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class AliESDtrack: public AliExternalTrackParam

Function Members (Methods)

AliESDtrack(const AliESDtrack& track)
AliESDtrack(const AliVTrack* track)
AliESDtrack(TParticle* part)
voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
voidAddCalibObject(TObject* object)
voidAliExternalTrackParam::AddCovariance(const Double_t* cov)
virtual voidAliExternalTrackParam::AddTimeStep(Double_t)
voidAddTOFcluster(Int_t icl)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
static Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(Double_t bg, Double_t kp1 = 0.76176e-1, Double_t kp2 = 10.632, Double_t kp3 = 0.13279e-4, Double_t kp4 = 1.8631, Double_t kp5 = 1.9479)
static Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochGas(Double_t bg)
static Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochGeant(Double_t bg, Double_t kp0 = 2.33, Double_t kp1 = 0.20, Double_t kp2 = 3.00, Double_t kp3 = 173e-9, Double_t kp4 = 0.49848)
static Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochSolid(Double_t bg)
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
virtual Short_tAliExternalTrackParam::Charge() const
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tAliVParticle::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::ConstrainToVertex(const AliVVertex* vtx, Double_t* b)
virtual voidCopy(TObject& obj) const
voidAliExternalTrackParam::CopyFromVTrack(const AliVTrack* vTrack)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::CorrectForMaterial(Double_t d, Double_t x0, Double_t mass, Double_t (*)(Double_t) f = AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochSolid)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::CorrectForMeanMaterial(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho, Double_t mass, Bool_t anglecorr = kFALSE, Double_t (*)(Double_t) f = AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochSolid)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::CorrectForMeanMaterialdEdx(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho, Double_t mass, Double_t dEdx, Bool_t anglecorr = kFALSE)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::CorrectForMeanMaterialZA(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho, Double_t mass, Double_t zOverA = 0.49848, Double_t density = 2.33, Double_t exEnergy = 173e-9, Double_t jp1 = 0.20, Double_t jp2 = 3.00, Bool_t anglecorr = kFALSE)
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidAliExternalTrackParam::DrawTrack(Float_t magF, Float_t minR, Float_t maxR, Float_t stepR)
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual Double_tE() const
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Eta() const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidFillPolymarker(TPolyMarker3D* pol, Float_t magf, Float_t minR, Float_t maxR, Float_t stepR)
Bool_tFillTPCOnlyTrack(AliESDtrack& track)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
static voidAliExternalTrackParam::g3helx3(Double_t qfield, Double_t step, Double_t* vect)
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Get1P() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetAlpha() const
virtual voidAliVTrack::GetBxByBz(Double_t* b) const
virtual Double_tAliVTrack::GetBz() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetC(Double_t b) const
TObject*GetCalibObject(Int_t index)
Double_tGetChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal(const AliESDVertex* vtx) const
Int_tGetClusters(Int_t idet, Int_t* idx) const
Double_tGetConstrainedChi2() const
Double_tGetConstrainedChi2TPC() const
Bool_tGetConstrainedExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
Bool_tGetConstrainedExternalParameters(Double_t& alpha, Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
virtual const AliExternalTrackParam*GetConstrainedParam() const
Bool_tGetConstrainedPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_tGetConstrainedXYZ(Double_t* r) const
const Double_t*AliExternalTrackParam::GetCovariance() const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(Double_t* cv) const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv, Double_t b) const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetDCA(const AliExternalTrackParam* p, Double_t b, Double_t& xthis, Double_t& xp) const
Double_tGetdEdxInfo(Int_t regionID, Int_t calibID, Int_t qID, Int_t valueID)
Double_tGetdEdxInfoTRD(Int_t method, Double_t p0, Double_t p1, Double_t p2)
virtual const AliDetectorPID*GetDetectorPID() const
virtual voidAliExternalTrackParam::GetDirection(Double_t* d) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetDistance(AliExternalTrackParam* param2, Double_t x, Double_t* dist, Double_t b)
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
virtual voidAliExternalTrackParam::GetDZ(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t b, Float_t* dz) const
virtual Int_tGetEMCALcluster() const
const AliESDEvent*GetESDEvent() const
voidGetESDpid(Double_t* p) const
virtual const AliVEvent*GetEvent() const
voidGetExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
voidGetExternalParameters(Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
virtual Int_tAliVParticle::GetFirstDaughter() const
virtual UInt_tAliVParticle::GetFlag() const
const AliESDfriendTrack*GetFriendTrack() const
virtual Short_tAliVParticle::GetGeneratorIndex() const
Double_tGetGlobalChi2() const
voidAliExternalTrackParam::GetHelixParameters(Double_t* h, Double_t b) const
Double_tGetHMPIDchi2() const
virtual Int_tGetHMPIDcluIdx() const
virtual voidGetHMPIDmip(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Int_t& q, Int_t& nph) const
virtual Double_tGetHMPIDoccupancy() const
virtual voidGetHMPIDpid(Double_t* p) const
virtual Double_tGetHMPIDsignal() const
virtual voidGetHMPIDtrk(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& th, Float_t& ph) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual Int_tGetID() const
virtual voidGetImpactParameters(Float_t& xy, Float_t& z) const
virtual voidGetImpactParameters(Float_t* p, Float_t* cov) const
virtual voidGetImpactParametersTPC(Float_t& xy, Float_t& z) const
virtual voidGetImpactParametersTPC(Float_t* p, Float_t* cov) const
Int_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetIndex(Int_t i, Int_t j) const
Bool_tGetInnerExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
Bool_tGetInnerExternalParameters(Double_t& alpha, Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
virtual const AliExternalTrackParam*GetInnerParam() const
Bool_tGetInnerPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_tGetInnerXYZ(Double_t* r) const
virtual Double_tGetIntegratedLength() const
Double_tGetIntegratedLengthOld() const
virtual voidGetIntegratedTimes(Double_t* times, Int_t nspec = AliPID::kSPECIES) const
Double_tGetIntegratedTimesOld(Int_t i) const
Double_tGetITSchi2() const
Double_tGetITSchi2Std(Int_t step) const
virtual UChar_tGetITSClusterMap() const
virtual Char_tGetITSclusters(Int_t* idx) const
virtual voidGetITSdEdxSamples(Double_t* s) const
Bool_tGetITSFakeFlag() const
Int_tGetITSLabel() const
Int_tGetITSModuleIndex(Int_t ilayer) const
Bool_tGetITSModuleIndexInfo(Int_t ilayer, Int_t& idet, Int_t& status, Float_t& xloc, Float_t& zloc) const
Char_tGetITSNcls() const
voidGetITSpid(Double_t* p) const
UChar_tGetITSSharedMap() const
virtual Double_tGetITSsignal() const
virtual Int_tGetKinkIndex(Int_t i) const
virtual Int_tGetLabel() const
virtual Int_tAliVParticle::GetLastDaughter() const
static Double_tGetLengthInActiveZone(const AliExternalTrackParam* paramT, Double_t deltaY, Double_t deltaZ, Double_t bz, Double_t exbPhi = 0, TTreeSRedirector* pcstream = 0)
Double_tGetLengthInActiveZone(Int_t mode, Double_t deltaY, Double_t deltaZ, Double_t bz, Double_t exbPhi = 0, TTreeSRedirector* pcstream = 0) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetLinearD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv) const
Double_tGetMass(Bool_t tpcOnly = kFALSE) const
Double_tGetMassForTracking() const
static Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetMostProbablePt()
virtual Int_tAliVParticle::GetMother() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
virtual Int_tGetNcls(Int_t idet) const
Int_tGetNTOFclusters() const
virtual Int_tAliVTrack::GetNumberOfClusters() const
