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In This Package:

SoDetConverter Class Reference

#include <SoDetConverter.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoDetConverter:

Collaboration diagram for SoDetConverter:
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode initialize ()
virtual StatusCode finalize ()
virtual long repSvcType () const
 SoDetConverter (ISvcLocator *, CLID)
virtual ~SoDetConverter ()
SoNode * volumeToSoDetectorTreeKit (const ILVolume &, const Gaudi::Transform3D &, bool=false)
MsgStreamout ()
virtual StatusCode queryInterface (const InterfaceID &riid, void **ppvInterface)
virtual unsigned long addRef ()
virtual unsigned long release ()
virtual StatusCode setDataProvider (IDataProviderSvc *svc)
virtual IDataProviderSvcdataProvider () const
virtual StatusCode setConversionSvc (IConversionSvc *svc)
virtual IConversionSvcconversionSvc () const
virtual StatusCode setAddressCreator (IAddressCreator *creator)
virtual IAddressCreatoraddressCreator () const
virtual const CLIDobjType () const
virtual long i_repSvcType () const
virtual StatusCode createObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *&refpObject)
virtual StatusCode fillObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObj (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *refpObject)
virtual StatusCode updateObjRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode createRep (DataObject *pObject, IOpaqueAddress *&refpAddress)
virtual StatusCode fillRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRep (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
virtual StatusCode updateRepRefs (IOpaqueAddress *pAddress, DataObject *pObject)
StatusCode service (const std::string &name, T *&psvc, bool createIf=false) const
StatusCode service (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, T *&psvc) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const InterfaceIDinterfaceID ()

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

ISvcLocatorserviceLocator () const
IMessageSvcmsgSvc () const
IMessageSvcmessageService () const
IDataManagerSvcdataManager () const

Protected Attributes


Private Member Functions

SbPolyhedron * solidToSbPolyhedron (const ISolid &)
SbPolyhedron * simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron (const ISolid &)
SbPolyhedron * booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron (const ISolid &)

Private Attributes

SoStyleCache * fStyleCache
int fRotationSteps
bool fDoBooleanOperation

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file SoDetConverter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoDetConverter::SoDetConverter ( ISvcLocator ,


Definition at line 75 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00076   :Converter(So_TechnologyType, clid, aSvcLoc)
00077   ,fSoCnvSvc(0)
00078   ,fUISvc(0)
00079   ,m_visSvc(0)
00080   ,m_out(0)
00081   ,fStyleCache(0)
00082   ,fRotationSteps(None)
00083   ,fDoBooleanOperation(true)
00086 {
00087   m_out = new MsgStream(msgSvc(),"SoDetConverter");
00088   StatusCode sc = aSvcLoc->service ("VisualizationSvc", m_visSvc, true);
00089   if (!sc.isSuccess()) {
00090     (*m_out) << MSG::WARNING << "Unable to get VisualizationSvc" << endreq;
00091   }
00092   fStyleCache = new SoStyleCache;
00093   fStyleCache->ref();
00094 }

SoDetConverter::~SoDetConverter (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 96 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00099 {
00100   //printf("debug : SoStyleCache children %d\n",fStyleCache->getNumChildren());
00101   fStyleCache->unref();
00103   delete m_out;
00104 }

Member Function Documentation

StatusCode SoDetConverter::initialize (  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 106 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00109 {
00110   StatusCode status = Converter::initialize();
00111   if(status.isFailure()) return status;
00112   status = serviceLocator()->service("SoConversionSvc",fSoCnvSvc);
00113   if(status.isFailure()) return status;
00114   status = serviceLocator()->service("OnXSvc",fUISvc);
00115   if(status.isFailure()) return status;
00116   return status;
00117 }

StatusCode SoDetConverter::finalize (  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from Converter.

Definition at line 119 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00122 {
00123   //The below "release()" induce crash at exit :
00124   //debug if(fSoCnvSvc) fSoCnvSvc->release();
00125   //debug if(fUISvc) fUISvc->release();
00126   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00127 }

long SoDetConverter::repSvcType (  )  const [virtual]


Implements Converter.

