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In This Package:

RawReadoutHeaderCnv Class Reference

#include <RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h>

Inheritance diagram for RawReadoutHeaderCnv:

Collaboration diagram for RawReadoutHeaderCnv:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

 RawReadoutHeaderCnv (long storageType, const CLID &clid, ISvcLocator *svc)
 RawReadoutHeaderCnv (ISvcLocator *&)
virtual ~RawReadoutHeaderCnv ()
virtual long repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
void declareObject (const std::string &fullPath, const CLID &clid, const std::string &bank, long par=0)
virtual StatusCode createRep (DataObject *pObject, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddr)
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *, DataObject *)
virtual StatusCode createObj (IOpaqueAddress *, DataObject *&)
virtual StatusCode fillRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *, DataObject *)
virtual StatusCode updateRep (IOpaqueAddress *, DataObject *)
virtual StatusCode updateRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *, DataObject *)
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual unsigned long release ()
virtual StatusCode setDataProvider (IDataProviderSvc *svc)
virtual IDataProviderSvcdataProvider () const
virtual StatusCode setConversionSvc (IConversionSvc *svc)
virtual IConversionSvcconversionSvc () const
virtual StatusCode setAddressCreator (IAddressCreator *creator)
virtual IAddressCreatoraddressCreator () const
virtual const CLIDobjType () const
virtual long i_repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode fillObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=false) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&psvc) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const long storageType ()
static const CLIDclassID ()
static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
IDataManagerSvcdataManager () const

Private Member Functions

StatusCode findTriggerTime (DayaBay::RawEvent *event, TimeStamp &triggerTime)
Site::Site_t convertSite (unsigned int daqSiteId)
DetectorId::DetectorId_t convertDetector (unsigned int daqDetectorId)
int convertConnector (unsigned int daqChannelId)
int convertBoard (unsigned int daqSlotId)
DayaBay::Trigger::TriggerType_t convertTriggerType (DayaBay::LocalTriggerData *ltbData, const DayaBay::Detector *detector)
TimeStamp convertTriggerTime (DayaBay::LocalTriggerData *ltbData)
DayaBay::FeeGain::FeeGain_t convertAdcRange (unsigned int daqAdcRange)
StatusCode unpackEvent (DayaBay::RawEvent *event, DayaBay::Readout *readout)
StatusCode unpackLtbModule (DayaBay::RawModule *module, DayaBay::Readout *readout)
StatusCode unpackFeeModule (DayaBay::RawModule *module, DayaBay::ReadoutPmtCrate *readout)

Private Attributes

MsgStream m_log

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RawReadoutHeaderCnv::RawReadoutHeaderCnv ( long  storageType,
const CLID clid,
ISvcLocator svc 

Definition at line 23 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00024 : Converter(RAWDATA_StorageType, classID(), svc)
00025   , m_log(msgSvc(), "RawReadoutHeaderCnv")
00026 {
00027   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "RawReadoutHeaderCnv(long, const CLID&, ISvcLocator*)" << endreq;
00028 }

RawReadoutHeaderCnv::RawReadoutHeaderCnv ( ISvcLocator *&   ) 

Definition at line 31 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00032 : Converter(RAWDATA_StorageType, classID(), svc)
00033   , m_log(msgSvc(), "RawReadoutHeaderCnv")
00034 {
00035   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "RawReadoutHeaderCnv(ISvcLocator*&)" << endreq;
00036 }

RawReadoutHeaderCnv::~RawReadoutHeaderCnv (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 39 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00040 {
00041   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "~RawReadoutHeaderCnv()" << endreq;
00042 }

Member Function Documentation

virtual long RawReadoutHeaderCnv::repSvcType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Implements Converter.

Definition at line 36 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00036                                    {
00037       return RAWDATA_StorageType;
00038    }

static const long RawReadoutHeaderCnv::storageType (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 40 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00040                                    {
00041       return RAWDATA_StorageType;
00042    }

static const CLID& RawReadoutHeaderCnv::classID (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 44 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00044                                    {
00045       return DayaBay::CLID_ReadoutHeader;
00046    }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::initialize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 46 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00047 {
00048   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "initialize()" << endreq;
00050   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "  query the service RawDataInputSvc." << endreq;
00051   IService* svc = 0;
00052   StatusCode sc = serviceLocator()->getService("RawDataInputSvc", svc, true);
00053   if (sc.isFailure()) {
00054     m_log << MSG::ERROR << "RawDataInputSvc could not be retrieved" << endreq;
00055     return sc;
00056   }
00057   svc->addRef();
00059   sc = svc->queryInterface(IID_IRawDataInputSvc, (void**) & m_inputSvc);
00060   if (sc.isFailure()) {
00061     m_log << MSG::ERROR << "queryInterface(IID_IRawDataInputSvc) failed" << endreq;
00062     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00063   }
00065   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00066 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::finalize (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 268 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00269 {
00270   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "finalize()" << endreq;
00271   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00272 }

void RawReadoutHeaderCnv::declareObject ( const std::string &  fullPath,
const CLID clid,
const std::string &  bank,
long  par = 0 