virtual Int_tGetNumberOfTRDslices() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
Bool_tGetOuterExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
Bool_tGetOuterExternalParameters(Double_t& alpha, Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
Bool_tGetOuterHmpExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
Bool_tGetOuterHmpExternalParameters(Double_t& alpha, Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
const AliExternalTrackParam*GetOuterHmpParam() const
virtual Bool_tGetOuterHmpPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_tGetOuterHmpXYZ(Double_t* r) const
virtual const AliExternalTrackParam*GetOuterParam() const
Bool_tGetOuterPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_tGetOuterXYZ(Double_t* r) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetP() const
virtual const Double_t*AliExternalTrackParam::GetParameter() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetParameterAtRadius(Double_t r, Double_t bz, Int_t parType) const
virtual Int_tGetPHOScluster() const
Double_tGetPHOSdx() const
Double_tGetPHOSdz() const
Int_tGetPID(Bool_t tpcOnly = kFALSE) const
virtual Int_tGetPIDForTracking() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(const AliExternalTrackParam* t) const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(const Double_t* p, const Double_t* cov) const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetPredictedChi2(const Double_t* p, const Double_t* covyz, const Double_t* covxyz) const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetPxPyPzAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t* p) const
Double_t*AliExternalTrackParam::GetResiduals(Double_t* p, Double_t* cov, Bool_t updated = kTRUE) const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigma1Pt2() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigma1PtSnp() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigma1PtTgl() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigma1PtY() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigma1PtZ() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaSnp2() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaSnpY() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaSnpZ() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaTgl2() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaTglSnp() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaTglY() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaTglZ() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaY2() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaZ2() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigmaZY() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSign() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSigned1Pt() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSignedPt() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSnp() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetSnpAt(Double_t x, Double_t b) const
virtual ULong_tGetStatus() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetTgl() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual Int_tGetTOFBunchCrossing(Double_t b = 0, Bool_t pidTPConly = kTRUE) const
Int_tGetTOFCalChannel() const
Double_tGetTOFchi2() const
Int_tGetTOFcluster() const
Int_t*GetTOFclusterArray() const
Int_tGetTOFclusterN() const
Short_tGetTOFDeltaBC() const
virtual const AliTOFHeader*GetTOFHeader() const
voidGetTOFInfo(Float_t* info) const
Short_tGetTOFL0L1() const
voidGetTOFLabel(Int_t* p) const
voidGetTOFpid(Double_t* p) const
virtual Double_tGetTOFsignal() const
Double_tGetTOFsignalDx() const
virtual Double_tGetTOFsignalDz() const
Double_tGetTOFsignalRaw() const
Double_tGetTOFsignalToT() const
virtual Double_tGetTOFsignalTunedOnData() const
Double_tGetTPCchi2() const
Double_tGetTPCchi2Iter1() const
Float_tGetTPCClusterDensity(Int_t nNeighbours = 3, Int_t type = 0, Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159, Int_t bitType = 0) const
virtual Float_tGetTPCClusterInfo(Int_t nNeighbours = 3, Int_t type = 0, Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159, Int_t bitType = 0) const
const TBits&GetTPCClusterMap() const
virtual const TBits*GetTPCClusterMapPtr() const
UShort_tGetTPCclusters(Int_t* idx) const
virtual Float_tGetTPCCrossedRows() const
virtual AliTPCdEdxInfo*GetTPCdEdxInfo() const
Double_tGetTPCdensity(Int_t row0, Int_t row1) const
const TBits&GetTPCFitMap() const
virtual const TBits*GetTPCFitMapPtr() const
virtual const AliExternalTrackParam*GetTPCInnerParam() const
Int_tGetTPCLabel() const
virtual Double_tGetTPCmomentum() const
virtual UShort_tGetTPCNcls() const
virtual UShort_tGetTPCncls(Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159) const
virtual UShort_tGetTPCNclsF() const
UShort_tGetTPCNclsFIter1() const
UShort_tGetTPCNclsIter1() const
UShort_tGetTPCnclsS(Int_t i0 = 0, Int_t i1 = 159) const
voidGetTPCpid(Double_t* p) const
Double_tGetTPCPoints(Int_t i) const
const TBits&GetTPCSharedMap() const
virtual const TBits*GetTPCSharedMapPtr() const
virtual Double_tGetTPCsignal() const
virtual UShort_tGetTPCsignalN() const
Double_tGetTPCsignalSigma() const
virtual Double_tGetTPCsignalTunedOnData() const
virtual Double_tGetTPCTgl() const
virtual Double_tGetTrackEtaOnEMCal() const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParam(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamCp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamIp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamITSOut(AliExternalTrackParam&) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamOp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamRefitted(AliExternalTrackParam&) const
virtual Int_tGetTrackParamTPCInner(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
virtual Double_tGetTrackPhiOnEMCal() const
const AliTrackPointArray*GetTrackPointArray() const
virtual Double_tGetTrackPOnEMCal() const
virtual Double_tGetTrackPtOnEMCal() const
Double_tGetTRDBudget() const
virtual Double_tGetTRDchi2() const
virtual UChar_tGetTRDclusters(Int_t* idx) const
Int_tGetTRDLabel() const
virtual Double_tGetTRDmomentum(Int_t plane, Double_t* sp = 0x0) const
virtual UChar_tGetTRDNchamberdEdx() const
virtual UChar_tGetTRDncls() const
UChar_tGetTRDncls0() const
virtual UChar_tGetTRDNclusterdEdx() const
UChar_tGetTRDntracklets() const
virtual UChar_tGetTRDntrackletsPID() const
voidGetTRDpid(Double_t* p) const
Double_tGetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies) const
UChar_tGetTRDpidQuality() const
Double_tGetTRDQuality() const
virtual Double_tGetTRDsignal() const
virtual Double_tGetTRDslice(Int_t plane, Int_t slice = -1) const
Char_tGetTRDTimBin(Int_t i) const
UChar_tGetTRDtracklets(Int_t* idx) const
UChar_tGetTRDtrkltClCross(Int_t ly) const
UChar_tGetTRDtrkltOccupancy(Int_t ly) const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
static Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetUseLogTermMS()
Int_tGetV0Index(Int_t i) const
Char_tGetVertexID() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetX() const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetXatLabR(Double_t r, Double_t& x, Double_t bz, Int_t dir = 0) const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetXYZ(Double_t* p) const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetXYZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t* r) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetXYZatR(Double_t xr, Double_t bz, Double_t* xyz = 0, Double_t* alpSect = 0) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetY() const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetYAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t& y) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetZ() const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::GetZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t& z) const
Bool_tAliVParticle::Global2LocalMomentum(Double_t* p, Short_t charge, Double_t& alpha) const
Bool_tAliVParticle::Global2LocalPosition(Double_t* r, Double_t alpha) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
Bool_tHasPointOnITSLayer(Int_t i) const
Bool_tHasSharedPointOnITSLayer(Int_t i) const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::Intersect(Double_t* pnt, Double_t* norm, Double_t bz) const
