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class AliFastGlauber: public TObject

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
Double_tBinaries(Double_t b) const
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
voidCalculateI0I1(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t b = 0., Double_t x0 = 0., Double_t y0 = 0., Double_t phi0 = 0., Double_t ellCut = 20.) const
Double_tCalculateLength(Double_t b = 0., Double_t x0 = 0., Double_t y0 = 0., Double_t phi0 = 0.)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual voidCopy(TObject&) const
Double_tCrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
voidDrawAlmond(Double_t b = 0.) const
voidDrawBinary() const
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
voidDrawEnergyDensity() const
voidDrawGeo() const
voidDrawIntRadius(Double_t b = 0.) const
voidDrawKernel(Double_t b = 0.) const
voidDrawN() const
voidDrawOverlap() const
voidDrawParticipants() const
voidDrawPathLength(Double_t b, Int_t ni = 1000, Int_t iopt = 0) const
voidDrawPathLength0(Double_t b = 0., Int_t iopt = 0) const
voidDrawThickness() const
voidDrawWSb() const
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
Double_tFractionOfHardCrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
Int_tGetA() const
Float_tGetBmax() const
Float_tGetBmin() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
const TString*GetFileName() const
voidGetI0I1(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1AndPhi(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t& phi, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1BackToBack(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1BackToBackAndPhi(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t& phi, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1BackToBackAndPhiAndXY(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t& phi, Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1ForPythia(Int_t n, Double_t* phi, Double_t* integral0, Double_t* integral1, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetI0I1ForPythiaAndXY(Int_t n, Double_t* phi, Double_t* integral0, Double_t* integral1, Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
voidGetLength(Double_t& ell, Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetLengthAndPhi(Double_t& ell, Double_t& phi, Double_t b = -1.)
Int_tGetLengthDef() const
voidGetLengthsBackToBack(Double_t& ell1, Double_t& ell2, Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetLengthsBackToBackAndPhi(Double_t& ell1, Double_t& ell2, Double_t& phi, Double_t b = -1.)
voidGetLengthsForPythia(Int_t n, Double_t *const phi, Double_t* ell, Double_t b = -1.)
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
Double_tGetNumberOfBinaries(Double_t b) const
Double_tGetNumberOfCollisions(Double_t b) const
Double_tGetNumberOfCollisionsPerEvent(Double_t b) const
Double_tGetNumberOfParticipants(Double_t b) const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
voidGetRandom(Int_t& bin, Bool_t& hard)
voidGetRandom(Float_t& b, Float_t& p, Float_t& mult)
voidGetRandomBHard(Double_t& b)
Double_tGetRandomImpactParameter(Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax)
voidGetRandomPhi(Double_t& phi)
voidGetRandomXY(Double_t& x, Double_t& y)
const TF1*GetRWSB() const
voidGetSavedI0I1(Double_t* i0i1) const
voidGetSavedXY(Double_t* xy) const
Float_tGetSigmaHard() const
Float_tGetSigmaNN() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
const TF2*GetWAlmond() const
const TF2*GetWAlmondFixedB(Int_t i) const
const TF1*GetWEnergyDensity() const
const TF1*GetWIntRadius() const
const TF2*GetWKParticipants() const
const TF1*GetWParticipants() const
const TF1*GetWPathLength() const
const TF1*GetWPathLength0() const
Float_tGetWr0() const
const TF1*GetWSB() const
const TF1*GetWSbinary() const
const TF2*GetWSbz() const
Float_tGetWSd() const
const TF1*GetWSgeo() const
const TF1*GetWSN() const
Float_tGetWSn() const
const TF1*GetWSta() const
const TF1*GetWStaa() const
const TF2*GetWStarfi() const
Float_tGetWSw() const
const TF1*GetWSz() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
Double_tHardCrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
voidInit(Int_t mode = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
static AliFastGlauber*Instance()
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
const TF2*Kernel() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
Double_tMeanNumberOfCollisionsPerEvent(Double_t b1, Double_t b2)
Double_tMeanOverlap(Double_t b1, Double_t b2)
Double_tNHard(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
AliFastGlauber&operator=(const AliFastGlauber& rhs)
const TF1*Overlap() const
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
Double_tParticipants(Double_t b) const
voidPlotAlmonds() const
voidPlotBDistr(Int_t n = 1000)
voidPlotI0I1B2BDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Double_t ellCut = 20., Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "i0i1B2B.root")
voidPlotI0I1Distr(Int_t n = 1000, Double_t ellCut = 20., Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "i0i1.root")
voidPlotLengthB2BDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "lengthB2B.root")
voidPlotLengthDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "length.root")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidTObject::Print(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
voidSaveI0I1(Double_t i0, Double_t i1)
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
voidSaveXY(Double_t x, Double_t y)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
voidSetCentralityClass(Double_t xsecFrLow = 0.0, Double_t xsecFrUp = 0.1)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
voidSetFileName(const TString& fn)
voidSetFileName(const char* fn = "$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/glauberPbPb.root")
voidSetHardCrossSection(Float_t xs = 1.0)
voidSetLengthDefinition(Int_t def = 1)
voidSetMaxImpact(Float_t bmax = 20.)
voidSetNNCrossSection(Float_t xs = 55.6)
voidSetNucleus(Int_t n = 208)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
voidSetWoodSaxonParameters(Double_t r0, Double_t d, Double_t w, Double_t n)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
voidSimulateTrigger(Int_t n)
voidStoreAlmonds() const
voidStoreFunctions() const
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const
voidReset() const
static Double_tRWSb(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWAlmond(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWEnergyDensity(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWIntRadius(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWKParticipants(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWParticipants(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWPathLength(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWPathLength0(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSb(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSbinary(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSbz(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSgeo(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSN(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSta(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWStaa(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWStarfi(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
static Double_tWSz(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
AliFastGlauber(const AliFastGlauber& glauber)