Definition at line 129 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00132 {
00133   return i_repSvcType();
00134 }

SoNode * SoDetConverter::volumeToSoDetectorTreeKit ( const ILVolume ,
const Gaudi::Transform3D ,
bool  = false 


Definition at line 138 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00145 {
00146   ISession* session = fUISvc->session();
00147   if(!session) return 0;
00149   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SoDetConverter" );
00151   // Get visualization attributes :
00152   std::string value;
00153   double r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5;
00154   //double hr = 1.0, hg = 1.0, hb = 1.0;
00155   double transparency = 0;
00156   bool modelingSolid = true;
00157   fRotationSteps = None;
00158   // Look in the ISession :
00159   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.color",value))
00160     if(!Lib::smanip::torgb(value,r,g,b)) { r = 0.5; g = 0.5; b = 0.5;}
00161   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.transparency",value))
00162     if(!Lib::smanip::todouble(value,transparency)) transparency = 0;
00163   //if(session->parameterValue("modeling.highlightColor",value))
00164   //  if(!Lib::smanip::torgb(value,hr,hg,hb)) { hr = 1; hg = 1; hb = 1;}
00165   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.modeling",value)) {
00166     modelingSolid = (value=="solid" ? true : false);
00167   } else { //Backward compatibility
00168     if(session->parameterValue("modeling.type",value)) {
00169       modelingSolid = (value=="solid" ? true : false);
00170     }
00171   }
00172   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.rotationSteps",value)) {
00173     if(!Lib::smanip::toint(value,fRotationSteps)) fRotationSteps = None;
00174   }
00175   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.doBooleanOperation",value)) {
00176     if(!Lib::smanip::tobool(value,fDoBooleanOperation)) fDoBooleanOperation = true;
00177   }
00179   bool modelingOpened = aOpened;
00180   bool modelingVisible = true;
00182   // Override with VisSvc is needed :
00183   bool useVisSvc = true;
00184   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.useVisSvc",value)) {
00185     if(!Lib::smanip::tobool(value,useVisSvc)) useVisSvc = true;
00186   }
00188   VisAttribute attr;
00189   if(m_visSvc && useVisSvc) {
00190     attr = m_visSvc->visAttribute(&aLVolume);
00191     const Color color = attr.color();
00192     if (color.isValid()) {
00193       r = color.red();
00194       g = color.green();
00195       b = color.blue();
00196       transparency = color.alpha();
00197     }
00198     if(attr.displayMode()==VisAttribute::WIRE_FRAME) {
00199       modelingSolid = false;
00200     }
00201     if(attr.openStatus()==VisAttribute::OPENED) {
00202       modelingOpened = true;
00203     }
00204     if(attr.visible()==VisAttribute::NOT_VISIBLE) {
00205       modelingVisible = false;
00206     }
00207   }
00209   log << MSG::DEBUG << " opened " << modelingOpened << endreq;
00211   // Logical volume
00212   SoNode* node = 0;
00213   const ISolid* solid = aLVolume.solid();
00214   if(!solid) {
00215     //This may happen.
00216   } else {
00217     SbPolyhedron* result = solidToSbPolyhedron(*solid);
00218     if(result) {
00219       SoPolyhedron* soPolyhedron = new SoPolyhedron(*result);
00220       delete (result);
00221       soPolyhedron->solid.setValue(modelingSolid);
00222       node = soPolyhedron;
00223     }
00224   }
00226   if(node) {
00227     std::string s;
