strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t > Class Template Reference

Arbitrary dense matrix, with underlying geometry. More...

#include <Kernel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >:
Collaboration diagram for strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >:

Public Member Functions

 DenseKernel (DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &data, DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &A, scalar_t lambda)
scalar_t eval (std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const override
void permute () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from strumpack::kernel::Kernel< scalar_t >
 Kernel (DenseM_t &data, scalar_t lambda)
virtual ~Kernel ()=default
std::size_t n () const
std::size_t d () const
void operator() (const std::vector< std::size_t > &I, const std::vector< std::size_t > &J, DenseMatrix< real_t > &B) const
void operator() (const std::vector< std::size_t > &I, const std::vector< std::size_t > &J, DenseMatrix< std::complex< real_t >> &B) const
DenseM_t fit_HSS (std::vector< scalar_t > &labels, const HSS::HSSOptions< scalar_t > &opts)
std::vector< scalar_t > predict (const DenseM_t &test, const DenseM_t &weights) const
DistM_t fit_HSS (const BLACSGrid &grid, std::vector< scalar_t > &labels, const HSS::HSSOptions< scalar_t > &opts)
std::vector< scalar_t > predict (const DenseM_t &test, const DistM_t &weights) const
DenseM_t fit_HODLR (const MPIComm &c, std::vector< scalar_t > &labels, const HODLR::HODLROptions< scalar_t > &opts)
const DenseM_tdata () const
DenseM_tdata ()
std::vector< int > & permutation ()
const std::vector< int > & permutation () const

Detailed Description

template<typename scalar_t>
class strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >

Arbitrary dense matrix, with underlying geometry.

This is a subclass of Kernel. It overrides the eval routine, unlike other kernel classes (Gauss and Laplace), which only implement the kernel function.

See also
Kernel, GaussKernel, LaplaceKernel

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DenseKernel()

template<typename scalar_t >
strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >::DenseKernel ( DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &  data,
DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &  A,
scalar_t  lambda 

Constructor of the dense matrix kernel object.

dataCoordinates of the points used to generate the matrix.
AThe actual dense matrix
lambdaRegularization parameter, added to the diagonal

Member Function Documentation

◆ eval()

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >::eval ( std::size_t  i,
std::size_t  j 
) const

Evaluate an entry of the kernel matrix.

irow coordinate of entry to evaluate
jcolumn coordinate of entry to evaluate
the value K(i, j) of the kernel

Reimplemented from strumpack::kernel::Kernel< scalar_t >.

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