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In This Package:

DetDesc Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
VolumeIntersectionIntervals::AccumulateIntersectionsAccumulation utility to accumulate the total length of intersections
VolumeIntersectionIntervals::AccumulateIntervalsAccumulation utility to accumulate the total length of intervals
AlignmentInfoThe simplest implementation of the IAlignment abstract interface, derived from the generic class ConditionInfo
BasicParamSimple class used to provide common handle for generic parameters
CalibrationInfoThe simplest implementation of the ICalibration abstract interface, derived from the generic class ConditionInfo
VolumeIntersectionIntervals::CompareIntersections"very specific" comparison for intersections!!!
ConditionA DataObject implementing the IParamSet, IValidity and ICondition interfaces
ConditionInfoThe simplest implementation of the IConditionInfo abstract interface
DataStoreLoadAgentSimple class that load all the objects od a transient store
DetectorElementA "basic" implementation of Detector Description - Detector Element
DetectorElementExceptionException used in DetectorElement class
ElementElement class defines the Element material component
FastControlInfoThe simplest implementation of the IFastControl abstract interface, derived from the generic class ConditionInfo
GeometryInfoExceptionException class used in GeometryInfo objects
GeometryInfoPlusBased on "most trivial" implementation of Vanya Belyaev and Sebastien Ponce
IAlignmentAn abstract interface to get the alignment information of a detector element
ICalibrationAn abstract interface to get the calibration information of a detector element
IConditionInfoAn abstract interface to get the condition information of a detector element
IDetectorElementAn abstract Interface accees the node in DetectorDescription tree
IDetElemFinderInterface for a service that provides associations from the path inside the hierarchy of physical volumes to the corresponding detector element
IFastControlAn abstract interface to get the slow control information of a detector element
IGeometryInfoAn abstract interface to get all geometry information for detector element
IGeometryInfo_isInsideUseful predicate(functor) to be used in conjunction with STL algorithms
ILVolumeAn abstract interface to named node in the geometry tree
IPVolumeInterface to deal with the notion of "positioned Logical Volume" (corresponds to Geant4 notion of "G4PhysicalVolume")
IPVolume_accumulateMatrixUsed for std::accumulate algorithm (container)<IPVolume*> volumes =
IPVolume_byNameThis predicate allows search from a sequence of IPVolume for a IPVolume by name (container)<IPVolume*> volumes =
IPVolume_fromReplicaUsed for transformation of ILVolume::ReplicaPath into ILVolume::PVolumePath used for "std::transform" algorithm
IPVolume_isInsideThis predicate allows search from a sequence of IPVolume for a IPVolume, which contains the given point (container)<IPVolume*> volumes =
IReadOutAn abstract interface to get the readout information of a detector element
Solid::IsInside< aPoint >Useful class to check if point is inside of the given solid
ISlowControlAn abstract interface to get the slow control information of a detector element
ISolidAn abstract interface to any Solid object
ISolidFactoryAn abstract interface to abstract factory to instantiate solids
IsotopeIsotope class defines the Isotope material component
ITransportSvcDefinition of abstract interface for Transport Service
LAssemblyThe implementation of "Logical Assembly" notion
LogVolBaseThe common base class for ILVolume implementations:
LogVolumeExceptionThe exception class used for any implementation of ILVolume interface
LVolumeA simple implementation of ILVolume interface
MaterialMaterial class is a base class for all brands of material component classes: Isotope, Element, Mixture
MixtureCan be composed of Elements and other Mixtures
Param< T >Class implementing a polimorfic parameter using templates
ParamExceptionException used in the ParamSet class
ParamListSimple implementation of a polimorfic list of parameters idetified by a std::string
ParamValidDataObjectA DataObject implementing the IParamSetEditor and IValidity interfaces
PVolumeSimple implementation of IPVolume interface
ReadOutInfoThe simplest implementation of the IReadOut abstract interface, derived from the generic class ConditionInfo
RunChangeIncidentSpecialized incident class for run number change incidents
DetDesc::ServicesThis class is a container for accessors to different usefull services, namely the service locator, message service and the detector data provider
SimpleValidityThe simplest implementation of IValidity interface
SlowControlInfoThe simplest implementation of the ISlowControl abstract interface, derived from the generic class ConditionInfo
SolidBaseUseful intermediate class for implementation of all solids
SolidBooleanA simple helper class (common base) for implementation of complex "boolean" solids
SolidBoxA simple implementation of BOX
SolidChildSimple helper class for implementation of "complex" boolean solids represent a "solid with position" (e.g
SolidConsA simple implementation segment of conical tube
SolidIntersectionImplementation of boolean solid - intersection of several solids
SolidPolyconeA simple implementation of "Polycone" shape "PCON" in Geant3 (G4Polycone in Geant4)
SolidPolycone::CmpZSimple utility class (functor) for comparizon of z-posiiton of the triplet
SolidPolyHedronHelperSmall helper class to simplify the construction of concrete "polihedron-like" classes
SolidSphereA simple implementation of SPHERE
SolidSubtractionSimple implementatioin of simple boolean solid - SUBTRACTION
SolidTrapA simple implementation of TRAP
SolidTrdA simple implementation of TRD
SolidTubsA simple implementation of TUBS - the tube segment
SolidUnionImplementation of simple boolean solid - UNION
StaticArray< T, N >Simple implementation of an array with static allocation
SurfaceClass to define optical surfaces and thier non-trivial optical properties
TabulatedPropertyClass to define some (non-trivial) Property of materials and Surfaces
TransportSvcExceptionClass TransportSvcException: an exception class for Transport Service
ValidDataObjectA simple DataObject implementing the IValidity interface
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:00:17 2011 for DetDesc by doxygen 1.4.7