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AliRoot » ITS » AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer

class AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer

Author: A. Mastroserio
This class is used in the detector algorithm framework
to process the data stored in special container files
(see AliITSOnlineSPDfo). The "good" set of DAC values
is extracted.

Function Members (Methods)

AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer& foan)
AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer(const TString fileName, Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
voidBuildTHnSparse(Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip)
voidCheckResults(TString filename, Int_t hs, Int_t ichip, Int_t iqual) const
TArrayIChooseDACValues(Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip) const
Bool_tCorrectPreVTHChioce(const TH1D* h, Int_t& bin) const
voidGetCanvases(const THnSparse* hn, Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip, Int_t iqual) const
TArrayIGetCentralDACS(Int_t qualityflag, Int_t hs, Int_t chip, TH1D** hd) const
AliITSOnlineSPDfo*GetFOHandler() const
voidInit(Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
Bool_tIsExisting(TArrayI dacs, Int_t hs, Int_t chip) const
Int_tIsSelected(Float_t eff) const
AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer&operator=(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer& handle)
voidReadParamsFromLocation(const Char_t* dirName)
Int_tSelect(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoChip* chip) const
voidSetGeneralThresholds(Float_t* thre)
voidSetParam(const Char_t* pname, const Char_t* pval)
voidWriteToFile(TString outputfile)

Data Members

enum { kNqualityFlags
Int_tfNdimsnumber of dimensions of the histogram (= #DACs in the scan)
THnSparse*fNh[3][6][10]N-dim histo per chip per half sector per quality flag [0= exact, 1 = within 0.01, 2 = within 0.05]

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer(const TString fileName, Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer& foan)
 copy constructor, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data


AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer& operator=(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoAnalyzer& handle)
 assignment operator, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data)
void Init(Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
 first checks type of container and then initializes container obj

void SetGeneralThresholds(Float_t* thre)
 here the settings for the 3 quality flags are defined
void SetNdimensions()
 here the axis of the N-dim histograms are setted

void BuildTHnSparse(Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip)
 here the N-dim histogram is booked per chip in one HS

Int_t Select(const AliITSOnlineSPDfoChip* chip) const
 Selects the DAC values if in the chip: the I configuration corresponds to
 0% efficiency ( no FO response case). All the others shoud be within the
 predefined thresholds
Int_t IsSelected(Float_t eff) const
 returns the quality of the selection

void Process()
 The procedure is the following:
 - DAC 4-tuples are checked
 - if the 4-tuple survives the selection, the chip-related histograms are filled.
 (- Per each histogram the mean values of each axis are taken)

void WriteToFile(TString outputfile)
 The 4-dim histograms are stored into a file

void CheckResults(TString filename, Int_t hs, Int_t ichip, Int_t iqual) const
The chip related 4-dim histograms are produced and stored into eps files

void GetCanvases(const THnSparse* hn, Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip, Int_t iqual) const
 1-Dim and 2 Dim Projections of 4-dim histograms are visualized in canvases per quality selection

TArrayI ChooseDACValues(Int_t ihs, Int_t ichip) const
 here the "best" 4 dacs are chosen. The most present are taken.
 If the n-tuple does not correspond to a meaningful entry, the
 closest value to the mean point in the n-dimensional histogram
 is taken.
Bool_t IsExisting(TArrayI dacs, Int_t hs, Int_t chip) const
 check the N-tuple corresponds to a real one

TArrayI GetCentralDACS(Int_t qualityflag, Int_t hs, Int_t chip, TH1D** hd) const
 This method gets the DAC values which are closest to the mean point in the N-dim histogram
 It is called when the most probable DAC set does not correspond to a real entry in the N-dim

void ReadParamsFromLocation(const Char_t* dirName)
 opens file (default name) in dir dirName and reads parameters from it
 The file should be in database

void SetParam(const Char_t* pname, const Char_t* pval)
 sets a single parameter when reading from a file in the database

Bool_t CorrectPreVTHChioce(const TH1D* h, Int_t& bin) const
 Checks if more maxima of the same height are present in the pre_VTH case

AliITSOnlineSPDfo * GetFOHandler() const
{return fFOHandler;}