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tIsEMCAL() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tAliVTrack::IsExtrapolatedToEMCAL() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tIsHMPID() const
Bool_tIsMultPrimary() const
Bool_tIsMultSecondary() const
virtual Bool_tIsOn(Int_t mask) const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tIsPHOS() const
virtual Bool_tAliVParticle::IsPrimary() const
Bool_tIsPureITSStandalone() const
virtual Bool_tAliVParticle::IsSortable() const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::IsStartedTimeIntegral() const
Bool_tIsTOFHitAlreadyMatched() const
Bool_tIsTRDtrkltChmbGood(Int_t ly) const
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
Bool_tAliVParticle::Local2GlobalMomentum(Double_t* p, Double_t alpha) const
Bool_tAliVParticle::Local2GlobalPosition(Double_t* r, Double_t alpha) const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual Double_tM() const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::OneOverPt() const
static boolOnlineMode()
static voidOnlineMode(bool mode)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::P() const
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual Int_tAliExternalTrackParam::PdgCode() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Phi() const
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::PhiPos() const
virtual const Double_t*PID() const
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* opt) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::Propagate(Double_t alpha, Double_t x, Double_t b)
voidAliExternalTrackParam::Propagate(Double_t len, Double_t* x, Double_t* p, Double_t bz) const
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateBxByBz(Double_t alpha, Double_t x, Double_t* b)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateParamOnlyBxByBzTo(Double_t xk, const Double_t* b)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateParamOnlyTo(Double_t xk, Double_t b)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateTo(Double_t x, Double_t b)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateTo(Double_t* p, Double_t* covyz, Double_t* covxyz, Double_t b)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateToBxByBz(Double_t x, const Double_t* b)
Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateToDCA(AliExternalTrackParam* p, Double_t b)
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateToDCA(const AliVVertex* vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd, Double_t* dz = 0, Double_t* cov = 0)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PropagateToDCABxByBz(const AliVVertex* vtx, Double_t* b, Double_t maxd, Double_t* dz = 0, Double_t* cov = 0)
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Pt() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Px() const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::PxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Py() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Pz() const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
Bool_tRelateToVertex(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
Bool_tRelateToVertexBxByBz(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t* b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
Bool_tRelateToVertexTPC(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
Bool_tRelateToVertexTPCBxByBz(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t* b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
voidReMapTOFcluster(Int_t ncl, Int_t* mapping)
voidReplaceTOFClusterID(int oldID, int newID)
voidReplaceTOFMatchID(int oldID, int newID)
voidReplaceTOFTrackID(int oldID, int newID)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
voidAliExternalTrackParam::ResetCovariance(Double_t s2)
virtual voidResetStatus(ULong_t flags)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::Rotate(Double_t alpha)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::RotateParamOnly(Double_t alpha)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
voidAliExternalTrackParam::Set(Double_t* xyz, Double_t* pxpypz, Double_t* cv, Short_t sign)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
virtual voidSetDetectorPID(const AliDetectorPID* pid)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
virtual voidSetEMCALcluster(Int_t index)
voidSetESDEvent(const AliESDEvent* evt)
voidSetESDpid(const Double_t* p)
virtual voidAliVParticle::SetFlag(UInt_t)
voidSetFriendTrack(const AliESDfriendTrack* t)
virtual voidAliVParticle::SetGeneratorIndex(Short_t)
voidSetGlobalChi2(Double_t chi2)
voidSetHMPIDchi2(Double_t chi2)
voidSetHMPIDcluIdx(Int_t ch, Int_t idx)
voidSetHMPIDmip(Float_t x, Float_t y, Int_t q, Int_t nph = 0)
voidSetHMPIDpid(const Double_t* p)
voidSetHMPIDsignal(Double_t theta)
voidSetHMPIDtrk(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t th, Float_t ph)
virtual voidSetID(Short_t id)
voidSetIntegratedLength(Double_t l)
voidSetIntegratedTimes(const Double_t* times)
voidSetITSchi2Std(Double_t chi2, Int_t step)
voidSetITSClusterMap(UChar_t amap)
voidSetITSdEdxSamples(const Double_t* s)
voidSetITSFakeFlag(Bool_t v = kTRUE)
voidSetITSLabel(Int_t label)
voidSetITSModuleIndex(Int_t ilayer, Int_t idx)
voidSetITSpid(const Double_t* p)
voidSetITSSharedFlag(int lr)
voidSetITSSharedMap(UChar_t map)
voidSetITStrack(AliKalmanTrack* track)
voidSetKinkIndexes(Int_t* points)
voidSetLabel(Int_t label)
static voidAliExternalTrackParam::SetMostProbablePt(Double_t pt)
voidSetNumberOfTRDslices(Int_t n)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
voidSetOuterHmpParam(const AliExternalTrackParam* p, ULong_t flags)
voidSetOuterParam(const AliExternalTrackParam* p, ULong_t flags)
voidAliExternalTrackParam::SetParamOnly(double x, double alpha, const double* param)
virtual voidSetPHOScluster(Int_t index)
voidSetPHOSdxdz(Double_t dx, Double_t dz)
virtual voidSetPIDForTracking(Int_t pid)
virtual voidSetStatus(ULong_t flags)
voidSetTOFCalChannel(Int_t index)
voidSetTOFcluster(Int_t index)
voidSetTOFclusterArray(Int_t ncluster, Int_t* TOFcluster)
voidSetTOFDeltaBC(Short_t deltaBC)
voidSetTOFInfo(Float_t* info)
voidSetTOFL0L1(Short_t l0l1)
voidSetTOFLabel(const Int_t* p)
voidSetTOFpid(const Double_t* p)
voidSetTOFsignal(Double_t tof)
voidSetTOFsignalDx(Double_t dx)
voidSetTOFsignalDz(Double_t dz)
voidSetTOFsignalRaw(Double_t tof)
voidSetTOFsignalToT(Double_t ToT)
voidSetTOFsignalTunedOnData(Double_t signal)
voidSetTPCClusterMap(const TBits& amap)
voidSetTPCdEdxInfo(AliTPCdEdxInfo* dEdxInfo)
voidSetTPCFitMap(const TBits& amap)
voidSetTPCpid(const Double_t* p)
voidSetTPCPoints(Float_t* points)
voidSetTPCPointsF(UChar_t findable)
voidSetTPCPointsFIter1(UChar_t findable)
voidSetTPCSharedMap(const TBits& amap)
voidSetTPCsignal(Float_t signal, Float_t sigma, UChar_t npoints)
voidSetTPCsignalTunedOnData(Float_t signal)
virtual voidSetTrackPhiEtaPtOnEMCal(Double_t phi, Double_t eta, Double_t pt)
voidSetTrackPointArray(AliTrackPointArray* points)
voidSetTRDBudget(Float_t budget)
voidSetTRDmomentum(Double_t p, Int_t plane, Double_t* sp = 0x0)
voidSetTRDNchamberdEdx(UChar_t nch)
voidSetTRDNclusterdEdx(UChar_t ncls)
voidSetTRDntracklets(UChar_t q)
voidSetTRDpid(const Double_t* p)
voidSetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies, Float_t p)
voidSetTRDQuality(Float_t quality)
voidSetTRDsignal(Double_t sig)
voidSetTRDslice(Double_t q, Int_t plane, Int_t slice)
voidSetTRDTimBin(Int_t timbin, Int_t i)
voidSetTRDtrack(AliKalmanTrack* track)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
static voidAliExternalTrackParam::SetUseLogTermMS(Bool_t v = kTRUE)
voidSetV0Indexes(Int_t* points)
voidSetVertexID(Char_t id)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Theta() const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::Translate(Double_t* vTrasl, Double_t* covV)
Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::Update(const Double_t* p, const Double_t* cov)
Bool_tUpdateTrackParams(const AliKalmanTrack* t, ULong_t flags)
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Xv() const
virtual Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::XvYvZv(Double_t* x) const
virtual Double_tY() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Yv() const
virtual Double_tAliExternalTrackParam::Zv() const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

