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class AliAnaCalorimeterQA: public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass

 Class to check results from simulations or reconstructed real data.
 Fill few histograms and do some checking plots

-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddAODParticle(AliAODPWG4Particle part)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddToHistogramsName(TString add)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
voidBadClusterHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells, Int_t absIdMax, Double_t maxCellFraction, Float_t eCrossFrac, Double_t tmax)
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
voidCalculateAverageTime(AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells, Double_t* timeAverages)
voidCellHistograms(AliVCaloCells* cells)
voidCellInClusterPositionHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster)
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::CheckMixedEventVertex(Int_t caloLabel, Int_t trackLabel)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
voidClusterAsymmetryHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, Int_t absIdMax, Bool_t goodCluster)
voidClusterHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells, Int_t absIdMax, Double_t maxCellFraction, Float_t eCrossFrac, Double_t tmax)
voidClusterLoopHistograms(const TObjArray* clusters, AliVCaloCells* cells)
voidClusterMatchedWithTrackHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, Bool_t mcOK, Int_t pdg)
Bool_tClusterMCHistograms(Bool_t matched, const Int_t* labels, Int_t nLabels, Int_t& pdg)
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::ConnectInputOutputAODBranches()
virtual voidTObject::Copy(TObject& object) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::DoOwnMix() const
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
voidExoticHistograms(Int_t absIdMax, Float_t ampMax, AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FillEventMixPool()
virtual AliVCluster*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FindCluster(TObjArray* clusters, const Int_t id, Int_t& iclus, const Int_t first = 0)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAddedHistogramsStringToName() const
virtual TObjString*GetAnalysisCuts()
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODBranch(const TString& aodBranchName) const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODCaloClusters() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODObjArrayName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODTracks() const
virtual AliAODJetEventBackground*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBackgroundJets() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBaseParametersList()
virtual AliCaloPID*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloPID()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeter() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeterString() const
virtual AliCalorimeterUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloUtils() const
virtual AliCentrality*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCentrality() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCreateOutputAODBranch()
virtual TList*GetCreateOutputObjects()
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCTSTracks() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetDebug() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
Float_tGetECross(Int_t absId, AliVCaloCells* cells, Float_t dtcut = 10000)
Float_tGetEMCALCellAmpMin() const
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALClusters() const
virtual AliEMCALGeometry*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALGeometry() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentrality() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentralityBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin(Int_t iCen, Int_t iVz, Int_t iRP) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventNumber() const
virtual AliEventplane*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlane() const
virtual Double_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneAngle() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneMethod() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventVzBin() const
virtual AliFiducialCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFiducialCut()
Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFirstSMCoveredByTRD() const
virtual AliHistogramRanges*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetHistogramRanges()
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODName() const
Float_tGetInvMassMinECut() const
virtual AliIsolationCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetIsolationCut()
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxPt() const
virtual AliMCAnalysisUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCAnalysisUtils()
virtual AliGenEventHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCGenEventHeader() const
virtual AliHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCHeader() const
virtual AliStack*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCStack() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinPt() const
virtual AliMixedEvent*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMixedEvent() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliAODPWG4Particle* part) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliVCluster* cluster) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumberCellIndexes(Int_t absId, Int_t calo, Int_t& icol, Int_t& irow, Int_t& iRCU) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNCentrBin() const
virtual AliNeutralMesonSelection*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNeutralMesonSelection()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMaxEvMix() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMixedEvent() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNonStandardJets() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNTrackMultBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNZvertBin() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODClassName() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODName() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPairTimeCut() const
Float_tGetPHOSCellAmpMin() const
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSClusters() const
virtual AliPHOSGeoUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSGeometry() const
virtual AliCaloTrackReader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetReader() const
Double_tGetTimeCutMax() const
