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AliRoot » PWGGA » CALOTRACKCORRELATIONS » AliAnaInsideClusterInvariantMass

class AliAnaInsideClusterInvariantMass: public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass

 Split clusters with some criteria and calculate invariant mass
 to identify them as pi0 or conversion

-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LPSC-Grenoble)

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddAODParticle(AliAODPWG4Particle part)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddToHistogramsName(TString add)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
voidCheckLocalMaximaMCOrigin(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Float_t mass)
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::CheckMixedEventVertex(Int_t caloLabel, Int_t trackLabel)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::ConnectInputOutputAODBranches()
virtual voidTObject::Copy(TObject& object) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::DoOwnMix() const
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
voidFillAngleHistograms(Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Float_t angle, Float_t mass, Float_t anglePrim, Float_t m02, Float_t asym, Int_t pid, Int_t noverlaps)
voidFillArmenterosHistograms(Int_t nMax, Int_t ebin, Int_t mcindex, Float_t pi0E, Float_t m02, Int_t pid)
voidFillEBinHistograms(Int_t ebin, Int_t nMax, Int_t mcindex, Float_t splitFrac, Float_t mass, Float_t asym, Float_t l0)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FillEventMixPool()
voidFillHistograms1(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nMax, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
voidFillHistograms2(Float_t en, Float_t eprim, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nMax, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
voidFillIdConvHistograms(Float_t en, Int_t nMax, Float_t asym, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
voidFillIdEtaHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nc, Int_t nMax, Float_t t12diff, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
voidFillIdPi0Histograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nc, Int_t nMax, Float_t t12diff, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
voidFillMCHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t ebin, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps, Float_t l0, Float_t mass, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Float_t splitFrac, Float_t asym, Float_t eprim, Float_t asymGen)
voidFillMCOverlapHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t enprim, Int_t nc, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t asym, Float_t splitFrac, Int_t nlm, Int_t ebin, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps)
voidFillNCellHistograms(Int_t ncells, Float_t energy, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t mass, Float_t l0)
voidFillNLMDiffCutHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVCaloCells* cells, Bool_t matched)
voidFillSSExtraHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t mass, Int_t ebin)
voidFillSSWeightHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nlm, Int_t absId1, Int_t absId2)
voidFillThetaStarHistograms(Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t pi0E, Float_t m02, Int_t pid)
voidFillTrackMatchingHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nMax, Int_t mcindex)
virtual AliVCluster*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FindCluster(TObjArray* clusters, const Int_t id, Int_t& iclus, const Int_t first = 0)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAddedHistogramsStringToName() const
virtual TObjString*GetAnalysisCuts()
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODBranch(const TString& aodBranchName) const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODCaloClusters() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODObjArrayName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODTracks() const
virtual AliAODJetEventBackground*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBackgroundJets() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBaseParametersList()
virtual AliCaloPID*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloPID()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeter() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeterString() const
virtual AliCalorimeterUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloUtils() const
virtual AliCentrality*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCentrality() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCreateOutputAODBranch()
virtual TList*GetCreateOutputObjects()
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCTSTracks() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetDebug() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALClusters() const
virtual AliEMCALGeometry*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALGeometry() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentrality() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentralityBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin(Int_t iCen, Int_t iVz, Int_t iRP) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventNumber() const
virtual AliEventplane*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlane() const
virtual Double_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneAngle() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneMethod() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventVzBin() const
virtual AliFiducialCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFiducialCut()
Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFirstSMCoveredByTRD() const
virtual AliHistogramRanges*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetHistogramRanges()
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODName() const
virtual AliIsolationCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetIsolationCut()
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxPt() const
virtual AliMCAnalysisUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCAnalysisUtils()
virtual AliGenEventHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCGenEventHeader() const
virtual AliHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCHeader() const
voidGetMCIndex(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t& mcindex, Int_t& mcTag)
voidGetMCPrimaryKine(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t mcindex, Int_t mcTag, Bool_t matched, Float_t& eprim, Float_t& asymGen, Float_t& angleGen, Int_t& noverlaps)
virtual AliStack*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCStack() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinPt() const
virtual AliMixedEvent*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMixedEvent() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliAODPWG4Particle* part) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliVCluster* cluster) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumberCellIndexes(Int_t absId, Int_t calo, Int_t& icol, Int_t& irow, Int_t& iRCU) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNCentrBin() const
virtual AliNeutralMesonSelection*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNeutralMesonSelection()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMaxEvMix() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMixedEvent() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNonStandardJets() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNTrackMultBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNZvertBin() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODClassName() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODName() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPairTimeCut() const
