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In This Package:

GenHeaderCnv Class Reference

Convert a GenHeader and its subobjects. More...

#include <GenHeaderCnv.h>

Inheritance diagram for GenHeaderCnv:

Collaboration diagram for GenHeaderCnv:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 GenHeaderCnv (ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual ~GenHeaderCnv ()
StatusCode PerToTran (const PerGenHeader &tobj, DayaBay::GenHeader &dobj)
 Copy data from TObject based class of type TType to DataObject based class of type DOType.
StatusCode TranToPer (const DayaBay::GenHeader &dobj, PerGenHeader &tobj)
 Copy data from DataObject based class of type DOType to TObject based class of type TType.
StatusCode fillRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *dobj)
StatusCode fillObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *dobj)
PerGenHeadergetPerInputObject ()
PerGenHeadergetPerOutputObject ()
const RootIOBaseObjectgetBaseInputObject ()
const RootIOBaseObjectgetBaseOutputObject ()
virtual StatusCode TranObjectToPerObject (DataObject &dat, const RootOutputAddress &)
virtual StatusCode PerObjectToTranObject (DataObject *&dat)
virtual RootInputStreammakeInputStream (const RootInputAddress &ria)
virtual RootOutputStreammakeOutputStream (const RootOutputAddress &ria)
virtual long repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode createObj (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *&dat)
virtual StatusCode createRep (DataObject *pObject, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
int commit (const RootOutputAddress &roa)
RootIOBaseCnvotherConverter (int clID)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual unsigned long release ()
virtual StatusCode setDataProvider (IDataProviderSvc *svc)
virtual IDataProviderSvcdataProvider () const
virtual StatusCode setConversionSvc (IConversionSvc *svc)
virtual IConversionSvcconversionSvc () const
virtual StatusCode setAddressCreator (IAddressCreator *creator)
virtual IAddressCreatoraddressCreator () const
virtual const CLIDobjType () const
virtual long i_repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *refpObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRep (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=false) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&psvc) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const CLIDclassID ()
static unsigned char storageType ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
IDataManagerSvcdataManager () const

Protected Attributes

std::string m_perclassName

Private Attributes

int m_maxVertices

Detailed Description

Convert a GenHeader and its subobjects.

bv@bnl.gov Wed Aug 6 16:10:24 2008

Definition at line 19 of file GenHeaderCnv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GenHeaderCnv::GenHeaderCnv ( ISvcLocator svc  ) 

Definition at line 7 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00008     : RootIOTypedCnv<PerGenHeader,GenHeader>("PerGenHeader",
00009                                              classID(),svc)
00010 {
00011   // Set threshold for maximum number of vertices.
00012   // GenHeaders with more vertices will not be written out 
00013   // This is temporary for MDC10a
00014   // wangzhe
00015   // Raise it to 50 for safe. When adding muon spallation background, it is ofter above 10.
00016   m_maxVertices = 50;  
00017   // Wz 
00018   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "GenHeaderCnv");
00020   log << MSG::INFO 
00021       << "Only minimal GenHeader info will be persisted for GenHeaders with > " 
00022       << m_maxVertices 
00023       << " vertices. THIS IS TEMPORARY FOR MDC10a."<<endreq;
00024 }

GenHeaderCnv::~GenHeaderCnv (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 26 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00027 {
00028 }

Member Function Documentation

static const CLID& GenHeaderCnv::classID (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 23 of file GenHeaderCnv.h.

00023                                  {
00024         return DayaBay::CLID_GenHeader;
00025     }

StatusCode GenHeaderCnv::PerToTran ( const PerGenHeader tobj,
DayaBay::GenHeader dobj 
) [virtual]

Copy data from TObject based class of type TType to DataObject based class of type DOType.

Implements RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader, DayaBay::GenHeader >.