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::createRep ( DataObject pObject,
IOpaqueAddress *&  refpAddr 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 250 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00251 {
00252   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "createRep()" << endreq;
00254   ReadoutHeader* rdth = dynamic_cast<ReadoutHeader*>(pObj);
00255   if (!rdth) {
00256     m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not downcast Event" << endreq;
00257     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00258   }
00260   string nm = pObj->registry()->name();
00261   RawDataAddress* addr = new RawDataAddress(classID(), nm, "");
00262   pAddr = addr;
00264   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00265 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::updateObj ( IOpaqueAddress ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 70 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00071 {
00072   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "updateObj()" << endreq;
00073   return Converter::updateObj(pAddr, pObj);
00074 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::createObj ( IOpaqueAddress ,
DataObject *&   
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 78 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00079 {
00080   m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "createObj(IOpaqueAddress*, DataObject*&)" << endreq;
00082   ReadoutHeader* readoutHeader = new ReadoutHeader();
00083   pObj = readoutHeader;
00085   DayaBay::Readout* readout = 0;
00087   if(m_inputSvc->m_inputSvcVersion==2) {
00088     DayaBay::RawEvent *event = m_inputSvc->currentRawEvent();
00089     if (event == NULL) {
00090       m_log << MSG::INFO << "The RawEvent returned is not valid." << endreq;
00091       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00092     }
00094     // Find the trigger time
00095     TimeStamp triggerTime;
00096     StatusCode sc = this->findTriggerTime(event,triggerTime);
00097     if(!sc.isSuccess()){
00098       m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to find trigger time for event: " << event->eventId()
00099         << endreq;
00100     }
00102     // Set the context
00103     Site::Site_t site = this->convertSite( event->siteId() );
00104     Context context(site,
00105         SimFlag::kData,
00106         triggerTime,
00107         (DetectorId::DetectorId_t)(event->detectorId()));
00109     readoutHeader->setContext(context);
00110     readoutHeader->setEarliest(triggerTime);
00111     readoutHeader->setLatest(triggerTime);
00113     // Construct the readout
00114     DayaBay::Detector detector(this->convertSite(event->siteId()),
00115         this->convertDetector(event->detectorId()));
00117     if( detector.isAD() || detector.isWaterShield() ){
00118       readout = new DayaBay::ReadoutPmtCrate();
00119     }else if( detector.detectorId() == DetectorId::kRPC){
00120       readout = new DayaBay::ReadoutRpcCrate();
00121     }else{
00122       m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Unknown detector: \"" << detector.detName() << "\","
00123         << " cannot make readout." << endreq;
00124       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00125     }
00127     // Need to set detector for proper persistency
00128     readout->setDetector(detector);
00130     // Fill readout
00131     if(m_inputSvc->m_usePacked){
00132       // Packed data
00133       readout->setRawEvent( event->clone() );
00134     }
00136     if(m_inputSvc->m_useUnpacked){
00137       // Unpacked data
00138       sc = this->unpackEvent(event, readout);
00139       if( !sc.isSuccess() ){
00140         delete readout;
00141         return sc;
00142       }
00143     }
00145   }
00147   else {
00148     RawDataEvent* rawEvt = m_inputSvc->currentEvent();
00149     if (rawEvt == NULL) {
00150       m_log << MSG::INFO << "The RawDataEvent returned is not valid." << endreq;
00151       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00152     }
00154     readoutHeader->setExecNumber(rawEvt->m_evtNum);
00156     readout = new DayaBay::ReadoutPmtCrate();
00157     ReadoutPmtCrate* readoutCrate = dynamic_cast<ReadoutPmtCrate*>(readout);