00228     Lib::smanip::printf(s,128,"LVolume/0x%lx",(unsigned long)&aLVolume);
00229     node->setName(s.c_str());
00230   }
00232   // Deal with the Transformation :
00233   Gaudi::Rotation3D rot;
00234   Gaudi::XYZVector c;
00235   aMatrix.GetDecomposition(rot,c);
00236   c = c * -1.0;
00237   rot.Invert();
00238   //Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle(rot);
00239   const Gaudi::Quaternion q(rot);
00240   Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle( q );
00241   double angle;
00242   Gaudi::XYZVector v;
00243   axisAngle.GetComponents(v,angle);
00245   int childn = aLVolume.noPVolumes();
00246   log << MSG::DEBUG << " childn " << childn << " node " << node << endreq;
00247   if(childn==0) {
00249     //  Do not put an SoDetectorTreeKit here.
00250     // If so, "expanding" (with "ctrl-pick") will lead to an empty
00251     // scene without the possibility to "contract" by "shift-pick" something !
00253     // Only display if a node is present and if the visualization attribute
00254     // is ok
00255     if (node && modelingVisible) {
00256       SoSeparator* separator = new SoSeparator;
00257       separator->setName("sceneGraph");
00259       if(modelingSolid) {
00260         separator->addChild
00261           (fStyleCache->getMaterial(SbColor((float)r,(float)g,(float)b),(float)transparency));
00262         separator->addChild(fStyleCache->getLightModelPhong());
00263       } else { //SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR);
00264         separator->addChild
00265           (fStyleCache->getMaterial(SbColor((float)r,(float)g,(float)b),(float)transparency,TRUE));
00266         separator->addChild(fStyleCache->getLightModelBaseColor());
00267       }
00269       // The volume is placed and rotated :
00270       SbMatrix mtx;
00271       mtx.makeIdentity();
00272      {SbMatrix tmp;
00273       tmp.setRotate(SbRotation(SbVec3f((float)v.x(),(float)v.y(),(float)v.z()),
00274                                        (float)angle));
00275       mtx.multLeft(tmp);}
00276      {SbMatrix tmp;
00277       tmp.setTranslate(SbVec3f((float)c.x(),(float)c.y(),(float)c.z()));
00278       mtx.multLeft(tmp);} //Applied first.
00280       SoTransform* transform = new SoTransform;
00281       transform->setMatrix(mtx); //will set the SoFields (needed for VRML).
00283       // The volume is placed and rotated :
00284       separator->addChild(transform);
00285       separator->addChild(node);
00286       return separator;
00288     } else {
00289       if(node) node->unref();
00290       return 0;
00291     }
00293   } else {
00295     SoDetTreeKit* dtk = new SoDetTreeKit(aLVolume,modelingSolid,this);
00297     // Override the default SoEventCallback :
00298     SoEventCallback* evtCbk =
00299       (SoEventCallback*)dtk->getPart("callbackList[0]",FALSE);
00300     if(evtCbk) {
00301       SoEventCallback* eventCallback = new SoEventCallback;
00303       eventCallback->addEventCallback(SoMouseButtonEvent::getClassTypeId(),
00304                                       expand,dtk);
00305       eventCallback->addEventCallback(SoMouseButtonEvent::getClassTypeId(),
00306                                       contract,dtk);
00307       if(dtk->setPart("callbackList[0]",eventCallback)==FALSE)
00308         eventCallback->unref();
00309     }
00311     // The volume is placed and rotated :
00312     SbMatrix mtx;
00313     mtx.makeIdentity();
00314    {SbMatrix tmp;
00315     tmp.setRotate(SbRotation(SbVec3f((float)v.x(),(float)v.y(),(float)v.z()),