Double_tGetTimeCutMin() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicity() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicityBin() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Multiplicity(Int_t i) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Signal(Int_t i) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex) const
virtual Double_t*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex, Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetZvertexCut() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidInit()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::InitDebug()
virtual voidInitParameters()
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidInvariantMassHistograms(Int_t iclus, Int_t nModule, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells)
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsCaloPIDOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsDataMC() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsFiducialCutOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tIsGoodCluster(Int_t absIdMax, AliVCaloCells* cells)
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsHighMultiplicityAnalysisOn() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsPileUpAnalysisOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsRealCaloAcceptanceOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsTrackMatched(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVEvent* event)
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::MakeAnalysisFillAOD()
virtual voidMakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::MakePlotsOn() const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::NewOutputAOD() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* opt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetAODObjArrayName(TString name)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloPID(AliCaloPID* pid)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(TString& calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(Int_t calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloUtils(AliCalorimeterUtils* caloutils)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetDebug(Int_t d)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
voidSetEMCALCellAmpMin(Float_t amp)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetEnergyCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
voidSetExoDTimeCuts(Int_t i, Float_t c)
voidSetExoECrossCuts(Int_t i, Float_t c)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFiducialCut(AliFiducialCut* fc)
voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFirstSMCoveredByTRD(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetHistogramRanges(AliHistogramRanges* hr)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetInputAODName(TString name)
voidSetInvMassMinECut(Float_t cut)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetIsolationCut(AliIsolationCut* ic)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxEnergy(Float_t e)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxPt(Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMCAnalysisUtils(AliMCAnalysisUtils* mcutils)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinEnergy(Float_t e)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinPt(Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNCentrBin(Int_t n = 1)
voidSetNDTimeCuts(Int_t n)
voidSetNECrossCuts(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNeutralMesonSelection(AliNeutralMesonSelection *const nms)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNMaxEvMix(Int_t n = 20)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNRPBin(Int_t n = 1)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNTrackMultBin(Int_t n = 1)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNZvertBin(Int_t n = 1)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODClassName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPairTimeCut(Float_t t)
voidSetPHOSCellAmpMin(Float_t amp)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPtCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetReader(AliCaloTrackReader* reader)
voidSetTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetTrackMultiplicityBin(Int_t bin, Int_t mult)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffTrackMultBins()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnTrackMultBins()
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::Terminate(TList*)
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::UseTrackMultBins() const
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
voidWeightHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

enum mcTypes { kmcPhoton
enum AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::detector { kEMCAL
enum TObject::EStatusBits { kCanDelete
enum TObject::[unnamed] { kIsOnHeap
Float_tfCellAmpMinamplitude Threshold on calorimeter cells, set at execution time
TLorentzVectorfClusterMomentum! Cluster momentum
TLorentzVectorfClusterMomentum2! Cluster momentum
Bool_tfCorrelateCorrelate PHOS/EMCAL cells/clusters, also with V0 and track multiplicity
Float_tfEMCALCellAmpMinamplitude Threshold on emcal cells
Float_tfExoDTimeCuts[5]List of time cuts
Float_tfExoECrossCuts[10]List of ecross cuts
Float_tfExoNDTimeCutsNumber of time cuts
Float_tfExoNECrossCutsNumber of ecross cuts
Bool_tfFillAllCellTimeHistoFill all cell time histo
Bool_tfFillAllPi0HistoFill invariant mass histograms
Bool_tfFillAllPosHistoFill all the position related histograms
Bool_tfFillAllPosHisto2Fill all the position related histograms 2
Bool_tfFillAllTH3Fill TH3 histograms
Bool_tfFillAllTMHistoFill track matching histograms
Float_tfMinInvMassECutMinimum energy cut value for clusters entering the invariant mass calculation
Int_tfNMaxColsNumber of EMCAL/PHOS rows
Int_tfNMaxRowsNumber of EMCAL/PHOS columns
Int_tfNModulesNumber of EMCAL/PHOS modules
Float_tfPHOSCellAmpMinamplitude Threshold on phos cells
TLorentzVectorfPrimaryMomentum! Primary MC momentum
Bool_tfStudyBadClustersStudy bad clusters
Bool_tfStudyClustersAsymmetryStudy asymmetry of clusters
Bool_tfStudyExoticStudy the exotic cluster for different cuts
Bool_tfStudyWeightStudy the energy weight used in different cluster calculations
Double_tfTimeCutMaxRemove clusters/cells with time larger than this value, in ns
Double_tfTimeCutMinRemove clusters/cells with time smaller than this value, in ns
TH2F*fh1EOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches
TH2F*fh1EOverPR02! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2
TH2F*fh1EleEOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, 60 < dEdx < 100
TH2F*fh2EledEdx! dE/dx vs. momentum for electron candidates
TH2F*fh2MatchdEdx! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches
TH2F*fh2dR! distance between projected track and cluster (eta-phi units)
TH2F*fhAmpId! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals vs id of tower.