Definition at line 32 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00034 {
00035   StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::toTran(perobj,tranobj);
00036   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00038   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "GenHeaderCnv::PerToTran");
00040   tranobj.setGeneratorName(perobj.name);
00042   PerGenEvent* pgevt = perobj.event;
00043   if (!pgevt) {
00044     tranobj.setEvent(0);
00045     log << MSG::WARNING
00046         << "Null PerGenEvent pointer"
00047         << endreq;
00048     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00049   }
00051   HepMC::GenEvent* gevt = new HepMC::GenEvent(pgevt->signalProcessId, 
00052                                               pgevt->eventNumber,
00053                                               0,
00054                                               pgevt->weights);
00056   // Map from persistent to transient particles
00057   std::map<PerGenParticle*,HepMC::GenParticle*> particleMap;
00058   for (size_t ind=0; ind<pgevt->particles.size(); ++ind) {
00059     PerGenParticle* pgpart = pgevt->particles[ind];
00060     HepMC::GenParticle* gpart = 
00061       new HepMC::GenParticle(pgpart->momentum,
00062                              pgpart->pdgId,
00063                              pgpart->status,
00064                              HepMC::Flow(),
00065                              HepMC::Polarization(pgpart->polTheta,
00066                                                  pgpart->polPhi));
00068     particleMap[pgpart] = gpart;
00069   }
00071   // Convert vertices and add in/out particles
00072   std::map<PerGenVertex*,HepMC::GenVertex*> vertexMap;
00073   for (size_t ind=0; ind<pgevt->vertices.size(); ++ind) {
00074     PerGenVertex* pgvtx = pgevt->vertices[ind];
00075     HepMC::GenVertex* gvtx = new HepMC::GenVertex(pgvtx->position,
00076                                                   pgvtx->id,
00077                                                   pgvtx->weights);
00078     gevt->add_vertex(gvtx);
00079     for (size_t pi_ind=0; pi_ind < pgvtx->particlesIn.size(); ++pi_ind) {
00080       PerGenParticle* pgpart = pgevt->particles[pgvtx->particlesIn[pi_ind]];
00081       HepMC::GenParticle* gpart = particleMap[pgpart];
00082       gvtx->add_particle_in(gpart);
00083     }
00084     for (size_t po_ind=0; po_ind < pgvtx->particlesOut.size(); ++po_ind) {
00085       PerGenParticle* pgpart = pgevt->particles[pgvtx->particlesOut[po_ind]];
00086       HepMC::GenParticle* gpart = particleMap[pgpart];
00087       gvtx->add_particle_out(gpart);
00088     }
00090     if ((int)ind == pgevt->signalProcessIndex) {
00091       gevt->set_signal_process_vertex(gvtx);
00092     }
00093   }
00095   tranobj.setEvent(gevt);
00097   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00098 }

StatusCode GenHeaderCnv::TranToPer ( const DayaBay::GenHeader dobj,
PerGenHeader tobj 
) [virtual]

Copy data from DataObject based class of type DOType to TObject based class of type TType.

Implements RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader, DayaBay::GenHeader >.

Definition at line 101 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00103 {
00104   StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::toPer(tranobj,perobj);
00105   if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00107   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "GenHeaderCnv::TranToPer");
00109   perobj.name = tranobj.generatorName();
00111   const HepMC::GenEvent* genevt = tranobj.event();
00113   if (!genevt) {
00114     perobj.event = 0;
00115     log << MSG::WARNING
00116         << "Null HepMC::GenEvent pointer"
00117         << endreq;
00118     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00119   }
00121   PerGenEvent* pgevt = new PerGenEvent();
00123   // Fill the event
00125   // Basic stuff
00126   pgevt->eventNumber = genevt->event_number();
00127   pgevt->signalProcessId = genevt->signal_process_id();
00130   // Only save vertices when there are a few. 
00131   // This is temporary for MDC10a
00132   log << MSG::DEBUG << "# vertices = " << genevt->vertices_size() << endreq;
00133   if (genevt->vertices_size() <= m_maxVertices ){
00134     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Saving all vertices " << endreq;
00136     // Weights
00137     const HepMC::WeightContainer& weights = genevt->weights();
00138     pgevt->weights.clear();
00139     pgevt->weights.insert(pgevt->weights.begin(),
00140                           weights.begin(), weights.end());
00142     // Particles - first pass
00143     std::map<HepMC::GenParticle*,int> particleIndexMap;
00144     pgevt->particles.clear();
00145     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator pit, 
00146       pdone = genevt->particles_end();
00147     for (pit = genevt->particles_begin(); pit != pdone; ++pit) {
00148       HepMC::GenParticle* gpart = *pit;
00149       particleIndexMap[gpart] = pgevt->particles.size(); // for later lookup
00150       CLHEP::HepLorentzVector momentum(gpart->momentum().x(),
00151                                        gpart->momentum().y(),
00152                                        gpart->momentum().z(),
00153                                        gpart->momentum().t());
00154       PerGenParticle* pgpart = 
00155         new PerGenParticle(momentum,
00156                            gpart->pdg_id(),
00157                            gpart->status(),
00158                            gpart->polarization().theta(),
00159                            gpart->polarization().phi(),
00160                            gpart->barcode());
00161       pgevt->particles.push_back(pgpart);
00162     }
00164     // Vertices
00165     pgevt->vertices.clear();
00166     HepMC::GenVertex* signal_process_vertex = genevt->signal_process_vertex();
00167     HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vit,
00168       vdone = genevt->vertices_end();
00169     for (vit = genevt->vertices_begin(); vit != vdone; ++vit) {
00170       HepMC::GenVertex* gvtx = *vit;
00171       CLHEP::HepLorentzVector position(gvtx->position().x(),
00172                                        gvtx->position().y(),
00173                                        gvtx->position().z(),
00174                                        gvtx->position().t());
00175       PerGenVertex* pgvtx = 
00176         new PerGenVertex(position,
00177                          gvtx->id(),
00178                          gvtx->barcode(),
00179                          gvtx->weights());
00181       // Fill in particle info
00182       HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator piit, 
00183         pidone = gvtx->particles_in_const_end();
00184       for (piit = gvtx->particles_in_const_begin(); piit != pidone; ++piit) {
00185         std::map<HepMC::GenParticle*,int>::iterator pimit = 
00186           particleIndexMap.find(*piit);
00187         if (pimit != particleIndexMap.end()) {
00188           pgvtx->particlesIn.push_back(pimit->second);
00189         }
00190       }
00191       // Fill out particle info
00192       HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator poit, 
00193         podone = gvtx->particles_out_const_end();
00194       for (poit = gvtx->particles_out_const_begin(); poit != podone; ++poit) {
00195         std::map<HepMC::GenParticle*,int>::iterator pomit = 
00196           particleIndexMap.find(*poit);
00197         if (pomit != particleIndexMap.end()) {
00198           pgvtx->particlesOut.push_back(pomit->second);
00199         }
00200       }
00202       if (signal_process_vertex == gvtx) {
00203         pgevt->signalProcessIndex = pgevt->vertices.size();
00204       }
00205       pgevt->vertices.push_back(pgvtx);
00206     }
00207   }
00208   else {
00209     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Not saving any vertices " << endreq;
00210   } //(genevt->vertices_size() <= m_maxVertices )
00212   delete perobj.event;
00213   perobj.event = pgevt;
00214   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00215 }

