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class AliMUONRecoParam: public AliDetectorRecoParam

 \class AliMUONRecoParam

 Class with MUON reconstruction parameters

  \author Philippe Pillot

Function Members (Methods)

AliMUONRecoParam(const AliMUONRecoParam&)
voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
Double_tAverageNoisePadCharge() const
voidAverageNoisePadCharge(Double_t noise)
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
Float_tBuspatchOccupancyHighLimit() const
Float_tBuspatchOccupancyLowLimit() const
Bool_tBypassSt4() const
Bool_tBypassSt45() const
voidBypassSt45(Bool_t st4, Bool_t st5)
Bool_tBypassSt5() const
Double_tChargeSigmaCut() const
voidChargeSigmaCut(Double_t value)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTNamed::Clear(Option_t* option = "")
virtual TObject*TNamed::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
Double_tClusterChargeCut() const
voidClusterChargeCut(Double_t n)
Bool_tCombineClusterTrackReco() const
voidCombineClusterTrackReco(Bool_t flag)
virtual Int_tTNamed::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
Bool_tComplementTracks() const
voidComplementTracks(Bool_t flag)
virtual voidTNamed::Copy(TObject& named) const
static TObjArray*Create(const char* settings)
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
Float_tDEOccupancyHighLimit() const
Float_tDEOccupancyLowLimit() const
Bool_tDiscardMonoCathodClusters() const
voidDiscardMonoCathodClusters(Bool_t flag)
voidDiscardMonoCathodClusters(Bool_t flag, Double_t resNB, Double_t resB)
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Double_tEventSizeHardLimit() const
virtual Double_tEventSizeSoftLimit() const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTNamed::FillBuffer(char*& buffer)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
Float_tFractionOfBuspatchOutsideOccupancyLimit() const
Float_tGainA1HighLimit() const
Float_tGainA1LowLimit() const
Float_tGainA2HighLimit() const
Float_tGainA2LowLimit() const
Float_tGainThresHighLimit() const
Float_tGainThresLowLimit() const
Double_tGetBendingVertexDispersion() const
Option_t*GetCalibrationMode() const
static AliMUONRecoParam*GetCalibrationParam()
Option_t*GetClusteringMode() const
static AliMUONRecoParam*GetCosmicParam()
Double_tGetDefaultBendingReso(Int_t iCh) const
Double_tGetDefaultNonBendingReso(Int_t iCh) const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
Int_tAliDetectorRecoParam::GetEventSpecie() const
static AliMUONRecoParam*GetHighFluxParam()
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
static AliMUONRecoParam*GetLowFluxParam()
Double_tGetMaxBendingDistanceToTrack() const
Double_tGetMaxBendingMomentum() const
Double_tGetMaxBendingSlope() const
Double_tGetMaxNonBendingDistanceToTrack() const
Double_tGetMaxNonBendingSlope() const
Double_tGetMaxNormChi2MatchTrigger() const
Double_tGetMaxStripAreaForTrigger() const
Int_tGetMaxTrackCandidates() const
Int_tGetMaxTriggerTracks() const
Double_tGetMinBendingMomentum() const
Double_tGetMonoCathodClBendingRes() const
Double_tGetMonoCathodClNonBendingRes() const
virtual const char*TNamed::GetName() const
Double_tGetNonBendingVertexDispersion() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
Double_tGetPercentOfFullClusterInESD() const
Double_tGetSigmaCutForImprovement() const
Double_tGetSigmaCutForTracking() const
Double_tGetSigmaCutForTrigger() const
Double_tGetStripCutForTrigger() const
virtual const char*TNamed::GetTitle() const
Option_t*GetTrackingMode() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTNamed::Hash() const
Double_tHVLimit(Int_t chamberId) const
Bool_tImproveTracks() const
voidImproveTracks(Bool_t flag)
voidImproveTracks(Bool_t flag, Double_t sigmaCut)
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
Bool_tAliDetectorRecoParam::IsDefault() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tTNamed::IsSortable() const
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
Double_tLowestClusterCharge() const
Double_tLowestPadCharge() const
virtual voidTNamed::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
Bool_tMakeMoreTrackCandidates() const
voidMakeMoreTrackCandidates(Bool_t flag)
Bool_tMakeTrackCandidatesFast() const
voidMakeTrackCandidatesFast(Bool_t flag)
Float_tManuOccupancyHighLimit() const
Float_tManuOccupancyLowLimit() const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
AliMUONRecoParam&operator=(const AliMUONRecoParam&)
UInt_tPadGoodnessMask() const
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
Float_tPedMeanHighLimit() const
Float_tPedMeanLowLimit() const
Float_tPedSigmaHighLimit() const
Float_tPedSigmaLowLimit() const
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
Bool_tRecoverTracks() const
voidRecoverTracks(Bool_t flag)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
Bool_tRemoveConnectedTracksInSt12() const
voidRemoveConnectedTracksInSt12(Bool_t flag)
UInt_tRequestedStationMask() const
Bool_tRequestStation(Int_t iSt) const
voidRequestStation(Int_t iSt, Bool_t flag)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
Bool_tSaveFullClusterInESD() const
voidSaveFullClusterInESD(Bool_t flag, Double_t percentOfEvent = 100.)
