DESCQA (v2): LSST DESC Quality Assurance for Galaxy Catalogs

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This is DESCQA v2. You can also visit the previous version, DESCQA v1.

The DESCQA framework executes validation tests on mock galaxy catalogs. These tests and catalogs are contributed by LSST DESC collaborators. See the DESCQA paper for more information. Full details about the catalogs and tests, and how to contribute, are available here (collaborators only). The source code of DESCQA is hosted in this GitHub repo.

Below is a summary matrix of Run 2024-03-18_2. To view the results for an individual catalog, click one of the catalog names at the top of the table. To view the results for an individual test, click one of the test names along the left of the table.

You can also view the latest full run and a list of all runs.


Run initiated by nsevilla at 2024/03/18 15:27:22 PT
This run took 1.5 minute(s).
Versions used: DESCQA: 2.0.0-0.7.0 | GCRCatalogs: 1.5.1 | GCR: 0.9.2
[ Test prefix: CLEAR | srv ]
[ Catalog prefix: CLEAR | dp02 ]
srv_shear PASSED
srv_shearCheck ellipticity values and moments
dp02_object_multiple_tractsDP02 Run