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In This Package:

GenParticleType Class Reference

#include <Types.h>

Collaboration diagram for GenParticleType:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::string name () const
virtual Lib::IIterator * iterator ()
virtual Lib::Variable value (Lib::Identifier, const std::string &, void *)
virtual void visualize (Lib::Identifier, void *)
 GenParticleType (IParticlePropertySvc *, IDataProviderSvc *, IUserInterfaceSvc *)

Static Public Member Functions

static void represent (HepMC::GenParticle *, ISession *, SoRegion *, IParticlePropertySvc *)
static void representDecay (HepMC::GenParticle *, ISession *, SoRegion *, IParticlePropertySvc *)

Private Member Functions

void clear ()

Private Attributes

std::string fType

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file Types.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GenParticleType::GenParticleType ( IParticlePropertySvc ,
IDataProviderSvc ,


Definition at line 43 of file Types.cpp.

00048 :OnX::BaseType(aUISvc->printer())
00049 ,fType("GenParticle")
00050 ,fParticlePropertySvc(aParticlePropertySvc)
00051 ,fDataProviderSvc(aDataProviderSvc)
00052 ,fUISvc(aUISvc)
00055 {
00056   addProperty("particle",Lib::Property::STRING);
00057   addProperty("barcode",Lib::Property::INTEGER);
00058   addProperty("pdg_id",Lib::Property::INTEGER);
00059   addProperty("energy",Lib::Property::DOUBLE);
00060   addProperty("pt",Lib::Property::DOUBLE);
00061   addProperty("charge",Lib::Property::DOUBLE,6);
00062   addProperty("beg_vtx",Lib::Property::BOOLEAN);
00063   addProperty("end_vtx",Lib::Property::BOOLEAN);
00064   addProperty("beg_vtx_d",Lib::Property::DOUBLE);
00065   addProperty("end_vtx_d",Lib::Property::DOUBLE);
00066   addProperty("beg_vtx_barcode",Lib::Property::INTEGER);
00067   addProperty("end_vtx_barcode",Lib::Property::INTEGER);
00068 }

Member Function Documentation

std::string GenParticleType::name (  )  const [virtual]


Definition at line 70 of file Types.cpp.

00073 {
00074   return fType;
00075 }

Lib::IIterator * GenParticleType::iterator (  )  [virtual]


Definition at line 77 of file Types.cpp.

00081 {
00082   if(!fDataProviderSvc) return 0;
00083   SmartDataPtr<DataObject> 
00084     smartDataObject(fDataProviderSvc,"/Event/McEventCollection");
00085   if(smartDataObject) {}
00086   DataObject* dataObject = 0;
00087   StatusCode sc = 
00088     fDataProviderSvc->retrieveObject("/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents", dataObject);
00089   if(!sc.isSuccess()) return 0;
00090   LHCb::HepMCEvents* mcEvents = dynamic_cast<LHCb::HepMCEvents*>(dataObject);
00091   if(!mcEvents) return 0;
00093   class Iterator : public Lib::IIterator {
00094   public: //Lib::IIterator
00095     virtual Lib::Identifier object() {
00096       if(fIterator==fEvent.particles_end()) return 0;
00097       return *fIterator;
00098     }
00099     virtual void next() { ++fIterator;}
00100     virtual void* tag() { return 0;}
00101   public:
00102     Iterator(HepMC::GenEvent& aEvent):fEvent(aEvent) {
00103       fIterator = fEvent.particles_begin();
00104     }
00105   private:
00106     HepMC::GenEvent& fEvent;
00107     HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator fIterator;
00108   };
00110   LHCb::HepMCEvents::iterator it;
00111   for(it=mcEvents->begin();it!=mcEvents->end();it++) {
00112     // In principle we should have only one McEvent :
00113     HepMC::GenEvent* genEvent = (*it)->pGenEvt();
00114     return new Iterator(*genEvent);
00115   }
00116   return 0;
00117 }

Lib::Variable GenParticleType::value ( Lib::Identifier  ,
const std::string &  ,
void *   
) [virtual]


Definition at line 119 of file Types.cpp.

