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#include <TMath.h>
#include <TString.h>

#include "AliRsnCut.h"
#include "AliPIDResponse.h"

#include "AliRsnCutTrackQuality.h"

class AliESDtrack;
class AliAODTrack;

class AliRsnCutV0 : public AliRsnCut {


   AliRsnCutV0(const char *name = "AliRsnCutV0", Int_t hypothesis = kLambda0, AliPID::EParticleType pid = AliPID::kProton, AliPID::EParticleType pid2 = AliPID::kPion);
   AliRsnCutV0(const AliRsnCutV0 &copy);
   AliRsnCutV0 &operator=(const AliRsnCutV0 &copy);
   virtual ~AliRsnCutV0() { }

   void           SetESDtrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts *cuts)   {fESDtrackCuts = cuts;}
   void           SetHypothesis(Int_t code);
   void           SetTolerance(Double_t value)             {fTolerance = value;}
   void           SetMaxDCAVertex(Double_t value)          {fMaxDCAVertex = value;}
   void           SetMinCosPointingAngle(Double_t value)   {fMinCosPointAngle = value;}
   void           SetMaxDaughtersDCA(Double_t value)       {fMaxDaughtersDCA = value;}
   void           SetMinTPCcluster(Int_t value)            {fMinTPCcluster = value;}
   void           SetMaxRapidity(Double_t value)           {fMaxRapidity = value;}
   void           SetPIDCutProton(Double_t value)          {fPIDCutProton = value;}
   void           SetPIDCutPion(Double_t value)            {fPIDCutPion = value;}

   AliRsnCutTrackQuality *CutQuality()                     {return &fCutQuality;}
   void           SetAODTestFilterBit(Int_t value)         {fAODTestFilterBit = value;}
   Int_t          GetAODTestFilterBit()                    {return fAODTestFilterBit;}

   virtual Bool_t IsSelected(TObject *obj);
   virtual void   Print(const Option_t *option = "") const;


   Bool_t      CheckESD(AliESDv0 *track);
   Bool_t      CheckAOD(AliAODv0 *track);

   Int_t            fHypothesis;       // PDG code corresponding to expected V0 hypothesis
   Double_t         fMass;             // mass corresponding to hypothesis
   Double_t         fTolerance;        // tolerance in the difference between computed and expected mass
   Double_t         fMaxDCAVertex;     // max allowed DCA from primary vertex
   Double_t         fMinCosPointAngle; // min allowed cosine of pointing angle
   Double_t         fMaxDaughtersDCA;  // max allowed DCA between the two daughers
   Int_t            fMinTPCcluster;    // min allowed TOC cluster
   Double_t         fMaxRapidity;      // max allowed V0 rapidity
   AliPID::EParticleType fPID;         // PID for track
   AliPID::EParticleType fPID2;        // PID for track

   Double_t         fPIDCutProton;        // nsigmas for protons
   Double_t         fPIDCutPion;          // nsigmas for pions
   AliESDtrackCuts *fESDtrackCuts;     // quality cuts for v0 daughters
   AliRsnCutTrackQuality fCutQuality;  // track quality cut
   Int_t            fAODTestFilterBit; // test filter bit for AODs
   ClassDef(AliRsnCutV0, 1)

inline void AliRsnCutV0::SetHypothesis(Int_t code)
// Assign a V0 species hypothesis, which also assign the expected mass

   fHypothesis = code;

   switch (fHypothesis) {
      case kLambda0:
         fMass = 1.11568;
      case kLambda0Bar:
         fMass = 1.11568;
      case kK0Short:
         fMass = 0.497614;
         AliError(Form("You are setting an unexpected hypothesis: %d", fHypothesis));
         fMass = 1E20;