Data Members

Int_tfANucleon number of nucleus A
Float_tfBmaxCoresponding maximum b
Float_tfBminMinimum b (set through centrality selection)
Int_tfEllDefdefinition of length (see CalculateLength())
Double_tfI0I1[2]Current integrals I0 and I1
TStringfNamefilename of stored distributions
Float_tfSigmaHardHard Cross Section [mbarn]
Float_tfSigmaNNNN Cross Section [mbarn]
Float_tfWSdWood-Saxon Parameter d
Float_tfWSnWood-Saxon Parameter n
Float_tfWSr0Wood-Saxon Parameter r0
Float_tfWSwWood-Saxon Parameter w
Double_tfXY[2]Current generated production point
static Float_tfgBMaxMaximum Impact Parameter
static AliFastGlauber*fgGlauberSingleton instance
static TF1*fgRWSbWood-Saxon Function (b) with phase space factor
static TF2*fgWAlmondInteraction Almond
static TF2*fgWAlmondCurrentInteraction Almond used for length
static TF2*fgWAlmondFixedB[40]Interaction Almonds read from file
static TF1*fgWEnergyDensityEnergy density as a function of impact parameter
static TF1*fgWIntRadiusInteraction Radius
static TF2*fgWKParticipantsKernel for number of participants
static TF1*fgWParticipantsNumber of participants
static TF1*fgWPathLengthPath Length as a function of phi
static TF1*fgWPathLength0Path Length as a function of phi
static TF1*fgWSNdN/db binary
static TF1*fgWSbWood-Saxon Function (b)
static TF1*fgWSbinarydSigma/db binary
static TF2*fgWSbzWood-Saxon Function (b, z)
static TF1*fgWSgeodSigma/db geometric
static TF1*fgWStaThickness Function
static TF1*fgWStaaOverlap Function
static TF2*fgWStarfiKernel for Overlap Function
static TF1*fgWSzWood-Saxon Function (b = b0, z)
static const Int_tfgkMCIntsNumber of MC integrations