Double32_tAliExternalTrackParam::fAlphaLocal <-->global coor.system rotation angle
Double32_tAliExternalTrackParam::fC[15]The track parameter covariance matrix
Float_tfCacheChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal! Cache for the chi2 of constrained TPC vs global track
const AliESDVertex*fCacheChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobalVertex! Vertex for which the cache is valid
Float_tfCacheNCrossedRows! Cache for the number of crossed rows
Double32_tfCaloDx[0.,0.,8] distance to calorimeter cluster in calo plain (phi direction)
Double32_tfCaloDz[0.,0.,8] distance to calorimeter cluster in calo plain (z direction)
Int_tfCaloIndexindex of associated EMCAL/PHOS cluster (AliESDCaloCluster)
Double32_tfCchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 at the primary vertex
Double32_tfCchi2TPC[0.,0.,8] TPC-only chi2 at the primary vertex
AliExternalTrackParam*fCpTrack parameters constrained to the primary vertex
Double32_tfCzzCovariance matrix of the impact parameters
Double32_tfCzzTPCCovariance matrix of the TPC-only impact parameters
Double32_tfDImpact parameter in XY plane
const AliDetectorPID*fDetectorPID! transient object to cache PID information
const AliESDEvent*fESDEvent!Pointer back to event to which the track belongs
ULong_tfFlagsReconstruction status flags
AliESDfriendTrack*fFriendTrack! All the complementary information
Double32_tfGlobalChi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 of the global track
Double32_tfHMPIDchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the HMPID
Int_tfHMPIDcluIdx1000000*chamber id + cluster idx of the assigned MIP cluster
Double32_tfHMPIDmipXx of the MIP in LORS
Double32_tfHMPIDmipYy of the MIP in LORS
AliExternalTrackParam*fHMPIDpTrack parameters at HMPID
Int_tfHMPIDqn1000000*number of photon clusters + QDC
Double32_t*fHMPIDr! [0.,0.,8] "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
Double32_tfHMPIDsignalHMPID PID signal (Theta ckov, rad)
Double32_tfHMPIDtrkPhi[-2*pi,2*pi,16] phi of the track extrapolated to the HMPID, LORS
Double32_tfHMPIDtrkTheta[-2*pi,2*pi,16] theta of the track extrapolated to the HMPID, LORS
Double32_tfHMPIDtrkXx of the track impact, LORS
Double32_tfHMPIDtrkYy of the track impact, LORS
Int_tfIDUnique ID of the track
UChar_tfITSClusterMapmap of clusters, one bit per a layer
Int_tfITSLabellabel according ITS
Int_tfITSModule[12]modules crossed by the track in the ITS
UChar_tfITSSharedMapmap of shared clusters, one bit per a layer
Double32_tfITSchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the ITS
Double32_tfITSchi2Std[3][0.,0.,8] standard chi2 in the ITS (with standard errors)
Double32_tfITSdEdxSamples[4][0.,0.,10] ITS dE/dx samples
Char_tfITSnclsnumber of clusters assigned in the ITS
Double32_t*fITSr! [0.,0.,8] "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
Double32_tfITSsignal[0.,0.,10] detector's PID signal
AliExternalTrackParam*fIpTrack parameters estimated at the inner wall of TPC
Int_tfKinkIndexes[3]array of indexes of posible kink candidates
Int_tfLabelTrack label
Int_tfNtofClustersnumber of matchable TOF clusters
AliExternalTrackParam*fOpTrack parameters estimated at the point of maximal radial coordinate reached during the tracking
Double32_tAliExternalTrackParam::fP[5]The track parameters
Char_tfPIDForTrackingmass used for tracking
Double32_t*fR! [0.,0.,8] combined "detector response probability"
Int_tfTOFCalChannel! Channel Index of the TOF Signal
Double32_tfTOFInfo[10]! TOF informations
Int_t*fTOFLabel! TOF label
Double32_tfTOFchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the TOF
Short_tfTOFdeltaBC! detector's Delta Bunch Crossing correction
Int_tfTOFindexindex of the assigned TOF cluster
Short_tfTOFl0l1! detector's L0L1 latency correction
Double32_t*fTOFr! [0.,0.,8] "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
Double32_tfTOFsignal! detector's PID signal [ps]
Double32_tfTOFsignalDx! local x of track's impact on the TOF pad [cm]
Double32_tfTOFsignalDz! local z of track's impact on the TOF pad [cm]
Double32_tfTOFsignalRaw! detector's uncorrected time signal [ps]
Double32_tfTOFsignalToT! detector's ToT signal [ns]
Double32_tfTOFsignalTuned! detector's PID signal tuned on data when using MC
TBitsfTPCClusterMapMap of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a cluster on given padrow
TBitsfTPCFitMapMap of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a cluster on given padrow which is used in the fit
AliExternalTrackParam*fTPCInnerTrack parameters estimated at the inner wall of TPC using the TPC stand-alone
Int_tfTPCLabellabel according TPC
Double32_tfTPCPoints[4][0.,0.,10] TPC points -first, max. dens, last and max density
TBitsfTPCSharedMapMap of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a shared cluster on given padrow
Double32_tfTPCchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the TPC
Double32_tfTPCchi2Iter1[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the TPC
AliTPCdEdxInfo*fTPCdEdxInfoobject containing dE/dx information for different pad regions
UShort_tfTPCnclsnumber of clusters assigned in the TPC
UShort_tfTPCnclsFnumber of findable clusters in the TPC
UShort_tfTPCnclsFIter1number of findable clusters in the TPC - iteration 1
UShort_tfTPCnclsIter1number of clusters assigned in the TPC - iteration 1
Double32_t*fTPCr! [0.,0.,8] "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
Double32_tfTPCsignal[0.,0.,10] detector's PID signal
UShort_tfTPCsignalNnumber of points used for dEdx
Double32_tfTPCsignalS[0.,0.,10] RMS of dEdx measurement
Double32_tfTPCsignalTuned! [0.,0.,10] detector's PID signal tuned on data when using MC
Double32_tfTRDBudgettrd material budget
Int_tfTRDLabellabel according TRD
UChar_tfTRDNchamberdEdxnumber of chambers used to calculated the TRD truncated mean
UChar_tfTRDNclusterdEdxnumber of clusters used to calculated the TRD truncated mean
Double32_tfTRDQualitytrd quality factor for TOF
Char_tfTRDTimBin[6]Time bin of Max cluster from all six planes
Double32_tfTRDchi2[0.,0.,8] chi2 in the TRD
Int_tfTRDnSlicesnumber of slices used for PID in the TRD
UChar_tfTRDnclsnumber of clusters assigned in the TRD
UChar_tfTRDncls0number of clusters assigned in the TRD before first material cross
UChar_tfTRDntrackletsnumber of TRD tracklets used for tracking/PID
Double32_t*fTRDr! [0.,0.,8] "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
Double32_tfTRDsignaldetector's PID signal
Double_tfTrackEtaOnEMCaleta of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
Double32_tfTrackLength! Track length
Double_tfTrackPhiOnEMCalphi of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
Double_tfTrackPtOnEMCalpt of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
Double32_t*fTrackTime! TOFs estimated by the tracking
Int_tfV0Indexes[3]array of indexes of posible kink candidates
Char_tfVertexIDID of the primary vertex this track belongs to
Double32_tAliExternalTrackParam::fXX coordinate for the point of parametrisation
Double32_tfZImpact parameter in Z
Double32_tfdTPCTPC-only impact parameter in XY plane
static Double32_tAliExternalTrackParam::fgMostProbablePt"Most probable" pt
static Bool_tAliExternalTrackParam::fgUseLogTermMSuse log term in Mult.Stattering evaluation
Double32_tfzTPCTPC-only impact parameter in Z
static boolfgkOnlineMode! indicate the online mode to skip some of the functionality

