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class AliTRDarrayADC: public TObject

Container class for ADC values

Hermes Leon Vargas  (

Function Members (Methods)

AliTRDarrayADC(const AliTRDarrayADC& b)
AliTRDarrayADC(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
voidAllocate(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
voidConditionalReset(AliTRDSignalIndex* idx)
virtual voidTObject::Copy(TObject& object) const
static voidCreateLut()
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
Short_tGetData(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
voidGetData(Int_t r, Int_t c, Int_t t, Int_t n, Short_t* vals) const
Short_t*GetDataAddress(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime = 0) const
Short_tGetDataBits(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
Short_tGetDataByAdcCol(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
Int_tGetDim() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
Int_tGetNcol() const
Int_tGetNdet() const
Int_tGetNrow() const
Int_tGetNtime() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
UChar_tGetPadStatus(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
Bool_tHasData() const
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
Bool_tIsPadCorrupted(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
AliTRDarrayADC&operator=(const AliTRDarrayADC& b)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidTObject::Print(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
voidSetData(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, Short_t value)
voidSetDataByAdcCol(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, Short_t value)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
voidSetNdet(Int_t ndet)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
voidSetPadStatus(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, UChar_t status)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

Short_t*fADC[fNAdim] //Pointer to adc values
Int_tfNAdimDimension of the ADC array
Int_tfNcolNumber of columns(pads)
Int_tfNdetID number of the chamber
Int_tfNrowNumber of rows
Int_tfNtimeNumber of time bins
Int_tfNumberOfChannelsNumber of MCM channels per row
static Short_t*fgLutPadNumbering[fNcol] Look Up Table

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 AliTRDarrayADC default constructor

AliTRDarrayADC(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
 AliTRDarrayADC constructor

AliTRDarrayADC(const AliTRDarrayADC& b)
 AliTRDarrayADC copy constructor

 AliTRDarrayADC destructor

AliTRDarrayADC & operator=(const AliTRDarrayADC& b)
 Assignment operator

void Allocate(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
 Allocate memory for an AliTRDarrayADC array with dimensions

Short_t GetDataBits(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
 Get the ADC value for a given position: row, col, time
 Taking bit masking into account

 Adapted from code of the class AliTRDclusterizer

UChar_t GetPadStatus(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
 Returns the pad status stored in the pad signal

 Output is a UChar_t value
 Status Codes:
               Noisy Masking:           2
               Bridged Left Masking     8
               Bridged Right Masking    8
               Not Connected Masking Digits

 Adapted from code of the class AliTRDclusterizer

void SetPadStatus(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, UChar_t status)
 Setting the pad status into the signal using the Bits 10 to 14
 (currently used: 10 to 12)

 Input codes (Unsigned char):
               Noisy Masking:           2
               Bridged Left Masking     8
               Bridged Right Masking    8
               Not Connected Masking    32

 Status codes: Any masking:             Bit 10(1)
               Noisy masking:           Bit 11(0), Bit 12(0)
               No Connection masking:   Bit 11(1), Bit 12(0)
               Bridged Left masking:    Bit 11(0), Bit 12(1)
               Bridged Right masking:   Bit 11(1), Bit 12(1)

 Adapted from code of the class AliTRDclusterizer

Bool_t IsPadCorrupted(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime)
 Checks if the pad has any masking as corrupted (Bit 10 in signal set)

 Adapted from code of the class AliTRDclusterizer

void Compress()
 Compress the array

void Expand()
 Expand the array

void DeleteNegatives()
void Reset()
 Reset the array, the old contents are deleted
 The array keeps the same dimensions as before

void ConditionalReset(AliTRDSignalIndex* idx)
 Reset the array, the old contents are deleted
 The array keeps the same dimensions as before

void CreateLut()
 Initializes the Look Up Table to relate
 pad numbering and mcm channel numbering

Short_t* GetDataAddress(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime = 0) const
Short_t GetData(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
void SetData(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, Short_t value)
void GetData(Int_t r, Int_t c, Int_t t, Int_t n, Short_t* vals) const
void SetNdet(Int_t ndet)
Int_t GetNdet() const
{return fNdet;}
void SetDataByAdcCol(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime, Short_t value)
Bool_t HasData() const
{return fNtime ? 1 : 0;}
Short_t GetDataByAdcCol(Int_t nrow, Int_t ncol, Int_t ntime) const
{return fADC[(nrow*fNumberOfChannels+ncol)*fNtime+ntime];}
Int_t GetNtime() const
{return fNtime;}
Int_t GetNrow() const
{return fNrow;}
Int_t GetNcol() const
{return fNcol;}
Int_t GetDim() const
{return fNAdim;}
Bool_t IsValid()
{ return !TestBit(kDataInvalid); }
void SetDataInvalid()
void SetDataValid()