00316                                      (float)angle));
00317     mtx.multLeft(tmp);}
00318    {SbMatrix tmp;
00319     tmp.setTranslate(SbVec3f((float)c.x(),(float)c.y(),(float)c.z()));
00320     mtx.multLeft(tmp);} //Applied first.
00322     SoTransform* transform = (SoTransform*)dtk->getPart("transform",TRUE);
00323     transform->setMatrix(mtx); //will set the SoFields (needed for VRML).
00325     // Only display if a node is present and if the visualization attributes
00326     // are ok (visibility and open status)
00328     SoSeparator* previewSeparator =
00329       (SoSeparator*)dtk->getPart("previewSeparator",TRUE);
00331     bool childOpened = false;
00332     if (node && modelingVisible) {
00334       SoSeparator* separator = new SoSeparator;
00335       separator->setName("sceneGraph");
00337       if(modelingSolid) {
00338         separator->addChild
00339           (fStyleCache->getMaterial
00340             (SbColor((float)r,(float)g,(float)b),(float)transparency));
00341         separator->addChild(fStyleCache->getLightModelPhong());
00342       } else { //SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR);
00343         separator->addChild
00344           (fStyleCache->getMaterial
00345            (SbColor((float)r,(float)g,(float)b),(float)transparency,TRUE));
00346         separator->addChild(fStyleCache->getLightModelBaseColor());
00347       }
00349       separator->addChild(new SoTransform); // For manipulators.
00350       separator->addChild(node);
00352       previewSeparator->addChild(separator);
00354       if(modelingOpened) dtk->setPreview(FALSE);
00355     } else {
00356       dtk->setPreview(FALSE);
00357       if(node) node->unref();
00358       else childOpened = aOpened;
00359     }
00361     SoSeparator* fullSeparator =
00362       (SoSeparator*)dtk->getPart("fullSeparator",TRUE);
00364     // Only display children if no node present or the node is opened
00365     if (!node || modelingOpened) {
00366       // Descend to find a level with something to represent.
00367       for(int count=0;count<childn;count++) {
00368         const IPVolume* pvolume = aLVolume[count];
00369         if (!pvolume) {
00370           log << MSG::ERROR << "found a null pvolume in " << aLVolume.name()
00371               << " at index " << count
00372               << ". Check the name of the logical volume associated to it"
00373               << endreq;
00374         } else {
00375           if(!pvolume->lvolume()) {
00376             log << MSG::ERROR << "pvolume with a null lvolume." << endreq;
00377           } else {
00378             SoNode* child = volumeToSoDetectorTreeKit(*(pvolume->lvolume()),
00379                                                       pvolume->matrix(),
00380                                                       childOpened);
00381             if (child) fullSeparator->addChild(child);
00382           }
00383         }
00384       }
00385     }
00387     if(fullSeparator->getNumChildren()==0) {
00388       // Nothing to visualize in daughters.
00389       dtk->setPreview(TRUE);
00390       if(previewSeparator->getNumChildren()==0) {
00391         // Nothing to preview too.
00392         // Can't have an SoDetectorTreeKit, else "expanding" it
00393         // will lead to an empty scene.
00394         dtk->unref();
00395         return 0;
00396       }
00397     }
00398     // Note that we can have a dtk with daughters but
00399     // with nothing to preview. Have to protect the "contract".
00401     return dtk;
00402   }
00404 }

