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class AliCaloTrackReader: public TObject

 Base class for reading data: MonteCarlo, ESD or AOD, of PHOS EMCAL and
 Central Barrel Tracking detectors (CTS).
 Not all MC particles/tracks/clusters are kept, some kinematical/fiducial restrictions are done.
 Mother class of : AliCaloTrackESDReader: Fills ESD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS)
                 : AliCaloTrackMCReader : Fills Kinematics data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS)
                 : AliCaloTrackAODReader: Fills AOD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS)
-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN)

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
Bool_tAcceptDCA(Float_t pt, Float_t dca)
Bool_tAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels() const
virtual voidAddChargedParticlesArray(TArrayI&)
virtual voidAddNeutralParticlesArray(TArrayI&)
virtual voidAddStatusArray(TArrayI&)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
Bool_tAreBadTriggerEventsRemoved() const
Bool_tAreClustersRecalculated() const
Bool_tAreUnMatchedTriggerEventsRemoved() const
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
virtual Bool_tCheckForPrimaryVertex() const
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tComparePtHardAndClusterPt()
virtual Bool_tComparePtHardAndJetPt()
virtual voidTObject::Copy(TObject& object) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidFillInputBackgroundJets()
virtual voidFillInputCTS()
virtual voidFillInputEMCAL()
virtual voidFillInputEMCALAlgorithm(AliVCluster* clus, Int_t iclus)
virtual voidFillInputEMCALCells()
virtual Bool_tFillInputEvent(Int_t iEntry, const char* currentFileName)
virtual voidFillInputNonStandardJets()
virtual voidFillInputPHOS()
virtual voidFillInputPHOSCells()
virtual voidFillInputVZERO()
virtual voidFillVertexArray()
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
virtual TList*GetAODBranchList() const
virtual AliAODMCHeader*GetAODMCHeader() const
virtual TClonesArray*GetAODMCParticles() const
virtual AliAODJetEventBackground*GetBackgroundJets() const
virtual Double_tGetBField() const
AliCalorimeterUtils*GetCaloUtils() const
virtual AliCentrality*GetCentrality() const
virtual Float_tGetCentralityBin(Int_t i) const
virtual TStringGetCentralityClass() const
virtual Int_tGetCentralityOpt() const
Float_tGetCTSPtMax() const
Float_tGetCTSPtMin() const
virtual TObjArray*GetCTSTracks() const
virtual Int_tGetDataType() const
virtual TObjArray*GetDCALClusters() const
virtual Int_tGetDebug() const
TStringGetDeltaAODFileName() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
virtual AliVCaloCells*GetEMCALCells() const
TStringGetEMCALClusterListName() const
virtual TObjArray*GetEMCALClusters() const
Float_tGetEMCALEMax() const
Float_tGetEMCALEMin() const
Int_tGetEMCalEventBC(Int_t bc) const
Int_tGetEMCalEventBCcut(Int_t bc) const
Float_tGetEMCALPtMax() const
Float_tGetEMCALPtMin() const
Double_tGetEMCALTimeCutMax() const
Double_tGetEMCALTimeCutMin() const
virtual Int_tGetEventCentrality() const
virtual Int_tGetEventNumber() const
virtual AliEventplane*GetEventPlane() const
virtual Double_tGetEventPlaneAngle() const
virtual TStringGetEventPlaneMethod() const
Float_tGetEventTimeStampFractionMax() const
Float_tGetEventTimeStampFractionMin() const
Float_tGetEventTriggerL0Threshold() const
Float_tGetEventTriggerL1Threshold() const
UInt_tGetEventTriggerMask() const
virtual AliFiducialCut*GetFiducialCut()
TStringGetFiredTriggerClasses() const
TStringGetFiredTriggerClassName() const
virtual AliGenEventHeader*GetGenEventHeader() const
virtual AliHeader*GetHeader() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual TStringGetInputBackgroundJetBranchName()
virtual AliVEvent*GetInputEvent() const
virtual TStringGetInputNonStandardJetBranchName()
Int_tGetLastCaloMixedEvent() const
Int_tGetLastTracksMixedEvent() const
TList*GetListWithMixedEventsForCalo(Int_t bi) const
TList*GetListWithMixedEventsForTracks(Int_t bi) const
virtual AliMCEvent*GetMC() const
virtual AliMixedEvent*GetMixedEvent() const
UInt_tGetMixEventTriggerMask() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
virtual Int_tGetNMixedEvent() const
virtual TClonesArray*GetNonStandardJets() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
virtual AliVEvent*GetOriginalInputEvent() const
virtual AliAODEvent*GetOutputEvent() const
virtual AliVCaloCells*GetPHOSCells() const
virtual TObjArray*GetPHOSClusters() const
Float_tGetPHOSEMax() const
Float_tGetPHOSEMin() const
Float_tGetPHOSPtMax() const
Float_tGetPHOSPtMin() const
virtual Float_tGetPtHardAndClusterFactor() const
virtual Float_tGetPtHardAndJetFactor() const
Double_tGetRunTimeStampMax() const
Double_tGetRunTimeStampMin() const
virtual AliStack*GetStack() const
TStringGetTaskName() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual Float_tGetTPCSharedClusterFraction() const
virtual AliESDtrackCuts*GetTrackComplementaryCuts() const
virtual AliESDtrackCuts*GetTrackCuts() const
Double_tGetTrackDCACut(Int_t i) const
Int_tGetTrackEventBC(Int_t bc) const
Int_tGetTrackEventBCcut(Int_t bc) const
virtual ULong_tGetTrackFilterMask() const
virtual ULong_tGetTrackFilterMaskComplementary() const
Int_tGetTrackMultiplicity() const
Float_tGetTrackMultiplicityEtaCut() const
ULong_tGetTrackStatus() const
Double_tGetTrackTimeCutMax() const
Double_tGetTrackTimeCutMin() const
Int_tGetTriggerClusterBC() const
Int_tGetTriggerClusterId() const
Int_tGetTriggerClusterIndex() const
TArrayIGetTriggerPatches(Int_t tmin, Int_t tmax)
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
Int_tGetV0Multiplicity(Int_t i) const
Int_tGetV0Signal(Int_t i) const
virtual voidGetVertex(Double_t* v) const
virtual Double_t*GetVertex(Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual voidGetVertex(Double_t* vertex, const Int_t evtIndex) const
Int_tGetVertexBC() const
Int_tGetVertexBC(const AliVVertex* vtx)
virtual Float_tGetZvertexCut() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidInit()
virtual voidInitParameters()
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
Bool_tIsAccessToTrackTimeOn() const
Bool_tIsBackgroundJetsSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsBadCellTriggerEvent() const
Bool_tIsBadMaxCellTriggerEvent() const