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
Bool_tSelectOnTrackSlope() const
voidSelectOnTrackSlope(Bool_t flag)
voidSetBendingVertexDispersion(Double_t val)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
voidSetBuspatchOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
voidSetCalibrationMode(Option_t* mode)
voidSetClusteringMode(Option_t* mode)
voidSetDefaultBendingReso(Int_t iCh, Double_t val)
voidSetDefaultNonBendingReso(Int_t iCh, Double_t val)
voidSetDEOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
virtual voidSetEventSizeLimits(Double_t soft, Double_t hard)
voidAliDetectorRecoParam::SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t specie)
voidSetFractionOfBuspatchOutsideOccupancyLimit(float v)
voidSetGainA1Limits(float low, float high)
voidSetGainA2Limits(float low, float high)
voidSetGainThresLimits(float low, float high)
voidSetHVLimit(Int_t chamberId, Double_t ichamber)
voidSetManuOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
voidSetMaxBendingDistanceToTrack(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxBendingMomentum(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxBendingSlope(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxNonBendingDistanceToTrack(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxNonBendingSlope(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxStripAreaForTrigger(Double_t val)
voidSetMaxTrackCandidates(Int_t maxTrackCandidates)
voidSetMaxTriggerTracks(Int_t maxTriggerTracks)
voidSetMinBendingMomentum(Double_t val)
virtual voidTNamed::SetName(const char* name)MENU
virtual voidTNamed::SetNameTitle(const char* name, const char* title)
voidSetNonBendingVertexDispersion(Double_t val)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
voidSetPadGoodnessMask(UInt_t mask)
voidSetPedMeanLimits(float low, float high)
voidSetPedSigmaLimits(float low, float high)
voidSetSigmaCutForTracking(Double_t val)
voidSetSigmaCutForTrigger(Double_t val)
voidSetStripCutForTrigger(Double_t val)
virtual voidTNamed::SetTitle(const char* title = "")MENU
virtual voidSetTokenLostLimit(Double_t limit)
voidSetTrackingMode(Option_t* mode)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
static voidShow(Int_t runNumber, const char* ocdbPath = "raw://")
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual Int_tTNamed::Sizeof() const
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual Double_tTokenLostLimit() const
Bool_tTrackAllTracks() const
voidTrackAllTracks(Bool_t flag)
virtual Bool_tTryRecover() const
virtual voidTryRecover(Bool_t flag)
Bool_tUseChamber(Int_t iCh) const
voidUseChamber(Int_t iCh, Bool_t flag)
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
Bool_tUseSmoother() const
voidUseSmoother(Bool_t flag)
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

TStringTNamed::fNameobject identifier
TStringTNamed::fTitleobject title
Double32_tfAverageNoisePadCharge/< the (truncated, typically at 10%) mean of the sigma of the pedestals, in femto-coulomb
Double32_tfBendingVertexDispersion/< vertex dispersion (cm) in bending plane (used for original tracking only)
Double32_tfBuspatchOccupancyLimits[2]/< low and high thresholds for bus patch occupancy cut
Int_tfBypassSt45/< non-zero to use trigger tracks to generate "fake" clusters in St 4 and 5. Can be 0, 4, 5 or 45 only
TStringfCalibrationMode/<\brief calibration mode
Double32_tfChargeSigmaCut/< number of sigma to cut on adc-ped
Double32_tfClusterChargeCut/< the cluster is cut if its charge is below fClusterChargeCut*LowestPadCharge()
TStringfClusteringMode/< \brief name of the clustering (+ pre-clustering) mode
Bool_tfCombinedClusterTrackReco/< switch on/off the combined cluster/track reconstruction
Bool_tfComplementTracks/< kTRUE to try to complete the reconstructed tracks by adding missing clusters
Double32_tfDEOccupancyLimits[2]/< low and high thresholds for DE occupancy cut
Double32_tfDefaultBendingReso[10]/< default chamber resolution in the bending direction
Double32_tfDefaultNonBendingReso[10]/< default chamber resolution in the non-bending direction
Double32_tfDiscardMonoCathodClustersassign a different resolution to mono-cathod clusters in the direction of the missing plane