TH2F*fhAmpIdLowGain! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals vs id of tower, low gain towers
TH2F*fhAmpMod! cell amplitude distribution for different module, Reco
TH1F*fhAmplitude! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals
TH2F*fhAsym! cluster pairs invariant mass
TH2F*fhBadCellTimeSpreadRespectToCellMax! Difference of the time of cell with maximum dep energy and the rest of cells for bad clusters
TH2F*fhBadClusterDeltaIA! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell terms vs E, with and without matching; bad clusters.
TH2F*fhBadClusterDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE0! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, E < 2 GeV, with and without matching; bad clusters.
TH2F*fhBadClusterDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE2! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, 2 < E < 6 GeV, with and without matching; bad clusters.
TH2F*fhBadClusterDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE6! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, E > 6 GeV, with and without matching; bad clusters.
TH1F*fhBadClusterEnergy! energy of bad cluster
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellCloseCellDiff! Difference between max cell energy and cell energy of the same cluster for bad clusters
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellCloseCellRatio! Ratio between max cell energy and cell energy of the same cluster for bad clusters
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellDiff! Difference between cluster energy and energy of cell with more energy
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellDiffAverageTime! Difference between cluster average time and time of cell with more energy
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellDiffWeightedTime! Difference between cluster weighted time and time of cell with more energy
TH2F*fhBadClusterMaxCellECross! 1 - Energy in cross around max energy cell / max energy cell vs cluster energy, bad clusters
TH2F*fhBadClusterPairDiffTimeE! Pair of clusters time difference vs E, bad cluster
TH2F*fhBadClusterTimeEnergy! Time Max cell of bad cluster
TH2F*fhCaloCenECells! Calo vs centrality, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloCenEClusters! Calo vs centrality, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloCenNCells! Calo vs centrality, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloCenNClusters! Calo vs centrality, number of clusters
TH2F*fhCaloCorrECells! EMCAL vs PHOS, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloCorrEClusters! EMCAL vs PHOS, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloCorrNCells! EMCAL vs PHOS, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloCorrNClusters! EMCAL vs PHOS, number of clusters
TH2F*fhCaloEvPECells! Calo vs event plane angle, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloEvPEClusters! Calo vs event plane angle, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloEvPNCells! Calo vs event plane angle, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloEvPNClusters! Calo vs event plane angle, number of clusters
TH2F*fhCaloTrackMCorrECells! Calo vs V0 Track Multipliticy, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloTrackMCorrEClusters! Calo vs Track Multiplicity, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloTrackMCorrNCells! Calo vs V0 Track Multiplicity, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloTrackMCorrNClusters! Calo vs Track Multiplicity, number of clusters
TH2F*fhCaloV0MCorrECells! Calo vs V0 multiplicity, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloV0MCorrEClusters! Calo vs V0 multiplicity, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloV0MCorrNCells! Calo vs V0 multiplicity, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloV0MCorrNClusters! Calo vs V0 multiplicity , number of clusters
TH2F*fhCaloV0SCorrECells! Calo vs V0 signal, total measured cell energy
TH2F*fhCaloV0SCorrEClusters! Calo vs V0 signal, total measured cluster energy
TH2F*fhCaloV0SCorrNCells! Calo vs V0 signal, number of cells
TH2F*fhCaloV0SCorrNClusters! Calo vs V0 signal , number of clusters
TH2F*fhCellECross! 1 - Energy in cross around cell / cell energy
TH1F*fhCellIdCellLargeTimeSpread! Cells with large time respect to max (diff > 100 ns)
TH2F*fhCellTimeSpreadRespectToCellMax! Difference of the time of cell with maximum dep energy and the rest of cells