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 The default ESD constructor

AliESDtrack(const AliESDtrack& track)
copy constructor

AliESDtrack(const AliVTrack* track)
 ESD track from AliVTrack.
 This is not a copy constructor !

AliESDtrack(TParticle* part)
 ESD track from TParticle

 This is destructor according Coding Conventrions

printf("Delete track\n");
AliESDtrack & operator=(const AliESDtrack& )
 == operator
void Copy(TObject& obj) const
void AddCalibObject(TObject* object)
 add calib object to the list

TObject * GetCalibObject(Int_t index)
 return calib objct at given position

Bool_t FillTPCOnlyTrack(AliESDtrack& track)
void MakeMiniESDtrack()
 Resets everything except
 fFlags: Reconstruction status flags
 fLabel: Track label
 fID:  Unique ID of the track
 Impact parameter information
 fR[AliPID::kSPECIES]: combined "detector response probability"
 Running track parameters in the base class (AliExternalTrackParam)
Int_t GetPID(Bool_t tpcOnly = kFALSE) const
 Returns the particle most probable id. For backward compatibility first the prob. arrays
 will be checked, but normally the GetPIDForTracking will be returned
Int_t GetTOFBunchCrossing(Double_t b = 0, Bool_t pidTPConly = kTRUE) const
 Returns the number of bunch crossings after trigger (assuming 25ns spacing)
Double_t M() const
 Returns the assumed mass
 (the pion mass, if the particle can't be identified properly).
Double_t E() const
 Returns the energy of the particle given its assumed mass.
 Assumes the pion mass if the particle can't be identified properly.
Double_t Y() const
 Returns the rapidity of a particle given its assumed mass.
 Assumes the pion mass if the particle can't be identified properly.
Bool_t UpdateTrackParams(const AliKalmanTrack* t, ULong_t flags)
 This function updates track's running parameters

void GetExternalParameters(Double_t& x, Double_t* p) const
 This function returns external representation of the track parameters

void GetExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
 This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix

GetConstrainedExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
 This function returns the constrained external cov. matrix

GetInnerExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
 This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix
 at the inner layer of TPC

SetOuterParam(const AliExternalTrackParam* p, ULong_t flags)
 This is a direct setter for the outer track parameters

SetOuterHmpParam(const AliExternalTrackParam* p, ULong_t flags)
 This is a direct setter for the outer track parameters

GetOuterExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
 This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix
 at the inner layer of TRD

GetOuterHmpExternalCovariance(Double_t* cov) const
 This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix
 at the inner layer of TRD

Int_t GetNcls(Int_t idet) const
 Get number of clusters by subdetector index

Int_t GetClusters(Int_t idet, Int_t* idx) const
 Get cluster index array by subdetector index

void GetIntegratedTimes(Double_t* times, Int_t nspec = AliPID::kSPECIES) const
 get integrated time for requested N species
Double_t GetIntegratedLength() const
void SetIntegratedTimes(const Double_t* times)
 Sets the array with integrated times for each particle hypotesis
void SetITSpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets values for the probability of each particle type (in ITS)
void GetITSpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets the probability of each particle type (in ITS)
Char_t GetITSclusters(Int_t* idx) const
 This function returns indices of the assgined ITS clusters

Bool_t GetITSModuleIndexInfo(Int_t ilayer, Int_t& idet, Int_t& status, Float_t& xloc, Float_t& zloc) const
 This function encodes in the module number also the status of cluster association
 "status" can have the following values:
 1 "found" (cluster is associated),
 2 "dead" (module is dead from OCDB),
 3 "skipped" (module or layer forced to be skipped),
 4 "outinz" (track out of z acceptance),
 5 "nocls" (no clusters in the road),
 6 "norefit" (cluster rejected during refit),
 7 "deadzspd" (holes in z in SPD)
 Also given are the coordinates of the crossing point of track and module
 (in the local module ref. system)

UShort_t GetTPCclusters(Int_t* idx) const
 This function returns indices of the assgined ITS clusters

Float_t GetTPCCrossedRows() const
 This function calls GetTPCClusterInfo with some default parameters which are used in the track selection and caches the outcome
 because GetTPCClusterInfo is quite time-consuming
Float_t GetTPCClusterInfo(Int_t nNeighbours = 3, Int_t type = 0, Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159, Int_t bitType = 0) const
 TPC cluster information
 type 0: get fraction of found/findable clusters with neighbourhood definition
      1: findable clusters with neighbourhood definition
      2: found clusters
      0 - all cluster used
      1 - clusters  used for the kalman update
 definition of findable clusters:
            a cluster is defined as findable if there is another cluster
           within +- nNeighbours pad rows. The idea is to overcome threshold
           effects with a very simple algorithm.

Float_t GetTPCClusterDensity(Int_t nNeighbours = 3, Int_t type = 0, Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159, Int_t bitType = 0) const
 TPC cluster density -  only rows where signal before and after given row are used
                     -  slower function
 type 0: get fraction of found/findable clusters with neighbourhood definition
      1: findable clusters with neighbourhood definition
      2: found clusters
      0 - all cluster used
      1 - clusters  used for the kalman update
 definition of findable clusters:
            a cluster is defined as findable if there is another cluster
           within +- nNeighbours pad rows. The idea is to overcome threshold
           effects with a very simple algorithm.

Double_t GetTPCdensity(Int_t row0, Int_t row1) const
 GetDensity of the clusters on given region between row0 and row1
 Dead zone effect takin into acoount

void SetTPCpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets values for the probability of each particle type (in TPC)
void GetTPCpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets the probability of each particle type (in TPC)
UChar_t GetTRDclusters(Int_t* idx) const
 This function returns indices of the assgined TRD clusters

UChar_t GetTRDtracklets(Int_t* idx) const
 This function returns the number of TRD tracklets used in tracking
 and it fills the indices of these tracklets in the array "idx" as they
 are registered in the TRD track list.

