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In This Package:

RootInputFile.cc File Reference

#include "RootIOSvc/RootInputFile.h"
#include "RootIOSvc/RootIOBaseObject.h"
#include "RootIOSvc/RootIOUserData.h"
#include "RootIOSvc/RootIOUserDataProxy.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TIterator.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Include dependency graph for RootInputFile.cc:

Go to the source code of this file.


static void handle_user_data (TTree *tree, const std::string &path)
static void process_directory (TDirectory *dir, std::vector< std::string > &ret)
static int find_uniq (TBranch *branch)

Function Documentation

static void handle_user_data ( TTree *  tree,
const std::string &  path 
) [static]

Definition at line 17 of file RootInputFile.cc.

00018 {
00019     TObjArray* branches = tree->GetListOfBranches();
00020     size_t nbranches = branches->GetEntries();
00022     Dyb::MsgStreamMember log("RootInputFile::handle_user_data");
00023     log << MSG::DEBUG << "Found Tree (nBranches=" << nbranches 
00024         << ") at path: " << path << endreq;
00026     // Check the tree for branches besides ones made from a
00027     // RootIOBaseObject
00028     std::vector<TBranch*> known_unknowns, unknown_unknowns;
00029     for (size_t ind=0; ind<nbranches; ++ind) {
00031         TBranch* branch = static_cast<TBranch*>(branches->At(ind));
00032         TLeaf* leaf = static_cast<TLeaf*>(branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0));
00034         log << MSG::DEBUG << "\tCheckingName: " 
00035             << branch->GetName() 
00036             << " (" << leaf->GetTypeName() << ")"
00037             << endreq;
00039         // Let's do a little dance.  It's called, "find who we know".
00040         std::string type = leaf->GetTypeName();
00041         if (type == "Int_t" || type == "Float_t") {
00042             log << MSG::DEBUG << "\t\tlikely branch: \"" 
00043                 << branch->GetName() << "\"" << endreq;
00044             unknown_unknowns.push_back(branch); // Outlander!
00045         }
00046         else {
00047             TClass c(type.c_str());
00048             if (c.InheritsFrom("RootIOBaseObject")) {
00049                 known_unknowns.push_back(branch); // I know you!
00050             }
00051             else {
00052                 log << MSG::DEBUG << "\t\tlikely branch: \"" 
00053                     << branch->GetName() << "\"" << endreq;
00054                 unknown_unknowns.push_back(branch); // Outlander!
00055             }
00056         }
00057     }
00059     RootIOUserData ud;          // get proxies for given stream
00060     RootIOUserData::ProxyCollection& proxies = ud.input(path);
00062     for (size_t ind=0; ind<unknown_unknowns.size(); ++ind) {
00063         TBranch* branch = unknown_unknowns[ind];
00065         std::string className = branch->ClassName(); // eg "TBranch"
00066         TLeaf* leaf = static_cast<TLeaf*>(branch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0));
00068         char* addr = 0;
00069         if (className == "TBranchElement") {
00070             addr = *((char**)(branch->GetAddress()));
00071         }
00072         else {
00073             addr = (char*)(leaf->GetValuePointer());
00074         }
00076         std::string branchName = branch->GetName(); // eg "count"
00078         RootIOUserDataProxy* udp = proxies[branchName];
00079         if (!udp) {
00080             std::string branchType = leaf->GetTypeName(); // eg "Int_t"
00081             udp = new RootIOUserDataProxy(branchName,branchType,addr);
00082             proxies[branchName] = udp;
00083         }
00084         else {
00085             udp->resetAddress(addr);
00086         }
00088     } // loop over unknown unknowns
00090 }     // handle_user_data()

static void process_directory ( TDirectory *  dir,
std::vector< std::string > &  ret 
) [static]

Definition at line 93 of file RootInputFile.cc.

00094 {
00095     Dyb::MsgStreamMember log("RootInputFile::TreePaths");
00097     TList* keys = dir->GetListOfKeys();
00098     TIter root_sucks(keys);
00099     TKey* key=0;
00100     while ((key = (TKey*)root_sucks())) { // infinite loop? ROOT does suck a lot!
00101         std::string dirpath = dir->GetPath();
00102         dirpath = dirpath.substr(dirpath.rfind(":")+1); 
00104         TObject* obj = key->ReadObj();
00106         TDirectory* isDir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj);
00107         if (isDir) {
00108             process_directory(isDir,ret);
00109             continue;
00110         }
00111         TTree* isTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(obj);
00112         if (isTree) {
00113             std::string path = "/";
00114             // Catch trees in root directory
00115             if(dirpath != "/")
00116                 path = dirpath + "/";
00117             path += isTree->GetName();
00118             ret.push_back(path);
00119             continue;
00120         }
00122         log << MSG::WARNING
00123             << "unexpected object " << obj->GetName()
00124             << " of type " << obj->ClassName() 
00125             << " found in directory " << dirpath << endreq;
00126     }
00127 }

static int find_uniq ( TBranch *  branch  )  [static]

Definition at line 149 of file RootInputFile.cc.

00150 {
00151     static std::string name("RootIOBaseObject");
00153     //cerr << "Checking branch " << branch->GetName() << std::endl;
00155     if (branch->GetName() == name) {
00156         TBranch* brID = branch->FindBranch("clID");
00157         RootIOBaseObject riobo;
00158         brID->SetAddress(&riobo);
00159         brID->GetEntry(0);
00160         return riobo.clID;
00161     }
00163     TObjArray* branches = branch->GetListOfBranches();
00164     TIter root_sucks(branches);
00165     branch=0;
00166     while ((branch = (TBranch*)root_sucks())) {
00167         int ret = find_uniq(branch);
00168         if (ret) return ret;
00169     }
00170     return 0;
00171 }

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Generated on Mon Apr 11 20:18:20 2011 for RootIOSvc by doxygen 1.4.7