Double32_tfEventSizeHardLimit/< (hard) limit on mean event size per event (KB)
Double32_tfEventSizeSoftLimit/< (soft) limit on mean event size per event (KB)
Double32_tfFractionOfBuspatchOutsideOccupancyLimit/< above this limit, we consider we have too many buspatches out of the allowed occupancy range
Double32_tfGainA1Limits[2]/< Low and High threshold for gain a0 parameter
Double32_tfGainA2Limits[2]/< Low and High threshold for gain a1 parameter
Double32_tfGainThresLimits[2]/< Low and High threshold for gain threshold parameter
Double32_tfHVLimit[10]HV limit (below which we consider that chamber efficiency is to be considered zero)
Double32_tfHVSt12Limits[2]/< DEPRECATED. See fHVLimits
Double32_tfHVSt345Limits[2]/< DEPRECATED. See fHVLimits
Bool_tfImproveTracks/< kTRUE to try to improve the reconstructed tracks by removing bad clusters
Bool_tfMakeMoreTrackCandidates/< kTRUE to make candidate tracks starting from 1 cluster in each of the stations 4 and 5
Bool_tfMakeTrackCandidatesFast/< kTRUE to make candidate tracks assuming linear propagation between stations 4 and 5
Double32_tfManuOccupancyLimits[2]/< low and high thresholds for manu occupancy cut
Double32_tfMaxBendingDistanceToTrack/< maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in bending direction
Double32_tfMaxBendingMomentum/< maximum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
Double32_tfMaxBendingSlope/< maximum value of the bending slope (used only if B = 0)
Double32_tfMaxNonBendingDistanceToTrack/< maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in non bending direction
Double32_tfMaxNonBendingSlope/< maximum value of the non bending slope
Double32_tfMaxNormChi2MatchTrigger/< maximum normalized chi2 of tracking/trigger track matching
Double32_tfMaxStripAreaForTrigger/< max. search area in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
Int_tfMaxTrackCandidates/< maximum number of track candidates above which the tracking abort
Int_tfMaxTriggerTracks/< maximum number of trigger tracks above which the tracking is cancelled
Double32_tfMinBendingMomentum/< minimum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
Double32_tfMissingPadFractionLimit/< DEPRECATED
Double32_tfMonoCathodClBendingResresolution of mono-cathod clusters in the bending direction when the bending plane is missing
Double32_tfMonoCathodClNonBendingResresolution of mono-cathod clusters in the non-bending direction when the non-bending plane is missing
Double32_tfNonBendingVertexDispersion/< vertex dispersion (cm) in non bending plane (used for original tracking only)
UInt_tfPadGoodnessMask/< goodness mask (see AliMUONPadStatusMaker)
Double32_tfPedMeanLimits[2]/< Low and High threshold for pedestal mean
Double32_tfPedSigmaLimits[2]/< Low and High threshold for pedestal sigma
Double32_tfPercentOfFullClusterInESD/< percentage of events for which all cluster info are stored in ESD
Bool_tfRecoverTracks/< kTRUE to try to recover the tracks getting lost during reconstruction
Bool_tfRemoveConnectedTracksInSt12/< kTRUE to remove tracks sharing cluster in station 1 and 2
Bool_tfRequestStation[5]/< kTRUE to request at least one cluster in station i to validate the track
Bool_tfSaveFullClusterInESD/< kTRUE to save all cluster info (including pads) in ESD
Bool_tfSelectTrackOnSlope/< select track candidates according to their slope (instead of their impact parameter)
Double32_tfSigmaCutForImprovement/< cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2) during track improvement
Double32_tfSigmaCutForTracking/< cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2) and track (global chi2) during tracking
Double32_tfSigmaCutForTrigger/< cut in sigma to apply on track during trigger hit pattern search
Double32_tfStripCutForTrigger/< cut in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
Double32_tfTokenLostLimit/< limit on the fraction of token lost error per event we allow
Bool_tfTrackAllTracks/< kTRUE to track all the possible candidates; kFALSE to track only the best ones
TStringfTrackingMode/< \brief name of the tracking mode
Bool_tfTryRecover/< try to recover corrupted raw data