Bool_tIsCTSSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsDCACutOn() const
Bool_tIsDCALSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsEmbeddedClusterSelectionOn() const
Bool_tIsEMCALCellsSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsEMCALSwitchedOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
Bool_tIsEventCentral() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL0() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Gamma() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Gamma1() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Gamma2() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Jet() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Jet1() const
Bool_tIsEventEMCALL1Jet2() const
Bool_tIsEventMinimumBias() const
Bool_tIsEventSemiCentral() const
Bool_tIsEventTriggerAtSEOn() const
Bool_tIsEventWithNoTrackRejectionDone() const
Bool_tIsExoticEvent() const
Bool_tIsFastClusterAccepted() const
virtual Bool_tIsFiducialCutOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
virtual Bool_tIsHIJINGLabel(Int_t label)
Bool_tIsInTimeWindow(Double_t tof, Float_t energy) const
Bool_tIsLEDEventRemoved() const
Bool_tIsNonStandardJetsSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
Bool_tIsPHOSCellsSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsPHOSSwitchedOn() const
Bool_tIsPileUpEventRejectionDone() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromEMCal() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromEMCalAndNotSPD() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromNotSPDAndNotEMCal() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromSPD() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromSPDAndEMCal() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromSPDAndNotEMCal() const
Bool_tIsPileUpFromSPDOrEMCal() const
Bool_tIsPrimaryVertexSelectionDone() const
virtual Bool_tIsPtHardAndClusterPtComparisonSet() const
virtual Bool_tIsPtHardAndJetPtComparisonSet() const
Bool_tIsShowerShapeSmeared() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
Bool_tIsTriggerClusterTimeRecal() const
Bool_tIsTriggerMatched() const
Bool_tIsTriggerMatchedOpenCuts(Int_t i) const
Bool_tIsTriggerPatchMatchedToCluster() const
Bool_tIsV0ANDEventSelectionDone() const
Bool_tIsVertexBCEventSelectionDone() const
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
Bool_tListWithMixedEventsForCaloExists() const
Bool_tListWithMixedEventsForTracksExists() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
voidMatchTriggerCluster(TArrayI patches)
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* opt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
Bool_tReadAODMCParticles() const
Bool_tReadStack() const
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidRemapMCLabelForAODs(Int_t& label)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidResetLists()
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
virtual Bool_tSelectTrack(AliVTrack*, Double_t*)
voidSetAcceptEventsWithBit(UInt_t bit)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
voidSetCaloUtils(AliCalorimeterUtils* caloutils)
virtual voidSetCentralityBin(Int_t min, Int_t max)
virtual voidSetCentralityClass(TString name)
virtual voidSetCentralityOpt(Int_t opt)
voidSetCTSPtMax(Float_t pt)
voidSetCTSPtMin(Float_t pt)
virtual voidSetDataType(Int_t data)
virtual voidSetDebug(Int_t d)
voidSetDeltaAODFileName(TString name)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
voidSetEMCALClusterListName(TString& name)
voidSetEMCALEMax(Float_t e)
voidSetEMCALEMin(Float_t e)
voidSetEMCalEventBC(Int_t bc)
voidSetEMCalEventBCcut(Int_t bc)
virtual voidSetEMCALOverlapAngle(Float_t)
voidSetEMCALParametrizedMaxTimeCut(Int_t i, Float_t par)
voidSetEMCALParametrizedMinTimeCut(Int_t i, Float_t par)
voidSetEMCALPtMax(Float_t pt)
voidSetEMCALPtMin(Float_t pt)
voidSetEMCALTimeCut(Double_t a, Double_t b)
virtual voidSetEventPlaneMethod(TString m)
voidSetEventTimeStampFraction(Float_t a, Float_t b)
voidSetEventTriggerL0Threshold(Float_t tr)
voidSetEventTriggerL1Bit(Int_t ega, Int_t eje)
voidSetEventTriggerL1Threshold(Float_t tr)
voidSetEventTriggerMask(UInt_t evtTrig = AliVEvent::kAny)
virtual voidSetFiducialCut(AliFiducialCut* fc)
voidSetFiredTriggerClassName(TString name)
virtual voidSetInputBackgroundJetBranchName(TString name)
virtual voidSetInputEvent(AliVEvent* input)
virtual voidSetInputNonStandardJetBranchName(TString name)
virtual voidSetInputOutputMCEvent(AliVEvent*, AliAODEvent*, AliMCEvent*)
voidSetLastCaloMixedEvent(Int_t e)
voidSetLastTracksMixedEvent(Int_t e)
voidSetListWithMixedEventsForCalo(TList** l)
voidSetListWithMixedEventsForTracks(TList** l)
virtual voidSetMC(AliMCEvent *const mc)
voidSetMixEventTriggerMask(UInt_t evtTrig = AliVEvent::kAnyINT)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
virtual voidSetOutputEvent(AliAODEvent* aod)
voidSetPHOSEMax(Float_t e)
voidSetPHOSEMin(Float_t e)
virtual voidSetPHOSOverlapAngle(Float_t)
voidSetPHOSPtMax(Float_t pt)
voidSetPHOSPtMin(Float_t pt)
voidSetPileUpParamForEMCal(Int_t param)
voidSetPileUpParamForSPD(Int_t i, Double_t param)
virtual voidSetPtHardAndClusterPtComparison(Bool_t compare)
virtual voidSetPtHardAndClusterPtFactor(Float_t factor)
virtual voidSetPtHardAndJetPtComparison(Bool_t compare)
virtual voidSetPtHardAndJetPtFactor(Float_t factor)
voidSetRejectEventsWithBit(UInt_t bit)
voidSetRunTimeStamp(Double_t a, Double_t b)
voidSetShowerShapeSmearWidth(Float_t w)
voidSetTaskName(TString name)
virtual voidSetTPCSharedClusterFraction(Float_t)
virtual voidSetTrackComplementaryCuts(AliESDtrackCuts*)
virtual voidSetTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts*)
voidSetTrackDCACut(Int_t i, Float_t cut)
voidSetTrackEventBC(Int_t bc)
voidSetTrackEventBCcut(Int_t bc)
virtual voidSetTrackFilterMask(ULong_t)
virtual voidSetTrackFilterMaskComplementary(ULong_t)
voidSetTrackMultiplicityEtaCut(Float_t eta)
voidSetTrackStatus(ULong_t bit)
voidSetTrackTimeCut(Double_t a, Double_t b)
voidSetTriggerPatchTimeWindow(Int_t min, Int_t max)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
virtual voidSetZvertexCut(Float_t zcut = 10.)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidSwitchOffAODHybridTrackSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOffAODPrimaryTrackSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOffAODTrackSharedClusterSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOffConstrainTrackToVertex()
virtual voidSwitchOffFiducialCut()
virtual voidSwitchOffOnlyGeneratorParticles()
virtual voidSwitchOffOverlapCheck()
virtual voidSwitchOffPi0Decay()
virtual voidSwitchOffStatusSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOnAODHybridTrackSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOnAODPrimaryTrackSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOnAODTrackSharedClusterSelection()
virtual voidSwitchOnConstrainTrackToVertex()
virtual voidSwitchOnFiducialCut()
virtual voidSwitchOnOnlyGeneratorParticles()
virtual voidSwitchOnOverlapCheck()
virtual voidSwitchOnPi0Decay()
virtual voidSwitchOnStatusSelection()
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
Bool_tWriteDeltaAODToFile() const
AliCaloTrackReader(const AliCaloTrackReader& r)
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const
AliCaloTrackReader&operator=(const AliCaloTrackReader& r)

Data Members

enum inputDataType { kESD
enum detector { kEMCAL
enum TObject::EStatusBits { kCanDelete
enum TObject::[unnamed] { kIsOnHeap
TList*fAODBranchList-> List with AOD branches created and needed in analysis
TArrayIfAcceptEventsWithBitAccept events if trigger bit is on
Bool_tfAcceptFastClusterAccept events from fast cluster, exclude these events for LHC11a
Bool_tfAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabelsSelect clusters or tracks that where generated by HIJING, reject other generators in case of cocktail
Bool_tfAccessTrackTOFAccess the track TOF, in case of problems when accessing GetTOFBunchCrossing
Bool_tfAnaLEDAnalyze LED data only.
AliAODJetEventBackground*fBackgroundJets! background jets
Int_tfBitEGATrigger bit on VCaloTrigger for EGA
Int_tfBitEJETrigger bit on VCaloTrigger for EJE
Float_tfCTSPtMaxpT Threshold on charged particles
Float_tfCTSPtMinpT Threshold on charged particles
TObjArray*fCTSTracks-> temporal array with tracks
AliCalorimeterUtils*fCaloUtilsPointer to CalorimeterUtils
Int_tfCentralityBin[2]Minimum and maximum value of the centrality for the analysis
TStringfCentralityClassName of selected centrality class
Int_tfCentralityOptOption for the returned value of the centrality, possible options 5, 10, 100
Bool_tfCheckFidCutDo analysis for clusters in defined region
Bool_tfComparePtHardAndClusterPtIn MonteCarlo, jet events, reject events with too large cluster energy
Bool_tfComparePtHardAndJetPtIn MonteCarlo, jet events, reject fake events with wrong jet energy.
Bool_tfCorrectELinearityCorrect cluster linearity, always on
TObjArray*fDCALClusters-> temporal array with DCAL CaloClusters, not needed in the normal case, use just EMCal array with DCal limits
Int_tfDataTypeSelect MC:Kinematics, Data:ESD/AOD, MCData:Both
Int_tfDebugDebugging level
TStringfDeltaAODFileNameDelta AOD file name
Bool_tfDoPileUpEventRejectionSelect pile-up events by SPD
Bool_tfDoRejectNoTrackEventsReject events with no selected tracks in event
Bool_tfDoV0ANDEventSelectionSelect events depending on V0AND
Bool_tfDoVertexBCEventSelectionSelect events with vertex on BC=0 or -100
AliVCaloCells*fEMCALCells! temporal array with EMCAL CaloCells
TObjArray*fEMCALClusters-> temporal array with EMCAL CaloClusters
TStringfEMCALClustersListNameAlternative list of clusters produced elsewhere and not from InputEvent
Double_tfEMCALParamTimeCutMax[4]Remove clusters/cells with time larger than parametrized value, in ns
Float_tfEMCALParamTimeCutMin[4]Remove clusters/cells with time smaller than parametrized value, in ns
Float_tfEMCALPtMaxpT Threshold on emcal clusters
Float_tfEMCALPtMinpT Threshold on emcal clusters
Double_tfEMCALTimeCutMaxRemove clusters/cells with time larger than this value, in ns
Double_tfEMCALTimeCutMinRemove clusters/cells with time smaller than this value, in ns
Int_tfEMCalBCEvent[19]Fill one entry per event if there is a cluster in a given BC
Int_tfEMCalBCEventCut[19]Fill one entry per event if there is a cluster in a given BC, depend on cluster E, acceptance cut
Int_tfEventNumberEvent number
TStringfEventPlaneMethodName of event plane method, by default "Q"
Bool_tfEventTrigCentralEvent is AliVEvent::kCentral on its name, it should correspond to PbPb
Bool_tfEventTrigEMCALL0Event is EMCal L0 on its name, it should correspond to AliVEvent::kEMC7, AliVEvent::kEMC1
Bool_tfEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1Event is L1-Gamma, threshold 1 on its name, it should correspond kEMCEGA
Bool_tfEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2Event is L1-Gamma, threshold 2 on its name, it should correspond kEMCEGA
Bool_tfEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1Event is L1-Gamma, threshold 1 on its name, it should correspond kEMCEGA
Bool_tfEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2Event is L1-Gamma, threshold 2 on its name, it should correspond kEMCEGA
Bool_tfEventTrigMinBiasEvent is min bias on its name, it should correspond to AliVEvent::kMB, AliVEvent::kAnyInt
Bool_tfEventTrigSemiCentralEvent is AliVEvent::kSemiCentral on its name, it should correspond to PbPb
Bool_tfEventTriggerAtSEselect triggered event at SE base task or here
UInt_tfEventTriggerMaskselect this triggerered event
AliFiducialCut*fFiducialCutAcceptance cuts
Bool_tfFillCTSuse data from CTS
Bool_tfFillDCALuse data from DCAL, not needed in the normal case, use just EMCal array with DCal limits
Bool_tfFillEMCALuse data from EMCAL
Bool_tfFillEMCALCellsuse data from EMCAL
Bool_tfFillInputBackgroundJetBranchFlag to use data from background jets
Bool_tfFillInputNonStandardJetBranchFlag to use data from non standard jets
Bool_tfFillPHOSuse data from PHOS
Bool_tfFillPHOSCellsuse data from PHOS
TStringfFiredTriggerClassNameName of trigger event type used to do the analysis
TStringfInputBackgroundJetBranchNameName of background jet branch
AliVEvent*fInputEvent! pointer to esd or aod input
TStringfInputNonStandardJetBranchNameName of non standard jet branch
Bool_tfIsBadCellEventBad cell triggered event flag, any cell in cluster is bad
Bool_tfIsBadMaxCellEventBad cell triggered event flag, only max energy cell is bad
Bool_tfIsExoticEventExotic trigger event flag
Bool_tfIsTriggerMatchCould match the event to a trigger patch?
