Synopsis notes...

  • At this point this is a record of what I did to get going... - one should be able to streamline/cleanup this (in particular to setup multiple jobs and use the PDSF batch system etc.)
  • This is using PDSF but no reason why it should not work locally (except the software version complications etc)
  • Note, the files produced will land in the current directory

What I did to generate 5 PYTHIA events

Note: this assumes you can successfuly do alien-token-init <your_user_name> on PDSF - we will need it to create a snapshot of the OCDB (this is more efficient and probably more robust than using cvmfs for all the OCDB - setting it up may be also cumbersome - following DPG is a good idea)

  • from a simulation run anchored to run #244340 centrally I learned the setup - good source of information is a production page on (click the run number link - a pop-up should show the job setup details)

  • on PDSF I run (the software versions follow exactly what was used in the above simulation)
$ module use /cvmfs/
$ module load AliDPG/v5-08-XX-17
$ module load AliPhysics/v5-08-13q-p2-01-1

  • I downloaded from grid the generator configuration GeneratorCustom.C (alien_cp from the alien directory of the central simulation) - you will want to change it to your needs or use another pre-defined generator setting

  • Created a snapshot of the OCDB (several option exist but the following should work - note, you may skip the first export and ignore the error from find...)
$ export ALIDPG_ROOT=<wherever your copy is>
$ make RUN=244340

  • then I executed (this works after OCDB snapshop is created - w/o the --ocdb snapshot the script will attempt to create the snapshot first - see the Makefile - link below)
./ --run 244340 --generator --energy 5000 --generator Custom --energy 8000 --pthardbin 1 --nevents 5 --ocdb snapshot --mode full
  • note the --pthardbin 1 - this is just for one of many... (watch out for the files landing in the same directory - a cleaner setup is needed...)

Useful things/files

    • some explanations of what is what and the structure...

./ --mode <mode> --run <run> --generator <generatorConfig> --energy <energy> --system <system> --detector <detectorConfig> --magnet <magnetConfig> --simulation <simulationConfig> --reconstruction <reconstructionConfig> --uid <uniqueID> --nevents <numberOfEvents> --qa <qaConfig> --aod <aodConfig> --ocdb <ocdbConfig> --hlt <hltConfig>

  • Makefile
    • useful to lookup how to make the OCDB snapshot prior to running the simulation (and run a test)