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In This Package:

SimHeaderCnv Class Reference

Converter between SimHeader and PerSimHeader. More...

#include <SimHeaderCnv.h>

Inheritance diagram for SimHeaderCnv:

Collaboration diagram for SimHeaderCnv:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 SimHeaderCnv (ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual ~SimHeaderCnv ()
StatusCode PerToTran (const PerSimHeader &tobj, DayaBay::SimHeader &dobj)
 Copy data from TObject based class of type TType to DataObject based class of type DOType.
StatusCode TranToPer (const DayaBay::SimHeader &dobj, PerSimHeader &tobj)
 Copy data from DataObject based class of type DOType to TObject based class of type TType.
StatusCode fillRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *dobj)
StatusCode fillObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *dobj)
PerSimHeadergetPerInputObject ()
PerSimHeadergetPerOutputObject ()
const RootIOBaseObjectgetBaseInputObject ()
const RootIOBaseObjectgetBaseOutputObject ()
virtual StatusCode TranObjectToPerObject (DataObject &dat, const RootOutputAddress &)
virtual StatusCode PerObjectToTranObject (DataObject *&dat)
virtual RootInputStreammakeInputStream (const RootInputAddress &ria)
virtual RootOutputStreammakeOutputStream (const RootOutputAddress &ria)
virtual long repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual StatusCode createObj (IOpaqueAddress *addr, DataObject *&dat)
virtual StatusCode createRep (DataObject *pObject, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
int commit (const RootOutputAddress &roa)
RootIOBaseCnvotherConverter (int clID)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual unsigned long release ()
virtual StatusCode setDataProvider (IDataProviderSvc *svc)
virtual IDataProviderSvcdataProvider () const
virtual StatusCode setConversionSvc (IConversionSvc *svc)
virtual IConversionSvcconversionSvc () const
virtual StatusCode setAddressCreator (IAddressCreator *creator)
virtual IAddressCreatoraddressCreator () const
virtual const CLIDobjType () const
virtual long i_repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *refpObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRep (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=false) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&psvc) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const CLIDclassID ()
static unsigned char storageType ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
IDataManagerSvcdataManager () const

Protected Attributes

std::string m_perclassName

Private Member Functions

DayaBay::SimParticleHistoryconvert (std::vector< DayaBay::SimTrack * > &timap, DayaBay::SimHeader &sh, const PerSimParticleHistory &pph)
PerSimParticleHistoryconvert (std::map< const DayaBay::SimTrack *, int > &trackMap, const DayaBay::SimParticleHistory &ph)
DayaBay::SimHitCollectionconvert (std::vector< DayaBay::SimTrack * > &timap, const PerSimHitCollection &phc)
PerSimHitCollectionconvert (std::map< const DayaBay::SimTrack *, int > &trackMap, const DayaBay::SimHitCollection &hc)
DayaBay::SimUnobservableStatisticsHeaderconvert (const PerSimUnobservableStatistics &pstat)
PerSimUnobservableStatisticsconvert (const DayaBay::SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader &stat)
void relate (DayaBay::SimHeader &sh)

Private Attributes

int m_maxNoPHtoS
int m_NoPHtoSmsgs
bool m_pruneSimHits

Detailed Description

Converter between SimHeader and PerSimHeader.

bv@bnl.gov Thu Aug 14 17:04:08 2008

Definition at line 29 of file SimHeaderCnv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimHeaderCnv::SimHeaderCnv ( ISvcLocator svc  ) 

Definition at line 13 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00014     : RootIOTypedCnv<PerSimHeader,SimHeader>("PerSimHeader",
00015                                              classID(),svc)
00016 {
00017     // set maximum number of warnings of "no particle history to save"
00018     m_maxNoPHtoS = 10;
00019     m_NoPHtoSmsgs=  0;
00021     m_pruneSimHits = false;
00022     char* foo = getenv("NUWA_PRUNESIMHITS");
00023     if (foo) {
00024         m_pruneSimHits = true;
00025     }
00026 }

SimHeaderCnv::~SimHeaderCnv (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 28 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00029 {
00030 }

Member Function Documentation

static const CLID& SimHeaderCnv::classID (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 33 of file SimHeaderCnv.h.