Bool_tfUseChamber[10]/< kTRUE to use the chamber i in the tracking algorithm
Bool_tfUseSmoother/< kTRUE to use the smoother to compute track parameters/covariances and local chi2 at each cluster (used for Kalman tracking only)

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

BypassSt45(Bool_t st4, Bool_t st5)
 Set the bypass status
GetCalibrationMode() const
 Return the calibration mode. Can be :
 NOGAIN : only do pedestal subtraction
 GAIN : do pedestal subtraction, and apply gain correction, but with a
        single capacitance value for all channels
 INJECTIONGAIN : as GAIN, but with gain values taken as EMELEC factory values
 GAINCONSTANTCAPA : as GAIN, but with a channel-dependent capacitance value
AliMUONRecoParam * GetLowFluxParam()
 Return default reconstruction parameters for low flux environment
AliMUONRecoParam * GetHighFluxParam()
 Return default reconstruction parameters for high flux environment
AliMUONRecoParam * GetCosmicParam()
 Return default reconstruction parameters for high flux environment
AliMUONRecoParam * GetCalibrationParam()
 Return default (dummy) reconstruction parameters for calibration environment
void SetLowFluxParam()
 Set reconstruction parameters for low flux environment
void SetHighFluxParam()
 Set reconstruction parameters for high flux environment
void SetCosmicParam()
 Set reconstruction parameters for high flux environment
void SetCalibrationParam()
 Set (dummy) reconstruction parameters for calibration environment
RequestedStationMask() const
 Get the mask of the requested station, i.e. an integer where
 bit n is set to one if the station n was requested
void Print(Option_t* option = "") const
 print reconstruction parameters
 if option = FULL then print also unused parameters
SetHVLimit(Int_t chamberId, Double_t ichamber)
 Set the HV limit for a given chamber (or all chambers
 if chamberId==-1
Double_t HVLimit(Int_t chamberId) const
 Get the HV limit for a given chamber
 Set the default limits and pad goodness policy
Create(const char* settings)
 Create pre-defined recoparam array, according to settings.
 settings is case-insensitive.

 Currently defined are :

 "cosmics" :
      Cosmic (default)
      LowFlux (default)
      LowFlux (modified to reconstruct real p-p data)
      LowFlux (modified to reconstruct realistic p-p simulation)
      HighFlux (modified to reconstruct real Pb-Pb data)
Show(Int_t runNumber, const char* ocdbPath = "raw://")
 Show what we have in the designated OCDB for that run, as far as RecoParams are concerned
void SetCalibrationMode(Option_t* mode)
 set the calibration mode (see GetCalibrationMode() for possible modes)
{ fCalibrationMode = mode; fCalibrationMode.ToUpper();}
void SetClusteringMode(Option_t* mode)
 set the clustering (pre-clustering) mode
{fClusteringMode = mode; fClusteringMode.ToUpper();}
Option_t* GetClusteringMode() const
 get the clustering (pre-clustering) mode
{return fClusteringMode.Data();}
Double_t AverageNoisePadCharge() const
 Get the (truncated) average of sigmas of pedestal measurements, i.e. noise, of pads
void AverageNoisePadCharge(Double_t noise)
 Set the average of sigmas of pedestal measurements, i.e. noise, of pads
Double_t LowestPadCharge() const
 Get the lowest charge we allow for pads
Double_t ClusterChargeCut() const
 Get the cut applied to cut on cluster charge (the charge is cut if below fClusterChargeCut*LowestPadCharge())
{ return fClusterChargeCut; }
void ClusterChargeCut(Double_t n)
 Set the cut applied to cut on cluster charge (the charge is cut if below fClusterChargeCut*LowestPadCharge())
Double_t LowestClusterCharge() const
 Get the lowest possible cluster charge
void SetTrackingMode(Option_t* mode)
 set the tracking mode
{fTrackingMode = mode; fTrackingMode.ToUpper();}
Option_t* GetTrackingMode() const
 get the tracking mode
{return fTrackingMode.Data();}
void CombineClusterTrackReco(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the combined cluster/track reconstruction
Bool_t CombineClusterTrackReco() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the combined cluster/track reconstruction is on/off
void SaveFullClusterInESD(Bool_t flag, Double_t percentOfEvent = 100.)
