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AliRoot » ITS » AliITSIntMap

class AliITSIntMap

Author: Henrik Tydesjo
This class implements the use of a map of integers.
The values are kept in a binary tree, which is automatically
 reordered to be more balanced when the tree height gets too large

Function Members (Methods)

Data Members

UInt_tfDummyIndexdummy index used when traversing tree
Bool_tfFastAccessis fast access array initialized (key ordered)?
AliITSIntMapNode**fFastAccessArrayarray of pointers to nodes
Bool_tfFastAccessSerializeis fast access array initialized (tree ordered)?
UInt_tfNrEntriesnr of entries in map
AliITSIntMapNode*fRootlink to first node of tree

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliITSIntMap(AliITSIntMapNode* root, UInt_t nrEntries)
AliITSIntMap(const AliITSIntMap& imap)
 copy constructor
AliITSIntMap& operator=(const AliITSIntMap& imap)
 assignment operator
void Clear()
 clear the whole map
void ClearNode(AliITSIntMapNode*& node)
 clear this node and all children nodes
AliITSIntMap* Clone() const
 returns a clone of the map
AliITSIntMapNode* CloneNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
Bool_t Insert(Int_t key, Int_t val)
 insert a new node into the map (returns true if the node was not present before)
void InsertNode(Int_t key, Int_t val, AliITSIntMapNode*& node, UInt_t height)
 method to insert a node in the tree (used recursively)
Bool_t Remove(Int_t key)
 remove a node from the map (returns true if the node was found)
void RemoveNode(Int_t key, AliITSIntMapNode*& node)
 method to remove a node in the tree (used recursively)
Bool_t Pop(Int_t& key, Int_t& val)
 removes one entry (root) from tree, giving its key,val pair
AliITSIntMapNode* FindMinNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
 returns the node with smallest key in the sub tree starting from node
AliITSIntMapNode* FindMaxNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
 returns the node with largest key in the sub tree starting from node
AliITSIntMapNode* Find(Int_t key) const
 finds a node and returns it (returns NULL if not found)
AliITSIntMapNode* FindNode(Int_t key, AliITSIntMapNode* node, UInt_t height) const
 method to find a node in the tree (used recursively)
Int_t GetVal(Int_t key) const
 returns the value for the node with key
void Balance()
 method to balance the tree
  printf("balance H=%d --> ",GetTreeHeight());
AliITSIntMapNode* BalanceNode(Int_t lowInd, Int_t highInd)
 balances the tree by selecting the center of an index range
 (used recursively)
void ClearFastAccess()
 clears the fast access array of pointers
void InitFastAccess()
 initializes the fast access array
void InitFastAccessNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node)
 initializes the fast access array starting from node (used recursively)
void InitFastAccessSerialize()
 initializes the fast access array
void InitFastAccessSerializeNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node)
 initializes the fast access array for tree ordering starting from node (used recursively)
Int_t GetKeyIndex(UInt_t index)
 returns the key of the node at position 'index' in the map
 returns -1 if out of bounds
Int_t GetValIndex(UInt_t index)
 returns the value of the node at position 'index' in the map
 returns -1 if out of bounds
AliITSIntMapNode* FindNodeIndex(UInt_t index, AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
 method to find the index:th node in the tree (used recursively)
 this method should not be needed anymore, since GetKeyIndex/GetValIndex is faster
void PrintEntries() const
 prints all the entries (key,value pairs) of the map
void PrintNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
 method to print node entry (key,value) (used recursively)
UInt_t GetTreeHeight() const
 returns the height of the tree
UInt_t GetTreeHeightNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const
 returns tree height for the sub tree starting from node (used recursively)
UInt_t GetNrEntries() const
{return fNrEntries;}
void PrepareSerialize()
void PrepareSerializeOrdered()