00033                                  {
00034         return DayaBay::CLID_SimHeader;
00035     }

StatusCode SimHeaderCnv::PerToTran ( const PerSimHeader tobj,
DayaBay::SimHeader dobj 
) [virtual]

Copy data from TObject based class of type TType to DataObject based class of type DOType.

Implements RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader, DayaBay::SimHeader >.

Definition at line 33 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00035 {
00036     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::toTran(perobj,tranobj);
00037     if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00039     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnv::PerToTran");
00041     // Convert the historian part
00042     vector<SimTrack*> timap;
00043     const PerSimParticleHistory* pph = perobj.history;
00044     if (!pph) {
00045         log << MSG::DEBUG
00046             << "No particle history in persistent object." << endreq;
00047         tranobj.setParticleHistory(0);
00048     }
00049     else {
00050         SimParticleHistory* ph = convert(timap,tranobj,*pph);
00051         if (ph) {
00052             tranobj.setParticleHistory(ph);
00053         }
00054         else {
00055             log << MSG::ERROR
00056                 << "Failed to convert the SimParticleHistory" << endreq;
00057         }
00058     }
00060     if (perobj.hits) { // Convert the Hits part
00061         const PerSimHitHeader::phc_map& pcolmap = perobj.hits->hitCollections;
00063         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Reading " << pcolmap.size() << " hit collections" << endreq;
00065         SimHitHeader* shit_header = new SimHitHeader;
00066         shit_header->setHeader(&tranobj);
00067         tranobj.setHits(shit_header);
00069         PerSimHitHeader::phc_map::const_iterator it, done = pcolmap.end();
00070         for (it = pcolmap.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00071             int detectorID = it->first;
00072             const PerSimHitCollection* phc = it->second;
00073             SimHitCollection* hc = convert(timap,*phc);
00074             hc->setHeader(shit_header);
00075             shit_header->addHitCollection(hc);
00077             DayaBay::Detector det((short)detectorID);
00078             log << MSG::DEBUG << "Reading " << phc->hits.size() 
00079                 << " hits for detector " << det.detName()
00080                 << " ("
00081                 << detectorID 
00082                 << ")"
00083                 << endreq;
00084         }
00085     }
00086     else {
00087         log << MSG::DEBUG << "No persistent hits to convert" << endreq;
00088     }
00090     { // Convert the stats part
00091         const PerSimUnobservableStatistics* pstat = perobj.stats;
00092         if (!pstat) {
00093             log << MSG::DEBUG
00094                 << "No unobservable statistics in persistent object." << endreq;
00095             tranobj.setUnobservableStatistics(0);
00096         }
00097         else {
00098             SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader* stat = convert(*pstat);
00099             tranobj.setUnobservableStatistics(stat);
00100         }
00101     }
00103     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00104 }

StatusCode SimHeaderCnv::TranToPer ( const DayaBay::SimHeader dobj,
PerSimHeader tobj 
) [virtual]

Copy data from DataObject based class of type DOType to TObject based class of type TType.

Implements RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader, DayaBay::SimHeader >.

