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class AliFemtoESDTrackCut: public AliFemtoTrackCut

Function Members (Methods)

AliFemtoESDTrackCut(const AliFemtoESDTrackCut&)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::AddCutMonitor(AliFemtoCutMonitor* cutMoni)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::AddCutMonitor(AliFemtoCutMonitor* cutMoni1, AliFemtoCutMonitor* cutMoni2)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::AddCutMonitorFail(AliFemtoCutMonitor* cutMoni)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::AddCutMonitorPass(AliFemtoCutMonitor* cutMoni)
virtual AliFemtoTrackCut*AliFemtoTrackCut::Clone()
virtual voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::EventBegin(const AliFemtoEvent* aEvent)
virtual voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::EventEnd(const AliFemtoEvent* aEvent)
AliFemtoCutMonitor*AliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FailMonitor(int n)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoParticleCollection* partColl)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoEvent* event, bool pass)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoTrack* track, bool pass)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoV0* v0, bool pass)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoKink* kink, bool pass)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoPair* pair, bool pass)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoEvent* event, const AliFemtoParticleCollection* partColl)
voidAliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::FillCutMonitor(const AliFemtoParticleCollection* partColl1, const AliFemtoParticleCollection* partColl2)
virtual TList*AliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::GetOutputList()
virtual TList*ListSettings()
AliFemtoESDTrackCut&operator=(const AliFemtoESDTrackCut&)
virtual boolPass(const AliFemtoTrack* aTrack)
AliFemtoCutMonitor*AliFemtoCutMonitorHandler::PassMonitor(int n)
virtual AliFemtoStringReport()
voidAliFemtoParticleCut::SetAnalysis(AliFemtoAnalysis* analysis)
voidSetCharge(const int& ch)
voidSetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::Detector det, AliESDtrackCuts::ITSClusterRequirement req = AliESDtrackCuts::kOff)
voidSetElectronRejection(Bool_t setE)
voidSetEta(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetLabel(const bool& flag)
virtual voidAliFemtoParticleCut::SetMass(const double& mass)
voidSetMaxImpactXY(const float& maximpxy)
voidSetMaxImpactXYPtDep(const float& maxoff, const float& maxnrm, const float& maxpow)
voidSetMaxImpactZ(const float& maximpz)
voidSetMaxITSChiNdof(const float& maxchi)
voidSetMaxSigmaToVertex(const float& maxsig)
voidSetMaxTPCChiNdof(const float& maxchi)
voidSetMinImpactXY(const float& minimpxy)
voidSetminITScls(const int& minITScls)
voidSetminTPCclsF(const short& minTPCclsF)
voidSetminTPCncls(const short& s)
voidSetMomRangeITSpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
voidSetMomRangeTOFpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
voidSetMomRangeTPCpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
voidSetMostProbable(const int& num)
voidSetPIDMethod(AliFemtoESDTrackCut::ReadPIDMethodType newMethod)
voidSetPidProbElectron(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetPidProbKaon(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetPidProbMuon(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetPidProbPion(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetPidProbProton(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetPt(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetRapidity(const float& lo, const float& hi)
voidSetRemoveITSFake(const bool& flag)
voidSetRemoveKinks(const bool& flag)
voidSetStatus(const long& status)
virtual AliFemtoParticleTypeType()
Bool_tCheckITSClusterRequirement(AliESDtrackCuts::ITSClusterRequirement req, Bool_t clusterL1, Bool_t clusterL2)
boolIsElectron(float nsigmaTPCE, float nsigmaTPCPi, float nsigmaTPCK, float nsigmaTPCP)
boolIsKaonNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
boolIsKaonTOFNSigma(float mom, float nsigma)
boolIsKaonTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
boolIsKaonTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
boolIsKaonTPCdEdxNSigma(float mom, float nsigma)
boolIsPionNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
boolIsPionTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
boolIsPionTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
boolIsProtonNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
boolIsProtonTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
boolIsProtonTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
floatPidFractionElectron(float mom) const
floatPidFractionKaon(float mom) const
floatPidFractionPion(float mom) const
floatPidFractionProton(float mom) const