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellCloseCellDiff! Difference between max cell energy and cell energy of the same cluster
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellCloseCellRatio! Ratio between max cell energy and cell energy of the same cluster
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellDiff! Difference between cluster energy and energy of cell with more energy, good clusters only
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellDiffAverageTime! Difference between cluster average time and time of cell with more energy
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellDiffNoCut! Difference between cluster energy and energy of cell with more energy, no bad cluster rejection
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellDiffWeightedTime! Difference between cluster weighted time and time of cell with more energy
TH2F*fhClusterMaxCellECross! 1 - Energy in cross around max energy cell / max energy cell vs cluster energy, good clusters
TH2F*fhClusterPairDiffTimeE! Pair of clusters time difference vs E
TH2F*fhClusterTimeEnergy! Cluster Time vs Energy
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterRE! R cluster - R cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterRNCells! R cluster - R cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterXE! X cluster - X cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterXNCells! X cluster - X cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterYE! Y cluster - Y cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterYNCells! Y cluster - Y cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterZE! Z cluster - Z cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhDeltaCellClusterZNCells! Z cluster - Z cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhDeltaIA[2]! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell terms vs E, with and without matching
TH2F*fhDeltaIAL0[2]! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell units vs Lambda0 for E > 0.5 GeV, n cells in cluster > 3, with and without matching
TH2F*fhDeltaIAL1[2]! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell units vs Lambda1 for E > 0.5 GeV, n cells in cluster > 3, with and without matching
TH2F*fhDeltaIAMC[4]! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell terms vs E, from MC photon, electron, conversion or hadron.
TH2F*fhDeltaIANCells[2]! Cluster "asymmetry" in cell units vs number of cells in cluster for E > 0.5, with and without matching
TH2F*fhDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE0[2]! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, E < 2 GeV, with and without matching;
TH2F*fhDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE2[2]! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, 2 < E < 6 GeV, with and without matching;
TH2F*fhDeltaIEtaDeltaIPhiE6[2]! Difference between max cell index and farthest cell, eta vs phi, E > 6 GeV, with and without matching;
TH2F*fhDispersion! cluster Dispersion vs Energy
TH1F*fhE! E distribution, Reco
TH2F*fhECellClusterLogRatio! log (e cell / e cluster) vs e cluster
TH2F*fhECellClusterRatio! e cell / e cluster vs e cluster
TH2F*fhECellTotalLogRatio! log (e cell / e total) vs e total
TH2F**fhECellTotalLogRatioMod! log (e cell / e total) vs e total, per SM
TH2F*fhECellTotalRatio! e cell / e total vs e total
TH2F**fhECellTotalRatioMod! e cell / e total vs e total, per SM
TH1F*fhECharged! E distribution, Reco, matched with track
TH2F*fhEMR! Electromagnetic distance to vertex vs rec energy
TH2F*fhEMVxyz! Electromagnetic particle production vertex
TH2F*fhEMaxCellClusterLogRatio! log (e max cell / e cluster) vs e cluster
TH2F*fhEMaxCellClusterRatio! e max cell / e cluster vs e cluster
TH2F*fhEMod! cluster E distribution for different module, Reco
TH1F*fhEta! eta distribution, Reco
TH1F*fhEtaCharged! eta distribution, Reco, matched with track
TH3F*fhEtaPhiAmp! eta vs phi vs amplitude, cells
TH3F*fhEtaPhiE! eta vs phi vs E, Reco
TH3F*fhEtaPhiECharged! eta vs phi vs E, Reco, matched with track
TH2F*fhExoDTime[10]! Difference in time between cell with max energy and rest of cells for exotic
TH2F*fhExoECross[10][5]! E cross for max cell in cluster, for different cuts
TH2F*fhExoL0[10][5]! Long shower shape axis for exotic
TH2F*fhExoL0ECross! Lambda0 vs E cross fraction for clusters with E > 5 GeV
TH2F*fhExoL0NCell[10][5]! Lambda0 vs n cells in cluster for several E cross cuts and cluster with E > 5