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

  Default Constructor
  Defaults for Pb
AliFastGlauber(const AliFastGlauber& glauber)
 Copy constructor
AliFastGlauber* Instance()
 Set random number generator
void SetAuAuRhic()
Set all parameters for RHIC
void SetPbPbLHC()
Set all parameters for LHC
void Init(Int_t mode = 0)
    mode = 0; all functions are calculated
    mode = 1; overlap function is read from file (for Pb-Pb only)
    mode = 2; interaction almond functions are read from file

void Reset() const
 Reset dynamic allocated formulas
 in case init is called twice
void DrawWSb() const
  Draw Wood-Saxon Nuclear Density Function

void DrawOverlap() const
  Draw Overlap Function

void DrawParticipants() const
  Draw Number of Participants Npart

void DrawThickness() const
  Draw Thickness Function

void DrawGeo() const
  Draw Geometrical Cross-Section

void DrawBinary() const
  Draw Binary Cross-Section

void DrawN() const
  Draw Binaries per event (Ncoll)

void DrawKernel(Double_t b = 0.) const
void DrawAlmond(Double_t b = 0.) const
  Draw Interaction Almond

void DrawEnergyDensity() const
  Draw energy density

void DrawPathLength0(Double_t b = 0., Int_t iopt = 0) const
  Draw Path Length

void DrawPathLength(Double_t b, Int_t ni = 1000, Int_t iopt = 0) const
  Draw Path Length

void DrawIntRadius(Double_t b = 0.) const
  Draw Interaction Radius

Double_t WSb(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Woods-Saxon Parameterisation
  as a function of radius (xx)

Double_t RWSb(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Woods-Saxon Parameterisation
  as a function of radius (xx)
  times r**2
Double_t WSbz(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Wood Saxon Parameterisation
  as a function of z and  b

Double_t WSz(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Wood Saxon Parameterisation
  as a function of z for fixed b

Double_t WSta(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Thickness function T_A
  as a function of b

Double_t WStarfi(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Kernel for overlap function: T_A(s)*T_A(s-b)
  as a function of r and phi
Double_t WStaa(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Overlap function
  T_{AB}=Int d2s T_A(s)*T_B(s-b)
  as a function of b
 (normalized to fA*fB)

Double_t WKParticipants(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Kernel for number of participants
  as a function of r and phi

Double_t WParticipants(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Number of Participants as
  a function of b

Double_t WSgeo(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Geometrical Cross-Section
  as a function of b

Double_t WSbinary(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Number of binary hard collisions
  as a function of b

Double_t WSN(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Number of hard processes per event
  as a function of b
Double_t WEnergyDensity(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Initial energy density
  as a function of the impact parameter

Double_t WAlmond(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Almond shaped interaction region
  as a function of cartesian x,y.

Double_t WIntRadius(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Average interaction density over radius
  at which interaction takes place
  as a function of radius

Double_t WPathLength0(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Path Length as a function of phi
  for interaction point fixed at (0,0)
  as a function of phi-direction

  Phi direction in Almond
Double_t WPathLength(const Double_t* xx, const Double_t* par)
  Path Length as a function of phi
  Interaction point from random distribution
  as a function of the phi-direction
Double_t CrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
 Return the geometrical cross-section integrated from b1 to b2

Double_t HardCrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
 Return the hard cross-section integrated from b1 to b2

Double_t FractionOfHardCrossSection(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
 Return fraction of hard cross-section integrated from b1 to b2

Double_t NHard(Double_t b1, Double_t b2) const
  Number of binary hard collisions
  as a function of b (nucl/ex/0302016 eq. 19)

Double_t Binaries(Double_t b) const
 Return number of binary hard collisions normalized to 1 at b=0

Double_t MeanOverlap(Double_t b1, Double_t b2)
 Calculate the mean overlap for impact parameter range b1 .. b2

Double_t MeanNumberOfCollisionsPerEvent(Double_t b1, Double_t b2)
 Calculate the mean number of collisions per event for impact parameter range b1 .. b2

Double_t GetNumberOfBinaries(Double_t b) const
 Return number of binary hard collisions at b

Double_t Participants(Double_t b) const
 Return the number of participants normalized to 1 at b=0

Double_t GetNumberOfParticipants(Double_t b) const
 Return the number of participants for impact parameter b

Double_t GetNumberOfCollisions(Double_t b) const
 Return the number of collisions for impact parameter b

Double_t GetNumberOfCollisionsPerEvent(Double_t b) const
 Return the number of collisions per event (at least one collision)
 for impact parameter b

void SimulateTrigger(Int_t n)
  Simulates Trigger

void GetRandom(Float_t& b, Float_t& p, Float_t& mult)
 Gives back a random impact parameter, hard trigger probability and multiplicity

void GetRandom(Int_t& bin, Bool_t& hard)
 Gives back a random impact parameter bin, and hard trigger decission

