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class AliCDMesonUtils

Function Members (Methods)

AliCDMesonUtils(const AliCDMesonUtils&)
static Bool_tCutEvent(const AliAODEvent* AODEvent, TH1* hpriv, TH1* hpriVtxX, TH1* hpriVtxY, TH1* hpriVtxZ, TH1* hpriVtxPos, TH1* hpriVtxDist)
static Bool_tCutEvent(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH1* hspd, TH1* hpriv, TH1* hpriVtxPos, TH1* hpriVtxDist, TH2* hfo, TH1* hfochans, Int_t& kfo, Int_t& nip, Int_t& nop, TH1* hpriVtxX, TH1* hpriVtxY, TH1* hpriVtxZ)
static voidDoVZEROStudy(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TObjArray* hists, Int_t run)
static voidFillEtaPhiMap(const AliVEvent* event, const AliCDMesonTracks* tracks, TH2* map, TH2* map_c)
static voidFillSPDtrkltMap(const AliVEvent* event, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt)
static Int_tGetCombCh(const AliVTrack** trks)
static Int_tGetCombPID(const TParticle** particles, TH2* comb2trkPID = 0x0)
static Int_tGetCombPID(AliPIDResponse* pid, const AliVTrack** trks, Int_t mode, TH2* comb2trkPID = 0x0)
static Int_tGetEventType(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Int_tGetFastORmultiplicity(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Int_tGetGapConfig(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt, TH2* hitMapFMDa, TH2* hitMapFMDc, TH1** fmdSums, TH2* TPCGapDCAaSide, TH2* TPCGapDCAcSide)
static voidGetMassPtCtsOA(Int_t pid, const TVector3** momenta, Double_t& mass, Double_t& pt, Double_t& cts, Double_t& oa)
static voidGetMultFMD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& fmdA, Int_t& fmdC, Float_t* fmdSums)
static voidGetMultSPD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& spdIA, Int_t& spdIC, Int_t& spdOA, Int_t& spdOC)
static voidGetPWAinfo(Int_t pid, const AliVTrack** trks, Float_t& theta, Float_t& phi, Float_t& mass, Float_t* momentum)
static voidGetSPDTrackletMult(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& sum, Int_t& forwardA, Int_t& forwardC, Int_t& central)
AliCDMesonUtils&operator=(const AliCDMesonUtils&)
static voidSPDLoadGeom(Int_t run)
static voidSwapTrack(const AliVTrack** trks)
static Bool_tV0AND(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Bool_tV0OR(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Int_tCheckChipEta(Int_t chipKey, TString scut, const Double_t* vtxPos, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter)
static Int_tCombinePID(const Int_t* pid)
static Int_tFMDHitCombinations(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t side)
static Int_tGetFMD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapFMDa, TH2* hitMapFMDc, TH1** fmdSums)
static TLorentzVectorGetKinematics(const Double_t* pa, const Double_t* pb, Double_t ma, Double_t mb, Double_t& cts)
static voidGetNFO(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TString etacut, Int_t* ctr, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter)
static Double_tGetOA(const Double_t* pa, const Double_t* pb)
static Int_tGetPID(Int_t pdgCode)
static Int_tGetPID(AliPIDResponse* pid, const AliVTrack* trk, Int_t mode = 0)
static Int_tGetSPD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt)
static Int_tGetTPC(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* TPCGapDCAaSide, TH2* TPCGapDCAcSide)
static Int_tGetV0(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Int_tGetZDC(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
static Bool_tSPDLoc2Glo(Int_t id, const Double_t* loc, Double_t* glo)

Data Members

enum { kInnerPixel

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

void GetMassPtCtsOA(Int_t pid, const TVector3** momenta, Double_t& mass, Double_t& pt, Double_t& cts, Double_t& oa)
 Get Mass Pt Cts OA

void GetPWAinfo(Int_t pid, const AliVTrack** trks, Float_t& theta, Float_t& phi, Float_t& mass, Float_t* momentum)
 transforms the coordiante system to the helicity frame and determines
 invariant mass and 3-vector of the two track system

Int_t GetEventType(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
 checks of which type a event is:
 beam-beam interaction (I), beam-gas (A/C), empty (E)

void SwapTrack(const AliVTrack** trks)
 swap two esdtracks, needed since only the properties of one a stored and
 AliRoot sorts them

Int_t GetCombCh(const AliVTrack** trks)
 get combination of charges

Int_t GetCombPID(AliPIDResponse* pid, const AliVTrack** trks, Int_t mode, TH2* comb2trkPID = 0x0)
 Get PID for a two track system (data)