TH2F*fhExoL1[10][5]! Short shower shape axis for exotic
TH2F*fhExoL1ECross! Lambda1 vs E cross fraction for clusters with E > 5 GeV
TH2F*fhExoL1NCell[10][5]! Lambda1 vs n cells in cluster for several E cross cuts and cluster with E > 5
TH2F*fhExoNCell[10][5]! Number of cells per cluster for different cuts
TH2F*fhExoTime[10][5]! Time of exotic cluster, for different cuts
TH1F*fhGenMCAccE[4]! pt of primary particle, in acceptance
TH2F*fhGenMCAccEtaPhi[4]! eta vs phi of primary particle, in acceptance
TH1F*fhGenMCAccPt[4]! pt of primary particle, in acceptance
TH1F*fhGenMCE[4]! pt of primary particle
TH2F*fhGenMCEtaPhi[4]! eta vs phi of primary particle
TH1F*fhGenMCPt[4]! pt of primary particle
TH2F*fhGridCells! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, Reco
TH2F*fhGridCellsE! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with energy, Reco
TH2F*fhGridCellsELowGain! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with energy, Reco, low gain
TH2F*fhGridCellsLowGain! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, Reco, low gain
TH2F*fhGridCellsTime! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with time, Reco
TH2F*fhGridCellsTimeLowGain! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with time, Reco, low gain
TH2F*fhHaR! Hadron distance to vertex vs rec energy
TH2F*fhHaVxyz! Hadron production vertex
TH2F*fhIM! cluster pairs invariant mass
TH2F**fhIMMod! cluster pairs invariant mass, different module,
TH2F*fhLambda0! cluster Lambda0 vs Energy
TH2F*fhLambda0ForW0[14]! L0 for 7 defined w0= 3, 3.5 ... 6
TH2F*fhLambda0ForW0MC[14][5]! L0 for 7 defined w0= 3, 3.5 ... 6, depending on the particle of origin
TH2F*fhLambda1! cluster Lambda1 vs Energy
TH2F*fhMCChHad1EOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC charged hadrons
TH2F*fhMCChHad1EOverPR02! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, MC charged hadrons
TH2F*fhMCChHad1EleEOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, 60 < dEdx < 100, MC charged hadrons
TH1F*fhMCChHad1dR! distance between projected track and cluster, MC charged hadrons
TH2F*fhMCChHad2MatchdEdx! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC charged
TH2F*fhMCEle1EOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC electrons
TH2F*fhMCEle1EOverPR02! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, MC electrons
TH2F*fhMCEle1EleEOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, 60 < dEdx < 100, MC electrons
TH1F*fhMCEle1dR! distance between projected track and cluster, MC electrons
TH2F*fhMCEle2MatchdEdx! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC electrons
TH2F*fhMCNeutral1EOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC neutral
TH2F*fhMCNeutral1EOverPR02! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, MC neutral
TH2F*fhMCNeutral1EleEOverP! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR < 0.2, 60 < dEdx < 100, MC neutral
TH1F*fhMCNeutral1dR! distance between projected track and cluster, MC neutral
TH2F*fhMCNeutral2MatchdEdx! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC neutral
TH1F*fhNCells! Number of towers/crystals with signal
TH1F*fhNCellsCutAmpMin! Number of towers/crystals with signal, with min amplitude
TH2F*fhNCellsMod! Number of towers/crystals with signal different module, Reco
TH2F*fhNCellsPerCluster! N cells per cluster vs cluster energy vs eta of cluster
TH2F**fhNCellsPerClusterMod! N cells per clusters different module, Reco
TH2F**fhNCellsPerClusterModNoCut! N cells per clusters different module, Reco, No cut
TH2F*fhNCellsPerClusterNoCut! N cells per cluster vs cluster energy vs eta of cluster
TH1F*fhNClusters! Number of clusters
TH2F*fhNClustersMod! Number of clusters for different module, Reco
TH1F*fhPhi! phi distribution, Reco
TH1F*fhPhiCharged! phi distribution, Reco, matched with track
TH1F*fhPt! pT distribution, Reco
TH1F*fhPtCharged! pT distribution, Reco, matched with track
TH2F*fhRCellE! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy
TH2F*fhRE! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhRNCells! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhRecoMCDeltaE[7][2]! Gen-Reco E generated particle vs reconstructed E
TH2F*fhRecoMCDeltaEta[7][2]! Gen-Reco eta generated particle vs reconstructed E
TH2F*fhRecoMCDeltaPhi[7][2]! Gen-Reco phi generated particle vs reconstructed E
TH2F*fhRecoMCE[7][2]! E generated particle vs reconstructed E