00159     readoutCrate->setDetector(Detector(rawEvt->siteId(), rawEvt->detectorId()));
00160     readoutCrate->setTriggerType(rawEvt->triggerType());
00162     //the following code is temporarily commented because readoutCrate doesn't have setRawEvent function
00163     //if( rawEvt->m_rawBuffer.size() > 0){
00164     //  readoutCrate->setRawEvent(
00165     //                     DayaBay::RawEvent( &rawEvt->m_rawBuffer[0] ).clone() );
00166     //}
00169     ReadoutPmtCrate::FadcReadouts fadcReadouts;
00170     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rawEvt->m_modules.size(); i++) {
00171       switch (rawEvt->m_modules[i]->m_type) {
00172         case kRomLtb:
00173           RawDataEvent::RomLtb* romLtb;
00174           romLtb = dynamic_cast<RawDataEvent::RomLtb*>(rawEvt->m_modules[i]);
00176           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < romLtb->m_frames.size(); j++) {
00177             RawDataEvent::LtbFrame *ltbFrame = romLtb->m_frames[j];
00178             readoutCrate->setTriggerTime(ltbFrame->timeStamp());
00179             break;
00180           }
00181           break;
00182         case kRomFadc:
00183           RawDataEvent::RomFadc* romFadc;
00184           romFadc = dynamic_cast<RawDataEvent::RomFadc*>(rawEvt->m_modules[i]);
00186           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < romFadc->m_channels.size(); j++) {
00187             RawDataEvent::FadcChannel &channel = romFadc->m_channels[j];
00188             FadcChannelId channelId(channel.m_channel+1, rawEvt->siteId(), rawEvt->detectorId());
00189             DigitalSignal channelData=channel.m_adcData;
00190             fadcReadouts[channelId]=channelData;
00191           }
00192           break;
00193         case kRomFee:
00194           RawDataEvent::RomFee* romFee;
00195           romFee = dynamic_cast<RawDataEvent::RomFee*>(rawEvt->m_modules[i]);
00196           readoutCrate->setTriggerNumber(romFee->m_triggerNum);
00198           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < romFee->m_channels.size(); j++) {
00199             RawDataEvent::PmtChannel &channel = romFee->m_channels[j];
00200             // FeeChannelId(board, connector, site, det)
00201             // FEE board number in the DAQ counts from '1 to n', but the connector counts from '0 to n-1'
00202             FeeChannelId channelId(romFee->m_slot, channel.m_channel+1, rawEvt->siteId(), rawEvt->detectorId());
00203             ReadoutPmtChannel &channelData = readoutCrate->channel(channelId);
00205             channelData.setReadout(readoutCrate);
00206             channelData.setMode(0x1);  //peak finding
00207             channelData.setChannelId(channelId);
00208             channelData.setAdc(channel.m_adc);
00209             channelData.setAdcCycle(channel.m_adcPeakingCycle);
00211             vector<int> tmpGain;
00212             for ( unsigned int ci = 0; ci!=channel.m_adcRange.size(); ci++) {
00213               if ( channel.m_adcRange[ci] == dyb::kAdcHighRange ) {
00214                 tmpGain.push_back(  FeeGain::kLow );
00215               } else if ( channel.m_adcRange[ci] == dyb::kAdcLowRange ) {
00216                 tmpGain.push_back(  FeeGain::kHigh );
00217               }
00218             }
00219             channelData.setAdcRange( tmpGain );
00220             channelData.setTdc(channel.m_tdc);
00221             channelData.setTdcHitCount(channel.m_tdcHitCount);
00222             channelData.setPedestal(channel.m_pedestal);
00224             // insert into readout map
00225             //readoutChannels[channelId] = channelData;
00226           }
00227           break;
00228       }
00229     }
00231     //readoutCrate->setChannelReadout(readoutChannels);
00232     readoutCrate->setFadcReadout(fadcReadouts);
00233     Site::Site_t site = rawEvt->siteId();
00234     SimFlag::SimFlag_t flag = SimFlag::kData;
00235     DetectorId::DetectorId_t det = rawEvt->detectorId();
00236     const TimeStamp& time = readoutCrate->triggerTime();
00238     Context context = Context(site, flag, time, det);
00239     readoutHeader->setContext(context);
00240   }
00242   readout->setHeader(readoutHeader);
00243   readoutHeader->setReadout(readout);
00245   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00246 }

