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class AliFlowEventSimpleMaker

Function Members (Methods)

static TClass*Class()
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliMCEvent* anInput)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliAODEvent* anInput)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(TTree* anInput, const AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* rpCuts, const AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* poiCuts)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliMCEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliMCEvent* anInputMc, Int_t anOption)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliAODEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
AliFlowEventSimple*FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliMCEvent* anInputMc, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager, Int_t anOption)
Double_tGetEllipticFlowValue() const
Int_tGetMaxMult() const
Int_tGetMinMult() const
Int_tGetMultiplicityOfEvent() const
Int_tGetNoOfLoops() const
virtual TClass*IsA() const
voidSetEllipticFlowValue(Double_t elfv)
voidSetMaxMult(Int_t multmax)
voidSetMCReactionPlaneAngle(Double_t fPhiRP)
voidSetMinMult(Int_t multmin)
voidSetMultiplicityOfEvent(Int_t multevnt)
voidSetNoOfLoops(Int_t noofl)
voidSetSubeventEtaRange(Double_t minA, Double_t maxA, Double_t minB, Double_t maxB)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)

Data Members

Int_tfCountcounter for the number of events processed
Double_tfEllipticFlowValueAdd Flow. Must be in range [0,1].
Double_tfEtaMaxAmaximum eta of subevent A eta range
Double_tfEtaMaxBmaximum eta of subevent B eta range
Double_tfEtaMinAminimum eta of subevent A eta range
Double_tfEtaMinBminimum eta of subevent B eta range
Double_tfMCReactionPlaneAnglethe angle of the reaction plane from the MC truth
Int_tfMaxMultMaximum multiplicity from tracks selected using CORRFW
Int_tfMinMultMinimum multiplicity from tracks selected using CORRFW
Int_tfMultiplicityOfEventSet maximal multiplicity (when manipulating the event).
Int_tfNoOfLoopsnumber of times to use the same particle (nonflow)

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliMCEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
Fills the event from the MC kinematic information
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
Fills the event from the ESD
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliAODEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager)
Fills the event from the AOD
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliMCEvent* anInputMc, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager, Int_t anOption)
fills the event with tracks from the ESD and kinematics from the MC info via the track label
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(TTree* anInput, const AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* rpCuts, const AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts* poiCuts)
fills the event from a TTree of kinematic.root files
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliMCEvent* anInput)
Fills the event from the MC kinematic information
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput)
Fills the event from the ESD
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliAODEvent* anInput)
Fills the event from the AOD
AliFlowEventSimple* FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliMCEvent* anInputMc, Int_t anOption)
fills the event with tracks from the ESD and kinematics from the MC info via the track label
void SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(Double_t fPhiRP)
{ this->fMCReactionPlaneAngle = fPhiRP; }
void SetNoOfLoops(Int_t noofl)
{this->fNoOfLoops = noofl;}
Int_t GetNoOfLoops() const
{return this->fNoOfLoops;}
void SetEllipticFlowValue(Double_t elfv)
{this->fEllipticFlowValue = elfv;}
Double_t GetEllipticFlowValue() const
{return this->fEllipticFlowValue;}
void SetMultiplicityOfEvent(Int_t multevnt)
{this->fMultiplicityOfEvent = multevnt;}
Int_t GetMultiplicityOfEvent() const
{return this->fMultiplicityOfEvent;}
void SetMinMult(Int_t multmin)
{this->fMinMult = multmin; }
Int_t GetMinMult() const
{return this->fMinMult; }
void SetMaxMult(Int_t multmax)
{this->fMaxMult = multmax; }
Int_t GetMaxMult() const
{return this->fMaxMult; }
void SetSubeventEtaRange(Double_t minA, Double_t maxA, Double_t minB, Double_t maxB)
{this->fEtaMinA = minA; this->fEtaMaxA = maxA;this->fEtaMinB = minB; this->fEtaMaxB = maxB;}
AliFlowEventSimpleMaker& operator=(const AliFlowEventSimpleMaker& anAnalysis)