TH2F*fhRecoMCEta[7][2]! eta generated particle vs reconstructed Eta
TH2F*fhRecoMCPhi[7][2]! phi generated particle vs reconstructed phi
TH2F*fhRecoMCRatioE[7][2]! Reco/Gen E generated particle vs reconstructed E
TH1F*fhTime! Time measured in towers/crystals
TH2F*fhTimeAmp! Time vs Amplitude
TH2F*fhTimeAmpLowGain! Time vs Amplitude, low gain
TH2F**fhTimeAmpPerRCU! Time vs Amplitude measured in towers/crystals different RCU
TH2F*fhTimeId! Time vs Absolute cell Id
TH2F*fhTimeIdLowGain! Time vs Absolute cell Id, low gain
TH2F*fhTimeMod! cell time distribution for different module, Reco
TH2F*fhTimeVz! Time measured in towers/crystals vs vertex z component, for E > 0.5
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEta! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, after and before photon cuts
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaDPhi! Eta vs Phi distance between track and cluster, E cluster > 0.5 GeV, after and before
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaDPhiPos! Eta vs Phi distance between track and cluster, E cluster > 0.5 GeV, after and before
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaPos! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, after and before photon cuts
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhi! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, after and before photon cuts
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiPos! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, after and before photon cuts
TH2F*fhXCellE! X (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy
TH2F*fhXE! X (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhXNCells! X (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster
TH3F*fhXYZ! cluster X vs Y vs Z (cm)
TH3F*fhXYZCell! cell X vs Y vs Z (cm)
TH2F*fhYCellE! Y (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy
TH2F*fhYE! Y (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhYNCells! Y (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster
TH2F*fhZCellE! Z (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy
TH2F*fhZE! Z (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy
TH2F*fhZNCells! Z (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

Parameters and cuts
Invariant mass
bad clusters
Super-Module dependent histgrams
 Weight studies
 MC and reco
 MC only
matched MC
Default Ctor
void BadClusterHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells, Int_t absIdMax, Double_t maxCellFraction, Float_t eCrossFrac, Double_t tmax)
Bad cluster histograms
void CalculateAverageTime(AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells, Double_t* timeAverages)
 Calculate time averages and weights
void CellHistograms(AliVCaloCells* cells)
 Plot histograms related to cells only
void CellInClusterPositionHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster)
 Fill histograms releated to cell position
void ClusterAsymmetryHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, Int_t absIdMax, Bool_t goodCluster)
 Study the shape of the cluster in cell units terms
void ClusterHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells, Int_t absIdMax, Double_t maxCellFraction, Float_t eCrossFrac, Double_t tmax)
Fill CaloCluster related histograms
void ClusterLoopHistograms(const TObjArray* clusters, AliVCaloCells* cells)
 Fill clusters related histograms
Bool_t ClusterMCHistograms(Bool_t matched, const Int_t* labels, Int_t nLabels, Int_t& pdg)
void ClusterMatchedWithTrackHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, Bool_t mcOK, Int_t pdg)
Histograms for clusters matched with tracks
void Correlate()
 Correlate information from PHOS and EMCAL and with V0 and track multiplicity
TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts()
Save parameters used for analysis
void ExoticHistograms(Int_t absIdMax, Float_t ampMax, AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells)
 Calculate weights
TList * GetCreateOutputObjects()
 Create histograms to be saved in output file and
 store them in outputContainer
Float_t GetECross(Int_t absId, AliVCaloCells* cells, Float_t dtcut = 10000)
 Get energy in cross axis around maximum cell, for EMCAL only
void InvariantMassHistograms(Int_t iclus, Int_t nModule, const TObjArray* caloClusters, AliVCaloCells* cells)
 Fill Invariant mass histograms
void Init()
Check if the data or settings are ok
void InitParameters()
Initialize the parameters of the analysis.