virtual StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::fillRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress ,
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 61 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00061                                                                                          {
00062       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00063    }

virtual StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::updateRep ( IOpaqueAddress ,
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 64 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00064                                                                                            {
00065       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00066    }

virtual StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::updateRepRefs ( IOpaqueAddress ,
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 67 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

00067                                                                                                {
00068       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00069    }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::findTriggerTime ( DayaBay::RawEvent event,
TimeStamp triggerTime 
) [private]

Definition at line 275 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00277 {
00278   // Find the trigger time for this event
00279   if(!event){
00280     m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot find time of invalid event" << endreq;
00281     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00282   }
00283   // Search raw data block for trigger time
00284   bool foundTriggerTime = false;
00285   while( DayaBay::RawModule* module = event->nextModule() ){
00286     if( module->isLocalTriggerModule() ){
00287       while( DayaBay::DataFragment* fragment = module->nextDataFragment() ){
00288         if( fragment->isLocalTriggerData() ){
00289           DayaBay::LocalTriggerData* ltbData = 
00290             dynamic_cast<DayaBay::LocalTriggerData*>(fragment);
00291           if(!ltbData){
00292             m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to access local trigger data fragment" << endreq;
00293             return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00294           }
00295           triggerTime = this->convertTriggerTime(ltbData);
00296           foundTriggerTime = true;
00297           break;
00298         }
00299         delete fragment;
00300       }
00301       if( foundTriggerTime ) break;
00302     }
00303     delete module;
00304   }
00305   event->resetModule();
00306   if(!foundTriggerTime)   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00307   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00308 }

Site::Site_t RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertSite ( unsigned int  daqSiteId  )  [private]

Definition at line 359 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00360 {
00361   // Convert site definition from DAQ to Offline convention 
00362   switch(daqSiteId){
00363     case 1:
00364       return Site::kDayaBay;
00365     case 2:
00366       return Site::kLingAo;
00367     case 3:
00368       return Site::kFar;
00369     case 4:
00370       return Site::kMid;
00371     case 6:
00372       return Site::kSAB;
00373     default:
00374       break;
00375   }
00376   return Site::kUnknown;
00377 }

DetectorId::DetectorId_t RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertDetector ( unsigned int  daqDetectorId  )  [private]

Definition at line 379 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00381 {
00382   // Convert detector definition from DAQ to Offline convention 
00383   switch(daqDetectorId){
00384     case 1:
00385       return DetectorId::kAD1;
00386     case 2:
00387       return DetectorId::kAD2;
00388     case 3:
00389       return DetectorId::kAD3;
00390     case 4:
00391       return DetectorId::kAD4;
00392     case 5:
00393       return DetectorId::kIWS;
00394     case 6:
00395       return DetectorId::kOWS;
00396     case 7:
00397       return DetectorId::kRPC;
00398     default:
00399       break;
00400   }
00401   return DetectorId::kUnknown;
00402 }

int RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertConnector ( unsigned int  daqChannelId  )  [private]

Definition at line 409 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00410 {
00411   return daqChannelId+1;
00412 }

int RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertBoard ( unsigned int  daqSlotId  )  [private]

Definition at line 404 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00405 {
00406   return daqSlotId;
00407 }

DayaBay::Trigger::TriggerType_t RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertTriggerType ( DayaBay::LocalTriggerData ltbData,
const DayaBay::Detector detector 
) [private]

Definition at line 414 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00417 {
00418   // Convert Online trigger type to Offline convention
00419   unsigned int triggerType = DayaBay::Trigger::kUnknown;
00420   if(ltbData->isManualTrigger())
00421     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kManual;
00422   if(ltbData->isCrossTrigger())
00423     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kCross;
00424   if(ltbData->isPeriodicTrigger())
00425     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kPeriodic;
00426   if(ltbData->isMultiplicityTrigger())
00427     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kMult;
00428   // FIXME: Need to add all Esum trigger types to offline convention
00429   if(ltbData->isEsumAdcTrigger())
00430     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kESum;
00431   if(ltbData->isEsumCompHighTrigger())
00432     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kESum;
00433   if(ltbData->isEsumCompLowTrigger())
00434     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kESum;
00435   if(ltbData->isEsumCompAllTrigger())
00436     triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kESum;
00438   switch(detector->detectorId()){
00439     case DetectorId::kAD1:
00440       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kAD1;
00441       break;
00442     case DetectorId::kAD2:
00443       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kAD2;
00444       break;
00445     case DetectorId::kAD3:
00446       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kAD3;
00447       break;
00448     case DetectorId::kAD4:
00449       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kAD4;
00450       break;
00451     case DetectorId::kIWS:
00452       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kIWS;
00453       break;
00454     case DetectorId::kOWS:
00455       triggerType |= DayaBay::Trigger::kOWS;
00456       break;
00457     default:
00458       break;
00459   }
00461   return static_cast<DayaBay::Trigger::TriggerType_t>(triggerType);
00462 }