00126 {
00127   HepMC::GenParticle* obj = (HepMC::GenParticle*)aIdentifier;
00128   if(aName=="id") {
00129     return Lib::Variable(printer(),(void*)obj);
00130   } else if(aName=="particle") {
00131     if(fParticlePropertySvc) {
00132       ParticleProperty* pp = 
00133         fParticlePropertySvc->findByStdHepID((int)obj->pdg_id());
00134       if(pp) return Lib::Variable(printer(),pp->particle());
00135     }
00136     return Lib::Variable(printer(),std::string("nil"));
00137   } else if(aName=="barcode") {
00138     return Lib::Variable(printer(),obj->barcode());
00139   } else if(aName=="pdg_id") {
00140     return Lib::Variable(printer(),(int)(obj->pdg_id()));
00141   } else if(aName=="energy") {
00142     return Lib::Variable(printer(),obj->momentum().e());
00143   } else if(aName=="pt") {
00144     double px = obj->momentum().px();
00145     double py = obj->momentum().py();
00146     return Lib::Variable(printer(),sqrt(px*px+py*py));
00147   } else if(aName=="charge") {
00148     if(fParticlePropertySvc) {
00149       ParticleProperty* pp = 
00150         fParticlePropertySvc->findByStdHepID((int)obj->pdg_id());
00151       if(pp) return Lib::Variable(printer(),pp->charge());
00152     }
00153     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00155   } else if(aName=="beg_vtx_barcode") {
00156     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00157     return Lib::Variable(printer(),v? v->barcode() : 0);
00158   } else if(aName=="end_vtx_barcode") {
00159     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00160     return Lib::Variable(printer(),v? v->barcode() : 0);
00161   } else if(aName=="beg_vtx") {
00162     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00163     return Lib::Variable(printer(),v?true:false);
00164   } else if(aName=="beg_vtx_d") {
00165     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00166     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().r());
00167     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00168   } else if(aName=="end_vtx") {
00169     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00170     return Lib::Variable(printer(),v?true:false);
00171   } else if(aName=="end_vtx_d") {
00172     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00173     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().r());
00174     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00176     /*
00177   } else if(aName=="bx") {
00178     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00179     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().x());
00180     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00181   } else if(aName=="by") {
00182     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00183     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().y());
00184     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00185   } else if(aName=="bz") {
00186     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->production_vertex();
00187     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().z());
00188     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00190   } else if(aName=="ex") {
00191     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00192     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().x());
00193     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00194   } else if(aName=="ey") {
00195     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00196     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().y());
00197     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00198   } else if(aName=="ez") {
00199     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00200     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().z());
00201     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00202   } else if(aName=="ed") {
00203     HepMC::GenVertex* v = obj->end_vertex();
00204     if(v) return Lib::Variable(printer(),v->point3d().r());
00205     return Lib::Variable(printer(),0.);
00206     */
00208   } else {
00209     return Lib::Variable(printer());
00210   }
00211 }

void GenParticleType::visualize ( Lib::Identifier  ,
void *   
) [virtual]


Definition at line 213 of file Types.cpp.

00219 {
00220   if(!aIdentifier) return;
00221   if(!fUISvc) return;
00222   SoRegion* soRegion = fUISvc->currentSoRegion();
00223   if(!soRegion) return;
00225   ISession* session = fUISvc->session();
00226   std::string value;
00227   bool showDecay = false;
00228   if(session->parameterValue("modeling.showDecay",value))
00229     Lib::smanip::tobool(value,showDecay);
00231   if(showDecay) 
00232     representDecay((HepMC::GenParticle*)aIdentifier,
00233                    session,soRegion,fParticlePropertySvc);
00234   else 
00235     represent((HepMC::GenParticle*)aIdentifier,
00236               session,soRegion,fParticlePropertySvc);
00238 }

void GenParticleType::represent ( HepMC::GenParticle ,
ISession *  ,
SoRegion *  ,
) [static]


Definition at line 248 of file Types.cpp.

