strumpack::HSS Namespace Reference


class  HSSOptions
 Class containing several options for the HSS code and data-structures. More...
class  HSSMatrixBase
 Abstract base class for Hierarchically Semi-Separable (HSS) matrices. More...
class  HSSFactors
 Contains data related to ULV factorization of an HSS matrix. More...
class  TreeLocalRanges
class  HSSFactorsMPI
 Contains data related to ULV factorization of a distributed HSS matrix. More...
class  HSSMatrix
 Class to represent a sequential/threaded Hierarchically Semi-Separable matrix. More...
class  HSSMatrixMPI
 Distributed memory implementation of the HSS (Hierarchically Semi-Separable) matrix format. More...


enum class  CompressionAlgorithm { ORIGINAL , STABLE , HARD_RESTART }
enum class  CompressionSketch { GAUSSIAN , SJLT }
enum class  SJLTAlgo { CHUNK , PERM }
enum class  State : char { UNTOUCHED ='U' , PARTIALLY_COMPRESSED ='P' , COMPRESSED ='C' }


template<typename real_t >
real_t default_HSS_rel_tol ()
template<typename real_t >
real_t default_HSS_abs_tol ()
float default_HSS_rel_tol ()
float default_HSS_abs_tol ()
std::string get_name (CompressionAlgorithm a)
std::string get_name (CompressionSketch a)
std::string get_name (SJLTAlgo a)
template<typename scalar_t >
void draw (const HSSMatrix< scalar_t > &H, const std::string &name)
template<typename scalar_t >
void apply_HSS (Trans op, const HSSMatrix< scalar_t > &A, const DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &B, scalar_t beta, DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &C)

Detailed Description

HSS namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CompressionAlgorithm

Enumeration of possible versions of the randomized sampling HSS compression algorithms.


Start with an initial guess of the rank, double the number of random samples until desired accuracy.


Start with an initial guess of the rank, add a fix amount of random vectors, until desired accuracy is reached.


Start with an initial guess of the rank, add a fix amount of random vectors, if not enough, start again from scratch using twice as many random sample vectors.

◆ CompressionSketch

Enumeration of possible versions of the randomized sampling HSS sketching matrices.


Sketch using iid gaussian entries mean 0 variance 1.


Sketch using the sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform, with nnz entries per row randomly selected each with a value of 1/sqrt(nnz) with pr = 0.5 or -1/sqrt(nnz) with pr = 0.5.

◆ SJLTAlgo


puts nnz nonzeros in each row by spliting the row into col/nnz chunks and putting one nonzero in each


puts nnz nonzeros on each row by permuting all col indices and taking the first nnz

◆ State

enum strumpack::HSS::State : char

Enumeration of possible states of an HSS matrix/node. This is used in the adaptive HSS compression algorithms, where a node can be untouched (it is not yet visited by the compression algorithm), partially_compressed (a compression was attempted but failed, so the adaptive algorithm will have to try again), or can be successfully compressed.


Node was not yet visited by the compression algorithm


Compression was attempted for this node, but failed. The adaptive compression should try again.


This HSS node was succesfully compressed.

Function Documentation

◆ apply_HSS()

template<typename scalar_t >
void strumpack::HSS::apply_HSS ( Trans  op,
const HSSMatrix< scalar_t > &  A,
const DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &  B,
scalar_t  beta,
DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &  C 

Compute C = op(A) * B + beta * C, with HSS matrix A.

opTranspose/complex conjugate or none to be applied to the HSS matrix A.
AHSS matrix
BDense matrix
CResult, should already be allocated to the appropriate size.

◆ default_HSS_abs_tol() [1/2]

template<typename real_t >
real_t strumpack::HSS::default_HSS_abs_tol ( )

Get the default absolute HSS compression tolerance (this is for double precision, might be overloaded for single precision). This can be changed using the HSSOptions object.

◆ default_HSS_abs_tol() [2/2]

float strumpack::HSS::default_HSS_abs_tol ( )

Get the default absolute HSS compression tolerance for single precision computations. This can be changed using the HSSOptions object.

◆ default_HSS_rel_tol() [1/2]

template<typename real_t >
real_t strumpack::HSS::default_HSS_rel_tol ( )

Get the default relative HSS compression tolerance (this is for double precision, might be overloaded depending on floating point precision). This can be changed using the HSSOptions object. Tuning this parameter (in the HSSOptions object) is crucial for performance of the HSS algorithms.

◆ default_HSS_rel_tol() [2/2]

float strumpack::HSS::default_HSS_rel_tol ( )

Get the default relative HSS compression tolerance for single precision computations. This can be changed using the HSSOptions object. Tuning this parameter (in the HSSOptions<float> object) is crucial for performance of the HSS algorithms.

◆ draw()

template<typename scalar_t >
void strumpack::HSS::draw ( const HSSMatrix< scalar_t > &  H,
const std::string &  name 

Write a gnuplot script to draw this an matrix.

HHSS matrix to draw.
nameName of the HSS matrix. The script will be created in the file plotname.gnuplot.

◆ get_name() [1/3]

std::string strumpack::HSS::get_name ( CompressionAlgorithm  a)

Return a string with the name of the compression algorithm.

atype of the randomized compression algorihtm
name, string with a short description

◆ get_name() [2/3]

std::string strumpack::HSS::get_name ( CompressionSketch  a)

Return a string with the name of the compression algorithm.

atype of the randomized compression algorihtm
name, string with a short description

◆ get_name() [3/3]

std::string strumpack::HSS::get_name ( SJLTAlgo  a)

Return a string with the name of the sjlt algorithm.

atype of SJLT sampling algorithm
name, string with a short description