TimeStamp RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertTriggerTime ( DayaBay::LocalTriggerData ltbData  )  [private]

Definition at line 311 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00312 {
00313   //Unpack Trigger time from raw LTB data block
00314   TimeStamp triggerTime;
00315   if(ltbData->isUnixTime()){
00316     triggerTime = TimeStamp(ltbData->unixtime(),
00317         ltbData->nanosecond()+ltbData->accumulation());
00318   }else if(ltbData->isUtcTime()){
00319     // This data format provides no 'year'
00320     // Estimate the year from the file start time
00321     if(  ltbData->days()  <  m_inputSvc->m_utcDay ){
00322       // Catch case where file spans new year
00323       m_inputSvc->m_fileYear++;
00324     }
00325     triggerTime = TimeStamp(m_inputSvc->m_fileYear,
00326         1 /*month*/,
00327         ltbData->days()+1 /*day in year*/,
00328         ltbData->hour(),
00329         ltbData->minute(),
00330         ltbData->second(),
00331         ltbData->nanosecond()+ltbData->accumulation(),
00332         true /*UTC*/);
00333     m_inputSvc->m_utcDay = ltbData->days();
00334   }else{
00335     // Date format from LTB Data version 0
00336     // The trigger times in m_inputSvc format have many issues; see DocDB-4635
00337     // Override using the file start time
00338     // Fix bug caused by 61s in a minute and 61m in an hour
00339     unsigned int seconds = ltbData->hour()*61*61 
00340       + ltbData->minute()*61 
00341       + ltbData->second();
00342     unsigned int hour = seconds / 3600;
00343     unsigned int minute = (seconds - hour*3600) / 60;
00344     unsigned int second = (seconds - (hour*3600 + minute*60));
00345     int timezoneOffset = -8*60*60; /* 8hr offset of PRC from UTC */
00346     triggerTime = TimeStamp(m_inputSvc->m_fileYear,  //ltbData->year(),
00347         m_inputSvc->m_fileMonth, //ltbData->month(),
00348         m_inputSvc->m_fileDay,   //ltbData->day(),
00349         hour,
00350         minute,
00351         second,
00352         (int)(ltbData->clock()*12.5) /* 80MHz clock */,
00353         true /*use UTC with timezone offset*/,
00354         timezoneOffset);
00355   }
00356   return triggerTime;
00357 }

DayaBay::FeeGain::FeeGain_t RawReadoutHeaderCnv::convertAdcRange ( unsigned int  daqAdcRange  )  [private]

Definition at line 464 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00466 {
00467   // Convert ADC Range definition from DAQ to Offline convention 
00468   switch(daqAdcRange){
00469     case 0:
00470       return DayaBay::FeeGain::kHigh;
00471     case 1:
00472       return DayaBay::FeeGain::kLow;
00473     default:
00474       break;
00475   }
00476   return DayaBay::FeeGain::kUnknown;
00477 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::unpackEvent ( DayaBay::RawEvent event,
DayaBay::Readout readout 
) [private]

Definition at line 480 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00482 {
00483   // Unpack raw data into readout object
00485   // Loop over modules
00486   while( DayaBay::RawModule* module = event->nextModule() ){
00487     StatusCode sc;
00488     if( module->isLocalTriggerModule() ){
00489       sc = this->unpackLtbModule(module, readout);
00490     }else if( module->isPmtFeeModule() ){
00491       sc = this->unpackFeeModule(module, 
00492           dynamic_cast<DayaBay::ReadoutPmtCrate*>(readout));
00493     }else if( module->isFlashAdcModule() ){
00494       //sc = this->unpackFlashAdcModule(module, readout);
00495     }else if( module->isRpcRomModule() ){
00496       //sc = this->unpackRpcRomModule(module, readout);
00497     }else if( module->isRpcRtmModule() ){
00498       //sc = this->unpackRpcRomModule(module, readout);
00499     }else{
00500       m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Cannot unpack unknown module type: " 
00501         << module->moduleType()<< endreq;
00502       sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
00503     }
00504     if( !sc.isSuccess() ){
00505       // Gracefully continue even if there is trouble reading a module
00506       continue;
00507     }
00508     delete module;
00509   }
00511   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00512 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::unpackLtbModule ( DayaBay::RawModule module,
DayaBay::Readout readout 
) [private]