MsgStream * SoDetConverter::out (  ) 

Definition at line 136 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00136 { return m_out;}

SbPolyhedron * SoDetConverter::solidToSbPolyhedron ( const ISolid  )  [private]


Definition at line 406 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00411 {
00412   SbPolyhedron* result = simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron(aSolid);
00413   if(!result) result = booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron(aSolid);
00414   if(!result) {
00415     std::string type = aSolid.typeName();
00416     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),"SoDetConverter::solidToSbPolyhedron");
00417     log << MSG::INFO
00418         << " type " << type << " not treated."
00419         << endreq;
00420   }
00421   return result;
00422 }

SbPolyhedron * SoDetConverter::simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron ( const ISolid  )  [private]


Definition at line 424 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00429 {
00430 #ifdef WIN32 //FIXME. Waiting code of HEPVis of OSC-v15r0p2
00431   //SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() is unusable on WIN32.
00432   int oldRotationSteps = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS;
00433 #else
00434   int oldRotationSteps = SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() ;
00435 #endif
00437   if(fRotationSteps!=None)
00438     SbPolyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(fRotationSteps);
00440   SbPolyhedron* result = 0;
00442   if(const SolidBox* box = dynamic_cast<const SolidBox*>(&aSolid)) {
00443     result = new SbPolyhedronBox(box->xHalfLength(),
00444                                  box->yHalfLength(),
00445                                  box->zHalfLength());
00446   } else if(const SolidCons* cons = dynamic_cast<const SolidCons*>(&aSolid)) {
00447     result = new SbPolyhedronCons(cons->innerRadiusAtMinusZ(),
00448                                   cons->outerRadiusAtMinusZ(),
00449                                   cons->innerRadiusAtPlusZ(),
00450                                   cons->outerRadiusAtPlusZ(),
00451                                   cons->zHalfLength(),
00452                                   cons->startPhiAngle(),
00453                                   cons->deltaPhiAngle());
00454   } else if(const SolidPolycone* cons =
00455             dynamic_cast<const SolidPolycone*>(&aSolid)) {
00456     unsigned int nb = cons->number();
00457     if(nb<=0) {
00458       MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SoDetConverter::simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00459       log << MSG::INFO
00460           << " SolidPolycone with null cons->number()."
00461           << endreq;
00462     } else {
00463       double* z = new double[nb];
00464       double* innerRadius = new double[nb];
00465       double* outerRadius = new double[nb];
00466       unsigned int i = 0;
00467       for (SolidPolycone::Iterator it=cons->begin();it < cons->end();it++) {
00468         z[i] = (*it).first;
00469         outerRadius[i] = (*it).second.first;
00470         innerRadius[i] = (*it).second.second;
00471         i++;
00472       }
00473       result =  new SbPolyhedronPcon(cons->startPhiAngle(),
00474                                      cons->deltaPhiAngle(),
00475                                      nb,
00476                                      z,
00477                                      innerRadius,
00478                                      outerRadius);
00479       delete [] z;
00480       delete [] innerRadius;
00481       delete [] outerRadius;
00483     }
00484   } else if(const SolidSphere* sphere =
00485             dynamic_cast<const SolidSphere*>(&aSolid)) {
00487     if( (sphere->deltaPhiAngle()<=0) || (sphere->deltaThetaAngle()<=0) ){
00488       MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SoDetConverter::simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00489       log << MSG::INFO
00490           << " SolidSphere with null deltaPhiAngle or deltaThetaAngle."
00491           << endreq;
00492     } else {
00494       // The default SbPolyhedronSphere algorithm takes
00495       // SbPolyhedron::DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS (24) for a compleete sphere.
00497       // Have SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() steps for the
00498       // piece of sphere only.
00500       // Customize the modeling number of rotation steps :