 Caution :
   1. The idx array has to be allocated with a size >= AliESDtrack::kTRDnPlanes
   2. The idx array store not only the index but also the layer of the tracklet.
      Therefore tracks with TRD gaps contain default values for indices [-1]
void SetTRDpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets values for the probability of each particle type (in TRD)
void GetTRDpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets the probability of each particle type (in TRD)
void SetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies, Float_t p)
 Sets the probability of particle type iSpecies to p (in TRD)
Double_t GetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies) const
 Returns the probability of particle type iSpecies (in TRD)
Int_t GetNumberOfTRDslices() const
 built in backward compatibility
Double_t GetTRDmomentum(Int_t plane, Double_t* sp = 0x0) const
Returns momentum estimation and optional its error (sp)
 in TRD layer "plane".
Double_t GetTRDslice(Int_t plane, Int_t slice = -1) const
Gets the charge from the slice of the plane
void SetNumberOfTRDslices(Int_t n)
Sets the number of slices used for PID
void SetTRDslice(Double_t q, Int_t plane, Int_t slice)
Sets the charge q in the slice of the plane
void SetTRDmomentum(Double_t p, Int_t plane, Double_t* sp = 0x0)
void SetTOFpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets the probability of each particle type (in TOF)
void SetTOFLabel(const Int_t* p)
void GetTOFpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets probabilities of each particle type (in TOF)
void GetTOFLabel(Int_t* p) const
 Gets (in TOF)
void GetTOFInfo(Float_t* info) const
 Gets (in TOF)
void SetTOFInfo(Float_t* info)
 Gets (in TOF)
void SetHMPIDpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets the probability of each particle type (in HMPID)
void SetTPCdEdxInfo(AliTPCdEdxInfo* dEdxInfo)
void GetHMPIDpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets probabilities of each particle type (in HMPID)
void SetESDpid(const Double_t* p)
 Sets the probability of each particle type for the ESD track
void GetESDpid(Double_t* p) const
 Gets probability of each particle type for the ESD track
Bool_t RelateToVertexTPC(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
 Try to relate the TPC-only track parameters to the vertex "vtx",
 if the (rough) transverse impact parameter is not bigger then "maxd".
            Magnetic field is "b" (kG).

 a) The TPC-only paramters are extapolated to the DCA to the vertex.
 b) The impact parameters and their covariance matrix are calculated.
 c) An attempt to constrain the TPC-only params to the vertex is done.
    The constrained params are returned via "cParam".

 In the case of success, the returned value is kTRUE
 otherwise, it's kFALSE)

Bool_t RelateToVertexTPCBxByBz(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t* b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
 Try to relate the TPC-only track parameters to the vertex "vtx",
 if the (rough) transverse impact parameter is not bigger then "maxd".

 All three components of the magnetic field ,"b[3]" (kG),
 are taken into account.

 a) The TPC-only paramters are extapolated to the DCA to the vertex.
 b) The impact parameters and their covariance matrix are calculated.
 c) An attempt to constrain the TPC-only params to the vertex is done.
    The constrained params are returned via "cParam".

 In the case of success, the returned value is kTRUE
 otherwise, it's kFALSE)

Bool_t RelateToVertex(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
 Try to relate this track to the vertex "vtx",
 if the (rough) transverse impact parameter is not bigger then "maxd".
            Magnetic field is "b" (kG).

 a) The track gets extapolated to the DCA to the vertex.
 b) The impact parameters and their covariance matrix are calculated.
 c) An attempt to constrain this track to the vertex is done.
    The constrained params are returned via "cParam".

 In the case of success, the returned value is kTRUE
 (otherwise, it's kFALSE)

Bool_t RelateToVertexBxByBz(const AliESDVertex* vtx, Double_t* b, Double_t maxd, AliExternalTrackParam* cParam = 0)
 Try to relate this track to the vertex "vtx",
 if the (rough) transverse impact parameter is not bigger then "maxd".
            Magnetic field is "b" (kG).

 a) The track gets extapolated to the DCA to the vertex.
 b) The impact parameters and their covariance matrix are calculated.
 c) An attempt to constrain this track to the vertex is done.
    The constrained params are returned via "cParam".

 In the case of success, the returned value is kTRUE
 (otherwise, it's kFALSE)

void Print(Option_t* opt) const
 Prints info on the track
void FillPolymarker(TPolyMarker3D* pol, Float_t magf, Float_t minR, Float_t maxR, Float_t stepR)
 Fill points in the polymarker

void SetITSdEdxSamples(const Double_t* s)
 Store the dE/dx samples measured by the two SSD and two SDD layers.
 These samples are corrected for the track segment length.

void GetITSdEdxSamples(Double_t* s) const
 Get the dE/dx samples measured by the two SSD and two SDD layers.
 These samples are corrected for the track segment length.

UShort_t GetTPCnclsS(Int_t i0 = 0, Int_t i1 = 159) const
 get number of shared TPC clusters

UShort_t GetTPCncls(Int_t row0 = 0, Int_t row1 = 159) const
 get number of TPC clusters

Double_t GetChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal(const AliESDVertex* vtx) const
 Calculates the chi2 between the TPC track (TPCinner) constrained to the primary vertex and the global track

 Returns -1 in case the calculation failed

 Value is cached as a non-persistent member.

 Code adapted from original code by GSI group (Jacek, Marian, Michael)
void SetDetectorPID(const AliDetectorPID* pid)
 Set the detector PID

Double_t GetLengthInActiveZone(Int_t mode, Double_t deltaY, Double_t deltaZ, Double_t bz, Double_t exbPhi = 0, TTreeSRedirector* pcstream = 0) const
 Input parameters:
   mode  - type of external track parameters
   deltaY - user defined "dead region" in cm
   deltaZ - user defined "active region" in cm (250 cm drift lenght - 14 cm L1 delay
   bz     - magnetic field
   exbPhi - optional rotation due to the ExB effect
 return value:
   the length of the track in cm in "active volume" of the TPC

Double_t GetLengthInActiveZone(const AliExternalTrackParam* paramT, Double_t deltaY, Double_t deltaZ, Double_t bz, Double_t exbPhi = 0, TTreeSRedirector* pcstream = 0)
 Numerical code to calculate the length of the track in active region of the TPC
 ( can be speed up if somebody wants to invest time - analysical version shoult be possible)

 Input parameters:
   paramT - external track parameters
   deltaY - user defined "dead region" in cm
   deltaZ - user defined "active region" in cm (250 cm drift lenght - 14 cm L1 delay
   bz     - magnetic field
   exbPhi - optional rotation due to the ExB effect
 return value:
   the length of the track in cm in "active volume" of the TPC

Double_t GetMassForTracking() const
void SetTOFclusterArray(Int_t ncluster, Int_t* TOFcluster)
void SuppressTOFMatches()
 remove reference to this track from TOF clusters
void ReplaceTOFTrackID(int oldID, int newID)
 replace the ID in TOF clusters references to this track
void ReplaceTOFClusterID(int oldID, int newID)
 replace the referenc on TOF cluster oldID by newID
void ReplaceTOFMatchID(int oldID, int newID)
 replace in the ESDTOFCluster associated with this track the id of the corresponding
 ESDTOFMatch from oldID to newID
void AddTOFcluster(Int_t icl)
void SetTOFsignal(Double_t tof)
void SetTOFCalChannel(Int_t index)
void SetTOFsignalToT(Double_t ToT)
void SetTOFsignalRaw(Double_t tof)
void SetTOFsignalDz(Double_t dz)
void SetTOFsignalDx(Double_t dx)
void SetTOFDeltaBC(Short_t deltaBC)
void SetTOFL0L1(Short_t l0l1)
Double_t GetTOFsignal() const
Double_t GetTOFsignalToT() const
Double_t GetTOFsignalRaw() const
Double_t GetTOFsignalDz() const
Double_t GetTOFsignalDx() const
Short_t GetTOFDeltaBC() const
Short_t GetTOFL0L1() const
Int_t GetTOFCalChannel() const
Int_t GetTOFcluster() const
Int_t GetTOFclusterN() const
Bool_t IsTOFHitAlreadyMatched() const
void ReMapTOFcluster(Int_t ncl, Int_t* mapping)
void SortTOFcluster()
const AliTOFHeader* GetTOFHeader() const
void SetID(Short_t id)
 set track ID taking care about dependencies
Double_t GetdEdxInfo(Int_t regionID, Int_t calibID, Int_t qID, Int_t valueID)
 Interface to get the calibrated dEdx information
 For details of arguments and return values see
     AliTPCdEdxInfo::GetdEdxInfo(Int_t regionID, Int_t calibID, Int_t valueID)

