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AliRoot » ITS » AliITSTriggerFOProcessor

class AliITSTriggerFOProcessor

Author: Henrik Tydesjo

This class takes care of simulating the output from the pixel
trigger system.
The fast-or signals are given as input and they are processed
to see which algorithm will give a signal to the central
trigger system. To avoid doing the same operations many times,
there is a method called PreprocessFOSignals, which should
always be called for each event before the processing of
each individual algorithm is done.

As soon as a new algorithm has been implemented online, a
corresponding method should be implemented here. Which method
should be used for a given trigger label is taken care of in
ProcessFOSignalsLabel method.

Function Members (Methods)

Data Members


Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 default constructor
AliITSTriggerFOProcessor(AliITSTriggerConditions* ocdbCond)
AliITSTriggerFOProcessor(const AliITSTriggerFOProcessor& handle)
 copy constructor
AliITSTriggerFOProcessor& operator=(const AliITSTriggerFOProcessor& handle)
 assignment operator
void SetTriggerConditions(AliITSTriggerConditions *const ocdbCond)
 Method to give pointer to the OCDB conditions entry
UInt_t GetNumOutputs() const
 return number of outputs (algorithms) in use
const Char_t* GetOutputLabel(Short_t index) const
 return the label of the index'th algorithm in use
void PreprocessFOSignals(AliITSFOSignalsSPD* signals)
 Pre-process the fast-or signals to retrieve some data needed by most algorithms
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsIndex(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* signals)
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process index'th algorithm - returns true if output active
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsLabel(const Char_t* label, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* signals)
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm with label ... - returns true if output active
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsTHRTotalAndTHRInnerAndTHROuter(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* )
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm ' I+O > thr && I > thr && O > thr ' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsTHRInnerAndTHROuter(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* )
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm ' I > thr && O > thr ' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsTHRTotal(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* )
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm ' I+O > thr' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsInnerGTOuterPlusOffset(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* )
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm ' I > O+offset ' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsOuterGTInnerPlusOffset(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD* )
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm ' O > I+offset ' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t ProcessFOSignalsCosmic(Short_t index, AliITSFOSignalsSPD *const signals)
 NB: For every event - Always call PreprocessFOSignals before calling this method
 Process algorithm 'cosmic' (index is needed to get the correct parameters from the ocdb object)
Bool_t TriggerConditionsSet()
{return fTriggerCond!=NULL;}