done = event.vertices_end();
00021   for (vtx = event.vertices_begin(); vtx != done; ++vtx) {
00023     // still use the original vertex time
00024     position.setT( (*vtx)->position().t() );
00026     (*vtx)->set_position(position);
00027   }
00029 }

void MuonProphet::setTime ( HepMC::GenEvent event,
double  t0,
double  lifetime 
) [private]

Definition at line 33 of file MpPlace.cc.

00034 {
00035   // Use negtive lifetime to skip the exponential random lifetime
00037   //
00038   // debug()<<"t0= "<<t0<<endreq;
00039   //
00040   double dt = 0;
00042   if(lifetime<0) {
00043     dt=0;
00044   } else {
00045     double u = m_rnd.Rndm();
00046     // Exponential Distribution: t(n) = t(n-1) * exp(-t/tL)
00047     dt = ((-1.0 * log(u)) * lifetime);
00048   }
00051   dt = dt / CLHEP::nanosecond;
00053   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator vtx, done = event.vertices_end();
00054   for (vtx = event.vertices_begin(); vtx != done; ++vtx) {
00056     HepMC::FourVector position = (*vtx)->position();
00058     // relative to muon + mother particle's lifetime + internal delay
00059     double vertex_time = t0+dt+position.t();
00061     position.setT(vertex_time);
00062     (*vtx)->set_position(position);
00063   }
00064 }

Member Data Documentation

bool MuonProphet::m_active [private]

Definition at line 114 of file MuonProphet.h.

HepMC::GenParticle* MuonProphet::m_muon [private]

Definition at line 117 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<std::string> MuonProphet::m_genToolNames [private]

GtGenerator --------------------------- Tool to generate spallation background (non-neutron).

Definition at line 122 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<int> MuonProphet::m_genId [private]

Definition at line 124 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<IHepMCEventMutator*> MuonProphet::m_genTools [private]

Definition at line 126 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<double> MuonProphet::m_genYields [private]

Definition at line 142 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<double> MuonProphet::m_genYieldMeasuredAt [private]

Definition at line 144 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<double> MuonProphet::m_genLifetimes [private]

Definition at line 146 of file MuonProphet.h.

bool MuonProphet::m_actNeutron [private]

Definition at line 150 of file MuonProphet.h.

double MuonProphet::m_neutronYield [private]

Definition at line 158 of file MuonProphet.h.

string MuonProphet::m_siteName [private]

Definition at line 163 of file MuonProphet.h.

Site::Site_t MuonProphet::m_site [private]

Definition at line 164 of file MuonProphet.h.

TRandom3 MuonProphet::m_rnd [private]

random number

Definition at line 167 of file MuonProphet.h.

RectangularBox* MuonProphet::m_waterPool [private]

A simplified water pool geometry.

Definition at line 170 of file MuonProphet.h.

string MuonProphet::m_topDetectorElementName [private]

Try the interfaces from lhcb DecDesc top detector name.

Definition at line 174 of file MuonProphet.h.

IGeometryInfo* MuonProphet::m_topGeoInfo [private]

top geoInfo

Definition at line 176 of file MuonProphet.h.

ILVolume* MuonProphet::m_topLVolume [private]

top logical volume

Definition at line 178 of file MuonProphet.h.

vector<IGeometryInfo *> MuonProphet::m_ADs [private]

hold the IGeometryInfo for each AD

Definition at line 180 of file MuonProphet.h.

ILVolume::Intersections MuonProphet::m_intersections [private]

A container to hold all intersections and materials.

Definition at line 183 of file MuonProphet.h.

ILVolume::Intersections MuonProphet::m_crucialSegments [private]

A container to hold only interesting intersections with thin material removed.

Only Rock, OwsWater, MineralOil are left

Definition at line 186 of file MuonProphet.h.

Material* MuonProphet::m_mixGas [private]

Some important materials to identify some volume.

Definition at line 189 of file MuonProphet.h.

Material* MuonProphet::m_owsWater [private]

RPC hit.

Definition at line 190 of file MuonProphet.h.

Material* MuonProphet::m_iwsWater [private]


Definition at line 191 of file MuonProphet.h.

Material* MuonProphet::m_rock [private]


Definition at line 192 of file MuonProphet.h.

Material* MuonProphet::m_mineralOil [private]


Definition at line 193 of file MuonProphet.h.

Gaudi::XYZPoint MuonProphet::m_point [private]

muon track is expressed as x(t)= m_point + m_unit * t

Definition at line 201 of file MuonProphet.h.

Gaudi::XYZVector MuonProphet::m_vec [private]

Definition at line 202 of file MuonProphet.h.

Gaudi::XYZVector MuonProphet::m_unit [private]

Definition at line 203 of file MuonProphet.h.

bool MuonProphet::m_crossWater [private]

Definition at line 207 of file MuonProphet.h.

double MuonProphet::m_trkLengthInWater [private]

Definition at line 215 of file MuonProphet.h.

ISolid::Tick MuonProphet::m_tickWaterMin [private]

Definition at line 218 of file MuonProphet.h.

ISolid::Tick MuonProphet::m_tickWaterMax [private]

Definition at line 219 of file MuonProphet.h.

double MuonProphet::m_trkLengthInWaterThres [private]

Definition at line 223 of file MuonProphet.h.

double MuonProphet::m_waterPoolTriggerEff [private]

Definition at line 232 of file MuonProphet.h.

RpcPlane* MuonProphet::m_rpcPlane [private]

Definition at line 235 of file MuonProphet.h.

bool MuonProphet::m_crossRpc [private]

Definition at line 237 of file MuonProphet.h.

HepGeom::Point3D<double> MuonProphet::m_rpcIntersect [private]

Definition at line 238 of file MuonProphet.h.

MpTriggerStat MuonProphet::m_poolTriggerStatus [private]

Definition at line 241 of file MuonProphet.h.

MpTriggerStat MuonProphet::m_rpcTriggerStatus [private]

Definition at line 242 of file MuonProphet.h.

TF1* MuonProphet::m_nEnergyPDF [private]

Spallation neutron energy distribution.

They will vary as the muon's energy changes. However this is simplified in simulation. Use the mean muon energy instead.

Definition at line 252 of file MuonProphet.h.

TF1* MuonProphet::m_nAnglePDF [private]

Spallation neutron angular distribution.

Definition at line 254 of file MuonProphet.h.

TF1* MuonProphet::m_nLateralPDF [private]

Spallation background lateral profile universal to neutron and other isotopes.

Definition at line 257 of file MuonProphet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 21:01:52 2011 for MuonProphet by doxygen 1.4.7