Definition at line 514 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00516 {
00517   // Unpack the trigger data module
00518   bool firstTriggerFragment = true;
00519   TimeStamp triggerTime;
00521   while( DayaBay::DataFragment* fragment = module->nextDataFragment() ){
00522     if( fragment->isLocalTriggerData() ){
00523       // Process the trigger data fragment
00524       DayaBay::LocalTriggerData* ltbData = 
00525         dynamic_cast<DayaBay::LocalTriggerData*>(fragment);
00526       if(!ltbData){
00527         m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Bad Local Trigger Data fragment" << endreq;
00528         continue;
00529       }
00530       triggerTime = this->convertTriggerTime(ltbData);
00531       if(firstTriggerFragment){
00532         // Set trigger time, type, number according to first trigger data block
00533         readout->setTriggerTime( triggerTime );
00534         readout->setTriggerType(this->convertTriggerType(ltbData, 
00535               &(readout->detector())));
00536         // Get Trigger Number from head fragment
00537         DayaBay::HeadFragment* headFragment = module->headFragment();
00538         if( headFragment ){
00539           readout->setTriggerNumber( headFragment->triggerNumber() );
00540           delete headFragment;
00541         }else{
00542           m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Missing head fragment!" << endreq;
00543         }
00544         firstTriggerFragment = false;
00545       }else{
00546         if(triggerTime != readout->triggerTime()){
00547           TimeStamp dtTrigger( triggerTime );
00548           dtTrigger.Subtract( readout->triggerTime() );
00549           m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Additional trigger at dT = " <<  dtTrigger.GetSeconds()
00550             << " [s]" << endreq;
00551         }
00552       }
00553     }else{
00554       m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Unknown LTB data fragment type: " << fragment->dataType() 
00555         << endreq;
00556     }
00557     delete fragment;
00558   }
00559   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00560 }

StatusCode RawReadoutHeaderCnv::unpackFeeModule ( DayaBay::RawModule module,
DayaBay::ReadoutPmtCrate readout 
) [private]

Definition at line 562 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.cc.

00564 {
00565   // Unpack the front-end electronics data module
00566   if(!readout){
00567     m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Trying to add FEE data to a non-PMT readout"
00568       << endreq;
00569     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00570   }
00572   while( DayaBay::DataFragment* fragment = module->nextDataFragment() ){
00573     if( fragment->isFeePeakData() ){
00574       // Process the FEE peak-finding data fragment
00575       DayaBay::FeePeakData* feePeakData = 
00576         dynamic_cast<DayaBay::FeePeakData*>(fragment);
00577       if(!feePeakData){
00578         m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Bad FEE Peak-finding Data fragment" << endreq;
00579         continue;
00580       }
00581       // Add channel data to readout
00582       DayaBay::FeeChannelId channelId(
00583           this->convertBoard(module->slot()),
00584           this->convertConnector(feePeakData->channel()),
00585           readout->detector().site(),
00586           readout->detector().detectorId()); 
00588       DayaBay::ReadoutPmtChannel& feeChannel = readout->channel(channelId);
00589       if(feeChannel.channelId() != channelId){
00590         // New channel, initialize
00591         feeChannel.setChannelId(channelId);
00592         feeChannel.setMode(0x1); // Peak-finding
00593         feeChannel.setReadout(readout);
00594       }
00595       // Add hit data
00596       feeChannel.tdc().push_back( feePeakData->tdc() );
00597       feeChannel.tdcHitCount().push_back( feePeakData->tdcHitCount() );
00598       feeChannel.adc().push_back( feePeakData->adc() );
00599       feeChannel.adcRange().push_back( 
00600           this->convertAdcRange(feePeakData->adcRange()) );
00601       feeChannel.adcCycle().push_back( feePeakData->peakCycle() );
00602       if( feePeakData->hasAdcPedestal() )
00603         feeChannel.pedestal().push_back( feePeakData->adcPedestal() ); 
00604     }else{
00605       m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Unknown FEE data fragment type: " << fragment->dataType() 
00606         << endreq;
00607     }
00608     delete fragment;
00609   }
00610   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00611 }

Member Data Documentation

MsgStream RawReadoutHeaderCnv::m_log [mutable, private]

Definition at line 72 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

IRawDataInputSvc* RawReadoutHeaderCnv::m_inputSvc [private]

Definition at line 74 of file RawReadoutHeaderCnv.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:27:05 2011 for RawDataIO by doxygen 1.4.7