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In This Package:

runPositron::__init__ Namespace Reference


def configure
def run


string DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'

Function Documentation

def runPositron::__init__::configure (   argv = []  ) 

Configure this module with positron position

Definition at line 14 of file __init__.py.

00014                         :
00015     """Configure this module with positron position"""
00017     import sys, getopt
00018     from time import gmtime, mktime, strftime, strptime, timezone
00019     opts,args = getopt.getopt(argv,"p:w:z:a:k:M:s:n:")
00020     wallTime = 0
00021     axis = 0
00022     xpos = 0.0
00023     ypos = 0.0
00024     zpos = 0.0
00025     pmtDataPath = None
00026     mode = ""
00027     energy = 1.0
00028     seed = "42"
00029     nevts = "10000"
00030     volume = "/dd/Structure/AD/db-oil1"
00032     for opt,arg in opts:
00033         if opt == "-p":
00034             pmtDataPath = arg
00035         if opt == "-w":
00036             if -1 != arg.find('T'):
00037                 wallTime = int(mktime(strptime(arg,
00038                                                DATETIME_FORMAT)) - timezone)
00039             else:
00040                 wallTime = int(arg)
00041             print "======================================================"
00042             print "Wall clock start time = ", strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT,
00043                                                        gmtime(float(wallTime)))
00044             print "======================================================"
00045         if opt == "-z":
00046             zpos = float(arg)
00047             print "======================================================"
00048             print "Source Z position = ", zpos, " cm"
00049             print "======================================================"
00050         if opt == "-a":
00051             axis = int(arg)
00052             print "======================================================"
00053             print "Source Axis = ", axis, " cm"
00054             print "======================================================"
00055             if axis == 1:
00056                 xpos = 135.0 * math.cos(112.5 * math.pi / 180.)
00057                 ypos = 135.0 * math.sin(112.5 * math.pi / 180.)
00058             elif axis == 2:
00059                 xpos = 177.25 * math.cos( (112.5 + 180) * math.pi / 180.)
00060                 ypos = 177.25 * math.sin( (112.5 + 180) * math.pi / 180.)
00061         if opt == "-k":
00062             kinetic = float(arg)
00063         if opt == "-M":    
00064             mode = arg
00065         if opt == "-s":
00066             seed = arg
00067         if opt == "-n":
00068             nevts = arg
00070     import GenTools
00071     from GenTools.Helpers import Gun
00072     from GenTools.Helpers import HepEVT
00073     import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as units
00074     gtc = GenTools.Configure()
00075     gtc.generator.TimeStamp = int(wallTime)
00077     if mode == "" or mode == "Cal":
00078         print "Simulating in calibration mode."
00079         mygun = Gun()
00080         mygun.gun.ParticleName = 'e+'
00081         mygun.timerator.LifeTime = 0.020*units.second
00082         mygun.setVolume(volume)
00083         mygun.gun.Momentum = 1.0*units.eV
00084         mygun.positioner.Position = [xpos*units.cm, ypos*units.cm, zpos*units.cm]
00085         gtc.register(mygun)
00086     elif mode == "Mono":
00087         print "Simulating in monoenegetic mode."
00088         mygun = Gun()
00089         mygun.gun.ParticleName = 'e+'
00090         mygun.timerator.LifeTime = 0.020*units.second
00091         mygun.setVolume(volume)
00092         energy = (kinetic + 0.5109989)*units.MeV
00093         momentum = math.sqrt((energy)**2 - (0.5109989*units.MeV)**2)
00094         mygun.gun.Momentum = momentum
00095         mygun.positioner.Strategy = "FullVolume"
00096         mygun.positioner.Mode = "Uniform"
00097         mygun.positioner.Spread = 2.6*units.meter
00098         mygun.positioner.Position = [0,0,0*units.meter]
00099         gtc.register(mygun)
00100     elif mode == "IBD":
00101         print "Simulating in IBD mode."
00102         ibd = "InverseBeta.exe -eplus_only -n " + nevts + " -seed " + seed + " |"
00103         he = HepEVT(hepEvtDataSource = ibd)
00104         he.positioner.Volume = volume
00105         he.positioner.Strategy = "FullVolume"
00106         he.positioner.Mode = "Uniform"
00107         he.positioner.Position = [0,0,0]
00108         he.positioner.Spread = 2.6*units.meter
00109         he.transformer.Volume = volume
00110         gtc.register(he)
00112     import DetSim
00113     detsim = DetSim.Configure(physlist = DetSim.physics_list_basic)
00114     detsim.historian(trackSelection="(pdg == -11)",\
