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In This Package:

gen::Structure Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def detid
def refframe
def write

Detailed Description

Definition at line 587 of file gen.py.

Member Function Documentation

def gen::Structure::__init__ (   self  ) 

Definition at line 588 of file gen.py.

00588                       :
00589         return
    def detid(self,loc,adn):

def gen::Structure::detid (   self,

Definition at line 591 of file gen.py.

00591                            :
00592         # All hard coded numbers from Conventions/DetectorId.h
00593         if loc.lower() == 'db':
00594             iloc = 0x01
00595         elif loc.lower() == 'la':
00596             iloc = 0x02
00597         elif loc.lower() == 'far':
00598             iloc = 0x04
00599         else:
00600             iloc = 0x00
00601         detid = ((iloc<<24)|(adn<<16))
00602         from XmlDetDescGen.structure import UserParameter
00603         return UserParameter("DetectorID","int", ['0x%x'%detid],
00604                              desc="Packed Detector ID")
    def refframe(self,loc,adn):

def gen::Structure::refframe (   self,

Definition at line 606 of file gen.py.

00606                               :
00607         'Return parameter indicating a coordinate system'
00608         from XmlDetDescGen.structure import UserParameter
00609         return UserParameter("CoordinateSystem","int",[0],
00610                              desc="Indicate this is a user coordinate system, value indicates the level of localness of the coordinate sytem")
    def write(self,outdir):

def gen::Structure::write (   self,

Definition at line 613 of file gen.py.

00613                           :
00614         from XmlDetDescGen.util import XmlFile, Comment,ExternalEntity
00615         from XmlDetDescGen.structure import DetElem
00616         from XmlDetDescGen.catalog import Catalog
00617         from XmlDetDescGen.reference import Reference
00619         topcat = Catalog('Structure');
00620         adcat = Catalog('AD');
00621         # Clear our refs because some how this is filled with the
00622         # contents of the /Geometry/Pool catalog!  Python bug???
00623         adcat.refs = []       
00624         topcat.refs = [ adcat ]
00626         base = "/dd/Structure/AD/"
00628         ees = []
00629         nf="Near"
00630         nads=2
00631         for loc in ["db","la","far"]:
00632             if loc == "far": 
00633                 nf="Far"
00634                 nads=4
00636             adcat.things.append(Comment("\n%s %s site AD things\n"%(loc.upper(),nf)))
00638             last_support = "/dd/Structure/Pool/%s-iws"%loc
00640             ithing = -1
00641             things = ['ade','sst','oil','oav','lso','iav','gds']
00642             for thing in things:
00643                 ithing += 1
00644                 if thing == 'ade':
00645                     npath = 'pv'+nf+thing.upper()+'%(adn)d'
00646                 else:
00647                     npath = 'pv'+thing.upper()
00648                 for adn in range(1,nads+1):
00649                     de = DetElem("%s-%s%d"%(loc,thing,adn),
00650                                  "/dd/Geometry/AD/lv%s"%thing.upper(),
00651                                  npath=npath%{'adn':adn},
00652                                  support=last_support%{'adn':adn})
00653                     de.refs = []
00654                     if thing != 'gds':
00655                         href="#%s-%s%d"%(loc,things[ithing+1],adn)
00656                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00657                     if thing == 'lso':
00658                         href="../AdDetails/structure.xml#%s-ad%d-calibTubeA-gdlsInLs"%(loc,adn)
00659                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00660                         href="../AdDetails/structure.xml#%s-ad%d-calibTubeB-gdlsInLs"%(loc,adn)
00661                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00662                     if thing == 'oil':
00663                         eename = '%s%dpmts'%(loc,adn)
00664                         ees.append((eename,'../AdPmtStructure/%s%d.xml'%(loc,adn)))
00665                         de.refs.append(ExternalEntity(eename))
00667                         adrefname = '%s%dreflectors'%(loc,adn)
00668                         ees.append((adrefname,'../AdReflectorStructure/%s%d.xml'%(loc,adn)))
00669                         de.refs.append(ExternalEntity(adrefname))
00671                         de.refs.append(self.detid(loc,adn))
00672                         de.refs.append(self.refframe(loc,adn))
00673                         href="../AdDetails/structure.xml#%s-ad%d-calibTubeA-gdlsInOil"%(loc,adn)
00674                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00675                         href="../AdDetails/structure.xml#%s-ad%d-calibTubeB-gdlsInOil"%(loc,adn)
00676                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00677                         href="../AdDetails/structure.xml#%s-ad%d-calibTubeC-lsInOil"%(loc,adn)
00678                         de.refs.append(Reference(href,de))
00679                     adcat.things.append(de)
00680                     continue
00681                 last_support=base+loc+"-"+thing+"%(adn)d"
00682                 continue
00683             continue
00684         file = XmlFile(dtd="../DTD/structure.dtd",
00685                        external_entities=ees)
00686         file.objects = [ adcat ]
00687         file.write(outdir+"/structure.xml")
00688         return
class AD:

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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:14:02 2011 for XmlDetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7