Bool_tfIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[3]Could not match the event to a trigger patch?, retry opening cuts
Int_tfLastMixedCaloEventTemporary container with the last event added to the mixing list for photons
Int_tfLastMixedTracksEventTemporary container with the last event added to the mixing list for tracks
TList**fListMixedCaloEvents! Container for photon stored for different events, used in case of own mixing, set in analysis class
TList**fListMixedTracksEvents! Container for tracks stored for different events, used in case of own mixing, set in analysis class
AliMCEvent*fMC! Monte Carlo Event Handler
UInt_tfMixEventTriggerMaskselect this triggerered event for mixing, tipically kMB or kAnyINT
AliMixedEvent*fMixedEvent! mixed event object. This class is not the owner
TLorentzVectorfMomentum! Temporal TLorentzVector container, avoid declaration of TLorentzVectors per event
Int_tfNMCProducedMaxIn case of cocktail, select particles in the list with label up to this value
Int_tfNMCProducedMinIn case of cocktail, select particles in the list with label from this value
Int_tfNMixedEventnumber of events in mixed event buffer
Int_tfNNonPileUpClustersNumber of clusters with time below 20 ns
Int_tfNPileUpClustersNumber of clusters with time avobe 20 ns
Int_tfNPileUpClustersCutCut to select event as pile-up
TClonesArray*fNonStandardJets! temporal array with jets
AliAODEvent*fOutputEvent! pointer to aod output
AliVCaloCells*fPHOSCells! temporal array with PHOS CaloCells
TObjArray*fPHOSClusters-> temporal array with PHOS CaloClusters
Float_tfPHOSPtMaxpT Threshold on phos clusters
Float_tfPHOSPtMinpT Threshold on phos clusters
Double_tfPileUpParamSPD[5]Parameters to pass to method IsPileupFromSPD: Int_t minContributors,
Float_tfPtHardAndClusterPtFactorFactor between ptHard and cluster pT to reject/accept event.
Float_tfPtHardAndJetPtFactorFactor between ptHard and jet pT to reject/accept event.
TRandom3fRandom! Random generator
Bool_tfReadAODMCParticlesAccess kine information from filtered AOD MC particles
Bool_tfReadStackAccess kine information from stack
Bool_tfRecalculateClustersCorrect clusters, recalculate them if recalibration parameters is given
Bool_tfRecalculateVertexBCRecalculate vertex BC from tracks pointing to vertex
Bool_tfRejectEMCalTriggerEventsWith2TresholdsReject events EG2 also triggered by EG1 or EJ2 also triggered by EJ1
TArrayIfRejectEventsWithBitReject events if trigger bit is on
Bool_tfRemoveBadTriggerEventsRemove triggered events because trigger was exotic, bad, or out of BC
Bool_tfRemoveLEDEventsRemove events where LED was wrongly firing - EMCAL LHC11a
Bool_tfRemoveUnMatchedTriggersAnalyze events where trigger patch and cluster where found or not
Bool_tfSelectEmbeddedClustersUse only simulated clusters that come from embedding.
Bool_tfSelectSPDHitTracksEnsure that track hits SPD layers
Bool_tfSmearShowerShapeSmear shower shape (use in MC)
Float_tfSmearShowerShapeWidthSmear shower shape landau function "width" (use in MC)
TStringfTaskNameName of task that executes the analysis
Float_tfTimeStampEventFracMaxMaximum value of time stamp fraction event
Float_tfTimeStampEventFracMinMinimum value of time stamp fraction event
Bool_tfTimeStampEventSelectSelect events within a fraction of data taking time
Double_tfTimeStampRunMaxMaximum value of time stamp in run
Double_tfTimeStampRunMinMinimum value of time stamp in run
Int_tfTrackBCEvent[19]Fill one entry per event if there is a track in a given BC
Int_tfTrackBCEventCut[19]Fill one entry per event if there is a track in a given BC, depend on track pT, acceptance cut
Double_tfTrackDCACut[3]Remove tracks with DCA larger than cut, parameters of function stored here
Int_tfTrackMultTrack multiplicity
Float_tfTrackMultEtaCutTrack multiplicity eta cut
ULong_tfTrackStatusTrack selection bit, select tracks refitted in TPC, ITS ...
Double_tfTrackTimeCutMaxRemove tracks with time larger than this value, in ns
Double_tfTrackTimeCutMinRemove tracks with time smaller than this value, in ns
Int_tfTriggerClusterBCEvent triggered by a cluster in BC -5 0 to 5
Int_tfTriggerClusterIdId of trigger cluster (cluster->GetID())
Int_tfTriggerClusterIndexIndex in clusters array of trigger cluster
Bool_tfTriggerClusterTimeRecalIn case cluster already calibrated, do not try to recalibrate even if recalib on in RecoUtils.