00115                      vertexSelection="(pdg == -11)")
00116     params = {
00117         'start' :"(start > 0)",
00118         'track1':"(id==1)",
00119         'track2':"(id==2)",
00120         'GD':    "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/GdDopedLS'",
00121         'LS':    "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/LiquidScintillator'",
00122         'MO':   "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/MineralOil'",
00123         'IAV':   "DetectorElementName == 'db-iav1'",
00124         'OAV':   "DetectorElementName == 'db-oav1'",
00125         'IWS': "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/IwsWater'",
00126         'OWS': "MaterialName == '/dd/Materials/OwsWater'",
00127         'lastvtx': "IsStopping == 1",
00128         'firstvtx': "IsStarting == 1",
00129         'Neutron': "pdg == 2112",
00130         'NeutronMom': "creator == 2112",
00131         'Gamma': "pdg == 22",
00132         'Positron': "pdg == -11",
00133         'Muon': "(pdg == 13 or pdg == -13)"
00134         }
00136     detsim.unobserver(stats=[
00137             ["EDepInGdLS", "dE", "%(GD)s"%params],
00138             ["EDepInLS", "dE", "%(LS)s"%params],
00139             ["EDepInIAV", "dE", "%(IAV)s"%params],
00140             ["EDepInOAV", "dE", "%(OAV)s"%params],
00141             ["EDepInOIL", "dE", "%(MO)s"%params],
00143             ["QEDepInGdLS", "qdE", "%(GD)s"%params],
00144             ["QEDepInLS", "qdE", "%(LS)s"%params],
00145             ["QEDepInIAV", "qdE", "%(IAV)s"%params],
00146             ["QEDepInOAV", "qdE", "%(OAV)s"%params],
00147             ["QEDepInOIL", "qdE", "%(MO)s"%params],
00149             ["tQESumGdLS", "qEt", "%(GD)s"%params],
00150             ["xQESumGdLS", "qEx", "%(GD)s"%params],
00151             ["yQESumGdLS", "qEy", "%(GD)s"%params],
00152             ["zQESumGdLS", "qEz", "%(GD)s"%params],
00154             ["tQESumLS", "qEt", "%(LS)s"%params],
00155             ["xQESumLS", "qEx", "%(LS)s"%params],
00156             ["yQESumLS", "qEy", "%(LS)s"%params],
00157             ["zQESumLS", "qEz", "%(LS)s"%params],
00159             ["tQESumMO", "qEt", "%(MO)s"%params],
00160             ["xQESumMO", "qEx", "%(MO)s"%params],
00161             ["yQESumMO", "qEy", "%(MO)s"%params],
00162             ["zQESumMO", "qEz", "%(MO)s"%params],
00164             # track 1
00165             ["pdgId_Trk1","pdg","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00166             ["t_Trk1",    "t" , "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00167             ["x_Trk1",    "x", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00168             ["y_Trk1",    "y", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00169             ["z_Trk1",    "z", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00170             ["tEnd_Trk1",    "t" , "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00171             ["xEnd_Trk1",    "x", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00172             ["yEnd_Trk1",    "y", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00173             ["zEnd_Trk1",    "z", "%(track1)s and %(lastvtx)s"%params],
00174             ["e_Trk1",    "E",  "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00175             ["p_Trk1",    "p",  "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00176             ["ke_Trk1",   "KE", "%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00177             ["vx_Trk1",   "lvx","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00178             ["vy_Trk1",   "lvy","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00179             ["vz_Trk1",   "lvz","%(track1)s and %(start)s"%params],
00180             ["TrkLength_GD_Trk1",  "dx","%(track1)s and %(GD)s"%params],
00181             ["TrkLength_iAV_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(IAV)s"%params],
00182             ["TrkLength_LS_Trk1",  "dx","%(track1)s and %(LS)s"%params],
00183             ["TrkLength_oAV_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(OAV)s"%params],
00184             ["TrkLength_Oil_Trk1", "dx","%(track1)s and %(MO)s"%params]
00185             ])
00187     import ElecSim
00188     elecsim = ElecSim.Configure()
00189     if pmtDataPath != None:
00190         # change PMT properties
00191         elecsim.dataSvc.setPmtSimData( pmtDataPath )
00193     import TrigSim
00194     trigsim = TrigSim.Configure()
00196     import ReadoutSim
00197     rosim = ReadoutSim.Configure()
def run(app):

def runPositron::__init__::run (   app  ) 

Definition at line 199 of file __init__.py.

00199             :
00200     pass

Variable Documentation

string runPositron::__init__::DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' [static]

Definition at line 10 of file __init__.py.

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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:11:57 2011 for MDC09a by doxygen 1.4.7