Double_t GetdEdxInfoTRD(Int_t method, Double_t p0, Double_t p1, Double_t p2)
 mean values:
     0.)   linear
     1.)   logarithmic
     2.)   1/sqrt
     3.)   power()
 time COG:
     4.)   linear
     5.)   logarithmic
     6.)   square
const AliESDfriendTrack * GetFriendTrack() const
{return fFriendTrack;}
void SetFriendTrack(const AliESDfriendTrack* t)
void ReleaseESDfriendTrack()
{ delete fFriendTrack; fFriendTrack=0; }
Int_t GetID() const
{ return fID;}
void SetVertexID(Char_t id)
{ fVertexID=id;}
Char_t GetVertexID() const
{ return fVertexID;}
void SetStatus(ULong_t flags)
void ResetStatus(ULong_t flags)
void SetIntegratedLength(Double_t l)
const Double_t * PID() const
{ return fR; }
Bool_t IsOn(Int_t mask) const
{return (fFlags&mask)>0;}
ULong_t GetStatus() const
{return fFlags;}
Int_t GetLabel() const
{return fLabel;}
void SetLabel(Int_t label)
{fLabel = label;}
Double_t GetIntegratedLengthOld() const
{return fTrackLength;}
Double_t GetIntegratedTimesOld(Int_t i) const
{if(fTrackTime) return fTrackTime[i]; else return 0;}
Double_t GetMass(Bool_t tpcOnly = kFALSE) const
{return AliPID::ParticleMass(GetPID(tpcOnly));}
void SetPIDForTracking(Int_t pid)
Int_t GetPIDForTracking() const
{return fPIDForTracking;}
Bool_t GetConstrainedPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_t GetConstrainedXYZ(Double_t* r) const
const AliExternalTrackParam * GetConstrainedParam() const
{return fCp;}
Double_t GetConstrainedChi2() const
{return fCchi2;}
void SetGlobalChi2(Double_t chi2)
 global track chi2
{fGlobalChi2 = chi2;}
Double_t GetGlobalChi2() const
{return fGlobalChi2;}
Bool_t GetInnerPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
const AliExternalTrackParam * GetInnerParam() const
{ return fIp;}
const AliExternalTrackParam * GetTPCInnerParam() const
{return fTPCInner;}
Bool_t GetInnerXYZ(Double_t* r) const
const AliExternalTrackParam * GetOuterParam() const
{ return fOp;}
const AliExternalTrackParam * GetOuterHmpParam() const
{ return fHMPIDp;}
Bool_t GetOuterPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_t GetOuterHmpPxPyPz(Double_t* p) const
Bool_t GetOuterXYZ(Double_t* r) const
Bool_t GetOuterHmpXYZ(Double_t* r) const
Double_t GetITSsignal() const
{return fITSsignal;}
Double_t GetITSchi2() const
{return fITSchi2;}
Double_t GetITSchi2Std(Int_t step) const
{return (step>-1&&step<kNITSchi2Std) ? fITSchi2Std[step] : -1;}
void SetITSchi2Std(Double_t chi2, Int_t step)
{ if (step>-1&&step<kNITSchi2Std) fITSchi2Std[step] = chi2;}
UChar_t GetITSClusterMap() const
{return fITSClusterMap;}
void SetITSClusterMap(UChar_t amap)
{fITSClusterMap = amap;}
Char_t GetITSNcls() const
{ return fITSncls;}
UChar_t GetITSSharedMap() const
{return fITSSharedMap;}
void SetITSSharedFlag(int lr)
{fITSSharedMap |= 0x1<<lr;}
Bool_t GetITSFakeFlag() const
{return (fITSSharedMap&BIT(7))!=0;}
void SetITSFakeFlag(Bool_t v = kTRUE)
{if (v) fITSSharedMap|=BIT(7); else fITSSharedMap&=~BIT(7);}
void SetITSSharedMap(UChar_t map)
void SetITSModuleIndex(Int_t ilayer, Int_t idx)
Int_t GetITSModuleIndex(Int_t ilayer) const
{return fITSModule[ilayer];}
Int_t GetITSLabel() const
{return fITSLabel;}
void SetITSLabel(Int_t label)
{fITSLabel = label;}
void SetITStrack(AliKalmanTrack* track)
AliKalmanTrack * GetITStrack()
Bool_t HasPointOnITSLayer(Int_t i) const
{return TESTBIT(fITSClusterMap,i);}
Bool_t HasSharedPointOnITSLayer(Int_t i) const
{return TESTBIT(fITSSharedMap,i);}
void SetTPCPoints(Float_t* points)
void SetTPCPointsF(UChar_t findable)
{fTPCnclsF = findable;}
void SetTPCPointsFIter1(UChar_t findable)
{fTPCnclsFIter1 = findable;}
UShort_t GetTPCNcls() const
{ return fTPCncls;}
UShort_t GetTPCNclsF() const
{ return fTPCnclsF;}
UShort_t GetTPCNclsIter1() const
{ return fTPCnclsIter1;}
UShort_t GetTPCNclsFIter1() const
{ return fTPCnclsFIter1;}
Double_t GetTPCPoints(Int_t i) const
{return fTPCPoints[i];}
void SetKinkIndexes(Int_t* points)
void SetV0Indexes(Int_t* points)
void SetTPCsignal(Float_t signal, Float_t sigma, UChar_t npoints)
void SetTPCsignalTunedOnData(Float_t signal)
AliTPCdEdxInfo * GetTPCdEdxInfo() const
{return fTPCdEdxInfo;}
Double_t GetTPCsignal() const
{return fTPCsignal;}
Double_t GetTPCsignalTunedOnData() const
{return fTPCsignalTuned;}
Double_t GetTPCsignalSigma() const
{return fTPCsignalS;}
UShort_t GetTPCsignalN() const
{return fTPCsignalN;}
Double_t GetTPCmomentum() const
{return fIp?fIp->GetP():GetP();}
Double_t GetTPCTgl() const
{return fIp?fIp->GetTgl():GetTgl();}
Double_t GetTPCchi2() const
{return fTPCchi2;}
Double_t GetTPCchi2Iter1() const
{return fTPCchi2Iter1;}
Int_t GetTPCLabel() const
{return fTPCLabel;}
Int_t GetKinkIndex(Int_t i) const
{ return fKinkIndexes[i];}
Int_t GetV0Index(Int_t i) const
{ return fV0Indexes[i];}
const TBits& GetTPCFitMap() const
{return fTPCFitMap;}
const TBits* GetTPCFitMapPtr() const
{return &fTPCFitMap;}
const TBits& GetTPCClusterMap() const
{return fTPCClusterMap;}
const TBits* GetTPCClusterMapPtr() const
{return &fTPCClusterMap;}
const TBits& GetTPCSharedMap() const
{return fTPCSharedMap;}
const TBits* GetTPCSharedMapPtr() const
{return &fTPCSharedMap;}
void SetTPCFitMap(const TBits& amap)
{fTPCFitMap = amap;}
void SetTPCClusterMap(const TBits& amap)
{fTPCClusterMap = amap;}