Double_t GetRandomImpactParameter(Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax)
 Gives back a random impact parameter in the range bmin .. bmax

void StoreFunctions() const
 Store in file functions

void StoreAlmonds() const
 Store in file
 40 almonds for b = (0.25+k*0.5) fm (k=0->39)

void SetCentralityClass(Double_t xsecFrLow = 0.0, Double_t xsecFrUp = 0.1)
 Set limits of centrality class as fractions
 of the geomtrical cross section

void GetRandomBHard(Double_t& b)
 Get random impact parameter according to distribution of
 hard (binary) cross-section, in the range defined by the centrality class

void GetRandomXY(Double_t& x, Double_t& y)
 Get random position of parton production point according to
 product of thickness functions

void GetRandomPhi(Double_t& phi)
 Get random parton azimuthal propagation direction

Double_t CalculateLength(Double_t b = 0., Double_t x0 = 0., Double_t y0 = 0., Double_t phi0 = 0.)
 Calculate path length for a parton with production point (x0,y0)
 and propagation direction (ux=cos(phi0),uy=sin(phi0))
 in a collision with impact parameter b

void GetLengthAndPhi(Double_t& ell, Double_t& phi, Double_t b = -1.)
 Return length from random b, x0, y0, phi0
 Return also phi0

void GetLength(Double_t& ell, Double_t b = -1.)
 Return length from random b, x0, y0, phi0

void GetLengthsBackToBackAndPhi(Double_t& ell1, Double_t& ell2, Double_t& phi, Double_t b = -1.)
 Return 2 lengths back to back from random b, x0, y0, phi0
 Return also phi0

void GetLengthsBackToBack(Double_t& ell1, Double_t& ell2, Double_t b = -1.)
 Return 2 lengths back to back from random b, x0, y0, phi0

void GetLengthsForPythia(Int_t n, Double_t *const phi, Double_t* ell, Double_t b = -1.)
 Returns lenghts for n partons with azimuthal angles phi[n]
 from random b, x0, y0

void PlotBDistr(Int_t n = 1000)
 Plot distribution of n impact parameters

void PlotLengthDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "length.root")
 Plot length distribution

void PlotLengthB2BDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "lengthB2B.root")
 Plot lengths back-to-back distributions

void PlotAlmonds() const
 Plot almonds for some impact parameters

void CalculateI0I1(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t b = 0., Double_t x0 = 0., Double_t y0 = 0., Double_t phi0 = 0., Double_t ellCut = 20.) const
 Calculate integrals:
  integral0 = \int_0^ellCut dl*(T_A*T_B)(x0+l*ux,y0+l*uy)
  integral1 = \int_0^ellCut dl*l*(T_A*T_B)(x0+l*ux,y0+l*uy)

 for a parton with production point (x0,y0)
 and propagation direction (ux=cos(phi0),uy=sin(phi0))
 in a collision with impact parameter b

void GetI0I1AndPhi(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t& phi, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Return I0 and I1 from random b, x0, y0, phi0
 Return also phi

void GetI0I1(Double_t& integral0, Double_t& integral1, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Return I0 and I1 from random b, x0, y0, phi0

void GetI0I1BackToBackAndPhi(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t& phi, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Return 2 pairs of I0 and I1 back to back from random b, x0, y0, phi0
 Return also phi0

void GetI0I1BackToBackAndPhiAndXY(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t& phi, Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Return 2 pairs of I0 and I1 back to back from random b, x0, y0, phi0
 Return also phi0

void GetI0I1BackToBack(Double_t& integral01, Double_t& integral11, Double_t& integral02, Double_t& integral12, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Return 2 pairs of I0 and I1 back to back from random b, x0, y0, phi0

void GetI0I1ForPythia(Int_t n, Double_t* phi, Double_t* integral0, Double_t* integral1, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Returns I0 and I1 pairs for n partons with azimuthal angles phi[n]
 from random b, x0, y0

void GetI0I1ForPythiaAndXY(Int_t n, Double_t* phi, Double_t* integral0, Double_t* integral1, Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t ellCut = 20., Double_t b = -1.)
 Returns I0 and I1 pairs for n partons with azimuthal angles phi[n]
 from random b, x0, y0 and return x0,y0

void PlotI0I1Distr(Int_t n = 1000, Double_t ellCut = 20., Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "i0i1.root")
 Plot I0-I1 distribution

void PlotI0I1B2BDistr(Int_t n = 1000, Double_t ellCut = 20., Bool_t save = kFALSE, const char* fname = "i0i1B2B.root")
 Plot I0-I1 back-to-back distributions