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSClusters() const
virtual AliPHOSGeoUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSGeometry() const
virtual AliCaloTrackReader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetReader() const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicity() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicityBin() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Multiplicity(Int_t i) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Signal(Int_t i) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex) const
virtual Double_t*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex, Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetZvertexCut() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidInit()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::InitDebug()
virtual voidInitParameters()
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsCaloPIDOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsDataMC() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsFiducialCutOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsHighMultiplicityAnalysisOn() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsPileUpAnalysisOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsRealCaloAcceptanceOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsTrackMatched(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVEvent* event)
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::MakeAnalysisFillAOD()
virtual voidMakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::MakePlotsOn() const
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::NewOutputAOD() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* opt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
voidRecalculateClusterShowerShapeParametersWithCellCut(const AliEMCALGeometry* geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* cluster, Float_t& l0, Float_t& l1, Float_t& disp, Float_t& dEta, Float_t& dPhi, Float_t& sEta, Float_t& sPhi, Float_t& sEtaPhi, Float_t eCellMin = 0.)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetAODObjArrayName(TString name)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloPID(AliCaloPID* pid)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(TString& calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(Int_t calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloUtils(AliCalorimeterUtils* caloutils)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetDebug(Int_t d)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
voidSetECellCutForShowerShape(Int_t i, Float_t v)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetEnergyCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFiducialCut(AliFiducialCut* fc)
voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFirstSMCoveredByTRD(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetHistogramRanges(AliHistogramRanges* hr)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetInputAODName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetIsolationCut(AliIsolationCut* ic)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxEnergy(Float_t e)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxPt(Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMCAnalysisUtils(AliMCAnalysisUtils* mcutils)
voidSetMinBadChannelDistance(Float_t cut)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinEnergy(Float_t e)
voidSetMinNCells(Int_t cut)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinPt(Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNCentrBin(Int_t n = 1)
voidSetNECellCutForShowerShape(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNeutralMesonSelection(AliNeutralMesonSelection *const nms)
voidSetNLocMaxMinDiff(Int_t i, Float_t v)
voidSetNLocMaxMinE(Int_t i, Float_t v)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNMaxEvMix(Int_t n = 20)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNRPBin(Int_t n = 1)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNTrackMultBin(Int_t n = 1)
voidSetNumberOfNLocMaxSettings(Int_t n)
voidSetNWeightForShowerShape(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNZvertBin(Int_t n = 1)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODClassName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPairTimeCut(Float_t t)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPtCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetReader(AliCaloTrackReader* reader)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetTrackMultiplicityBin(Int_t bin, Int_t mult)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
voidSetWCorrectionParameter(Int_t i, Float_t p = 0.07)
voidSetWeightForShowerShape(Int_t i, Float_t v)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffTrackMultBins()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnTrackMultBins()
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::Terminate(TList*)
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::UseTrackMultBins() const
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

enum mcTypes { kmcPhoton
enum AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::detector { kEMCAL
enum TObject::EStatusBits { kCanDelete
enum TObject::[unnamed] { kIsOnHeap
Bool_tfCheckSplitDistToBadCheck the distance to bad channel and to EMCal borders of split clusters
TLorentzVectorfClusterMomentum! Cluster momentum
Bool_tfFillAngleHistoFill splitted clusters angle histograms
Bool_tfFillArmenterosHistoFill armenteros type histo
Bool_tfFillEbinHistoFill E bin histograms
Bool_tfFillHighMultHistoFill centrality/event plane histograms
Bool_tfFillIdConvHistoFill histograms for clusters identified as conversion
Bool_tfFillIdEtaHistoFill histograms for clusters identified as Eta
Bool_tfFillMCHistoFill MC energy fraction histos
Bool_tfFillMCOverlapHistoFill MC particles overlap histograms
Bool_tfFillNCellHistoFill n cells in cluster dependent histograms
Bool_tfFillNLMDiffCutHistoFill NLM histograms for different settings
Bool_tfFillSSExtraHistoFill shower shape extra histos
Bool_tfFillSSWeightHistoFill weigth histograms
Bool_tfFillTMHistoFill track matching histos,
Bool_tfFillTMResidualHistoFill track matching histos, residuals
Bool_tfFillThetaStarHistoFill cosThetaStar histos
TLorentzVectorfGrandMotherMom! Primary momentum
Float_tfHistoECutFixed E cut for some histograms
TLorentzVectorfMCDaughMom1! Primary momentum
TLorentzVectorfMCDaughMom2! Primary momentum
Float_tfMinBadDistMinimal distance to bad channel to accept cluster
Int_tfMinNCellsStudy clusters with ncells larger than cut
Float_tfNLMMinDiff[5]List of local maxima min difference cell energy
Float_tfNLMMinE[5]List of local maxima min energy
Int_tfNLMSettingNTotal number of NLM settings to test
TLorentzVectorfPrimaryMom! Primary momentum
TVector3fProdVertex! primary production vertex
Float_tfSSECellCut[20]List of cell min energy cuts to test
Int_tfSSECellCutNTotal number of cell min energy cuts to test
Float_tfSSWeight[20]List of weights to test
Int_tfSSWeightNTotal number of weights to test
TLorentzVectorfSubClusterMom1! Sub-Cluster momentum
TLorentzVectorfSubClusterMom2! Sub-Cluster momentum
TLorentzVectorfSubClusterMomBoost! Sub-Cluster momentum boosted, armenteros
TLorentzVectorfSubClusterMomSum! Sub-Cluster momentum sum, armenteros
Float_tfWSimu[2]Constant and slope of the linear correction factor for the shower
TH2F*fhAnglePairAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairM02NLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle vs M02 for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairM02NLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle vs M02 for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairM02NLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle vs M02 for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairMassNLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle vs Mass for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairMassNLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle vs Mass for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairMassNLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle vs Mass for E > 7 GeV