00256 {
00257   HepMC::GenVertex* pv = aGenParticle->production_vertex();
00258   HepMC::GenVertex* ev = aGenParticle->end_vertex();
00260   if(!pv && !ev) return;
00262   // Representation attributes :
00263   // Get color (default is grey (valid on black or white background) ):
00264   double r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5;
00265   double hr = 1.0, hg = 1.0, hb = 0.0;
00266   std::string value;
00267   if(aSession->parameterValue("modeling.color",value))
00268     Lib::smanip::torgb(value,r,g,b);
00269   if(aSession->parameterValue("modeling.highlightColor",value))
00270     Lib::smanip::torgb(value,hr,hg,hb);
00271   double lineWidth = 0;
00272   if(aSession->parameterValue("modeling.lineWidth",value))
00273     if(!Lib::smanip::todouble(value,lineWidth)) lineWidth = 0;
00275   bool showText = false;
00276   aSession->parameterValue("modeling.showText",value);
00277   Lib::smanip::tobool(value,showText);
00278   //double sizeText = 0.05;
00279   //aSession->parameterValue("modeling.sizeText",value);
00280   //if(!Lib::smanip::todouble(value,sizeText)) sizeText = 0.05;
00281   aSession->parameterValue("modeling.posText",value);
00282   std::string posTextAtb = value=="" ? "medium" : value;
00284   double scale = 1;
00285   aSession->parameterValue("modeling.scale",value);
00286   if(!Lib::smanip::todouble(value,scale)) scale = 1;
00288   HepMC::ThreeVector* pb;
00289   HepMC::ThreeVector* pe;
00290   HepMC::ThreeVector* vect;
00291   if(!pv && ev) {
00292     pe->set(scale * ev->point3d().x(),
00293            scale * ev->point3d().y(),
00294            scale * ev->point3d().z());
00295     vect->set(aGenParticle->momentum().px(),
00296        aGenParticle->momentum().py(),
00297        aGenParticle->momentum().pz());
00298     double factor = 10000/vect->r();
00299     pb->set( pe->x() - factor * vect->x(),
00300              pe->y() - factor * vect->y(),
00301              pe->z() - factor * vect->z()) ;
00302   } else if(pv && !ev) { 
00303     pb->set(scale * pv->point3d().x(),
00304            scale * pv->point3d().y(),
00305            scale * pv->point3d().z());
00306     vect->set(aGenParticle->momentum().px(),
00307        aGenParticle->momentum().py(),
00308        aGenParticle->momentum().pz());
00309     double factor = 10000/vect->r();
00310     pe->set( pb->x() + factor * vect->x(),
00311              pb->y() + factor * vect->y(),
00312              pb->z() + factor * vect->z()) ;
00313   } else {
00314     pb->set(scale * pv->point3d().x(),
00315            scale * pv->point3d().y(),
00316            scale * pv->point3d().z());
00317     pe->set(scale * ev->point3d().x(),
00318            scale * ev->point3d().y(),
00319            scale * ev->point3d().z());
00320   }
00322   SoSeparator* separator = new SoSeparator;
00323   separator->setName("sceneGraph");
00325   // Material :
00326   SoHighlightMaterial* highlightMaterial = new SoHighlightMaterial;
00327   highlightMaterial->setName("highlight");
00328   highlightMaterial->diffuseColor.setValue
00329     (SbColor((float)r,(float)g,(float)b));
00330   highlightMaterial->highlightColor.setValue
00331     (SbColor((float)hr,(float)hg,(float)hb));
00332   //highlightMaterial->transparency.setValue((float)transparency);
00333   separator->addChild(highlightMaterial);
00335   // Build name :
00336   std::string s;
00337   Lib::smanip::printf(s,128,"GenParticle/0x%lx",(unsigned long)aGenParticle);
00338   SbName name(s.c_str());
00340   SoDrawStyle* drawStyle = new SoDrawStyle;
00341   drawStyle->style.setValue(SoDrawStyle::LINES);
00342   drawStyle->linePattern.setValue(0xFFFF);
00343   drawStyle->lineWidth.setValue((float)lineWidth);
00345   SoLightModel* lightModel = new SoLightModel;
00346   lightModel->model = SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR;
00348   SbVec3f points[2];
00349   points[0].setValue((float)pb->x(),(float)pb->y(),(float)pb->z());
00350   points[1].setValue((float)pe->x(),(float)pe->y(),(float)pe->z());
00352   // Text : 
00353   if(showText) {
00354     SbVec3f textPoint;
00355     if(posTextAtb=="medium") {
00356       textPoint = (points[0] + points[1])/2;
00357     } else {
00358       double posText;
00359       if(Lib::smanip::todouble(posTextAtb,posText)) {
00360         SbVec3f direction = points[1]-points[0];
00361         direction.normalize();
00362         direction *= (float)posText; 
00363         textPoint = points[0] + direction; 
00364       } else {
00365         textPoint = (points[0] + points[1])/2;
00366       }
00367     }
00369     SoSeparator* sepText = new SoSeparator;
00370     SoTransform* tsf = new SoTransform;
00371     tsf->translation.setValue(textPoint);
00373     std::string partname = "nil";
00374     ParticleProperty* pp = 
00375       aParticlePropertySvc->findByStdHepID((int)aGenParticle->pdg_id());
00376     if(pp) partname = pp->particle();
00378     SoFont* font = new SoFont();
00379     font->name.setValue("times");
00380     font->size.setValue(20.0F);
00382     SoText2* text = new SoText2();
00383     text->string.set1Value(0,partname.c_str());
00384     text->setName(name);
00386     sepText->addChild(tsf);
00387     sepText->addChild(font);
00388     sepText->addChild(text);
00390     separator->addChild(sepText);
00391   }
00393   separator->addChild(lightModel);
00394   separator->addChild(drawStyle);
00396   float d = (points[1]-points[0]).length();
00397   if(d<=0) {
00398     SoTranslation* translation = new SoTranslation;
00399     translation->translation = points[0];
00400     separator->addChild(translation);
00402     double radius = aGenParticle->momentum().e()/1000;
00403     //SbPolyhedron* sbPol = new SbPolyhedronSphere(0,radius,0,2* M_PI,0,M_PI);
00404     SbPolyhedron* sbPol = new SbPolyhedronBox(radius,radius,radius);
00405     SoPolyhedron* polyhedron = new SoPolyhedron(*sbPol);
00406     delete sbPol;
00407     polyhedron->setName(name);
00408     polyhedron->solid.setValue(FALSE);
00409     separator->addChild(polyhedron);
00410   } else {
00411     SoCoordinate3* coordinate3 = new SoCoordinate3;
00412     coordinate3->point.setValues(0,2,points);
00413     separator->addChild(coordinate3);
00415     SoLineSet* lineSet = new SoLineSet;
00416     int32_t vertices = 2;
00417     lineSet->numVertices.setValues(0,1,&vertices);
00418     lineSet->setName(name);
00419     separator->addChild(lineSet);
00420   }
00422   region_addToDynamicScene(*aRegion,separator);
00424 }

