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class AliHLTLogging

Function Members (Methods)

AliHLTLogging(const AliHLTLogging&)
static const char*BuildLogString(const char* format, va_list& ap, bool bAppend = false)
intCheckFilter(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity) const
intCheckGroup(const char* originClass) const
static TClass*Class()
static AliHLTComponentLogSeverityGetGlobalLoggingLevel()
const char*GetKeyword() const
static AliHLTComponentLogSeverityGetLocalLoggingDefault()
virtual void*GetParameter() const
static intInit(AliHLTfctLogging pFun)
static intInitAliLogFunc(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler)
static intInitAliLogTrap(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
intLogging(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* origin, const char* keyword, const char* message)
virtual intLoggingVarargs(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* originClass, const char* originFunc, const char* file, int line) const
static intMessage(void* param, AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* origin, const char* keyword, const char* message)
AliHLTLogging&operator=(const AliHLTLogging&)
intSendMessage(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* originClass, const char* originFunc, const char* file, int line, const char* message) const
static intSetBlackList(const char* classnames)
voidSetDefaultKeyword(const char* keyword)
static voidSetGlobalLoggingLevel(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
const char*SetKeyword(const char* keyword)
static voidSetLocalLoggingDefault(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
virtual voidSetLocalLoggingLevel(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
static const char*SetLogString(const void* p, const char* pfmt, const char* format)
static intSetWhiteList(const char* classnames)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
voidSwitchAliLog(int sw)

Data Members

static ostringstreamfgLogstr! transient
static void*fgAliLoggingFunc! transient
AliHLTComponentLogSeverityfLocalLogFiltersee above
static TArrayCfgAliHLTLoggingTarget! transient
static TStringfgBlackList! transient
static AliHLTComponentLogSeverityfgGlobalLogFiltersee above
static AliHLTComponentLogSeverityfgLocalLogDefaultsee above
static AliHLTfctLoggingfgLoggingFuncsee above
static intfgUseAliLogsee above
static TStringfgWhiteList! transient
static const intfgkALIHLTLOGGINGMAXBUFFERSIZE! transient
const char*fpCurrentKeyword! transient
const char*fpDefaultKeyword! transient

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 see header file for class documentation
 refer to README to build package
AliHLTLogging(const AliHLTLogging& )
 see header file for class documentation
AliHLTLogging& operator=(const AliHLTLogging& )
 see header file for class documentation
 see header file for class documentation
int Init(AliHLTfctLogging pFun)
 see header file for class documentation
int InitAliLogTrap(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler)
 see header file for class documentation
 init the AliRoot logging trap
 AliLog messages are redirected to PubSub,
int InitAliLogFunc(AliHLTComponentHandler* pHandler)
 see header file for class documentation
int Message(void* param, AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* origin, const char* keyword, const char* message)
 see header file for class documentation
const char* BuildLogString(const char* format, va_list& ap, bool bAppend = false)
 see header file for class documentation
const char* SetLogString(const void* p, const char* pfmt, const char *format, ...)
 see header file for class documentation
int Logging(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* origin, const char* keyword, const char* format, ... )
 see header file for class documentation
int LoggingVarargs(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* originClass, const char* originFunc, const char* file, int line, ... )
 see header file for class documentation
int SendMessage(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity, const char* originClass, const char* originFunc, const char* file, int line, const char* message) const
 see header file for class documentation
int CheckFilter(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity severity) const
 see header file for class documentation
void SetGlobalLoggingLevel(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
 see header file for class documentation
AliHLTComponentLogSeverity GetGlobalLoggingLevel()
 see header file for class documentation
void SetLocalLoggingLevel(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
 see header file for class documentation
AliHLTComponentLogSeverity GetLocalLoggingLevel()
 see header file for class documentation
void SetLocalLoggingDefault(AliHLTComponentLogSeverity level)
 see header file for class documentation
int CheckGroup(const char* originClass) const
 see header file for class documentation
int SetBlackList(const char* classnames)
 see header file for class documentation
int SetWhiteList(const char* classnames)
 see header file for class documentation
void SetDefaultKeyword(const char* keyword)
 set the default key word
   * the keyword is intended to simplify the use of logging macros

{ fpDefaultKeyword=keyword; }
const char* SetKeyword(const char* keyword)
   * Set a temporary keyword
   * Keywords need to be static const strings, the class handles only
   * pointers and assumes the strings to be persistent.
   * returns the old key value

const char* GetKeyword() const
   * Get the current keyword

AliHLTComponentLogSeverity GetLocalLoggingDefault()
   * Get default setting for local logging filter for individual objects.

{ return fgLocalLogDefault; }
void* GetParameter() const
   * Get parameter given by the external caller.
   * This functionality is not yet implemented. It is intended
   * to pass the parameter pointer given to the component at
   * initialization back to the caller.

{return NULL;}
void SwitchAliLog(int sw)
   * Switch logging through AliLog on or off
   * @param sw          1 = logging through AliLog