00501       int nphi = int(M_PI_2 / sphere->deltaPhiAngle());
00502       int ntheta = int(M_PI / sphere->deltaThetaAngle());
00504       //int rotationSteps =
00505       //SbMaximum(nphi,ntheta) * SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps();
00507       int rotationSteps = SbMaximum(nphi,ntheta);
00508 #ifdef WIN32 //FIXME. Waiting code of HEPVis of OSC-v15r0p2
00509       //SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() is unusable on WIN32.
00510       rotationSteps *=
00511         (fRotationSteps!=None ? fRotationSteps : DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS);
00512 #else
00513       rotationSteps *= SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps();
00514 #endif
00515       if(rotationSteps<=0) rotationSteps = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS;
00516       SbPolyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(rotationSteps);
00518       result = new SbPolyhedronSphere(sphere->insideRadius(),
00519                                       sphere->outerRadius(),
00520                                       sphere->startPhiAngle(),
00521                                       sphere->deltaPhiAngle(),
00522                                       sphere->startThetaAngle(),
00523                                       sphere->deltaThetaAngle());
00525     }
00527   } else if(const SolidTubs* tubs = dynamic_cast<const SolidTubs*>(&aSolid)) {
00529     if( (tubs->deltaPhiAngle()<=0) ){
00530       MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SoDetConverter::simpleSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00531       log << MSG::INFO
00532           << " SolidTubs with null deltaPhiAngle."
00533           << endreq;
00534     } else {
00536       // The default SbPolyhedronSphere algorithm takes
00537       // SbPolyhedron::DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS (24) for a compleete tubs.
00539       // Have SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() steps for the
00540       // piece of tubs only.
00542       // Customize the modeling number of rotation steps :
00543       int rotationSteps = int(M_PI_2 / tubs->deltaPhiAngle());
00545 #ifdef WIN32 //FIXME. Waiting code of HEPVis of OSC-v15r0p2
00546       //SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps() is unusable on WIN32.
00547       rotationSteps *=
00548         (fRotationSteps!=None ? fRotationSteps : DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS);
00549 #else
00550       rotationSteps *= SbPolyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps();
00551 #endif
00552       if(rotationSteps<=0) rotationSteps = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS;
00553       SbPolyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(rotationSteps);
00555       result = new SbPolyhedronTubs(tubs->innerRadius(),
00556                                     tubs->outerRadius(),
00557                                     tubs->zHalfLength(),
00558                                     tubs->startPhiAngle(),
00559                                     tubs->deltaPhiAngle());
00560     }
00562   } else if(const SolidTrd* trd = dynamic_cast<const SolidTrd*>(&aSolid)) {
00563     result = new SbPolyhedronTrd2(trd->xHalfLength1(),
00564                                   trd->xHalfLength2(),
00565                                   trd->yHalfLength1(),
00566                                   trd->yHalfLength2(),
00567                                   trd->zHalfLength());
00568   } else if(const SolidTrap* trap = dynamic_cast<const SolidTrap*>(&aSolid)) {
00569     result = new SbPolyhedronTrap(trap->zHalfLength(),
00570                                   trap->theta(),
00571                                   trap->phi(),
00572                                   trap->dyAtMinusZ(),
00573                                   trap->dxAtMinusZMinusY(),
00574                                   trap->dxAtMinusZPlusY(),
00575                                   trap->alphaAtMinusZ(),
00576                                   trap->dyAtPlusZ(),
00577                                   trap->dxAtPlusZMinusY(),
00578                                   trap->dxAtPlusZPlusY(),
00579                                   trap->alphaAtPlusZ());
00580   } else {
00581     // Continue without message.
00582   }
00584   SbPolyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(oldRotationSteps);
00586   return result;
00587 }