TH2F*fhAnglePairNLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairNLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairNLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=1
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMax1Overlap0[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=1
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=2
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMax2Overlap0[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=2
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=N
TH2F*fhAnglePairOverM02NLocMaxNOverlap0[7][2]! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=N
TH2F*fhAnglePairPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! pair opening angle vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0OverM02NLocMax1! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=1, prim pi0
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0OverM02NLocMax2! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=2, prim pi0
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0OverM02NLocMaxN! pair opening angle / m02 vs E, NLM=N, prim pi0
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0RecoNLocMax1! pair opening angle pi0 generated/reconstructed vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0RecoNLocMax2! pair opening angle pi0 generated/reconstructed vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0RecoNLocMaxN! pair opening angle pi0 generated/reconstructed vs E
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0vsRecoNLocMax1! pair opening angle pi0 generated vs reconstructed
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0vsRecoNLocMax2! pair opening angle pi0 generated vs reconstructed
TH2F*fhAnglePairPrimPi0vsRecoNLocMaxN! pair opening angle pi0 generated vs reconstructed
TH2F*fhArmAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][4]! Armenteros after M02, asymmetry cuts for pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhArmAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][4]! Armenteros after M02, asymmetry cuts for pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhArmAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][4]! Armenteros after M02, asymmetry cuts for pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhArmNLocMax1[7][4]! Armenteros of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhArmNLocMax2[7][4]! Armenteros of 2 cells local maxima vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhArmNLocMaxN[7][4]! Armenteros of >2 cells local maxima vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhArmPi0NLocMax1[7][4]! Armenteros for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhArmPi0NLocMax2[7][4]! Armenteros for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhArmPi0NLocMaxN[7][4]! Armenteros for selected pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhAsyConNLocMax1[7][2]! Asy for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhAsyConNLocMax2[7][2]! Asy for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhAsyConNLocMaxN[7][2]! Asy for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhAsyEtaNLocMax1[7][2]! Asy for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhAsyEtaNLocMax2[7][2]! Asy for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhAsyEtaNLocMaxN[7][2]! Asy for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhAsyMCGenRecoDiffMCPi0[3]! reconstructed-generated asymmetry of splitted clusters vs E from pi0, for 3 NLM cases
TH2F*fhAsyMCGenRecoDiffMCPi0Conv[3]! reconstructed-generated asymmetry of splitted clusters vs E from converted pi0, for 3 NLM cases
TH2F*fhAsyMCGenRecoNLocMax1EbinPi0[4]! Generated vs reconstructed asymmetry of splitted clusters from pi0 when 1 local max, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhAsyMCGenRecoNLocMax2EbinPi0[4]! Generated vs reconstructed asymmetry of splitted clusters from pi0 when 2 local max, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhAsyMCGenRecoNLocMaxNEbinPi0[4]! Generated vs reconstructed asymmetry of splitted clusters from pi0 when >2 local max, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhAsyPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! Asy for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhAsyPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! Asy for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhAsyPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! Asy for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhAsymEnCutNLocMax1! Asym(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhAsymEnCutNLocMax2! Asym(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhAsymEnCutNLocMaxN! Asym(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhAsymM02CutNLocMax1! Asym(E) M02 selection, not matched, energy asymmetry of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhAsymM02CutNLocMax2! Asym(E) M02 selection, not matched, energy asymmetry of split clusters, NLM = 2
TH2F*fhAsymM02CutNLocMaxN! Asym(E) M02 selection, not matched, energy asymmetry of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhAsymNLocMax1[7][2]! Asymmetry of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhAsymNLocMax2[7][2]! Asymmetry of 2 cells local maxima vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhAsymNLocMaxN[7][2]! Asymmetry of >2 cells local maxima vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhCentralityEtaNLocMax1! Centrality for selected eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhCentralityEtaNLocMax2! Centrality for selected eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhCentralityEtaNLocMaxN! Centrality for selected eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhCentralityPi0NLocMax1! Centrality for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhCentralityPi0NLocMax2! Centrality for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhCentralityPi0NLocMaxN! Centrality for selected pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhClusterEtaPhiNLocMax1! Eta vs Phi of clusters with N Local Maxima = 1, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhClusterEtaPhiNLocMax2! Eta vs Phi of clusters with N Local Maxima = 2, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhClusterEtaPhiNLocMaxN! Eta vs Phi of clusters with N Local Maxima > 2, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhCosThStarAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry cuts, NLM=1
TH2F*fhCosThStarAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry cuts, NLM=2
TH2F*fhCosThStarAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry cuts, NLM>2
TH2F*fhCosThStarNLocMax1[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, NLM=1
TH2F*fhCosThStarNLocMax2[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, NLM=2
TH2F*fhCosThStarNLocMaxN[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, NLM>2
TH2F*fhCosThStarPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry and pi0 mass cuts, NLM=1
TH2F*fhCosThStarPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry and pi0 mass cuts, NLM=2
TH2F*fhCosThStarPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! cos(theta^star) vs E, after M02, asymmetry and pi0 mass cuts, NLM>2
TH2F*fhEtaEPairDiffTimeNLM1! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected eta, NLM=1
TH2F*fhEtaEPairDiffTimeNLM2! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected eta, NLM=2
TH2F*fhEtaEPairDiffTimeNLMN! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected eta, NLM>2
