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In This Package:

PrintCalibData Namespace Reference


class  PrintCalibDataAlg


def configure
def run


int TH1F = 1
 TimeStamp = gbl.TimeStamp
 AdPmtSensor = gbl.DayaBay.AdPmtSensor
 Detector = gbl.DayaBay.Detector

Function Documentation

def PrintCalibData::configure (   argv = []  ) 

Example of processing calibrated data 

Definition at line 127 of file PrintCalibData.py.

00127                         :
00128     """ Example of processing calibrated data """
00130     # Setup root file for output histograms
00131     from StatisticsSvc.StatisticsSvcConf import StatisticsSvc
00132     statsSvc = StatisticsSvc()
00133     statsSvc.Output = {"file1":"calibDataResult.root"}
00135     return
def run(app):

def PrintCalibData::run (   app  ) 

Configure and add the algorithm to job

Definition at line 137 of file PrintCalibData.py.

00137             :
00138     '''
00139     Configure and add the algorithm to job
00140     '''
00141     app.ExtSvc += ["StatisticsSvc"]
00142     myAlg = PrintCalibDataAlg("MyPrintCalibDataAlg")
00143     app.addAlgorithm(myAlg)
00144     pass

Variable Documentation

int PrintCalibData::TH1F = 1 [static]

Definition at line 20 of file PrintCalibData.py.

PrintCalibData::TimeStamp = gbl.TimeStamp [static]

Definition at line 21 of file PrintCalibData.py.

PrintCalibData::AdPmtSensor = gbl.DayaBay.AdPmtSensor [static]

Definition at line 22 of file PrintCalibData.py.

PrintCalibData::Detector = gbl.DayaBay.Detector [static]

Definition at line 23 of file PrintCalibData.py.

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