SbPolyhedron * SoDetConverter::booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron ( const ISolid  )  [private]


Definition at line 589 of file SoDetConverter.cpp.

00594 {
00595   if (const SolidSubtraction* sub =
00596       dynamic_cast<const SolidSubtraction*>(&aSolid)) {
00598     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),"SoDetConverter::booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00599     log << MSG::DEBUG << " SolidSubtraction" << endreq;
00601     if(!sub->first()) return 0;
00603     SbPolyhedron* sbPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*(sub->first()));
00604     if(!sbPoly) return 0;
00605     sbPoly->setName(sub->first()->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00606     if(!fDoBooleanOperation) return sbPoly;
00608     SbPolyhedronProcessor sbPP; //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00610     int childn = sub->noChildrens();
00611     for(int count=0;count<childn;count++) {
00612       if(!((*sub)[count])) {
00613         delete sbPoly;
00614         return 0;
00615       }
00616       const SolidChild* solidChild  =
00617         dynamic_cast<const SolidChild*>((*sub)[count]);
00618       if(!solidChild) {
00619         delete sbPoly;
00620         return 0;
00621       }
00622       const ISolid* solidChildSolid = solidChild->solid();
00623       if(!solidChildSolid) {
00624         delete sbPoly;
00625         return 0;
00626       }
00627       SbPolyhedron* scsPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*solidChildSolid);
00628       if(!scsPoly) {
00629         delete sbPoly;
00630         return 0;
00631       }
00632       scsPoly->setName(solidChildSolid->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00634       // Rotated then placed (the reverse of the logical/physical placement) :
00635       Gaudi::XYZVector trans;
00636       Gaudi::Rotation3D rot;
00637       solidChild->matrix().GetDecomposition(rot,trans);
00638       trans = trans * -1.0;
00639       rot.Invert();
00640       //Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle(rot);
00641       const Gaudi::Quaternion q(rot);
00642       Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle( q );
00643       Gaudi::XYZVector v;
00644       double angle;
00645       axisAngle.GetComponents(v,angle);
00647       //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00648       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(1, 0, 0),0),
00649                          SbVec3d(trans.x(),trans.y(),trans.z()));
00650       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()),angle),
00651                          SbVec3d(0, 0, 0));
00652       sbPP.push_back(SbPolyhedronProcessor::SUBTRACTION,*scsPoly);
00654       //OSC_VERSION_16_2
00655       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f(1, 0, 0),0),
00656       //                   SbVec3f((float)trans.x(),(float)trans.y(),(float)trans.z()));
00657       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f((float)v.x(),(float)v.y(),(float)v.z()),(float)angle),SbVec3f(0, 0, 0));
00658       //*sbPoly = sbPoly->subtract(*scsPoly);
00660       delete scsPoly;
00661     }
00663     //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00664     if(sbPP.execute(*sbPoly)==FALSE) {
00665       log << MSG::INFO << " SolidSubtraction failed" << endreq;
00666     }
00668     return sbPoly;
00670   } else if(const SolidIntersection* inter =
00671             dynamic_cast<const SolidIntersection*>(&aSolid)) {
00673     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),"SoDetConverter::booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00674     log << MSG::DEBUG << " SolidIntersection" << endreq;
00676     if(!inter->first()) return 0;
00678     SbPolyhedron* sbPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*(inter->first()));
00679     if(!sbPoly) return 0;
00680     sbPoly->setName(inter->first()->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00681     if(!fDoBooleanOperation) return sbPoly;
00683     SbPolyhedronProcessor sbPP; //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00685     int childn = inter->noChildrens();
00686     for(int count=0;count<childn;count++) {
00687       if(!((*inter)[count])) {
00688         delete sbPoly;
00689         return 0;
00690       }
00691       const SolidChild* solidChild  =
00692         dynamic_cast<const SolidChild*>((*inter)[count]);
00693       if(!solidChild) {
00694         delete sbPoly;
00695         return 0;
00696       }
00697       const ISolid* solidChildSolid = solidChild->solid();
00698       if(!solidChildSolid) {
00699         delete sbPoly;
00700         return 0;
00701       }
00702       SbPolyhedron* scsPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*solidChildSolid);
00703       if(!scsPoly) {
00704         delete sbPoly;
00705         return 0;
00706       }
00707       scsPoly->setName(solidChildSolid->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00708       // Rotated then placed (the reverse of the logical/physical placement) :
00710       Gaudi::XYZVector trans;
00711       Gaudi::Rotation3D rot;
00712       solidChild->matrix().GetDecomposition(rot,trans);
00713       trans = trans * -1.0;
00714       rot.Invert();