Bool_t IsGoodCluster(Int_t absIdMax, AliVCaloCells* cells)
Identify cluster as exotic or not
void Print(Option_t* opt) const
Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis
void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
Fill Calorimeter QA histograms
void MCHistograms()
Get the MC arrays and do some checks before filling MC histograms
void WeightHistograms(AliVCluster* clus, AliVCaloCells* cells)
 Calculate weights
virtual ~AliAnaCalorimeterQA()
Float_t GetEMCALCellAmpMin() const
 Setters and Getters
{ return fEMCALCellAmpMin ; }
void SetEMCALCellAmpMin(Float_t amp)
{ fEMCALCellAmpMin = amp ; }
Float_t GetPHOSCellAmpMin() const
{ return fPHOSCellAmpMin ; }
void SetPHOSCellAmpMin(Float_t amp)
{ fPHOSCellAmpMin = amp ; }
Float_t GetInvMassMinECut() const
{ return fMinInvMassECut ; }
void SetInvMassMinECut(Float_t cut)
{ fMinInvMassECut = cut ; }
Double_t GetTimeCutMin() const
{ return fTimeCutMin ; }
Double_t GetTimeCutMax() const
{ return fTimeCutMax ; }
void SetTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max)
void SwitchOnFillAllCellTimeHisto()
 Histogram Switchs
void SwitchOffFillAllCellTimeHisto()
void SwitchOnFillAllPositionHistogram()
void SwitchOffFillAllPositionHistogram()
void SwitchOnFillAllPositionHistogram2()
void SwitchOffFillAllPositionHistogram2()
void SwitchOnFillAllTH3Histogram()
void SwitchOffFillAllTH3Histogram()
void SwitchOnFillAllTrackMatchingHistogram()
void SwitchOffFillAllTrackMatchingHistogram()
void SwitchOnFillAllPi0Histogram()
void SwitchOffFillAllPi0Histogram()
void SwitchOnCorrelation()
void SwitchOffCorrelation()
void SwitchOnStudyBadClusters()
void SwitchOffStudyBadClusters()
void SwitchOnStudyClustersAsymmetry()
void SwitchOffStudyClustersAsymmetry()
void SwitchOnStudyWeight()
void SwitchOffStudyWeight()
void SwitchOnStudyExotic()
void SwitchOffStudyExotic()
void SetNECrossCuts(Int_t n)
{ fExoNECrossCuts = n ; }
void SetNDTimeCuts(Int_t n)
{ fExoNDTimeCuts = n ; }
void SetExoECrossCuts(Int_t i, Float_t c)
{ if (i<fExoNECrossCuts) fExoECrossCuts[i] = c ; }
void SetExoDTimeCuts(Int_t i, Float_t c)
{ if (i<fExoNDTimeCuts ) fExoDTimeCuts [i] = c ; }