Definition at line 106 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00108 {
00109     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::toPer(tranobj,perobj);
00110     if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
00112     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnv::TranToPer");
00114     map<const SimTrack*,int> trackMap;
00116     { // Convert the historian part
00117         const SimParticleHistory* ph = tranobj.particleHistory();
00118         delete perobj.history;
00119         if (!ph) {
00120           m_NoPHtoSmsgs += 1;
00121           if ( m_NoPHtoSmsgs < m_maxNoPHtoS ) {
00122             log << MSG::WARNING
00123                 << "No Particle history to save" << endreq;
00124           }
00125           if ( m_NoPHtoSmsgs == m_maxNoPHtoS ) {
00126             log << MSG::WARNING
00127                 << "No Particle history to save. Additional warnings will be suppressed. " << endreq;
00128           }
00130             perobj.history = 0;
00131         }
00132         else {
00133             PerSimParticleHistory* pph = convert(trackMap,*ph);
00134             perobj.history = pph;
00135         }
00136     }
00138     { // Convert the Hits part
00139         if (perobj.hits) {
00140             delete perobj.hits;
00141             perobj.hits = 0;
00142         }
00143         perobj.hits = new PerSimHitHeader();
00144         PerSimHitHeader::phc_map& phcolmap = perobj.hits->hitCollections;
00145         if (m_pruneSimHits) {
00146             static int count = 0; 
00147             ++count;
00148             if (count<10) {
00149                 log << MSG::INFO << "Not saving SimHits, will say " << 10-count << " more times" << endreq;
00150             }
00151         }
00152         else {
00153             const SimHitHeader* header = tranobj.hits();
00154             if (!header) {
00155                 static int count = 0; 
00156                 if (count++ < 10) {
00157                     log << MSG::WARNING << "No Hit Header (I will say it " 
00158                         << 10 - count << " times again)" << endreq;
00159                 }
00160             }
00161             else {
00162                 const SimHitHeader::hc_map& colmap = header->hitCollection();
00164                 log << MSG::DEBUG << "Saving " << colmap.size() << " hit collections" << endreq;
00166                 SimHitHeader::hc_map::const_iterator it, done = colmap.end();
00167                 for (it = colmap.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00168                     int detectorID = it->first;
00169                     static int nUnknownDet = 0;
00170                     if( detectorID == DetectorId::kUnknown ) {
00171                         nUnknownDet++;
00172                         if( nUnknownDet<10 ) {
00173                             log << MSG::WARNING << "No hit should be from unknown detector (I will say it "
00174                                 << 10 - nUnknownDet << " times again)" << endreq;
00175                         }
00176                     } 
00177                     else {
00178                         const SimHitCollection* hc = it->second;
00179                         PerSimHitCollection* phc = convert(trackMap,*hc);
00180                         phcolmap[detectorID] = phc;
00181                         DayaBay::Detector det((short)detectorID);
00182                         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Saving " << phc->hits.size() 
00183                             << " hits for detector " << det.detName()
00184                             << " ("
00185                             << detectorID 
00186                             << ")"
00187                             << endreq;
00188                     }
00189                 }
00190             }
00191         }
00192         log << MSG::DEBUG << "Saving " << phcolmap.size() << " hit collections" << endreq;
00193     }    
00195     { // Convert the stats part
00196         const SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader* stat = tranobj.unobservableStatistics();
00197         if (!stat) {
00198             log << MSG::DEBUG
00199                 << "No unobservable statistics" << endreq;
00200         }
00201         else {
00202             PerSimUnobservableStatistics* pstat = convert(*stat);
00203             delete perobj.stats;
00204             perobj.stats = pstat;
00205         }
00206     }
00208     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00209 }

StatusCode SimHeaderCnv::fillRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject dobj 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader, DayaBay::SimHeader >.

Definition at line 213 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00214 {
00215     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnv::fillRepRefs");
00216     SimHeader* sh = dynamic_cast<SimHeader*>(dobj);
00218     log << MSG::DEBUG
00219         << "Saving links to " << sh->inputHeaders().size() 
00220         << " input headers" << endreq;
00222     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::fillPer(m_rioSvc,*sh,*m_perOutObj);
00223     if (sc.isFailure()) {
00224         log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to fill HeaderObject part" << endreq;
00225         return sc;
00226     }
00228     // ... fill SimHeader part...
00229     return sc;
00230 }

StatusCode SimHeaderCnv::fillObjRefs ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject dobj 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader, DayaBay::SimHeader >.

Definition at line 232 of file SimHeaderCnv.cc.

00233 {
00234     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnv::fillObjRefs");
00235     HeaderObject* hobj = dynamic_cast<HeaderObject*>(dobj);
00236     StatusCode sc = HeaderObjectCnv::fillTran(m_rioSvc,*m_perInObj,*hobj);
00237     if (sc.isFailure()) {
00238         log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to fill HeaderObject part" << endreq;
00239         return sc;
00240     }
00242     log << MSG::DEBUG
00243         << "Restored links to " << hobj->inputHeaders().size() 
00244         << " input headers" << endreq;
00246     // ... fill SimHeader part...
00248     DayaBay::SimHeader* sh = dynamic_cast<DayaBay::SimHeader*>(hobj);
00249     relate(*sh);
00251     return sc;
00252 }

DayaBay::SimParticleHistory* SimHeaderCnv::convert ( std::vector< DayaBay::SimTrack * > &  timap,
DayaBay::SimHeader sh,
const PerSimParticleHistory pph 
) [private]

PerSimParticleHistory * SimHeaderCnv::convert ( std::map< const DayaBay::SimTrack *, int > &  trackMap,
const DayaBay::SimParticleHistory ph 
) [private]

Definition at line 115 of file SimHeaderCnvHistory.cc.