Float_tfTriggerL0EventThresholdL0 Threshold to look for triggered events, set outside
Float_tfTriggerL1EventThresholdL1 Threshold to look for triggered events, set in data
Bool_tfTriggerL1EventThresholdFixL1 Threshold is fix and set outside
Bool_tfTriggerPatchClusterMatchSearch for the trigger patch and check if associated cluster was the trigger
Int_tfTriggerPatchTimeWindow[2]Trigger patch selection window
Bool_tfUseEMCALTimeCutDo time cut selection
Bool_tfUseEventsWithPrimaryVertexSelect events with primary vertex
Bool_tfUseParamTimeCutUse simple or parametrized time cut
Bool_tfUseTrackDCACutDo DCA selection
Bool_tfUseTrackTimeCutDo time cut selection
Int_tfV0ADC[2]Integrated V0 signal
Int_tfV0Mul[2]Integrated V0 Multiplicity
Double_t**fVertex! vertex array 3 dim for each mixed event buffer
Int_tfVertexBCVertex BC
Bool_tfWriteOutputDeltaAODWrite the created delta AOD objects into file
Float_tfZvtxCutCut on vertex position

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

Trigger rejection
fTriggerAnalysis (0x0),
void DeletePointers()
Bool_t AcceptDCA(Float_t pt, Float_t dca)
 Accept track if DCA is smaller than function
Bool_t AcceptEventWithTriggerBit()
 Accept events that pass the physics selection
 depending on an array of trigger bits set during the configuration
Bool_t RejectEventWithTriggerBit()
 Reject events that pass the physics selection
 depending on an array of trigger bits set during the configuration
Bool_t CheckEventTriggers()
 Do different selection of the event
 depending on trigger name, event type, goodness of the EMCal trigger ...
Bool_t ComparePtHardAndJetPt()
 Check the event, if the requested ptHard is much smaller than the jet pT, then there is a problem.
 Only for PYTHIA.
Bool_t ComparePtHardAndClusterPt()
 Check the event, if the requested ptHard is smaller than the calorimeter cluster E, then there is a problem.
 Only for PYTHIA.
AliStack* GetStack() const
Return pointer to stack
AliHeader* GetHeader() const
Return pointer to header
void SetGeneratorMinMaxParticles()
 In case of access only to hijing particles in cocktail
 get the min and max labels
 TODO: Check when generator is not the first one ...
AliGenEventHeader* GetGenEventHeader() const
 Return pointer to Generated event header
 If requested and cocktail, search for the hijing generator
TClonesArray* GetAODMCParticles() const
Return list of particles in AOD, implemented in AliCaloTrackAODReader.
AliAODMCHeader* GetAODMCHeader() const
Return MC header in AOD, implemented in AliCaloTrackAODReader.
Int_t GetVertexBC(const AliVVertex* vtx)
 Get the vertex BC
void Init()
Init reader. Method to be called in AliAnaCaloTrackCorrMaker
void InitParameters()
Initialize the parameters of the analysis.
Bool_t IsHIJINGLabel(Int_t label)
Bool_t IsInTimeWindow(Double_t tof, Float_t energy) const
 Cluster time selection window
Bool_t IsPileUpFromSPD() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD
 Default values: (3, 0.8, 3., 2., 5.)
Bool_t IsPileUpFromEMCal() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by EMCal
Bool_t IsPileUpFromSPDAndEMCal() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD and EMCal
Bool_t IsPileUpFromSPDOrEMCal() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD or EMCal
Bool_t IsPileUpFromSPDAndNotEMCal() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD and not by EMCal
Bool_t IsPileUpFromEMCalAndNotSPD() const
 Check if event is from pile-up determined by EMCal, not by SPD
Bool_t IsPileUpFromNotSPDAndNotEMCal() const
 Check if event not from pile-up determined neither by SPD nor by EMCal
Bool_t FillInputEvent(Int_t iEntry, const char* currentFileName)
Fill the event counter and input lists that are needed, called by the analysis maker.
Int_t GetEventCentrality() const
Return current event centrality
Double_t GetEventPlaneAngle() const
Return current event centrality
void GetVertex(Double_t vertex[3])
Return vertex position to be used for single event analysis
void GetVertex(Double_t* vertex, const Int_t evtIndex) const
Return vertex position for mixed event, recover the vertex in a particular event.
void FillVertexArray()
Fill data member with vertex
In case of Mixed event, multiple vertices
void FillInputCTS()
Return array with Central Tracking System (CTS) tracks
void FillInputEMCALAlgorithm(AliVCluster* clus, Int_t iclus)
Fill the EMCAL data in the array, do it
void FillInputEMCAL()
Return array with EMCAL clusters in aod format
void FillInputPHOS()
Return array with PHOS clusters in aod format
void FillInputEMCALCells()
Return array with EMCAL cells in aod format
void FillInputPHOSCells()
Return array with PHOS cells in aod format
void FillInputVZERO()
Fill VZERO information in data member, add all the channels information.
void FillInputNonStandardJets()
fill array with non standard jets

 Adam T. Matyja
void FillInputBackgroundJets()
fill array with Background jets

 Adam T. Matyja
TArrayI GetTriggerPatches(Int_t tmin, Int_t tmax)
 Select the patches that triggered
 Depend on L0 or L1
void MatchTriggerCluster(TArrayI patches)
 Finds the cluster that triggered
void Print(Option_t* opt) const
Bool_t RejectLEDEvents()
 LED Events in period LHC11a contaminated sample, simple method
 to reject such events
void RemapMCLabelForAODs(Int_t& label)
 MC label for Cells not remapped after ESD filtering, do it here.
