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AliRoot » ITS » AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer

class AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer

Author: Henrik Tydesjo
This class is used in the detector algorithm framework
to process the data stored in special container files
(see AliITSOnlineSPDphys).

Function Members (Methods)

voidExponent(Double_t& val, Int_t& valExp) const
voidInit(Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)

Data Members

enum calibvals { kMINTH
Float_tfDefinitelyNoisyRatioif a pixel fires more than this ratio of the events, it must be noisy
TStringfFileNamecontainer file name
AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler*fHandlercalib helper obj
UInt_tfMinEventsForDeadmin nr of events required to try dead algorithm
UInt_tfMinEventsForNoisymin nr of events required to try noisy algorithm
Double_tfMinNrEqHitsForDeadChipsminimum nr of hits for eq to assign dead chip
UInt_tfNrDeadChipsnr of dead chips
UInt_tfNrEnoughStatChipsnr of enough stat chips
Double_tfNrEqHitstotal nr of hits for associated eq
UInt_tfNrInefficientChipsnr of inefficient chips
AliITSOnlineSPDphys*fPhysObjcontainer obj
Double_tfRatioToMeanForInefficientChipratio to mean nr of hits per chip to assign ineff. chip
Double_tfThreshDeadat what confidence level do we search for dead
Double_tfThreshNoisyat what confidence level do we search for noisy
Bool_tfbDeadProcessedflag to tell if ProcessDeadPixels has been called

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer(const Char_t* fileName, AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler, Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer(AliITSOnlineSPDphys* physObj, AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler)
 alt constructor
AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer(const AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer& handle)
 copy constructor, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data)
AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer& operator=(const AliITSOnlineSPDphysAnalyzer& handle)
 assignment operator, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data)
void Init(Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
 initialize container obj
void SetParam(const Char_t* pname, const Char_t* pval)
 set a parameter
void ReadParamsFromLocation(const Char_t* dirName)
 opens file (default name) in dir dirName and reads parameters from it
UInt_t ProcessNoisyPixels()
 process noisy pixel data , returns number of chips with enough statistics
UInt_t ProcessNoisyPixels(UInt_t eq, UInt_t nrEvts)
 process noisy pixel data , returns number of chips with enough statistics
UInt_t ProcessDeadPixels()
 process dead pixel data , returns number of chips with enough statistics
UInt_t GetNrEnoughStatChips()
 returns nr of enough stat chips
UInt_t GetNrDeadChips()
 returns nr of dead chips
UInt_t GetNrInefficientChips()
 returns nr of inefficient chips
UInt_t GetNrNeedsMoreStatChips()
 returns nr of needs more stat chips
UInt_t GetEqNr() const
 returns the eq nr of phys obj
UInt_t GetNrEvents() const
 returns the nr of events of phys obj
void Exponent(Double_t& val, Int_t& valExp) const
 put double in format with val and exp so that 1<val<10 - The actual value is val*10e(valExp)
TH2F* GetPhysicalHitMapTot()
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (equipment opened up)
 physical representation of the half stave hitmap.
TH2F* GetHitMapTot()
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (half sector style a la spdmood)
 This histogram  shown the read out numbering pattern, it is not the physical one.
TH2F* GetHitMapChip(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip)
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (chip style a la spdmood)
void SetCalibHandler(AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler)
AliITSOnlineSPDphys* GetOnlinePhys()
{return fPhysObj;}