00117 {
00118     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnvHistory::convert(t2p)");
00120     PerSimParticleHistory* pph = new PerSimParticleHistory();
00122     typedef map<const SimVertex*,int> VertexMap_t;
00123     VertexMap_t vertexMap;
00124     vertexMap[0] = -1;//Hopefully trigger a SegV to catch bogus values
00125     { // Vertices
00126         const list<SimVertex*>& vertices = ph.vertices();
00127         log << MSG::VERBOSE 
00128             << "Adding " << vertices.size() << " vertices" << endreq;
00129         list<SimVertex*>::const_iterator it, done = vertices.end();
00130         for (it=vertices.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00131             SimVertex* vertex = *it;
00132             PerSimVertex* pvertex = new PerSimVertex;
00133             pvertex->processType = vertex->process().type();
00134             pvertex->processName = vertex->process().name();
00135             pvertex->time = vertex->time();
00136             pvertex->energy = vertex->totalEnergy();
00137             pvertex->position = vertex->position();
00138             pvertex->momentum = vertex->momentum();
00140             vertexMap[vertex] = pph->vertices.size();
00141             log << MSG::VERBOSE 
00142                 << "Adding vertex from track " << vertex->track().track()->trackId()
00143                 << " @ " << (void*) vertex << endreq;
00144             pph->vertices.push_back(pvertex);
00145         }
00146     }
00148     trackMap[0] = -1;//Hopefully trigger a SegV to catch any bogus values
00149     { // Tracks
00150         const list<SimTrack*>& tracks = ph.tracks();
00151         list<SimTrack*>::const_iterator it, done = tracks.end();
00152         for (it=tracks.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00153             SimTrack* track = *it;
00154             PerSimTrack* ptrack = new PerSimTrack;
00155             ptrack->geantID = track->trackId();
00156             ptrack->parentPDG = track->parentParticle();
00157             ptrack->particlePDG = track->particle();
00158             for (size_t ind=0; ind<track->vertices().size(); ++ind) {
00159                 VertexMap_t::iterator vit = vertexMap.find(track->vertices()[ind]);
00160                 if (vit == vertexMap.end()) {
00161                     log << MSG::ERROR
00162                         << "Track references unknown vertex #" << ind << endreq;
00163                     continue;
00164                 }
00165                 ptrack->vertexIndex.push_back(vit->second);
00166             }
00168             const SimVertexReference& ancestorVertex = track->ancestorVertex();
00169             if (ancestorVertex.vertex()) {
00170                 VertexMap_t::iterator vit = vertexMap.find(ancestorVertex.vertex());
00171                 if (vit == vertexMap.end()) {
00172                     log << MSG::ERROR
00173                         << "Track's ancestor vertex is not found, is from track ID "
00174                         << ancestorVertex.vertex()->track().track()->trackId() 
00175                         << " and @ " << (void*) ancestorVertex.vertex()
00176                         << endreq;
00177                     // Historian uses non-default values for NULL
00178                     // SimVertexReferences so pass them along.
00179                     ptrack->ancestorVertex.count = ancestorVertex.indirection();
00180                 }
00181                 else {
00182                     ptrack->ancestorVertex = PerSimIndirection(vit->second,
00183                                                                ancestorVertex.indirection());
00184                 }
00185             }
00186             else ptrack->ancestorVertex.count = ancestorVertex.indirection();
00188             // Rely on map<>'s default assignment
00189             ptrack->unrecordedDescendants = track->unrecordedDescendants();
00191             ptrack->primaryParticle = -1;
00192             if (track->primaryParticle()) {
00193                 ptrack->primaryParticle = track->primaryParticle()->barcode();
00194             }
00196             trackMap[track] = pph->tracks.size();
00197             pph->tracks.push_back(ptrack);
00198         }
00199     }
00201     { // Fix up Vertices
00202         const list<SimVertex*>& vertices = ph.vertices();
00203         list<SimVertex*>::const_iterator it, done = vertices.end();
00204         for (it=vertices.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00205             SimVertex* vertex = *it;
00206             PerSimVertex* pvertex = pph->vertices[vertexMap[vertex]];
00208             // Fill from SimTrackReference "track"
00209             if (vertex->track().track()) {
00210                 int index = trackMap[vertex->track().track()];
00211                 int count = vertex->track().indirection();
00212                 pvertex->track = PerSimIndirection(index,count);
00213             }
00215             // Fill from SimTrackReferences "secondaries"
00216             const vector<SimTrackReference>& secondaries = vertex->secondaries();
00217             for (size_t ind=0; ind < secondaries.size(); ++ind) {
00218                 if (!secondaries[ind].track()) continue;
00219                 int index = trackMap[secondaries[ind].track()];
00220                 int count = secondaries[ind].indirection();
00221                 pvertex->secondaryTracks.push_back(PerSimIndirection(index,count));
00222             }
00223         }
00224     }
00226     { // Fill primary track indices
00227         const std::list<const SimTrack*>& primaries = ph.primaryTracks();
00228         std::list<const SimTrack*>::const_iterator it, done = primaries.end();
00229         for (it = primaries.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00230             const SimTrack* track = *it;
00231             if (!track) continue;
00232             pph->primaryTrackIndex.push_back(trackMap[track]);
00233         }
00234     }
00236     { // Fix up missing track->ancestorTrack references
00237         const list<SimTrack*>& tracks = ph.tracks();
00238         list<SimTrack*>::const_iterator it, done = tracks.end();
00239         for (it=tracks.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00240             SimTrack* track = *it;
00241             PerSimTrack* ptrack = pph->tracks[trackMap[track]];
00243             int count = track->ancestorTrack().indirection();
00244             const SimTrack* ancestorTrack = track->ancestorTrack().track();
00245             if (!ancestorTrack) {
00246                 ptrack->ancestorTrack.count = count;
00247             }
00248             else {
00249                 ptrack->ancestorTrack = PerSimIndirection(trackMap[ancestorTrack],count);
00250             }
00251         }
00252     }
00254     // Note: DO NOT fill idToTrack lookup.  It is an internal lookup
00255     // that will be refilled based on the the geantID stored in each
00256     // track....
00258     return pph;
00259 }