void ResetLists()
  Reset lists, called by the analysis maker
void SetEventTriggerBit()
 Tag event depeding on trigger name
void SetInputEvent(AliVEvent* input)
Int_t GetDebug() const
{ return fDebug ; }
void SetDebug(Int_t d)
{ fDebug = d ; }
Int_t GetDataType() const
{ return fDataType ; }
void SetDataType(Int_t data)
{ fDataType = data ; }
Int_t GetEventNumber() const
{ return fEventNumber ; }
TString GetTaskName() const
{ return fTaskName ; }
void SetTaskName(TString name)
{ fTaskName = name ; }
void SetOutputEvent(AliAODEvent* aod)
{ fOutputEvent = aod ; }
void SetMC(AliMCEvent *const mc)
{ fMC = mc ; }
void SetInputOutputMCEvent(AliVEvent* , AliAODEvent* , AliMCEvent* )
{ ; }
TList * GetAODBranchList() const
 Delta AODs
{ return fAODBranchList ; }
void SetDeltaAODFileName(TString name)
{ fDeltaAODFileName = name ; }
TString GetDeltaAODFileName() const
{ return fDeltaAODFileName ; }
void SwitchOnWriteDeltaAOD()
void SwitchOffWriteDeltaAOD()
Bool_t WriteDeltaAODToFile() const
Float_t GetEMCALPtMin() const
 Minimum pt setters and getters
{ return fEMCALPtMin ; }
Float_t GetPHOSPtMin() const
{ return fPHOSPtMin ; }
Float_t GetCTSPtMin() const
{ return fCTSPtMin ; }
Float_t GetEMCALPtMax() const
{ return fEMCALPtMax ; }
Float_t GetPHOSPtMax() const
{ return fPHOSPtMax ; }
Float_t GetCTSPtMax() const
{ return fCTSPtMax ; }
void SetEMCALPtMin(Float_t pt)
{ fEMCALPtMin = pt ; }
void SetPHOSPtMin(Float_t pt)
{ fPHOSPtMin = pt ; }
void SetCTSPtMin(Float_t pt)
{ fCTSPtMin = pt ; }
void SetEMCALPtMax(Float_t pt)
{ fEMCALPtMax = pt ; }
void SetPHOSPtMax(Float_t pt)
{ fPHOSPtMax = pt ; }
void SetCTSPtMax(Float_t pt)
{ fCTSPtMax = pt ; }
Float_t GetEMCALEMin() const
{ return GetEMCALPtMin() ; }
Float_t GetPHOSEMin() const
{ return GetPHOSPtMin() ; }
Float_t GetEMCALEMax() const
{ return GetEMCALPtMax() ; }
Float_t GetPHOSEMax() const
{ return GetPHOSPtMax() ; }
void SetEMCALEMin(Float_t e)
{ SetEMCALPtMin(e) ; }
void SetPHOSEMin(Float_t e)
{ SetPHOSPtMin (e) ; }
void SetEMCALEMax(Float_t e)
{ SetEMCALPtMax(e) ; }
void SetPHOSEMax(Float_t e)
{ SetPHOSPtMax (e) ; }
Double_t GetTrackDCACut(Int_t i) const
void SetTrackDCACut(Int_t i, Float_t cut)
void SwitchOnUseTrackDCACut()
void SwitchOffUseTrackDCACut()
Bool_t IsDCACutOn() const
{ return fUseTrackDCACut ; }
Double_t GetTrackTimeCutMin() const
 Time cut
{ return fTrackTimeCutMin ; }
Double_t GetTrackTimeCutMax() const
{ return fTrackTimeCutMax ; }
void SetTrackTimeCut(Double_t a, Double_t b)
void SwitchOnUseTrackTimeCut()
void SwitchOffUseTrackTimeCut()
void SwitchOnAccessTrackTimeCut()
void SwitchOffAccessTrackTimeCut()
Bool_t IsAccessToTrackTimeOn() const
{ return fAccessTrackTOF ; }
Double_t GetEMCALTimeCutMin() const
{ return fEMCALTimeCutMin ; }
Double_t GetEMCALTimeCutMax() const
{ return fEMCALTimeCutMax ; }
void SetEMCALTimeCut(Double_t a, Double_t b)
void SetEMCALParametrizedMinTimeCut(Int_t i, Float_t par)
{ fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[i] = par ; }
void SetEMCALParametrizedMaxTimeCut(Int_t i, Float_t par)
{ fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[i] = par ; }
void SwitchOnUseEMCALTimeCut()
void SwitchOffUseEMCALTimeCut()
void SwitchOnUseParametrizedTimeCut()
void SwitchOffUseParametrizedTimeCut()
AliFiducialCut * GetFiducialCut()
 Fidutial cuts
void SetFiducialCut(AliFiducialCut* fc)
{ fFiducialCut = fc ; }
Bool_t IsFiducialCutOn() const
{ return fCheckFidCut ; }
void SwitchOnFiducialCut()
void SwitchOffFiducialCut()
Bool_t IsCTSSwitchedOn() const
 Cluster/track/cells switchs
{ return fFillCTS ; }
void SwitchOnCTS()
{ fFillCTS = kTRUE ; }
void SwitchOffCTS()
Bool_t IsEMCALSwitchedOn() const
{ return fFillEMCAL ; }
void SwitchOnEMCAL()
void SwitchOffEMCAL()
Bool_t IsDCALSwitchedOn() const
{ return fFillDCAL ; }
void SwitchOnDCAL()
void SwitchOffDCAL()
Bool_t IsPHOSSwitchedOn() const
{ return fFillPHOS ; }
void SwitchOnPHOS()
void SwitchOffPHOS()
Bool_t IsEMCALCellsSwitchedOn() const
{ return fFillEMCALCells ; }
void SwitchOnEMCALCells()
void SwitchOffEMCALCells()
Bool_t IsPHOSCellsSwitchedOn() const
{ return fFillPHOSCells ; }
void SwitchOnPHOSCells()
void SwitchOffPHOSCells()
Bool_t AreClustersRecalculated() const
void SwitchOnClusterRecalculation()
void SwitchOffClusterRecalculation()
void SwitchOnClusterELinearityCorrection()
void SwitchOffClusterELinearityCorrection()
Bool_t IsShowerShapeSmeared() const
{ return fSmearShowerShape ; }
void SwitchOnShowerShapeSmearing()
void SwitchOffShowerShapeSmearing()
void SetShowerShapeSmearWidth(Float_t w)
Bool_t IsEmbeddedClusterSelectionOn() const
void SwitchOnEmbeddedClustersSelection()
void SwitchOffEmbeddedClustersSelection()
Int_t GetV0Signal(Int_t i) const
{ return fV0ADC[i] ; }
Int_t GetV0Multiplicity(Int_t i) const
{ return fV0Mul[i] ; }
void SetEMCALClusterListName(TString& name)
TString GetEMCALClusterListName() const
TObjArray* GetCTSTracks() const
 Arrays with clusters/track/cells access method
{ return fCTSTracks ; }
TObjArray* GetEMCALClusters() const
{ return fEMCALClusters ; }
TObjArray* GetDCALClusters() const
{ return fDCALClusters ; }
TObjArray* GetPHOSClusters() const
{ return fPHOSClusters ; }
AliVCaloCells* GetEMCALCells() const
{ return fEMCALCells ; }
AliVCaloCells* GetPHOSCells() const
{ return fPHOSCells ; }
void AcceptFastClusterEvents()
 Event/track selection methods

void RejectFastClusterEvents()
Bool_t IsFastClusterAccepted() const
{ return fAcceptFastCluster ; }
void SetAcceptEventsWithBit(UInt_t bit)
void SetRejectEventsWithBit(UInt_t bit)
void SwitchOnLEDEventsRemoval()
void SwitchOffLEDEventsRemoval()
Bool_t IsLEDEventRemoved() const
{ return fRemoveLEDEvents ; }
void SetFiredTriggerClassName(TString name)
TString GetFiredTriggerClassName() const
TString GetFiredTriggerClasses() const
UInt_t GetEventTriggerMask() const
 Event selection when mixed event is used
{ return fEventTriggerMask ; }
void SetEventTriggerMask(UInt_t evtTrig = AliVEvent::kAny)
{ fEventTriggerMask = evtTrig ; }
UInt_t GetMixEventTriggerMask() const
void SetMixEventTriggerMask(UInt_t evtTrig = AliVEvent::kAnyINT)
{ fMixEventTriggerMask = evtTrig ; }
Bool_t IsEventTriggerAtSEOn() const
{ return fEventTriggerAtSE ; }
void SwitchOnEventTriggerAtSE()
void SwitchOffEventTriggerAtSE()
Bool_t IsExoticEvent() const
{ return fIsExoticEvent ; }
Bool_t IsBadCellTriggerEvent() const
{ return fIsBadCellEvent ; }
Bool_t IsBadMaxCellTriggerEvent() const