TH2F*fhEtaEtaPhiNLocMax1! Eta vs Phi of eta's with N Local Maxima = 1, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhEtaEtaPhiNLocMax2! Eta vs Phi of eta's with N Local Maxima = 2, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhEtaEtaPhiNLocMaxN! Eta vs Phi of eta's with N Local Maxima > N, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhEventPlaneEtaNLocMax1! Event plane for selected eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhEventPlaneEtaNLocMax2! Event plane for selected eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhEventPlaneEtaNLocMaxN! Event plane for selected eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhEventPlanePi0NLocMax1! Event plane for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhEventPlanePi0NLocMax2! Event plane for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhEventPlanePi0NLocMaxN! Event plane for selected pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhLM1NLocMax[7][2]! Split cluster 1 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhLM1NLocMaxIdPi0[7][2]! Split cluster 1 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, pi0 selection
TH2F*fhLM1NLocMaxM02Cut[7][2]! Split cluster 1 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, after SS cut
TH2F*fhLM2NLocMax[7][2]! Split cluster 2 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhLM2NLocMaxIdPi0[7][2]! Split cluster 2 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, pi0 selection
TH2F*fhLM2NLocMaxM02Cut[7][2]! Split cluster 2 E distribution vs Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, after SS cut
TH2F*fhM02AsyCutNLocMax1! M02(E) asym selection, not matched, M02, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhM02AsyCutNLocMax2! M02(E) asym selection, not matched, M02, NLM = 2
TH2F*fhM02AsyCutNLocMaxN! M02(E) asym selection, not matched, M02, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhM02BadDistClose[3]! m02 of clusters with second LM close to bad channel
TH2F*fhM02ConNLocMax1[7][2]! M02 for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhM02ConNLocMax2[7][2]! M02 for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhM02ConNLocMaxN[7][2]! M02 for Mass around close to 0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhM02ECellCutPi0[3][20]! M02 for selected pi0 with different cut on cell energy, with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhM02EnCutNLocMax1! M02(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhM02EnCutNLocMax2! M02(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhM02EnCutNLocMaxN! M02(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhM02EtaNLocMax1[7][2]! M02 for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhM02EtaNLocMax2[7][2]! M02 for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhM02EtaNLocMaxN[7][2]! M02 for Mass around eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhM02MCGenFracNLocMax1Ebin[7][4]! M02 vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhM02MCGenFracNLocMax2Ebin[7][4]! M02 vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhM02MCGenFracNLocMaxNEbin[7][4]! M02 vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhM02NLocMax1[7][2]! M02 vs E for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhM02NLocMax2[7][2]! M02 vs E for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhM02NLocMaxDiffCut[5][5][3][2]! M02 for 3 kinds of number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks
TH2F*fhM02NLocMaxDiffCutPi0[5][5][3][2]! M02 for 3 kinds of number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks, cluster selected as pi0
TH2F*fhM02NLocMaxN[7][2]! M02 vs E for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhM02OnBorder[3]! m02 of clusters with second LM close to EMCAL border
TH2F*fhM02Pi0NLocMax1[7][2]! M02 for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhM02Pi0NLocMax2[7][2]! M02 for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhM02Pi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! M02 for Mass around pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhM02WeightPi0[3][20]! M02 for selected pi0 with different weight, with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhMCAsymM02NLocMax1MCPi0Ebin[4]! M02 vs decay asymmetry for N max in cluster = 1, for 4 energy bins
TH2F*fhMCAsymM02NLocMax2MCPi0Ebin[4]! M02 vs decay asymmetry for N max in cluster = 2, for 4 energy bins
TH2F*fhMCAsymM02NLocMaxNMCPi0Ebin[4]! M02 vs decay asymmetry for N max in cluster > 2, for 4 energy bins
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlap0[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlap0Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlap1[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlap1Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlapN[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEAsymOverlapNMatch[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap0[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap0IdPi0[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, neutral clusters id as pi0
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap0Match[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap1[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap1IdPi0[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, neutral clusters id as pi0
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlap1Match[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlapN[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlapNIdPi0[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, neutral clusters is as pi0
TH2F*fhMCEEpriOverlapNMatch[3][7]! E reco vs primary for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02Overlap0[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02Overlap0Match[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02Overlap1[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02Overlap1Match[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02OverlapN[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEM02OverlapNMatch[3][7]! E vs M02 for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlap0[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlap0Match[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlap1[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlap1Match[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlapN[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCEMassOverlapNMatch[3][7]! E vs Mass for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlap0[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlap0Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlap1[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlap1Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlapN[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCENCellOverlapNMatch[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy asymmetry for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCENOverlaps[3][7]! E vs number of Overlaps in MC, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCENOverlapsMatch[3][7]! E vs number of Overlaps in MC, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCEOverlapType! what particles overlap with pi0, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMCEOverlapTypeMatch! what particles overlap with pi0, charged clusters
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlap0[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlap0Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlap1[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlap1Match[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlapN[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster
TH2F*fhMCESplitEFracOverlapNMatch[3][7]! E vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster
TH2F*fhMCGenEFracvsSplitEFracNLocMax1[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E1+E2 reconstructed / E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, MC pi0
TH2F*fhMCGenEFracvsSplitEFracNLocMax2[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E1+E2 reconstructed / E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, MC pi0
TH2F*fhMCGenEFracvsSplitEFracNLocMaxN[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E1+E2 reconstructed / E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, MC pi0
TH2F*fhMCGenEvsSplitENLocMax1[7][2]! E generated particle vs E1+E2 for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenEvsSplitENLocMax2[7][2]! E generated particle vs E1+E2 for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenEvsSplitENLocMaxN[7][2]! E generated particle vs E1+E2 for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenFracAfterCutsNLocMax1MCPi0! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, MCPi0 after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhMCGenFracAfterCutsNLocMax2MCPi0! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, MCPi0, after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhMCGenFracAfterCutsNLocMaxNMCPi0! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, MCPi0, after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMax1[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMax1NoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap found
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMax2[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMax2NoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap found
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMaxEbin[7][4]! NLM vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed 1-6 for different MC particle types, not matched to track
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMaxEbinMatched[7][4]! NLM vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed 1-6 for different MC particle types, matched to track
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMaxN[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenFracNLocMaxNNoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap found
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracAfterCutsNLocMax1MCPi0! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracAfterCutsNLocMax2MCPi0! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracAfterCutsNLocMaxNMCPi0! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMax1[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMax1NoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMax2[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMax2NoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMaxN[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMCGenSplitEFracNLocMaxNNoOverlap[7][2]! E generated particle / E1+E2 reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, no overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0AnyNLMPair! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both highest energy pairs and other pairs correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0AnyNLMPairNoMCMatch! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both highest energy pairs and other pairs correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0AnyNLMPairNoMCMatchOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both highest energy pairs and other pairs correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0AnyNLMPairOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both highest energy pairs and other pairs correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLM! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlapDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlapDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlapDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlapDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjHighLMOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the adjacent cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLM! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlapDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlapDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlapDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlapDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjOtherLMOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the adjacent cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjacent! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit adjacen cells, not 2 LM
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjacentMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit adjacen cells, not 2 LM
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjacentOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit adjacen cells, not 2 LM, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonAdjacentOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit adjacen cells, not 2 LM, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLM! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlapDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlapDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlapDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlapDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit cluster when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitHighLMOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maxima, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitNoLM! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the cell local maximas
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitNoLMMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the cell local maximas
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitNoLMOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the cell local maximas, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitNoLMOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay do not hit the cell local maximas, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLM! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlapDiffELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlapDiffELM1vsELM1[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlapDiffELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlapDiffELM2vsELM2[3]! E vs Ephoton-Esplit when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0DecayPhotonHitOtherLMOverlapMass[3]! E vs Mass when cluster originated in pi0 merging and MC photon decay hit the cell local maximas, not high, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0HighNLMPair! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and highest energy local maxima correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0HighNLMPairNoMCMatch! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and highest energy local maxima correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0HighNLMPairNoMCMatchOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and highest energy local maxima correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0HighNLMPairOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and highest energy local maxima correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0LowNLMPair! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a pair of local maxima except highest energy correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0LowNLMPairNoMCMatch! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a pair of local maxima except highest energy correspond to 2 photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0LowNLMPairNoMCMatchOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a pair of local maxima except highest energy correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0LowNLMPairOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a pair of local maxima except highest energy correspond to 2 photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02Overlap0[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02Overlap0Match[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, no other MC particles contributes, charged cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02Overlap1[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02Overlap1Match[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, 1 other MC particles contributes, charged cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02OverlapN[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, neutral cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0MassM02OverlapNMatch[3][4]! MC Pi0 M02 vs Mass for different MC origin, N other MC particles contributes, charged cluster, 4 E bins