 save all cluster info (including pads) in ESD, for the given percentage of events
Bool_t SaveFullClusterInESD() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE depending on whether we save all cluster info in ESD or not
Double_t GetPercentOfFullClusterInESD() const
 return the percentage of events for which all cluster info are stored in ESD
void SetMinBendingMomentum(Double_t val)
 set the minimum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
Double_t GetMinBendingMomentum() const
 return the minimum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
void SetMaxBendingMomentum(Double_t val)
 set the maximum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
Double_t GetMaxBendingMomentum() const
 return the maximum value (GeV/c) of momentum in bending plane
void SetMaxNonBendingSlope(Double_t val)
 set the maximum value of the non bending slope
Double_t GetMaxNonBendingSlope() const
 return the maximum value of the non bending slope
void SetMaxBendingSlope(Double_t val)
 set the maximum value of the bending slope
Double_t GetMaxBendingSlope() const
 return the maximum value of the bending slope
void SelectOnTrackSlope(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the track selection according to their slope (instead of their impact parameter)
Bool_t SelectOnTrackSlope() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if tracks are selected according to their slope/impact parameter
void SetNonBendingVertexDispersion(Double_t val)
 set the vertex dispersion (cm) in non bending plane
Double_t GetNonBendingVertexDispersion() const
 return the vertex dispersion (cm) in non bending plane
void SetBendingVertexDispersion(Double_t val)
 set the vertex dispersion (cm) in bending plane
Double_t GetBendingVertexDispersion() const
 return the vertex dispersion (cm) in bending plane
void SetMaxNonBendingDistanceToTrack(Double_t val)
 set the maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in non bending direction
Double_t GetMaxNonBendingDistanceToTrack() const
 return the maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in non bending direction
void SetMaxBendingDistanceToTrack(Double_t val)
 set the maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in bending direction
Double_t GetMaxBendingDistanceToTrack() const
 return the maximum distance to the track to search for compatible cluster(s) in bending direction
void SetSigmaCutForTracking(Double_t val)
 set the cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2) and track (global chi2) during tracking
Double_t GetSigmaCutForTracking() const
 return the cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2) and track (global chi2) during tracking
void ImproveTracks(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the track improvement and keep the default cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2)
{fImproveTracks = flag;}
void ImproveTracks(Bool_t flag, Double_t sigmaCut)
 switch on/off the track improvement and set the cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2)
Bool_t ImproveTracks() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the track improvement is switch on/off
{return fImproveTracks;}
Double_t GetSigmaCutForImprovement() const
 return the cut in sigma to apply on cluster (local chi2) during track improvement
void SetSigmaCutForTrigger(Double_t val)
 set the cut in sigma to apply on track during trigger hit pattern search
Double_t GetSigmaCutForTrigger() const
 return the cut in sigma to apply on track during trigger hit pattern search
void SetStripCutForTrigger(Double_t val)
 set the cut in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
Double_t GetStripCutForTrigger() const
 return the cut in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
void SetMaxStripAreaForTrigger(Double_t val)
 set the maximum search area in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
Double_t GetMaxStripAreaForTrigger() const
 return the maximum search area in strips to apply on trigger track during trigger chamber efficiency
Double_t GetMaxNormChi2MatchTrigger() const
 return the maximum normalized chi2 of tracking/trigger track matching
void TrackAllTracks(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the tracking of all the possible candidates (track only the best one if switched off)
{fTrackAllTracks = flag;}
Bool_t TrackAllTracks() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the tracking of all the possible candidates is switched on/off
{return fTrackAllTracks;}
void RecoverTracks(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the recovering of tracks being lost during reconstruction