Int_t GetCombPID(const TParticle** particles, TH2* comb2trkPID = 0x0)
 Get PID for a two track system (MC)

void GetSPDTrackletMult(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& sum, Int_t& forwardA, Int_t& forwardC, Int_t& central)
 obtain the multiplicity for eta < -.9 (forwardC), eta > 0.9 (fowardA), in
 the central barrel (central) and its sum from SPD tracklets with the
 AliMultiplicity class
 code simular to PWGPP/ITS/AliAnalysisTaskSPD.cxx
Bool_t CutEvent(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH1* hspd, TH1* hpriv, TH1* hpriVtxPos, TH1* hpriVtxDist, TH2* hfo, TH1* hfochans, Int_t& kfo, Int_t& nip, Int_t& nop, TH1* hpriVtxX, TH1* hpriVtxY, TH1* hpriVtxZ)
Bool_t CutEvent(const AliAODEvent* AODEvent, TH1* hpriv, TH1* hpriVtxX, TH1* hpriVtxY, TH1* hpriVtxZ, TH1* hpriVtxPos, TH1* hpriVtxDist)
 Cut Event for AOD Events, to be combined with the ESD Track Cut

void DoVZEROStudy(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TObjArray* hists, Int_t run)

 IMPORTANT: the order of the histograms here and in
 AliCDMesonBase::GetHistVZEROStudies(..) has to match
Int_t GetGapConfig(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt, TH2* hitMapFMDa, TH2* hitMapFMDc, TH1** fmdSums, TH2* TPCGapDCAaSide, TH2* TPCGapDCAcSide)

 retrieves the gap configuration of a track and returns it as
 an bit vector
 kBaseLine ensures, that this event is valid
 + is equivalent to | in this case
void FillEtaPhiMap(const AliVEvent* event, const AliCDMesonTracks* tracks, TH2* map, TH2* map_c)
 Fills the eta phi information about all tracks and about the tracks surving
 the track cuts (CutTrack) into two separate histograms

void GetMultFMD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& fmdA, Int_t& fmdC, Float_t* fmdSums)
 Multiplicity seen by FMD

 WARNING: this function is only working with a modified AliRoot so far
void GetMultSPD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t& spdIA, Int_t& spdIC, Int_t& spdOA, Int_t& spdOC)
 Retrieves the multiplicity seen by the SPD FastOR

Int_t GetV0(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
Int_t GetFMD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapFMDa, TH2* hitMapFMDc, TH1** fmdSums)
Int_t GetSPD(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt)
Int_t GetTPC(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TH2* TPCGapDCAaSide, TH2* TPCGapDCAcSide)
Int_t GetZDC(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
Int_t FMDHitCombinations(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, Int_t side)
 copy of the FMDHitCombinations function originating from AliTriggerAnalysis

 side == 0 -> A side, side > 0 -> C side
void SPDLoadGeom(Int_t run)
 method to get the gGeomanager
 it is called at the CreatedOutputObject stage
 to comply with the CAF environment
Bool_t SPDLoc2Glo(Int_t id, const Double_t* loc, Double_t* glo)
SPDLoc2Glo, do not touch

Int_t CheckChipEta(Int_t chipKey, TString scut, const Double_t* vtxPos, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter)
void GetNFO(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent, TString etacut, Int_t* ctr, TH2* hitMapSPDinner, TH2* hitMapSPDouter)

 analyzes the SPD fastOR for a given eta range and returns
 an array with the number of hits in:
Int_t GetFastORmultiplicity(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
 determine the number of fired fastOR chips in both layers within
 -0.9 < eta < 0.9

void FillSPDtrkltMap(const AliVEvent* event, TH2* hitMapSPDtrklt)
 fill eta phi map of SPD tracklets

Int_t GetPID(AliPIDResponse* pid, const AliVTrack* trk, Int_t mode = 0)
 determines PID for ESDs and AODs

Int_t GetPID(Int_t pdgCode)
 determine particle type based on PDG code

Int_t CombinePID(const Int_t* pid)
 combine the PID result

TLorentzVector GetKinematics(const Double_t* pa, const Double_t* pb, Double_t ma, Double_t mb, Double_t& cts)
get kinematics, cts = cos(theta_{#star})

Double_t GetOA(const Double_t* pa, const Double_t* pb)

Bool_t V0AND(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
Bool_t V0OR(const AliESDEvent* ESDEvent)
 did one of the V0 detectors fire?
 (1-4 => single or both detectors active)