00715       //Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle(rot);
00716       const Gaudi::Quaternion q(rot);
00717       Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle( q );
00718       Gaudi::XYZVector v;
00719       double angle;
00720       axisAngle.GetComponents(v,angle);
00722       //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00723       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(1, 0, 0),0),
00724                          SbVec3d(trans.x(),trans.y(),trans.z()));
00725       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()),angle),
00726                          SbVec3d(0, 0, 0));
00727       sbPP.push_back(SbPolyhedronProcessor::INTERSECTION,*scsPoly);
00729       //OSC_VERSION_16_2
00730       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f(1, 0, 0),0),
00731       //                   SbVec3f((float)trans.x(),(float)trans.y(),(float)trans.z()));
00732       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f((float)v.x(),(float)v.y(),(float)v.z()),(float)angle),SbVec3f(0, 0, 0));
00733       //*sbPoly = sbPoly->intersect(*scsPoly);
00735       delete scsPoly;
00736     }
00738     //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00739     if(sbPP.execute(*sbPoly)==FALSE) {
00740       log << MSG::INFO << " SolidIntersection failed" << endreq;
00741     }
00743     return sbPoly;
00745   } else if(const SolidUnion* un = dynamic_cast<const SolidUnion*>(&aSolid)) {
00747     MsgStream log(msgSvc(),"SoDetConverter::booleanSolidToSbPolyhedron");
00748     log << MSG::DEBUG << " SolidUnion" << endreq;
00750     if(!un->first()) return 0;
00752     SbPolyhedron* sbPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*(un->first()));
00753     if(!sbPoly) return 0;
00754     sbPoly->setName(un->first()->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00755     if(!fDoBooleanOperation) return sbPoly;
00757     SbPolyhedronProcessor sbPP; //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00759     int childn = un->noChildrens();
00760     for(int count=0;count<childn;count++) {
00761       if(!((*un)[count])) {
00762         delete sbPoly;
00763         return 0;
00764       }
00765       const SolidChild* solidChild  =
00766         dynamic_cast<const SolidChild*>((*un)[count]);
00767       if(!solidChild) {
00768         delete sbPoly;
00769         return 0;
00770       }
00771       const ISolid* solidChildSolid = solidChild->solid();
00772       if(!solidChildSolid) {
00773         delete sbPoly;
00774         return 0;
00775       }
00776       SbPolyhedron* scsPoly = solidToSbPolyhedron(*solidChildSolid);
00777       if(!scsPoly) {
00778         delete sbPoly;
00779         return 0;
00780       }
00781       scsPoly->setName(solidChildSolid->name().c_str()); //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00783       // Rotated then placed (the reverse of the logical/physical placement) :
00784       Gaudi::XYZVector trans;
00785       Gaudi::Rotation3D rot;
00786       solidChild->matrix().GetDecomposition(rot,trans);
00787       trans = trans * -1.0;
00788       rot.Invert();
00789       //Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle(rot);
00790       const Gaudi::Quaternion q(rot);
00791       Gaudi::AxisAngle axisAngle( q );
00792       Gaudi::XYZVector v;
00793       double angle;
00794       axisAngle.GetComponents(v,angle);
00796       //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00797       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(1, 0, 0),0),
00798                          SbVec3d(trans.x(),trans.y(),trans.z()));
00799       scsPoly->Transform(HEPVis::SbRotation(SbVec3d(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()),angle),
00800                          SbVec3d(0, 0, 0));
00801       sbPP.push_back(SbPolyhedronProcessor::UNION,*scsPoly);
00803       //OSC_VERSION_16_2
00804       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f(1, 0, 0),0),
00805       //                   SbVec3f((float)trans.x(),(float)trans.y(),(float)trans.z()));
00806       //scsPoly->Transform(SbRotation(SbVec3f((float)v.x(),(float)v.y(),(float)v.z()),(float)angle),SbVec3f(0, 0, 0));
00807       //*sbPoly = sbPoly->add(*scsPoly);
00809       delete scsPoly;
00810     }
00812     //OSC_VERSION_16_3
00813     if(sbPP.execute(*sbPoly)==FALSE) {
00814       log << MSG::INFO << " SolidUnion failed" << endreq;
00815     }
00817     return sbPoly;
00818   }
00819   return 0;
00820 }

Member Data Documentation

ISoConversionSvc* SoDetConverter::fSoCnvSvc [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file SoDetConverter.h.

IUserInterfaceSvc* SoDetConverter::fUISvc [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file SoDetConverter.h.

IVisualizationSvc* SoDetConverter::m_visSvc [private]

Definition at line 51 of file SoDetConverter.h.

MsgStream* SoDetConverter::m_out [private]

Definition at line 52 of file SoDetConverter.h.

SoStyleCache* SoDetConverter::fStyleCache [private]

Definition at line 53 of file SoDetConverter.h.

int SoDetConverter::fRotationSteps [private]

Definition at line 54 of file SoDetConverter.h.

bool SoDetConverter::fDoBooleanOperation [private]

Definition at line 55 of file SoDetConverter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:02:30 2011 for SoDet by doxygen 1.4.7