TH2F*fhMCPi0NoneNLMPair! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both no NLM corresponds to the photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0NoneNLMPairNoMCMatch! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both no NLM corresponds to the photons
TH2F*fhMCPi0NoneNLMPairNoMCMatchOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both no NLM corresponds to the photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMCPi0NoneNLMPairOverlap! E vs NLM when cluster originated in pi0 merging and a both no NLM corresponds to the photons, overlap
TH2F*fhMassAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass after M02, asymmetry cuts for MC part, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhMassAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass after M02, asymmetry cuts for MC part, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhMassAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass after M02, asymmetry cuts for MC part, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhMassAsyCutNLocMax1! Mass(E) asym selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassAsyCutNLocMax2! Mass(E) asym selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassAsyCutNLocMaxN! Mass(E) asym selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhMassAsyNLocMax1Ebin[4]! Mass of Mass of splitted clusters when 1 local max vs asymmetry, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassAsyNLocMax2Ebin[4]! Mass of Mass of splitted clusters when 2 local max vs asymmetry, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassAsyNLocMaxNEbin[4]! Mass of Mass of splitted clusters when >2 local max vs asymmetry, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassBadDistClose[3]! split mass of clusters with second LM close to bad channel
TH2F*fhMassConNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass for selected around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhMassConNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass for selected around close to 0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhMassConNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass for selected around close to 0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMax1Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMax2Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispAsyNLocMaxNEbin[4]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMax1Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMax2Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispEtaNLocMaxNEbin[4]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMax1Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 highest energy cells when 1 local max, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMax2Ebin[4]! Mass of 2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassDispPhiNLocMaxNEbin[4]! Mass of >2 cells local maxima, vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassEnCutNLocMax1! Mass(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassEnCutNLocMax2! Mass(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassEnCutNLocMaxN! Mass(E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhMassEtaNLocMax1[7][2]! Mass for selected around eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhMassEtaNLocMax2[7][2]! Mass for selected around eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhMassEtaNLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass for selected around eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhMassM02CutNLocMax1! Mass(E) M02 selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassM02CutNLocMax2! Mass(E) M02 selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassM02CutNLocMaxN! Mass(E) M02 selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMax1[7][2]! Mass of splitted clusters when 1 local max vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMax1Ebin[4]! Mass of splitted clusters when 1 local max vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMax2[7][2]! Mass of splitted clusters when 2 local max vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMax2Ebin[4]! Mass of splitted clusters when 2 local max vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass of splitted clusters when >2 local max vs M02, for E > 8 GeV, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhMassM02NLocMaxNEbin[4]! Mass of splitted clusters when >2 local max vs M02, 4 E bins, neutral clusters
TH2F*fhMassMCGenFracNLocMax1Ebin[7][4]! Mass vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassMCGenFracNLocMax2Ebin[7][4]! Mass vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassMCGenFracNLocMaxNEbin[7][4]! Mass vs E generated particle / E reconstructed vs E reconstructed for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassNLocMax1[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs cluster E, NLM=1, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassNLocMax2[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs cluster E, NLM=2, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassNLocMaxDiffCut[5][5][3][2]! Mass for 3 kinds of number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks
TH2F*fhMassNLocMaxDiffCutPi0[5][5][3][2]! M02 for 3 kinds of number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks
TH2F*fhMassNLocMaxN[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs cluster E, NLM>2, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassOnBorder[3]! split mass of clusters with second LM on EMCAL border
TH2F*fhMassPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! Mass for selected pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhMassPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! Mass for selected around pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhMassPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! Mass for selected around pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhMassSplitEAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=1, after M02, asymmetry cuts, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitEAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=2, after M02, asymmetry cuts, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitEAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM>2, after M02, asymmetry cuts, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitECutNLocMax1! 85% of split energy, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassSplitECutNLocMax2! 85% of split energy, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhMassSplitECutNLocMaxN! 85% of split energy, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhMassSplitEFractionNLocMax1Ebin[7][4]! Mass vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassSplitEFractionNLocMax2Ebin[7][4]! Mass vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassSplitEFractionNLocMaxNEbin[7][4]! Mass vs sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types, not track matched