{fRecoverTracks = flag;}
Bool_t RecoverTracks() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the recovering of tracks being lost during reconstruction is switched on/off
{return fRecoverTracks;}
void MakeTrackCandidatesFast(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the fast building of track candidates (assuming linear propagation between stations 4 and 5)
Bool_t MakeTrackCandidatesFast() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the fast building of track candidates is switched on/off
void MakeMoreTrackCandidates(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the building of track candidates starting from 1 cluster in each of the stations 4 and 5
Bool_t MakeMoreTrackCandidates() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the building of extra track candidates is switched on/off
void ComplementTracks(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the completion of reconstructed track
Bool_t ComplementTracks() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if completion of the reconstructed track is switched on/off
void RemoveConnectedTracksInSt12(Bool_t flag)
 remove tracks sharing cluster in stations 1 or 2
Bool_t RemoveConnectedTracksInSt12() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE whether tracks sharing cluster in station 1 and 2 must be removed or not
void UseSmoother(Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off the use of the smoother
{fUseSmoother = flag;}
Bool_t UseSmoother() const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE if the use of the smoother is switched on/off
{return fUseSmoother;}
void UseChamber(Int_t iCh, Bool_t flag)
 switch on/off a chamber in the reconstruction
{if (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) fUseChamber[iCh] = flag;}
Bool_t UseChamber(Int_t iCh) const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE whether the chamber must be used or not
{return (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) ? fUseChamber[iCh] : kFALSE;}
void RequestStation(Int_t iSt, Bool_t flag)
 request or not at least one cluster in the station to validate the track
{if (iSt >= 0 && iSt < 5) fRequestStation[iSt] = flag;}
Bool_t RequestStation(Int_t iSt) const
 return kTRUE/kFALSE whether at least one cluster is requested in the station to validate the track
{return (iSt >= 0 && iSt < 5) ? fRequestStation[iSt] : kFALSE;}
void BypassSt45(Bool_t st4, Bool_t st5)
 set the bypassSt45 value
Bool_t BypassSt4() const
 return kTRUE if we should replace clusters in St 4 by generated clusters from trigger tracks
{ return BypassSt45() || fBypassSt45==4 ; }
Bool_t BypassSt5() const
 return kTRUE if we should replace clusters in St 5 by generated clusters from trigger tracks
{ return BypassSt45() || fBypassSt45==5 ; }
void SetPedMeanLimits(float low, float high)
 Set Low and High threshold for pedestal mean
{ fPedMeanLimits[0]=low; fPedMeanLimits[1]=high; }
Float_t PedMeanLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low limit of ped mean
{ return fPedMeanLimits[0]; }
Float_t PedMeanHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high limit of ped mean
{ return fPedMeanLimits[1]; }
void SetPedSigmaLimits(float low, float high)
 Set Low and High threshold for pedestal sigma
{ fPedSigmaLimits[0]=low; fPedSigmaLimits[1]=high; }
Float_t PedSigmaLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low limit of ped sigma
{ return fPedSigmaLimits[0]; }
Float_t PedSigmaHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high limit of ped sigma
{ return fPedSigmaLimits[1]; }
void SetGainA1Limits(float low, float high)
 Set Low and High threshold for gain a0 term
{ fGainA1Limits[0]=low; fGainA1Limits[1]=high; }
Float_t GainA1LowLimit() const
 Retrieve low limit of a1 (linear term) gain parameter
{ return fGainA1Limits[0]; }
Float_t GainA1HighLimit() const
 Retrieve high limit of a1 (linear term) gain parameter
{ return fGainA1Limits[1]; }
void SetGainA2Limits(float low, float high)
 Set Low and High threshold for gain a1 term
{ fGainA2Limits[0]=low; fGainA2Limits[1]=high; }
Float_t GainA2LowLimit() const
 Retrieve low limit of a2 (quadratic term) gain parameter
{ return fGainA2Limits[0]; }
Float_t GainA2HighLimit() const
 Retrieve high limit of a2 (quadratic term) gain parameter
{ return fGainA2Limits[1]; }
void SetGainThresLimits(float low, float high)
 Set Low and High threshold for gain threshold term
{ fGainThresLimits[0]=low; fGainThresLimits[1]=high; }
Float_t GainThresLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low limit on threshold gain parameter
{ return fGainThresLimits[0]; }