DayaBay::SimHitCollection* SimHeaderCnv::convert ( std::vector< DayaBay::SimTrack * > &  timap,
const PerSimHitCollection phc 
) [private]

PerSimHitCollection * SimHeaderCnv::convert ( std::map< const DayaBay::SimTrack *, int > &  trackMap,
const DayaBay::SimHitCollection hc 
) [private]

Definition at line 82 of file SimHeaderCnvHits.cc.

00084 {
00085     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnvHits::convert(t2p)");
00087     const SimHitCollection::hit_container &hits = hc.collection();
00089     PerSimHitCollection* phc = new PerSimHitCollection;
00090     phc->detId = hc.detector().siteDetPackedData();
00092     size_t nhits = hits.size();
00094     if (!nhits) return phc; // empty
00096     bool is_pmt = (0 != dynamic_cast<const SimPmtHit*>(hits[0]));
00098     PerSimHitCollection::phit_container& phits = phc->hits;
00100     // First create the output hit of specific type and fill specific data
00101     if (is_pmt) {
00102         for (size_t ihit=0; ihit < nhits; ++ihit) {
00103             const SimPmtHit *hit = dynamic_cast<const SimPmtHit*>(hits[ihit]);
00104             PerSimPmtHit* pmt_hit = new PerSimPmtHit(hit->dir(),
00105                                                      hit->pol(),
00106                                                      hit->wavelength(),
00107                                                      hit->type());
00108             phits.push_back(pmt_hit);
00109         }
00110     }
00111     else {
00112         for (size_t ihit=0; ihit < nhits; ++ihit) {
00113             const SimRpcHit *hit = dynamic_cast<const SimRpcHit*>(hits[ihit]);
00114             PerSimRpcHit* rpc_hit = new PerSimRpcHit(hit->energyDep());
00115             phits.push_back(rpc_hit);
00116         }
00117     }
00119     // Now copy the common part
00120     int nfailed = 0;
00121     for (size_t ihit=0; ihit < nhits; ++ihit) {
00122         const SimHit *hit = hits[ihit];
00123         PerSimHit *phit = phits[ihit];
00124         phit->sensDetId = hit->sensDetId();
00125         phit->time = hit->hitTime();
00126         phit->pos = hit->localPos();
00127         phit->weight = hit->weight();
00129         const SimTrack* ancestor = hit->ancestor().track();
00130         if (!ancestor) {
00131             ++nfailed;
00132             continue;
00133         }
00135         map<const SimTrack*,int>::const_iterator ait = trackMap.find(ancestor);
00136         if (ait == trackMap.end()) {
00137             log << MSG::ERROR
00138                 << "No ancestor track index found for #" 
00139                 << ancestor->trackId()
00140                 << endreq;
00141             continue;
00142         }
00143         int count = hit->ancestor().indirection();
00144         phit->ancestor = PerSimIndirection(ait->second,count);
00145     }
00146     if (nfailed) {
00147         log << MSG::DEBUG
00148             << "Failed to find ancestor for hit " << nfailed << " times"  << endreq;
00149     }
00151     return phc;
00152 }