TH2F*fhMassSplitENLocMax1[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=1, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitENLocMax2[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=2, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitENLocMaxN[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM>2, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitEPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=1, after pi0 selection, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitEPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM=2, after pi0 selection, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhMassSplitEPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! Split Inv Mass vs E1+E2, NLM>2, after pi0 selection, different MC particle types, track matching on/off
TH2F*fhNCellEtaNLocMax1[7][2]! n cells for selected around eta, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhNCellEtaNLocMax2[7][2]! n cells for selected around eta, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhNCellEtaNLocMaxN[7][2]! n cells for selected around eta, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhNCellM02EHighNLocMax1MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 1, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellM02EHighNLocMax2MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellM02EHighNLocMaxNMCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster > 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellM02ELowNLocMax1MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 1, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellM02ELowNLocMax2MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellM02ELowNLocMaxNMCPi0! n cells in cluster vs m02 for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster > 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassEHighNLocMax1MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 1, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassEHighNLocMax2MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassEHighNLocMaxNMCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for high energy clusters, for N max in cluster > 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassELowNLocMax1MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 1, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassELowNLocMax2MCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster = 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellMassELowNLocMaxNMCPi0! n cells in cluster vs mass for low energy clusters, for N max in cluster > 2, for MC pi0
TH2F*fhNCellNLocMax1[7][2]! n cells in cluster vs E for N max in cluster = 1, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhNCellNLocMax2[7][2]! n cells in cluster vs E for N max in cluster = 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhNCellNLocMaxN[7][2]! n cells in cluster vs E for N max in cluster > 2, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhNCellPi0NLocMax1[7][2]! n cells for selected around pi0, N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhNCellPi0NLocMax2[7][2]! n cells for selected around pi0, N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhNCellPi0NLocMaxN[7][2]! n cells for selected around pi0, N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhNLocMax[7][2]! Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhNLocMaxDiffCut[5][5][2]! Number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks
TH2F*fhNLocMaxDiffCutPi0[5][5][2]! Number of maxima for different values of min Loc Max value and min difference between cells, matched/unmatched with tracks, cluster selected as pi0
TH2F*fhNLocMaxIdPi0[7][2]! Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, after pi0 selection
TH2F*fhNLocMaxM02Cut[7][2]! Number of maxima in cluster vs E, 1-6 for different MC particle types, after SS cut
TH2F*fhPi0CellE[3]! pi0's energy vs cluster cell energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEFrac[3]! pi0's energy vs cluster cell energy fraction with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEMax2ClusterFrac[3]! pi0's energy vs energy fraction of second LM and cluster energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEMax2Frac[3]! pi0's energy vs energy fraction of second LM and cluster cell energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEMaxClusterFrac[3]! pi0's energy vs energy fraction of main LM and cluster energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEMaxEMax2Frac[3]! pi0's energy vs fraction of 2 main maxima energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellEMaxFrac[3]! pi0's energy vs energy fraction of main LM and cluster cell energy with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0CellLogEFrac[3]! pi0's energy vs cluster log cell energy fraction with NLM = 1, = 2, > 2
TH2F*fhPi0EPairDiffTimeNLM1! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected pi0, NLM=1
TH2F*fhPi0EPairDiffTimeNLM2! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected pi0, NLM=2
TH2F*fhPi0EPairDiffTimeNLMN! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E, for selected pi0, NLM>2
TH2F*fhPi0EtaPhiNLocMax1! Eta vs Phi of pi0's with N Local Maxima = 1, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhPi0EtaPhiNLocMax2! Eta vs Phi of pi0's with N Local Maxima = 2, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhPi0EtaPhiNLocMaxN! Eta vs Phi of pi0's with N Local Maxima > N, E > 8 GeV
TH2F*fhSplitClusterENLocMax[7][2]! Number of maxima in cluster vs E of splitted clusters, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhSplitClusterEPi0NLocMax[7][2]! Number of maxima in cluster vs E of splitted clusters when cluster id as pi0, 1-6 for different MC particle types
TH2F*fhSplitEFracEnCutNLocMax1! Split E fraction (E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhSplitEFracEnCutNLocMax2! Split E fraction (E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM = 1
TH2F*fhSplitEFracEnCutNLocMaxN! Split E fraction (E) E sub-cluster cut selection, not matched, Mass of split clusters, NLM > 2
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionAfterCutsNLocMax1[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 1, after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionAfterCutsNLocMax2[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 2, after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionAfterCutsNLocMaxN[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima > 2, after M02 and asymmetry cut
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionNLocMax1[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 1
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionNLocMax2[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 2
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionNLocMaxN[7][2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima > 2
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionvsAsyNLocMax1[2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 1 vs |A|
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionvsAsyNLocMax2[2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima = 2 vs |A|
TH2F*fhSplitEFractionvsAsyNLocMaxN[2]! sum of splitted cluster energy / cluster energy for N Local Maxima > 2 vs |A|
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax1[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax1Neg[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax1Pos[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax2[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax2Neg[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMax2Pos[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMaxN[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMaxNNeg[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaNLocMaxNPos[7]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax1[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax1Neg[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax1Pos[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 1 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax2[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax2Neg[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMax2Pos[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMaxN[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMaxNNeg[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhiNLocMaxNPos[7]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E, more than 2 local maximum