Float_t GainThresHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high limit on threshold gain parameter
{ return fGainThresLimits[1]; }
void SetPadGoodnessMask(UInt_t mask)
 Set the goodness mask (see AliMUONPadStatusMapMaker)
UInt_t PadGoodnessMask() const
 Get the goodness mask
{ return fPadGoodnessMask; }
Double_t ChargeSigmaCut() const
 Number of sigma cut we must apply when cutting on adc-ped
{ return fChargeSigmaCut; }
void ChargeSigmaCut(Double_t value)
 Number of sigma cut we must apply when cutting on adc-ped
{ fChargeSigmaCut=value; }
void SetDefaultNonBendingReso(Int_t iCh, Double_t val)
 Set the default non bending resolution of chamber iCh
{if (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) fDefaultNonBendingReso[iCh] = val;}
Double_t GetDefaultNonBendingReso(Int_t iCh) const
 Get the default non bending resolution of chamber iCh
{return (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) ? fDefaultNonBendingReso[iCh] : FLT_MAX;}
void SetDefaultBendingReso(Int_t iCh, Double_t val)
 Set the default bending resolution of chamber iCh
{if (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) fDefaultBendingReso[iCh] = val;}
Double_t GetDefaultBendingReso(Int_t iCh) const
 Get the default bending resolution of chamber iCh
{return (iCh >= 0 && iCh < 10) ? fDefaultBendingReso[iCh] : FLT_MAX;}
void SetMaxTriggerTracks(Int_t maxTriggerTracks)
 Set the maximum number of trigger tracks above which the tracking is cancelled
{fMaxTriggerTracks = maxTriggerTracks;}
Int_t GetMaxTriggerTracks() const
 Get the maximum number of trigger tracks above which the tracking is cancelled
void SetMaxTrackCandidates(Int_t maxTrackCandidates)
 Set the maximum number of track candidates above which the tracking abort
{fMaxTrackCandidates = maxTrackCandidates;}
Int_t GetMaxTrackCandidates() const
 Get the maximum number of track candidates above which the tracking abort
void SetManuOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
 Set the limits for the acceptable manu occupancy
Float_t ManuOccupancyLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low value of manu occupancy limit
{ return fManuOccupancyLimits[0]; }
Float_t ManuOccupancyHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high value of manu occupancy limit
{ return fManuOccupancyLimits[1]; }
void SetBuspatchOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
 Set the limits for the acceptable bp occupancy
Float_t BuspatchOccupancyLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low value of bp occupancy limit
Float_t BuspatchOccupancyHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high value of bp occupancy limit
void SetDEOccupancyLimits(float low, float high)
 Set the limits for the acceptable DE occupancy
Float_t DEOccupancyLowLimit() const
 Retrieve low value of DE occupancy limit
{ return fDEOccupancyLimits[0]; }
Float_t DEOccupancyHighLimit() const
 Retrieve high value of DE occupancy limit
{ return fDEOccupancyLimits[1]; }
void SetFractionOfBuspatchOutsideOccupancyLimit(float v)
 Set the fraction of buspatches outside the occupancy limits
Float_t FractionOfBuspatchOutsideOccupancyLimit() const
 Get the fraction of buspatches outside the occupancy limits
Double_t EventSizeSoftLimit() const
 Get the max event size (soft limit)
Double_t EventSizeHardLimit() const
 Get the max event size (hard limit)
void SetEventSizeLimits(Double_t soft, Double_t hard)
 Set the max event size limits
Double_t TokenLostLimit() const
 Get the percentage of token lost error we allow
{ return fTokenLostLimit; }
void SetTokenLostLimit(Double_t limit)
 Set the percentage of token lost error we allow
{ fTokenLostLimit = limit; }
Bool_t TryRecover() const
 Whether or not we try to recover corrupted raw data
{ return fTryRecover; }
void TryRecover(Bool_t flag)
 Set the try recover corrupted raw data (use kTRUE only if you know what you are doing. Should be left to kFALSE by default)
{ fTryRecover = flag; }
void DiscardMonoCathodClusters(Bool_t flag)
 Discard or not the mono-cathod clusters by assigning to them different resolutions (use default values)
void DiscardMonoCathodClusters(Bool_t flag, Double_t resNB, Double_t resB)
 Discard or not the mono-cathod clusters by assigning to them different resolutions (use given values)
Bool_t DiscardMonoCathodClusters() const
 Check whether to discard or not the mono-cathod clusters
Double_t GetMonoCathodClNonBendingRes() const
 Get the non-bending resolution of mono-cathod clusters when the non-bending plane is missing
Double_t GetMonoCathodClBendingRes() const
 Get the bending resolution of mono-cathod clusters when the bending plane is missing