Data Members

enum PIDMethodType { knSigma
AliFemtoAnalysis*AliFemtoParticleCut::fyAnalysisLink to the base analysis class
intfChargeparticle charge
AliESDtrackCuts::ITSClusterRequirementfCutClusterRequirementITS[3]detailed ITS cluster requirements for (SPD, SDD, SSD) - from AliESDtrackcuts!
floatfEta[2]bounds for pseudorapidity
boolfLabelif true label<0 will not pass throught
floatfMaxITSchiNdofmaximum allowed chi2/ndof for ITS clusters
floatfMaxImpactXYMax XY impact parameter
floatfMaxImpactXYPtNrmMax XY DCA Pt dependent normalization
floatfMaxImpactXYPtOffMax XY DCA Pt dependent offset
floatfMaxImpactXYPtPowMax XY DCA Pt dependent power
floatfMaxImpactZMax Z impact parameter
floatfMaxPforITSpidmomentum till which ITS PID is requested
floatfMaxPforTOFpidmomentum till which TOF PID is requested
floatfMaxPforTPCpidmomentum till which TPC PID is requested
floatfMaxSigmaToVertexmaximum allowed sigma to primary vertex
floatfMaxTPCchiNdofmaximum allowed chi2/ndof for TPC clusters
floatfMinImpactXYMax XY impact parameter
floatfMinPforITSpidmomentum from which ITS PID is requested
floatfMinPforTOFpidmomentum from which TOF PID is requested
floatfMinPforTPCpidmomentum from which TPC PID is requested
intfMostProbablethis particle type is required to be most probable
longfNTracksFailedfailed tracks count
longfNTracksPassedpassed tracks count
Double_tfNsigmanumber of sigmas - 3 by default
Bool_tfNsigmaTPCTOFtrue if squared nsigma from TPC and TOF, false if separately from TPC and TOF
Bool_tfNsigmaTPConlytrue if nsigma from TPC only
AliFemtoESDTrackCut::PIDMethodTypefPIDMethodwhich PID mehod to use. 0 - nsgima, 1 - contour
floatfPidProbElectron[2]bounds for electron probability
floatfPidProbKaon[2]bounds for kaon probability
floatfPidProbMuon[2]bounds for muon probability
floatfPidProbPion[2]bounds for pion probability
floatfPidProbProton[2]bounds for proton probability
floatfPt[2]bounds for transverse momentum
floatfRapidity[2]bounds for rapidity
boolfRemoveITSFakeif true particles with ITS fake flag will not pass
boolfRemoveKinksif true particles with any kink label will not pass
longfStatusstaus flag
intfminITSclsmin number of clusters assigned in the ITS
shortfminTPCclsFmin number of findable clusters in the TPC
shortfminTPCnclsmin number of clusters in the TPC