void SetTPCSharedMap(const TBits& amap)
{fTPCSharedMap = amap;}
void SetTRDsignal(Double_t sig)
{fTRDsignal = sig;}
void SetTRDNchamberdEdx(UChar_t nch)
void SetTRDNclusterdEdx(UChar_t ncls)
void SetTRDntracklets(UChar_t q)
UChar_t GetTRDntracklets() const
{return (fTRDntracklets>>3)&7;}
UChar_t GetTRDntrackletsPID() const
 TEMPORARY alias asked by the HFE group to allow
 reading of the v4-16-Release data with TRUNK related software (A.Bercuci@Apr 30th 09)
{return fTRDntracklets&7;}
UChar_t GetTRDpidQuality() const
UChar_t GetTRDtrkltOccupancy(Int_t ly) const
{ return ly<kTRDnPlanes && ly>=0 ? fTRDTimBin[ly] & 0x1F : 0; }
UChar_t GetTRDtrkltClCross(Int_t ly) const
{ return ly<kTRDnPlanes && ly>=0 ? (fTRDTimBin[ly] >> 5) & 0x03 : 0; }
Bool_t IsTRDtrkltChmbGood(Int_t ly) const
 end A.Bercuci
{ return ly<kTRDnPlanes && ly>=0 ? ((fTRDTimBin[ly] >> 7) & 0x01) == 1 : kFALSE;}
void SetTRDQuality(Float_t quality)
Double_t GetTRDQuality() const
{return fTRDQuality;}
void SetTRDBudget(Float_t budget)
Double_t GetTRDBudget() const
{return fTRDBudget;}
void SetTRDTimBin(Int_t timbin, Int_t i)
Double_t GetTRDsignal() const
{return fTRDsignal;}
UChar_t GetTRDNchamberdEdx() const
UChar_t GetTRDNclusterdEdx() const
Char_t GetTRDTimBin(Int_t i) const
{return fTRDTimBin[i];}
Double_t GetTRDchi2() const
{return fTRDchi2;}
UChar_t GetTRDncls() const
{return fTRDncls;}
UChar_t GetTRDncls0() const
{return fTRDncls0;}
Int_t GetTRDLabel() const
{return fTRDLabel;}
void SetTRDtrack(AliKalmanTrack* track)
AliKalmanTrack * GetTRDtrack()
Int_t * GetTOFclusterArray() const
{return fTOFcluster;}
Int_t GetNTOFclusters() const
{return fNtofClusters;}
Double_t GetTOFchi2() const
{return fTOFchi2;}
void SetTOFcluster(Int_t index)
void SetTOFsignalTunedOnData(Double_t signal)
Double_t GetTOFsignalTunedOnData() const
{return fTOFsignalTuned;}
void SetHMPIDsignal(Double_t theta)
 HMPID methodes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (kir)
Double_t GetHMPIDsignal() const
{if(fHMPIDsignal>0) return fHMPIDsignal - (Int_t)fHMPIDsignal; else return fHMPIDsignal;}
Double_t GetHMPIDoccupancy() const
{return (Int_t)fHMPIDsignal/10.0;}
void SetHMPIDchi2(Double_t chi2)
Double_t GetHMPIDchi2() const
{return fHMPIDchi2;}
void SetHMPIDcluIdx(Int_t ch, Int_t idx)
Int_t GetHMPIDcluIdx() const
{return fHMPIDcluIdx;}
void SetHMPIDtrk(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t th, Float_t ph)
void GetHMPIDtrk(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Float_t& th, Float_t& ph) const
void SetHMPIDmip(Float_t x, Float_t y, Int_t q, Int_t nph = 0)
void GetHMPIDmip(Float_t& x, Float_t& y, Int_t& q, Int_t& nph) const
Bool_t IsHMPID() const
{return fFlags&kHMPIDpid;}
Bool_t IsPureITSStandalone() const
{return fFlags&kITSpureSA;}
Bool_t IsMultPrimary() const
{return !(fFlags&kMultSec);}
Bool_t IsMultSecondary() const
{return (fFlags&kMultSec);}
Int_t GetEMCALcluster() const
{return fCaloIndex;}
void SetEMCALcluster(Int_t index)
Bool_t IsEMCAL() const
{return fFlags&kEMCALmatch;}
Double_t GetTrackPhiOnEMCal() const
Double_t GetTrackEtaOnEMCal() const
Double_t GetTrackPtOnEMCal() const
{return fTrackPtOnEMCal;}
Double_t GetTrackPOnEMCal() const
{return TMath::Abs(fTrackEtaOnEMCal) < 1 ? fTrackPtOnEMCal*TMath::CosH(fTrackEtaOnEMCal) : -999;}
void SetTrackPhiEtaPtOnEMCal(Double_t phi, Double_t eta, Double_t pt)
Int_t GetPHOScluster() const
{return fCaloIndex;}
void SetPHOScluster(Int_t index)
Bool_t IsPHOS() const
{return fFlags&kPHOSmatch;}
Double_t GetPHOSdx() const
{return fCaloDx ;}
Double_t GetPHOSdz() const
{return fCaloDz ;}
void SetPHOSdxdz(Double_t dx, Double_t dz)
void SetTrackPointArray(AliTrackPointArray* points)
const AliTrackPointArray * GetTrackPointArray() const
void GetImpactParametersTPC(Float_t& xy, Float_t& z) const
{xy=fdTPC; z=fzTPC;}
void GetImpactParametersTPC(Float_t* p, Float_t* cov) const
Double_t GetConstrainedChi2TPC() const
{return fCchi2TPC;}
void GetImpactParameters(Float_t& xy, Float_t& z) const
{xy=fD; z=fZ;}
void GetImpactParameters(Float_t* p, Float_t* cov) const
const AliESDEvent* GetESDEvent() const
{return fESDEvent;}
const AliVEvent* GetEvent() const
{return (AliVEvent*)fESDEvent;}
void SetESDEvent(const AliESDEvent* evt)
{fESDEvent = evt;}
const AliDetectorPID* GetDetectorPID() const
{ return fDetectorPID; }
void OnlineMode(bool mode)
 online mode
 in order to optimize AliESDtrack for usage in the online HLT,
 some functionality is disabled
 - creation of AliESDfriendTrack
 - set lengt of bit fields fTPCClusterMap and fTPCSharedMap to 0
bool OnlineMode()
{return fgkOnlineMode;}
Int_t GetTrackParam(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
the calibration interface
--to be used in online calibration/QA
--should also be implemented in ESD so it works offline as well

{p=*this; return 0;}
Int_t GetTrackParamRefitted(AliExternalTrackParam& ) const
{return 0;}
Int_t GetTrackParamITSOut(AliExternalTrackParam& ) const
{return 0;}
Int_t GetTrackParamIp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
Int_t GetTrackParamOp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
Int_t GetTrackParamTPCInner(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const
Int_t GetTrackParamCp(AliExternalTrackParam& p) const