Kernel.hpp File Reference

Definitions of several kernel functions, and helper routines. Also provides driver routines for kernel ridge regression. More...

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class  strumpack::kernel::Kernel< scalar_t >
 Representation of a kernel matrix. More...
class  strumpack::kernel::GaussKernel< scalar_t >
 Gaussian or radial basis function kernel. More...
class  strumpack::kernel::LaplaceKernel< scalar_t >
 Laplace kernel. More...
class  strumpack::kernel::ANOVAKernel< scalar_t >
 ANOVA kernel. More...
class  strumpack::kernel::DenseKernel< scalar_t >
 Arbitrary dense matrix, with underlying geometry. More...


namespace  strumpack
namespace  strumpack::kernel


enum class  strumpack::kernel::KernelType { strumpack::kernel::DENSE , strumpack::kernel::GAUSS , strumpack::kernel::LAPLACE , strumpack::kernel::ANOVA }


std::string strumpack::kernel::get_name (KernelType k)
KernelType strumpack::kernel::kernel_type (const std::string &k)
template<typename scalar_t >
std::unique_ptr< Kernel< scalar_t > > strumpack::kernel::create_kernel (KernelType k, DenseMatrix< scalar_t > &data, scalar_t h, scalar_t lambda, int p=1)

Detailed Description

Definitions of several kernel functions, and helper routines. Also provides driver routines for kernel ridge regression.