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

default ctor
void CheckLocalMaximaMCOrigin(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Float_t mass)
Float_t m02,
TLorentzVector l1, TLorentzVector l2)
 Check origin NLM tower of the cluster, when MC gives merged pi0
void FillAngleHistograms(Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Float_t angle, Float_t mass, Float_t anglePrim, Float_t m02, Float_t asym, Int_t pid, Int_t noverlaps)
 Fill histograms related to opening angle
void FillArmenterosHistograms(Int_t nMax, Int_t ebin, Int_t mcindex, Float_t pi0E, Float_t m02, Int_t pid)
 Fill Armeteros type histograms
void FillThetaStarHistograms(Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t pi0E, Float_t m02, Int_t pid)
 Fill cos Theta^star histograms
void FillEBinHistograms(Int_t ebin, Int_t nMax, Int_t mcindex, Float_t splitFrac, Float_t mass, Float_t asym, Float_t l0)
 Fill some histograms integrating in few energy bins
void FillHistograms1(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nMax, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms for clusters before any selection after spliting
void FillHistograms2(Float_t en, Float_t eprim, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nMax, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms for clusters passing the first M02 selection
void FillIdPi0Histograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nc, Int_t nMax, Float_t t12diff, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms for clusters passing the pi0 selection
void FillIdEtaHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t nc, Int_t nMax, Float_t t12diff, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms for clusters passing the eta selection
void FillIdConvHistograms(Float_t en, Int_t nMax, Float_t asym, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms for clusters passing the photon selection
void FillMCHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t e1, Float_t e2, Int_t ebin, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps, Float_t l0, Float_t mass, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Float_t splitFrac, Float_t asym, Float_t eprim, Float_t asymGen)
 Fill histograms needing some MC input
void FillMCOverlapHistograms(Float_t en, Float_t enprim, Int_t nc, Float_t mass, Float_t l0, Float_t asym, Float_t splitFrac, Int_t nlm, Int_t ebin, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Int_t noverlaps)
 Fill histograms for MC Overlaps
void FillNCellHistograms(Int_t ncells, Float_t energy, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t mass, Float_t l0)
 Fill optional histograms with more SS parameters
void FillNLMDiffCutHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVCaloCells* cells, Bool_t matched)
 Calculate NLM for different settings
void FillSSExtraHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nMax, Bool_t matched, Int_t mcindex, Float_t mass, Int_t ebin)
 Fill optional histograms with more SS parameters
void FillSSWeightHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nlm, Int_t absId1, Int_t absId2)
 Calculate weights and fill histograms
void FillTrackMatchingHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t nMax, Int_t mcindex)
 Fill histograms related to track matching
TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts()
Save parameters used for analysis
TList * GetCreateOutputObjects()
 Create histograms to be saved in output file and
 store them in outputContainer
void GetMCIndex(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t& mcindex, Int_t& mcTag)
void GetMCPrimaryKine(AliVCluster* cluster, Int_t mcindex, Int_t mcTag, Bool_t matched, Float_t& eprim, Float_t& asymGen, Float_t& angleGen, Int_t& noverlaps)
 Check origin of the candidates, get primary kinematics if overlapped meson decay
void Init()
Do some checks
void InitParameters()
Initialize the parameters of the analysis.
void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
Search for pi0 in GetCalorimeter() with shower shape analysis
void Print(Option_t* opt) const
Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis
void RecalculateClusterShowerShapeParametersWithCellCut(const AliEMCALGeometry* geom, AliVCaloCells* cells, AliVCluster* cluster, Float_t& l0, Float_t& l1, Float_t& disp, Float_t& dEta, Float_t& dPhi, Float_t& sEta, Float_t& sPhi, Float_t& sEtaPhi, Float_t eCellMin = 0.)
 Calculates new center of gravity in the local EMCAL-module coordinates
 and tranfers into global ALICE coordinates
 Calculates Dispersion and main axis
virtual ~AliAnaInsideClusterInvariantMass()
{ ; }
void SetMinNCells(Int_t cut)
{ fMinNCells = cut ; }
void SetMinBadChannelDistance(Float_t cut)
{ fMinBadDist = cut ; }
void SetWCorrectionParameter(Int_t i, Float_t p = 0.07)
{ if( i<2 ) fWSimu[i] = p; }
void SwitchOnFillAngleHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillAngleHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillArmenterosHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillArmenterosHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillThetaStarHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillThetaStarHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillExtraSSHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillExtraSSHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillHighMultHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillHighMultHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillIdConvHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillIdConvHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillIdEtaHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillIdEtaHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillTMHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillTMHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillTMResidualHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillTMResidualHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillMCPrimaryHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillMCPrimaryHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillSSWeightHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillSSWeightHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillNLMDiffCutsHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillNLMDiffCutsHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillEbinHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillEbinHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillMCOverlapHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillMCOverlapHistograms()
void SwitchOnFillNCellHistograms()
void SwitchOffFillNCellHistograms()
void SwitchOnSplitClusterDistToBad()
void SwitchOffSplitClusterDistToBad()
void SetNWeightForShowerShape(Int_t n)
{ fSSWeightN = n ; }
void SetWeightForShowerShape(Int_t i, Float_t v)
{ if (i < 20) fSSWeight[i] = v ; }
void SetNumberOfNLocMaxSettings(Int_t n)
{ fNLMSettingN = n ; }
void SetNLocMaxMinE(Int_t i, Float_t v)
{ if (i < 5) fNLMMinE [i] = v ; }
void SetNLocMaxMinDiff(Int_t i, Float_t v)
{ if (i < 5) fNLMMinDiff[i] = v ; }
void SetNECellCutForShowerShape(Int_t n)
{ fSSECellCutN = n ; }
void SetECellCutForShowerShape(Int_t i, Float_t v)
{ if (i < 20) fSSECellCut[i] = v ; }