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AliRoot » PWGPP » TPC » AliRecInfoMaker

class AliRecInfoMaker

Time Projection Chamber
Comparison macro for ESD

Function Members (Methods)

AliRecInfoMaker(const char* fnGenTracks, const char* fnCmpRes = "cmpTracks.root", const char* fnGalice = "galice.root", Int_t nEvents = 1, Int_t firstEvent = 0)
Int_tBuildKinkInfo0(Int_t eventNr)
Int_tBuildV0Info(Int_t eventNr)
static TClass*Class()
Int_tExec(Int_t nEvents, Int_t firstEventNr)
static AliTPCParam*GetTPCParam()
virtual TClass*IsA() const
static voidMakeAliases(TTree* tree)
voidSetDebug(Int_t level)
voidSetFirstEventNr(Int_t i)
Int_tSetIO(Int_t eventNr)
voidSetNEvents(Int_t i)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
static TVector3TR2Local(AliTrackReference* trackRef, AliTPCParam* paramTPC)
Int_tTreeGenLoop(Int_t eventNr)

Data Members

Int_tfDebug! debug flag
AliESDfriend*fESDfriend!event friend
Int_tfEventNr! current event number
Short_t*fFakeRecTracks! number of fake tracks
TFile*fFileCmp! output file with cmp tracks
TFile*fFileGenTracks! input files with generated tracks
Int_tfFirstEventNr! first event to process
charfFnCmp[1000]! output file name with cmp tracks
charfFnGenTracks[1000]! input file name with gen tracks
AliESDfriendTrack*fFriend! friend track
AliGenKinkInfo*fGenKinkInfo! MC information writen per Kink
AliGenV0Info*fGenV0Info! MC information writen per Kink
Short_t*fIndexRecKinks! index of particle label in treeesd
Short_t*fIndexRecTracks! index of particle label in the TreeT_ESD
Short_t*fIndexRecV0! index of particle label in treeesd
AliRunLoader*fLoader! pointer to the run loader
AliMCInfo*fMCInfo! MC information writen per particle
Short_t*fMultiRecKinks! number of multiple reconstructions
Short_t*fMultiRecTracks! number of multiple reconstructions
Short_t*fMultiRecV0! number of multiple reconstructions
Int_tfNEvents! number of events to process
Int_tfNParticles! number of particles in the input tree genTracks
Int_tfNextKinkToRead! last entry already read from genKinks tree
Int_tfNextTreeGenEntryToRead! last entry already read from genTracks tree
Int_tfNextV0ToRead! last entry already read from genV0 tree
AliTPCParam*fParamTPC! AliTPCParam
TObjArray*fRecArraycontainer with rec infos
AliESDRecInfo*fRecInfo! Rec. information writen per particle
AliESDRecKinkInfo*fRecKinkInfo! reconstructed kink info
AliESDRecV0Info*fRecV0Info! reconstructed kink info
Short_t*fSignedKinks! indicator that kink was not fake
Short_t*fSignedV0! indicator that kink was not fake
TTree*fTreeCmp! output tree with cmp tracks
TTree*fTreeCmpKinks! output tree with cmp Kinks
TTree*fTreeCmpV0! output tree with cmp V0
TTree*fTreeGenKinkstree with gen kinks
TTree*fTreeGenTracks! tree with generated tracks
TTree*fTreeGenV0tree with gen V0

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

AliTPCParam * GetTPCParam()
 create TPC param

void MakeAliases(TTree* tree)
 aliases definition

AliRecInfoMaker(const char* fnGenTracks, const char* fnCmpRes = "cmpTracks.root", const char* fnGalice = "galice.root", Int_t nEvents = 1, Int_t firstEvent = 0)

 AliRecInfoMaker - connencts the MC information with reconstructed information
 fnGenTracks  - file with MC to be created before using AliGenInfoMaker
 fnCmp        - file name  to be created
 fnGalice     - file with Loaders - usualy galice.root

 nEvent       - number of event s to be analyzed
 AliRecInfoMaker *t2 = new AliRecInfoMaker("genTracks.root","cmpESDTracks.root","galice.root",0,0);

AliRecInfoMaker(const AliRecInfoMaker& )

 Dummy copu constructor


Int_t SetIO()
 SetIO  - Create the input trees

Int_t SetIO(Int_t eventNr)


void Reset()
 Reset the class

Int_t Exec(Int_t nEvents, Int_t firstEventNr)
 Exec comparison for subrange of events

Int_t Exec()
 Exec comparison

Bool_t ConnectGenTree()
 connect all branches from the genTracksTree
 use the same variables as for the new cmp tree, it may work

void CreateTreeCmp()
 Create file and tree with comparison information

void CloseOutputFile()
 Close output file

TVector3 TR2Local(AliTrackReference* trackRef, AliTPCParam* paramTPC)
 Transform position to the local coord frame

{ trackRef->X(),trackRef->Y(),trackRef->Z()}
Int_t TreeTLoop()
 loop over all ESD reconstructed tracks and store info in memory

 + loop over all reconstructed kinks
Int_t TreeGenLoop(Int_t eventNr)
 loop over all entries for a given event, find corresponding
 rec. track and store in the fTreeCmp

Int_t BuildKinkInfo0(Int_t eventNr)
 loop over all entries for a given event, find corresponding
 rec. track and store in the fTreeCmp

Int_t BuildV0Info(Int_t eventNr)
 loop over all entries for a given event, find corresponding
 rec. track and store in the fTreeCmp

void SetFirstEventNr(Int_t i)
void SetNEvents(Int_t i)
{fNEvents = i;}
void SetDebug(Int_t level)
{fDebug = level;}
AliRecInfoMaker& operator=(const AliRecInfoMaker& )
{return *this;}