
On github... latexdiff

> latexdiff -h
Usage: /Library/TeX/texbin/latexdiff [options] old.tex new.tex > diff.tex

Compares two latex files and writes tex code to stdout, which has the same
format as new.tex but has all changes relative to old.tex marked up or commented.

-t markupstyle         Add code to preamble for selected markup style
                                         CHANGEBAR CCHANGEBAR CULINECHBAR CFONTCBHBAR BOLD
                       [ Default: UNDERLINE ]

-s markstyle           Add code to preamble for selected style for bracketing
                       commands (e.g. to mark changes in  margin)
                       [ Default: SAFE ]
                       * LABEL subtype is deprecated

-f markstyle           Add code to preamble for selected style which
                       replace standard marking and markup commands within floats
                       (e.g., marginal remarks cause an error within floats
                       so marginal marking can be disabled thus)
                       Available styles: FLOATSAFE IDENTICAL
                       [ Default: FLOATSAFE ]

-e enc                 Specify encoding of old.tex and new.tex. Typical encodings are
                       ascii, utf8, latin1, latin9.  A list of available encodings can be
                       obtained by executing
                       perl -MEncode -e 'print join ("\n",Encode->encodings( ":all" )) ;'
                       [Default encoding is utf8 unless the first few lines of the preamble contain
                       an invocation "\usepackage[..]{inputenc} in which case the
                       encoding chosen by this command is asssumed. Note that ASCII (standard
                       latex) is a subset of utf8]

-p file                Insert file at end of preamble instead of auto-generating
                       preamble.  The preamble must define the following commands
                       and varieties for use within floats
                       (If this option is set -t, -s, and -f options
                       are ignored.)

-A exclude-file
-a append-file         Exclude from, replace or append to the list of regex
                       matching commands which are safe to use within the
                       scope of a \DIFadd or \DIFdel command.  The file must contain
                       one Perl-RegEx per line (Comment lines beginning with # or % are
                       ignored). A literal comma within the comma-separated list must be
                       escaped thus "\,",   Note that the RegEx needs to match the whole of
                       the token, i.e., /^regex$/ is implied and that the initial
                       "\" of the command is not included. The --exclude-safecmd
                       and --append-safecmd options can be combined with the --replace-safecmd
                       option and can be used repeatedly to add cumulatively to the lists.

-X exclude-file
-x append-file         Exclude from, replace or append to the list of regex
                       matching commands whose last argument is text.  See
                       entry for --exclude-safecmd directly above for further details.

                       Replace or append to the list of regex matching commands
                       whose last argument is text but which require a particular
                       context to work, e.g. \caption will only work within a figure
                       or table.  These commands behave like text commands, except when
                       they occur in a deleted section, when they are disabled, but their
                       argument is shown as deleted text.

                       As corresponding commands for context1.  The only difference is that
                       context2 commands are completely disabled in deleted sections, including
                       their arguments.

                       Define safe commands, which additionally need to be protected by encapsulating
                       in an \mbox{..}. This is sometimes needed to get around incompatibilities
                       between external packages and the ulem package, which is  used for highlighting
                       in the default style UNDERLINE as well as CULINECHBAR CFONTSTRIKE

--config var1=val1,var2=val2,...
-c var1=val1,..        Set configuration variables.
-c configfile           Available variables:
                          ARRENV (RegEx)
                          COUNTERCMD (RegEx)
                          FLOATENV (RegEx)
                          ITEMCMD (RegEx)
                          LISTENV (RegEx)
                          MATHARRENV (RegEx)
                          MATHARRREPL (String)
                          MATHENV (RegEx)
                          MATHREPL (String)
                          MINWORDSBLOCK (integer)
                          PICTUREENV (RegEx)
                       This option can be repeated.

                       Tell latexdiff that .tex file is processed with the packages in list
                       loaded.  This is normally not necessary if the .tex file includes the
                       preamble, as the preamble is automatically scanned for \usepackage commands.
                       Use of the --packages option disables automatic scanning, so if for any
                       reason package specific parsing needs to be switched off, use --packages=none.
                       The following packages trigger special behaviour:
                       endfloat hyperref amsmath apacite siunitx cleveref glossaries mhchem chemformula/chemmacros
                       [ Default: scan the preamble for \usepackage commands to determine
                         loaded packages.]

--show-preamble        Print generated or included preamble commands to stdout.

--show-safecmd         Print list of regex matching and excluding safe commands.

--show-textcmd         Print list of regex matching and excluding commands with text argument.

--show-config          Show values of configuration variables

--show-all             Show all of the above

   NB For all --show commands, no old.tex or new.tex file needs to be given, and no
      differencing takes place.

Other configuration options:

--allow-spaces         Allow spaces between bracketed or braced arguments to commands
                       [Default requires arguments to directly follow each other without
                                intervening spaces]

--math-markup=level    Determine granularity of markup in displayed math environments:
                      Possible values for level are (both numerical and text labels are acceptable):
                      off or 0: suppress markup for math environments.  Deleted equations will not
                               appear in diff file. This mode can be used if all the other modes
                               cause invalid latex code.
                      whole or 1: Differencing on the level of whole equations. Even trivial changes
                               to equations cause the whole equation to be marked changed.  This
                               mode can be used if processing in coarse or fine mode results in
                               invalid latex code.
                      coarse or 2: Detect changes within equations marked up with a coarse
                               granularity; changes in equation type (e.g.displaymath to equation)
                               appear as a change to the complete equation. This mode is recommended
                               for situations where the content and order of some equations are still
                               being changed. [Default]
                      fine or 3: Detect small change in equations and mark up and fine granularity.
                               This mode is most suitable, if only minor changes to equations are
                               expected, e.g. correction of typos.

--disable-auto-mbox    Suppress citation markup and markup of other vulnerable commands in styles
                       using ulem (UNDERLINE,FONTSTRIKE, CULINECHBAR)
                       (the two options are identical and are simply aliases)

--enforce-auto-mbox    Protect citation commands and other vulnerable commands in changed sections
                       with \mbox command, i.e. use default behaviour for ulem package for other packages
                       (the two options are identical and are simply aliases)

Miscelleneous options

-L label               Sets the labels used to describe the old and new files.  The first use
                       of this option sets the label describing the old file and the second
                       use of the option sets the label for the new file.
                       [Default: use the filename and modification dates for the label]

--no-label             Suppress inclusion of old and new file names as comment in output file

--visible-label         Include old and new filenames (or labels set with --label option) as
                       visible output

--flatten              Replace \input and \include commands within body by the content
                       of the files in their argument.  If \includeonly is present in the
                       preamble, only those files are expanded into the document. However,
                       no recursion is done, i.e. \input and \include commands within
                       included sections are not expanded.  The included files are assumed to
                       be located in the same directories as the old and new master files,
                       respectively, making it possible to organise files into old and new directories.
                       --flatten is applied recursively, so inputted files can contain further
                       \input statements.

-h                     Show this help text.

--ignore-warnings      Suppress warnings about inconsistencies in length between input
                       and parsed strings and missing characters.

-V                     Output various status information to stderr during processing.
                       Default is to work silently.

--version              Show version number.