DayaBay::SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader * SimHeaderCnv::convert ( const PerSimUnobservableStatistics pstat  )  [private]

Definition at line 13 of file SimHeaderCnvStats.cc.

00014 {
00015     SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader* stat = new SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader;
00016     SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader::stat_map& stats = stat->stats();
00018     std::map<string,PerSimStat>::const_iterator it, done = pstat.stats.end();
00019     for (it = pstat.stats.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00020         SimStatistic ss;
00021         ss.setCount(it->second.count);
00022         ss.setSum(it->second.sum);
00023         ss.setSquaredsum(it->second.squaredsum);
00024         stats[it->first] = ss;
00025     }
00027     return stat;
00028 }

PerSimUnobservableStatistics * SimHeaderCnv::convert ( const DayaBay::SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader stat  )  [private]

Definition at line 31 of file SimHeaderCnvStats.cc.

00032 {
00033     PerSimUnobservableStatistics* pstat = new PerSimUnobservableStatistics;
00034     std::map<std::string,PerSimStat>& pstats = pstat->stats;
00036     const SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader::stat_map& stats = stat.stats();
00037     SimUnobservableStatisticsHeader::stat_map::const_iterator it, done = stats.end();
00038     for (it = stats.begin(); it != done; ++it) {
00039         pstats[it->first] = 
00040             PerSimStat(it->second.count(),it->second.sum(),it->second.squaredsum());
00041     }
00042     return pstat;
00043 }

void SimHeaderCnv::relate ( DayaBay::SimHeader sh  )  [private]

Definition at line 261 of file SimHeaderCnvHistory.cc.

00262 {
00263     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SimHeaderCnvHistory::relate(p2t)");
00264     const HepMC::GenEvent* genEvent = 0;
00265     const std::vector<const DayaBay::IHeader*>& inputHeaders = sh.inputHeaders();
00266     log << MSG::DEBUG 
00267         << "Checking for GenHeader in " 
00268         << inputHeaders.size() << " input headers" 
00269         << endreq;
00270     for (size_t ind=0; ind<inputHeaders.size(); ++ind) {
00271         const GenHeader* genHeader = dynamic_cast<const GenHeader*>(inputHeaders[ind]);
00272         if (1) {
00273             const HeaderObject* ho = dynamic_cast<const HeaderObject*>(inputHeaders[ind]);
00274             log << MSG::DEBUG
00275                 << "checking " << ind << "/" << inputHeaders.size() 
00276                 << ": " << ho->name()
00277                 << endreq;
00278         }
00279         if (!genHeader) continue;
00280         genEvent = genHeader->event();
00281     }
00282     if (!genEvent) {
00283         log << MSG::DEBUG
00284             << "Could not find the HepMC::GenEvent used to create me." 
00285             << endreq;
00286         return;
00287     }
00290     if (!m_perInObj->history) {
00291         log << MSG::DEBUG
00292             << "No persistent particle history"
00293             << endreq;
00294         return;
00295     }
00296     const PerSimParticleHistory& pph = *(m_perInObj->history);
00297     if (!sh.particleHistory()) {
00298         log << MSG::ERROR
00299             << "No transient particle history"
00300             << endreq;
00301         return;
00302     }
00304     // Sometimes the genEvent barcodes for particles and vertices has been pruned
00305     // in the production of the original file. Report this here and
00306     // suppress issuing an ERROR for every particle that does not have a barcodes.
00307     bool empty = genEvent->particles_empty() && genEvent->vertices_empty() ;
00308     if (empty) log << MSG::INFO << "No GenEvent particles or vertices exist"<< endreq;
00311     const list<SimTrack*>& tracks = sh.particleHistory()->tracks();
00312     list<SimTrack*>::const_iterator it, done = tracks.end();
00313     size_t ind=0;
00314     for (it=tracks.begin(); it !=done && ind < pph.tracks.size(); ++ind, ++it) {
00315         PerSimTrack* ptrack = pph.tracks[ind];
00316         SimTrack* track = *it;
00318         if (genEvent) {
00319             int barcode = ptrack->primaryParticle;
00321             if (barcode < 0) {
00322                 track->setPrimaryParticle(0);
00323             }
00324             else {
00325                 const HepMC::GenParticle* part = genEvent->barcode_to_particle(barcode);
00326                 if (part) {
00327                     track->setPrimaryParticle(part);
00328                 }
00329                 else {
00330                   if (!empty){
00331                     log << MSG::ERROR
00332                         << "Failed to get a primary particle for barcode " << barcode << endreq;
00333                   }
00334                 }
00335             }
00336         }
00337     }
00338 }