void GenParticleType::representDecay ( HepMC::GenParticle ,
ISession *  ,
SoRegion *  ,
) [static]


Definition at line 426 of file Types.cpp.

00434 {
00436   // Daughters :
00437   HepMC::GenVertex* ev = aGenParticle->end_vertex();
00438   if(!ev) return;
00439   HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator it;
00440   for(it=ev->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
00441       it!=ev->particles_end(HepMC::children);++it) {
00442     HepMC::GenParticle* particle = *it;
00443     if(particle) {
00444       represent(aGenParticle,aSession,aRegion,aParticlePropertySvc);
00446       representDecay(particle,aSession,aRegion,aParticlePropertySvc);
00447     }
00448   }
00450 }

void GenParticleType::clear (  )  [private]


Definition at line 240 of file Types.cpp.

00244 {
00245   //fParticles.clear();
00246 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string GenParticleType::fType [private]

Definition at line 34 of file Types.h.

IParticlePropertySvc* GenParticleType::fParticlePropertySvc [private]

Definition at line 35 of file Types.h.

IDataProviderSvc* GenParticleType::fDataProviderSvc [private]

Definition at line 36 of file Types.h.

IUserInterfaceSvc* GenParticleType::fUISvc [private]

Definition at line 37 of file Types.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
| Classes | Job Modules | Data Objects | Services | Algorithms | Tools | Packages | Directories | Tracs |

Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:04:31 2011 for SoHepMC by doxygen 1.4.7