{ return fIsBadMaxCellEvent ; }
Bool_t IsTriggerMatched() const
{ return fIsTriggerMatch ; }
Bool_t IsTriggerMatchedOpenCuts(Int_t i) const
{ return fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[i]; }
Int_t GetTriggerClusterBC() const
{ return fTriggerClusterBC ; }
Int_t GetTriggerClusterIndex() const
Int_t GetTriggerClusterId() const
{ return fTriggerClusterId ; }
Float_t GetEventTriggerL0Threshold() const
void SetEventTriggerL0Threshold(Float_t tr)
Float_t GetEventTriggerL1Threshold() const
void SetEventTriggerL1Threshold(Float_t tr)
void SetEventTriggerL1Bit(Int_t ega, Int_t eje)
{ fBitEGA = ega ; fBitEJE = eje; }
void SetTriggerPatchTimeWindow(Int_t min, Int_t max)
Bool_t AreBadTriggerEventsRemoved() const
void SwitchOffBadTriggerEventsRemoval()
void SwitchOnBadTriggerEventsRemoval()
Bool_t AreUnMatchedTriggerEventsRemoved() const
void SwitchOffUnMatchedTriggerEventsRemoval()
void SwitchOnUnMatchedTriggerEventsRemoval()
Bool_t IsTriggerPatchMatchedToCluster() const
void SwitchOffTriggerPatchMatching()
void SwitchOnTriggerPatchMatching()
Bool_t IsTriggerClusterTimeRecal() const
void SwitchOnTriggerClusterTimeRecal()
void SwitchOffTriggerClusterTimeRecal()
Bool_t IsEventMinimumBias() const
{ return fEventTrigMinBias ; }
Bool_t IsEventCentral() const
{ return fEventTrigCentral ; }
Bool_t IsEventSemiCentral() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL0() const
{ return fEventTrigEMCALL0 ; }
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Gamma1() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Gamma2() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Jet1() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Jet2() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Gamma() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1Jet() const
Bool_t IsEventEMCALL1() const
{ return (IsEventEMCALL1Gamma() || IsEventEMCALL1Jet() ) ; }
void SwitchOnEMCALEventRejectionWith2Thresholds()
void SwitchOffEMCALEventRejectionWith2Thresholds()
void SwitchOnPileUpEventRejection()
 Other event rejections criteria
void SwitchOffPileUpEventRejection()
Bool_t IsPileUpEventRejectionDone() const
void SwitchOnV0ANDSelection()
void SwitchOffV0ANDSelection()
Bool_t IsV0ANDEventSelectionDone() const
void SwitchOnVertexBCEventSelection()
void SwitchOffVertexBCEventSelection()
Bool_t IsVertexBCEventSelectionDone() const
void SwitchOnPrimaryVertexSelection()
void SwitchOffPrimaryVertexSelection()
Bool_t IsPrimaryVertexSelectionDone() const
void SwitchOnRejectNoTrackEvents()
void SwitchOffRejectNoTrackEvents()
Bool_t IsEventWithNoTrackRejectionDone() const
Double_t GetRunTimeStampMin() const
 Time Stamp
{ return fTimeStampRunMin ; }
Double_t GetRunTimeStampMax() const
{ return fTimeStampRunMax ; }
void SetRunTimeStamp(Double_t a, Double_t b)
Float_t GetEventTimeStampFractionMin() const
Float_t GetEventTimeStampFractionMax() const
void SetEventTimeStampFraction(Float_t a, Float_t b)
void SwitchOnSelectEventTimeStamp()
void SwitchOffSelectEventTimeStamp()
Bool_t IsSelectEventTimeStampOn()
void SetPileUpParamForSPD(Int_t i, Double_t param)
{ fPileUpParamSPD[i] = param ; }
void SetPileUpParamForEMCal(Int_t param)
{ fNPileUpClustersCut = param ; }
Int_t GetNPileUpClusters()
{ return fNPileUpClusters ; }
Int_t GetNNonPileUpClusters()
{ return fNNonPileUpClusters ; }
Int_t GetEMCalEventBC(Int_t bc) const
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) return fEMCalBCEvent [bc] ; else return 0 ; }
Int_t GetTrackEventBC(Int_t bc) const
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) return fTrackBCEvent [bc] ; else return 0 ; }
Int_t GetEMCalEventBCcut(Int_t bc) const
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) return fEMCalBCEventCut[bc] ; else return 0 ; }
Int_t GetTrackEventBCcut(Int_t bc) const
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) return fTrackBCEventCut[bc] ; else return 0 ; }
void SetEMCalEventBC(Int_t bc)
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) fEMCalBCEvent [bc] = 1 ; }
void SetTrackEventBC(Int_t bc)
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) fTrackBCEvent [bc] = 1 ; }
void SetEMCalEventBCcut(Int_t bc)
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) fEMCalBCEventCut[bc] = 1 ; }
void SetTrackEventBCcut(Int_t bc)
{ if(bc >=0 && bc < 19) fTrackBCEventCut[bc] = 1 ; }
Int_t GetVertexBC(const AliVVertex* vtx)
void SwitchOnRecalculateVertexBC()
void SwitchOffRecalculateVertexBC()
ULong_t GetTrackStatus() const
 Track selection
{ return fTrackStatus ; }
void SetTrackStatus(ULong_t bit)
{ fTrackStatus = bit ; }
Bool_t SelectTrack(AliVTrack* , Double_t* )
{ return kFALSE ; }
void SwitchOnTrackHitSPDSelection()
void SwitchOffTrackHitSPDSelection()
Int_t GetTrackMultiplicity() const
{ return fTrackMult ; }
Float_t GetTrackMultiplicityEtaCut() const
{ return fTrackMultEtaCut ; }
void SetTrackMultiplicityEtaCut(Float_t eta)
{ fTrackMultEtaCut = eta ; }
ULong_t GetTrackFilterMask() const
 virtual for AODReader
{ return 0 ; }
void SetTrackFilterMask(ULong_t )
{ ; }
ULong_t GetTrackFilterMaskComplementary() const
{ return 0 ; }
void SetTrackFilterMaskComplementary(ULong_t )
{ ; }
void SwitchOnAODHybridTrackSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffAODHybridTrackSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOnAODPrimaryTrackSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffAODPrimaryTrackSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOnAODTrackSharedClusterSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffAODTrackSharedClusterSelection()
{ ; }
void SetTPCSharedClusterFraction(Float_t )
{ ; }
Float_t GetTPCSharedClusterFraction() const
{ return 0 ; }
AliESDtrackCuts* GetTrackCuts() const
 virtual for ESDReader
{ return 0 ; }
AliESDtrackCuts* GetTrackComplementaryCuts() const
{ return 0 ; }
void SetTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* )
{ ; }
void SetTrackComplementaryCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* )
{ ; }
void SwitchOnConstrainTrackToVertex()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffConstrainTrackToVertex()
{ ; }
void AnalyzeOnlyLED()
 Calorimeter pure LED events selection
{ fAnaLED = kTRUE ; }
void AnalyzeOnlyPhysics()
{ fAnaLED = kFALSE ; }
void GetVertex(Double_t v[3])
 Vertex methods

Bool_t CheckForPrimaryVertex() const
{ return kTRUE ; }
Float_t GetZvertexCut() const
{ return fZvtxCut ; }
void SetZvertexCut(Float_t zcut = 10.)