PerSimHeader & RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::getPerInputObject (  )  [inherited]

PerSimHeader & RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::getPerOutputObject (  )  [inherited]

const RootIOBaseObject * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::getBaseInputObject (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

const RootIOBaseObject * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::getBaseOutputObject (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::TranObjectToPerObject ( DataObject dat,
const RootOutputAddress  
) [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::PerObjectToTranObject ( DataObject *&  dat  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual RootInputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::makeInputStream ( const RootInputAddress ria  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual RootOutputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::makeOutputStream ( const RootOutputAddress ria  )  [virtual, inherited]

Implements RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual long RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::repSvcType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::initialize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::finalize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::createObj ( IOpaqueAddress addr,
DataObject *&  dat 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::createRep ( DataObject pObject,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddress 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

int RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::commit ( const RootOutputAddress roa  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOBaseCnv * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::otherConverter ( int  clID  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::queryInterface ( const InterfaceID riid,
void **  ppvInterface 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual unsigned long RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::addRef (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual unsigned long RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::release (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::setDataProvider ( IDataProviderSvc svc  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IDataProviderSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::dataProvider (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::setConversionSvc ( IConversionSvc svc  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IConversionSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::conversionSvc (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::setAddressCreator ( IAddressCreator creator  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual IAddressCreator * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::addressCreator (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual const CLID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::objType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual long RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::i_repSvcType (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::updateObj ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject refpObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::updateObjRefs ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::updateRep ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

virtual StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::updateRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress pAddress,
DataObject pObject 
) [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::service ( const std::string &  name,
T *&  psvc,
bool  createIf = false 
) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

StatusCode RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::service ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
T *&  psvc 
) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static unsigned char RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::storageType (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static const InterfaceID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::interfaceID (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

static const InterfaceID & RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::interfaceID (  )  [static, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

ISvcLocator * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::serviceLocator (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IMessageSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::msgSvc (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IMessageSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::messageService (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IDataManagerSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::dataManager (  )  const [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

Member Data Documentation

int SimHeaderCnv::m_maxNoPHtoS [private]

Definition at line 80 of file SimHeaderCnv.h.

int SimHeaderCnv::m_NoPHtoSmsgs [private]

Definition at line 80 of file SimHeaderCnv.h.

bool SimHeaderCnv::m_pruneSimHits [private]

Definition at line 83 of file SimHeaderCnv.h.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::INVALID_ADDRESS [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::INVALID_OBJECT [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::NO_MEMORY [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::BAD_STORAGE_TYPE [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::NO_SOURCE_OBJECT [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::ICONVERSIONSVC_LAST_ERROR [inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

std::string RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_perclassName [protected, inherited]

PerSimHeader * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_perInObj [protected, inherited]

PerSimHeader * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_perOutObj [protected, inherited]

IRootIOSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_rioSvc [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

IConversionSvc * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_cnvSvc [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

RootInputStream * RootIOTypedCnv< PerSimHeader , DayaBay::SimHeader >::m_ris [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from RootIOBaseCnv.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:35:46 2011 for PerSimEvent by doxygen 1.4.7