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AliRoot » ITS » AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer

class AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer

Author: Henrik Tydesjo
This class is used in the detector algorithm framework
to process the data stored in special container files
(see AliITSOnlineSPDscan). For instance, minimum
threshold values can be extracted.

Function Members (Methods)

AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer(const AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer& handle)
AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer(const Char_t* fileName, AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler, Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
UInt_tGetDacId() const
Float_tGetDeadPixel() const
TH1F*GetDeadPixelChip(UInt_t hs) const
TH1F*GetDeadPixelHS() const
Int_tGetDelay(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
Bool_tGetHalfStavePresent(UInt_t hs)
TGraph*GetHitEventEfficiencyG(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
TH2F*GetHitMapChip(UInt_t step, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip)
TH2F*GetHitMapTot(UInt_t step)
TGraph*GetMeanMultiplicityG(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
TArrayIGetMeanTh(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
Int_tGetMinTh(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
Float_tGetNoisyPixel() const
TH1F*GetNoisyPixelChip(UInt_t hs) const
TH1F*GetNoisyPixelHS() const
Int_tGetNrNoisyUnima(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
AliITSOnlineSPDscan*GetOnlineScan() const
TH2F*GetPhysicalHitMapTot(UInt_t step)
Float_tGetTPeff() const
TH1F*GetTPeffChip(UInt_t hs) const
TH1F*GetTPeffHS() const
UInt_tGetType() const
Bool_tIsChipPresent(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
Bool_tIsOverWriteSet() const
AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer&operator=(const AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer& handle)
voidReadParamsFromLocation(const Char_t* dirName)
voidSetCalibHandler(AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler *const handler)
voidSetParam(const Char_t* pname, const Char_t* pval)

Data Members

enum calibvals { kMINTH
UInt_tfDacIddac id
Float_tfDeadPixelnumber of dead pixels [%] (for full router)
TH1F*fDeadPixelChip[6]10 bin histograms, number dead pixels [%] (for each chip)
TH1F*fDeadPixelHS6 bin histogram, number dead pixels [%] (for each hs)
TStringfFileNamecontainer file name
AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler*fHandlercalib helper obj
TGraph*fHitEventEfficiency[6][11]hit event graphs
Float_tfMaxBaseLineLevelmaximum value for the base line to compare with
TGraph*fMeanMultiplicity[6][11]mean mult graphs
Float_tfMinIncreaseFromBaseLinemin increase of mean mult from base line
UInt_tfMinNrStepsBeforeIncreasemin nr of steps required before fMinIncreaseFromBaseLine reached
UInt_tfNoiseMinimumEventsminimum events required to find noisy pixels
Float_tfNoiseThresholdratio of allowed hits/triggers
Float_tfNoisyPixelnumber of 'noisy' pixels [%] (for full router)
TH1F*fNoisyPixelChip[6]10 bin histograms, number 'noisy' pixels [%] (for each chip)
TH1F*fNoisyPixelHS6 bin histogram, number 'noisy' pixels [%] (for each hs)
Bool_tfOverWriteoverWrite old dead/noisy or just add new ones to it
AliITSOnlineSPDscan*fScanObjcontainer obj
UInt_tfStepDownDacSafenr of steps down to put threshold result (to be on the safe side)
Float_tfTPeffnumber of good pixels [%] (for full router)
TH1F*fTPeffChip[6]10 bin histograms, number good pixels [%] (for each chip)
TH1F*fTPeffHS6 bin histogram, number good pixels [%] (for each hs)
TGraph*fTriggerstrigger graph
UInt_tfTypecalib type
Bool_tfbModuleScanned[240]is module used in scan?

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer(const Char_t* fileName, AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler, Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer(const AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer& handle)
 copy constructor, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data)
AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer& operator=(const AliITSOnlineSPDscanAnalyzer& handle)
 assignment operator, only copies the filename and params (not the processed data)
void Init(Bool_t readFromGridFile = kFALSE)
 first checks type of container and then initializes container obj
void SetParam(const Char_t* pname, const Char_t* pval)
 set a parameter
void ReadParamsFromLocation(const Char_t* dirName)
 opens file (default name) in dir dirName and reads parameters from it
Bool_t IsChipPresent(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 is the chip present?
Bool_t ProcessDeadPixels(/*Char_t *oldcalibDir*/)
 process dead pixel data, for uniformity scan,
 NB: This will not be the general way of finding dead pixels.
Bool_t ProcessUniformity()
 process uniformity scan data (thanks to Roberta Ferretti for providing this method)
void CreateUniformityHistograms()
 create uniformity histograms to be filled by "ProcessUniformity" method
void DeleteUniformityHistograms()
 remove uniformity histograms if they are created
Bool_t ProcessNoisyPixels(/*Char_t *oldcalibDir*/)
 process noisy pixel data
Int_t GetDelay(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 get delay
Int_t GetNrNoisyUnima(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 in case of a uniformity scan, returns the nr of noisy pixels, (here > 200 hits)
Int_t FindLastMinThDac(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 returns dac value where fMinIncreaseFromBaseLine reached
Int_t FindClosestLowerStep(Float_t dacValueInput)
 returns step closest (lower) to a dacvalue
Float_t GetCompareLine(UInt_t step, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr, Float_t basePar2)
 returns value to compare mean mult with (when finding min th)
Int_t GetMinTh(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 calculates and returns the minimum threshold
TArrayI GetMeanTh(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 calculates and returns the mean threshold
Bool_t ProcessMeanMultiplicity()
 process mean multiplicity data
TGraph* GetMeanMultiplicityG(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 returns mean multiplicity graph
Bool_t ProcessHitEventEfficiency()
 process hit event efficiency
TGraph* GetHitEventEfficiencyG(UInt_t hs, UInt_t chipNr)
 returns hit event efficiency graph
Bool_t ProcessNrTriggers()
 process nr of triggers data
TGraph* GetNrTriggersG()
 returns nr of triggers graph
Bool_t GetHalfStavePresent(UInt_t hs)
 returns half stave present info
UInt_t GetRouterNr()
 returns the router nr of scan obj
TH2F* GetHitMapTot(UInt_t step)
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (half sector style a la spdmood)
TH2F* GetPhysicalHitMapTot(UInt_t step)
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (-> 1 equpment opened up)
TH2F* GetHitMapChip(UInt_t step, UInt_t hs, UInt_t chip)
 creates and returns a pointer to a hitmap histo (chip style a la spdmood)
Bool_t IsOverWriteSet() const
{return fOverWrite;}
void SetCalibHandler(AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler *const handler)
UInt_t GetType() const
{return fType;}
UInt_t GetDacId() const
{return fDacId;}
AliITSOnlineSPDscan* GetOnlineScan() const
{return fScanObj;}
Float_t GetTPeff() const
{return fTPeff;}
TH1F* GetTPeffHS() const
{return fTPeffHS;}
TH1F* GetTPeffChip(UInt_t hs) const
{return fTPeffChip[hs];}
Float_t GetDeadPixel() const
{return fDeadPixel;}
TH1F* GetDeadPixelHS() const
{return fDeadPixelHS;}
TH1F* GetDeadPixelChip(UInt_t hs) const
{return fDeadPixelChip[hs];}
Float_t GetNoisyPixel() const
{return fNoisyPixel;}
TH1F* GetNoisyPixelHS() const
{return fNoisyPixelHS;}
TH1F* GetNoisyPixelChip(UInt_t hs) const
{return fNoisyPixelChip[hs];}