{ fZvtxCut=zcut ; }
AliCentrality* GetCentrality() const
 Centrality / Event Plane

void SetCentralityClass(TString name)
{ fCentralityClass = name ; }
void SetCentralityOpt(Int_t opt)
{ fCentralityOpt = opt ; }
TString GetCentralityClass() const
{ return fCentralityClass ; }
Int_t GetCentralityOpt() const
{ return fCentralityOpt ; }
void SetCentralityBin(Int_t min, Int_t max)
Float_t GetCentralityBin(Int_t i) const
AliEventplane* GetEventPlane() const
void SetEventPlaneMethod(TString m)
TString GetEventPlaneMethod() const
{ return fEventPlaneMethod ; }
Int_t GetLastCaloMixedEvent() const

{ return fLastMixedCaloEvent ; }
Int_t GetLastTracksMixedEvent() const
TList * GetListWithMixedEventsForCalo(Int_t bi) const
{ if(fListMixedCaloEvents) return fListMixedCaloEvents [bi] ; else return 0 ; }
TList * GetListWithMixedEventsForTracks(Int_t bi) const
{ if(fListMixedTracksEvents) return fListMixedTracksEvents[bi] ; else return 0 ; }
Bool_t ListWithMixedEventsForCaloExists() const
Bool_t ListWithMixedEventsForTracksExists() const
void SetLastCaloMixedEvent(Int_t e)
void SetLastTracksMixedEvent(Int_t e)
void SetListWithMixedEventsForCalo(TList** l)
void SetListWithMixedEventsForTracks(TList** l)
AliCalorimeterUtils * GetCaloUtils() const
 Other methods

{ return fCaloUtils ; }
void SetCaloUtils(AliCalorimeterUtils* caloutils)
{ fCaloUtils = caloutils ; }
Double_t GetBField() const
AliVEvent* GetInputEvent() const
{ return fInputEvent ; }
AliVEvent* GetOriginalInputEvent() const
{ return 0x0 ; }
AliAODEvent* GetOutputEvent() const
{ return fOutputEvent ; }
AliMCEvent* GetMC() const
{ return fMC ; }
AliMixedEvent* GetMixedEvent() const
{ return fMixedEvent ; }
Int_t GetNMixedEvent() const
{ return fNMixedEvent ; }
void SwitchOnStack()
void SwitchOffStack()
void SwitchOnAODMCParticles()
void SwitchOffAODMCParticles()
Bool_t ReadStack() const
{ return fReadStack ; }
Bool_t ReadAODMCParticles() const
{ return fReadAODMCParticles ; }
Bool_t IsPtHardAndJetPtComparisonSet() const
void SetPtHardAndJetPtComparison(Bool_t compare)
{ fComparePtHardAndJetPt = compare ; }
Float_t GetPtHardAndJetFactor() const
void SetPtHardAndJetPtFactor(Float_t factor)
{ fPtHardAndJetPtFactor = factor ; }
Bool_t IsPtHardAndClusterPtComparisonSet() const
void SetPtHardAndClusterPtComparison(Bool_t compare)
Float_t GetPtHardAndClusterFactor() const
void SetPtHardAndClusterPtFactor(Float_t factor)
void SwitchOnAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels()
void SwitchOffAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels()
Bool_t AcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels() const
void AddNeutralParticlesArray(TArrayI& )
 MC reader methods, declared there to allow compilation, they are only used in the MC reader
{ ; }
void AddChargedParticlesArray(TArrayI& )
{ ; }
void AddStatusArray(TArrayI& )
{ ; }
void SwitchOnPi0Decay()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffPi0Decay()
{ ; }
void SwitchOnStatusSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffStatusSelection()
{ ; }
void SwitchOnOverlapCheck()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffOverlapCheck()
{ ; }
void SwitchOnOnlyGeneratorParticles()
{ ; }
void SwitchOffOnlyGeneratorParticles()
{ ; }
void SetEMCALOverlapAngle(Float_t )
{ ; }
void SetPHOSOverlapAngle(Float_t )
{ ; }
Bool_t IsNonStandardJetsSwitchedOn() const

void SwitchOnNonStandardJets()
void SwitchOffNonStandardJets()
Bool_t IsBackgroundJetsSwitchedOn() const
void SwitchOnBackgroundJets()
void SwitchOffBackgroundJets()
TClonesArray* GetNonStandardJets() const
{ return fNonStandardJets ; }
void SetInputNonStandardJetBranchName(TString name)
TString GetInputNonStandardJetBranchName()
AliAODJetEventBackground* GetBackgroundJets() const
{ return fBackgroundJets ; }
void SetInputBackgroundJetBranchName(TString name)
TString GetInputBackgroundJetBranchName()