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class TKDInterpolatorBase

 Memory setup of protected data members
 fRefPoints : evaluation point of PDF for each terminal node of underlying KD Tree.
 | 1st terminal node (fNDim point coordinates) | 2nd terminal node (fNDim point coordinates) | ...

 fRefValues : evaluation value/error of PDF for each terminal node of underlying KD Tree.
 | 1st terminal node (value) | 2nd terminal node (value) | ... | 1st terminal node (error) | 2nd terminal node (error) | ...

 status = |0|0|0|0|0|1(tri-cubic weights)|1(STORE)|1 INT(0 COG )|

Function Members (Methods)

    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

static TClass*Class()
voidDrawProjection(UInt_t ax1 = 0, UInt_t ax2 = 1)
Double_tEval(const Double_t* point, Double_t& result, Double_t& error, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
Float_tGetAlpha() const
Bool_tGetCOGPoint(Int_t node, Float_t*& coord, Float_t& val, Float_t& error) const
Int_tGetLambda() const
virtual Int_tGetNodeIndex(const Float_t* p)
TKDNodeInfo*GetNodeInfo(Int_t inode) const
Int_tGetNTNodes() const
Bool_tGetRange(Int_t ax, Float_t& min, Float_t& max) const
Int_tGetSize() const
voidGetStatus(Option_t* opt = "")
Bool_tHasStore() const
virtual TClass*IsA() const
voidSetAlpha(Float_t a)
voidSetCOG(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
voidSetStore(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
voidSetWeights(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
Bool_tUseCOG() const
Bool_tUseWeights() const
virtual Bool_tBuild(Int_t nnodes)

Data Members

enum EKDInterpolatorBase { kdN
enum EKDInterpolatorBaseBits { kCOG
Float_tfAlphaparameter controlling the size of the region to interpolate n = (1+alpha)*lambda
Double_t*fBuffer! working space [2*fLambda]
Short_tfDepth! depth of the KD Tree structure used
TLinearFitter*fFitter! linear fitter
TKDTree<Int_t,Float_t>*fKDhelper! kNN finder
UChar_tfLambda! number of parameters in polynom
Int_tfNSize!data dimension
TClonesArray*fNodesinterpolation nodes
TKDNodeInfo::TKDNodeDraw*fNodesDraw!graphical representation of interpolation nodes
Float_t**fRefPoints! temporary storage of COG data
UChar_tfStatusstatus of the interpolator

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

Bool_t Build(Int_t nnodes)
 allocate memory for data
Bool_t Bootstrap()
Bool_t GetCOGPoint(Int_t node, Float_t*& coord, Float_t& val, Float_t& error) const
TKDNodeInfo* GetNodeInfo(Int_t inode) const
Int_t GetNTNodes() const
Bool_t GetRange(Int_t ax, Float_t& min, Float_t& max) const
void GetStatus(Option_t* opt = "")
 Prints the status of the interpolator
Double_t Eval(const Double_t* point, Double_t& result, Double_t& error, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
 Evaluate PDF for "point". The result is returned in "result" and error in "error". The function returns the chi2 of the fit.


 1. The default method used for interpolation is kCOG.
 2. The initial number of neighbors used for the estimation is set to Int(alpha*fLambda) (alpha = 1.5)
void DrawProjection(UInt_t ax1 = 0, UInt_t ax2 = 1)
 Draw nodes structure projected on plane "ax1:ax2". The parameter
 "depth" specifies the bucket size per node. If depth == -1 draw only
 terminal nodes and evaluation points (default -1 i.e. bucket size per node equal bucket size specified by the user)

void SetAlpha(Float_t a)
Int_t GetNodeIndex(const Float_t* p)
Float_t GetAlpha() const
{return fAlpha;}
Int_t GetLambda() const
{return fLambda;}
Int_t GetSize() const
{return fNSize;}
Bool_t HasStore() const
{return TESTBIT(fStatus, kSTORE);}
Bool_t UseCOG() const
{return TESTBIT(fStatus, kCOG);}
Bool_t UseWeights() const
{return TESTBIT(fStatus, kWEIGHTS);}
void SetCOG(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
{on ? SETBIT(fStatus, kCOG) : CLRBIT(fStatus, kCOG);}
void SetStore(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
{on ? SETBIT(fStatus, kSTORE) : CLRBIT(fStatus, kSTORE);}
void SetWeights(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
{on ? SETBIT(fStatus, kWEIGHTS) : CLRBIT(fStatus, kWEIGHTS);}
TKDInterpolatorBase& operator=(const TKDInterpolatorBase& )