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 Default constructor
bool Pass(const AliFemtoTrack* aTrack)
AliFemtoString Report()
 Prepare report from the execution
TList * ListSettings()
 return a list of settings in a writable form
void SetRemoveKinks(const bool& flag)
void SetRemoveITSFake(const bool& flag)
float PidFractionElectron(float mom) const
 Provide a parameterized fraction of electrons dependent on momentum
float PidFractionPion(float mom) const
 Provide a parameterized fraction of pions dependent on momentum
float PidFractionKaon(float mom) const
 Provide a parameterized fraction of kaons dependent on momentum
float PidFractionProton(float mom) const
 Provide a parameterized fraction of protons dependent on momentum
void SetMomRangeTOFpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
void SetMomRangeTPCpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
void SetMomRangeITSpidIs(const float& minp, const float& maxp)
bool IsPionTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
   double a1 = -95.4545, b1 = 86.5455;
   double a2 = 0.0,      b2 = 56.0;
bool IsKaonTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
bool IsProtonTPCdEdx(float mom, float dEdx)
bool IsPionTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
bool IsKaonTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
bool IsProtonTOFTime(float mom, float ttof)
bool IsKaonTPCdEdxNSigma(float mom, float nsigma)
  cout<<" AliFemtoESDTrackCut::IsKaonTPCdEdxNSigma "<<mom<<" "<<nsigmaK<<endl;
bool IsKaonTOFNSigma(float mom, float nsigma)
  cout<<" AliFemtoESDTrackCut::IsKaonTPCdEdxNSigma "<<mom<<" "<<nsigmaK<<endl;
  if(mom<1.5 && TMath::Abs(nsigmaK)<3.0)return true;
bool IsKaonNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
bool IsPionNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
bool IsProtonNSigma(float mom, float nsigmaTPC, float nsigmaTOF)
void SetPIDMethod(AliFemtoESDTrackCut::ReadPIDMethodType newMethod)
void SetNsigmaTPCTOF(Bool_t )
void SetNsigmaTPConly(Bool_t )
void SetNsigma(Double_t )
void SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::Detector det, AliESDtrackCuts::ITSClusterRequirement req = AliESDtrackCuts::kOff)
Bool_t CheckITSClusterRequirement(AliESDtrackCuts::ITSClusterRequirement req, Bool_t clusterL1, Bool_t clusterL2)
 checks if the cluster requirement is fullfilled (in this case: return kTRUE)
bool IsElectron(float nsigmaTPCE, float nsigmaTPCPi, float nsigmaTPCK, float nsigmaTPCP)
void SetPt(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fPt[0]=lo; fPt[1]=hi;}
void SetRapidity(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fRapidity[0]=lo; fRapidity[1]=hi;}
void SetEta(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fEta[0]=lo; fEta[1]=hi;}
void SetCharge(const int& ch)
{fCharge = ch;}
void SetPidProbElectron(const float& lo, const float& hi)
void SetPidProbPion(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fPidProbPion[0]=lo; fPidProbPion[1]=hi;}
void SetPidProbKaon(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fPidProbKaon[0]=lo; fPidProbKaon[1]=hi;}
void SetPidProbMuon(const float& lo, const float& hi)
{fPidProbMuon[0]=lo; fPidProbMuon[1]=hi;}
void SetLabel(const bool& flag)
void SetStatus(const long& status)
void SetminTPCclsF(const short& minTPCclsF)
void SetminTPCncls(const short& s)
void SetminITScls(const int& minITScls)
void SetMostProbablePion()
{ fMostProbable = 2; }
void SetMostProbableKaon()
{ fMostProbable = 3; }
void SetMostProbableProton()
{ fMostProbable = 4; }
void SetLeastProbableProton()
{ fMostProbable = 5; }
void SetNoMostProbable()
{ fMostProbable = 0; }
void SetMostProbable(const int& num)
{ fMostProbable = num; }
void SetMaxITSChiNdof(const float& maxchi)
{ fMaxITSchiNdof = maxchi; }
void SetMaxTPCChiNdof(const float& maxchi)
{ fMaxTPCchiNdof = maxchi; }
void SetMaxSigmaToVertex(const float& maxsig)
{ fMaxSigmaToVertex = maxsig; }
void SetMaxImpactXY(const float& maximpxy)
{ fMaxImpactXY = maximpxy; }
void SetMinImpactXY(const float& minimpxy)
{ fMinImpactXY = minimpxy; }
void SetMaxImpactXYPtDep(const float& maxoff, const float& maxnrm, const float& maxpow)
{ fMaxImpactXYPtOff = maxoff; fMaxImpactXYPtNrm = maxnrm; fMaxImpactXYPtPow = maxpow; }
void SetMaxImpactZ(const float& maximpz)
{ fMaxImpactZ = maximpz; }
void SetElectronRejection(Bool_t setE)
{ fElectronRejection = setE; }
void SetPidProbProton(const float& lo, const float& hi)