StatusCode GenHeaderCnv::fillRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject dobj 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader, DayaBay::GenHeader >.

Definition at line 217 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00218 {
00219     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "GenHeaderCnv::fillRepRefs");
00220     GenHeader* gh = dynamic_cast<GenHeader*>(dobj);
00222     log << MSG::DEBUG
00223         << "Saving links to " << gh->inputHeaders().size() 
00224         << " input headers" << endreq;
00226     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::fillPer(m_rioSvc,*gh,*m_perOutObj);
00227     if (sc.isFailure()) {
00228         log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to fill HeaderObject part" << endreq;
00229         return sc;
00230     }
00232     // ... fill GenHeader part...
00233     return sc;
00234 }

StatusCode GenHeaderCnv::fillObjRefs ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject dobj 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader, DayaBay::GenHeader >.

Definition at line 236 of file GenHeaderCnv.cc.

00237 {
00238     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "GenHeaderCnv::fillObjRefs");
00239     HeaderObject* hobj = dynamic_cast<HeaderObject*>(dobj);
00240     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::fillTran(m_rioSvc,*m_perInObj,*hobj);
00241     if (sc.isFailure()) {
00242         log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to fill HeaderObject part" << endreq;
00243         return sc;
00244     }
00246     log << MSG::DEBUG
00247         << "Restored links to " << hobj->inputHeaders().size() 
00248         << " input headers" << endreq;
00250     // ... fill GenHeader part...
00251     return sc;
00252 }

PerGenHeader & RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::getPerInputObject (  )  [inherited]

PerGenHeader & RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::getPerOutputObject (  )  [inherited]

const RootIOBaseObject * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::getBaseInputObject (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

const RootIOBaseObject * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::getBaseOutputObject (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::TranObjectToPerObject ( DataObject dat,
const RootOutputAddress  
) [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::PerObjectToTranObject ( DataObject *&  dat  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual RootInputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::makeInputStream ( const RootInputAddress ria  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual RootOutputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::makeOutputStream ( const RootOutputAddress ria  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual long RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::repSvcType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::initialize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::finalize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::createObj ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject *&  dat 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::createRep ( DataObject pObject,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddress 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

int RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::commit ( const RootOutputAddress roa  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOBaseCnv * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::otherConverter ( int  clID  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::queryInterface ( const InterfaceID riid,
void **  ppvInterface 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual unsigned long RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::addRef (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual unsigned long RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::release (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::setDataProvider ( IDataProviderSvc svc  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IDataProviderSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::dataProvider (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::setConversionSvc ( IConversionSvc svc  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IConversionSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::conversionSvc (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::setAddressCreator ( IAddressCreator creator  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IAddressCreator * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::addressCreator (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual const CLID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::objType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual long RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::i_repSvcType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::updateObj ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject refpObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::updateObjRefs ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::updateRep ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::updateRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::service ( const std::string &  name,
T *&  psvc,
bool  createIf = false 
) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::service ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
T *&  psvc 
) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static unsigned char RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::storageType (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static const InterfaceID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::interfaceID (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static const InterfaceID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::interfaceID (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

ISvcLocator * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::serviceLocator (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IMessageSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::msgSvc (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IMessageSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::messageService (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IDataManagerSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::dataManager (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

Member Data Documentation

int GenHeaderCnv::m_maxVertices [private]

Definition at line 48 of file GenHeaderCnv.h.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::INVALID_ADDRESS [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::INVALID_OBJECT [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::NO_MEMORY [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::BAD_STORAGE_TYPE [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::NO_SOURCE_OBJECT [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::ICONVERSIONSVC_LAST_ERROR [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

std::string RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_perclassName [protected, inherited]

PerGenHeader * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_perInObj [protected, inherited]

PerGenHeader * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_perOutObj [protected, inherited]

IRootIOSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_rioSvc [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IConversionSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_cnvSvc [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootInputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerGenHeader , DayaBay::GenHeader >::m_ris [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:35:28 2011 for PerGenEvent by doxygen 1.4.7