AliFastGlauber& operator=(const AliFastGlauber& rhs)
 Assignment operator
void Copy(TObject& ) const
void SetWoodSaxonParameters(Double_t r0, Double_t d, Double_t w, Double_t n)
{fWSr0 = r0; fWSd = d; fWSw = w; fWSn = n;}
void SetWoodSaxonParametersAu()
{fWSr0 = 6.38; fWSd = 0.535; fWSw = 0.; fWSn = 8.59e-4;}
void SetWoodSaxonParametersPb()
{fWSr0 = 6.78; fWSd = 0.54; fWSw = 0.; fWSn = 7.14e-4;}
void SetMaxImpact(Float_t bmax = 20.)
{fgBMax = bmax;}
void SetHardCrossSection(Float_t xs = 1.0)
{fSigmaHard = xs;}
void SetNNCrossSection(Float_t xs = 55.6)
{fSigmaNN = xs;}
void SetNucleus(Int_t n = 208)
void SetFileName(const TString& fn)
void SetFileName(const char* fn = "$(ALICE_ROOT)/FASTSIM/data/glauberPbPb.root")
const TF1* GetWSB() const
{return fgWSb;}
const TF1* GetRWSB() const
{return fgRWSb;}
const TF2* GetWSbz() const
{return fgWSbz;}
const TF1* GetWSz() const
{return fgWSz;}
const TF1* GetWSta() const
{return fgWSta;}
const TF2* Kernel() const
{return fgWStarfi;}
const TF2* GetWStarfi() const
{return fgWStarfi;}
const TF2* GetWKParticipants() const
const TF1* GetWParticipants() const
{return fgWParticipants;}
const TF1* Overlap() const
{return fgWStaa;}
const TF1* GetWStaa() const
{return fgWStaa;}
const TF2* GetWAlmond() const
{return fgWAlmond;}
const TF1* GetWPathLength0() const
{return fgWPathLength0;}
const TF1* GetWPathLength() const
{return fgWPathLength;}
const TF1* GetWIntRadius() const
{return fgWIntRadius;}
const TF1* GetWSgeo() const
{return fgWSgeo;}
const TF1* GetWSbinary() const
{return fgWSbinary;}
const TF1* GetWSN() const
{return fgWSN;}
const TF1* GetWEnergyDensity() const
const TF2* GetWAlmondFixedB(Int_t i) const
{return fgWAlmondFixedB[i];}
Float_t GetWr0() const
{return fWSr0;}
Float_t GetWSd() const
{return fWSd;}
Float_t GetWSw() const
{return fWSw;}
Float_t GetWSn() const
{return fWSn;}
Float_t GetSigmaHard() const
{return fSigmaHard;}
Float_t GetSigmaNN() const
{return fSigmaNN;}
Int_t GetA() const
{return fA;}
const TString* GetFileName() const
{return &fName;}
Float_t GetBmin() const
{return fBmin;}
Float_t GetBmax() const
{return fBmax;}
void SetLengthDefinition(Int_t def = 1)
Int_t GetLengthDef() const
{return fEllDef;}
void GetSavedXY(Double_t* xy) const
{xy[0] = fXY[0]; xy[1] = fXY[1];}
void GetSavedI0I1(Double_t* i0i1) const
{i0i1[0] = fI0I1[0]; i0i1[1] = fI0I1[1];}
void SaveXY(Double_t x, Double_t y)
{fXY[0] = x; fXY[1] = y;}
void SaveI0I1(Double_t i0, Double_t i1)
{fI0I1[0] = i0; fI0I1[1] = i1;}