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AliRoot » PWGGA » CALOTRACKCORRELATIONS » AliAnaParticleIsolation

class AliAnaParticleIsolation: public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass

 Class for analysis of particle isolation
 Input is selected particles put in AOD branch (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation)

  Class created from old AliPHOSGammaJet
  (see AliRoot versions previous Release 4-09)

 -- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN)

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddAODParticle(AliAODPWG4Particle part)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::AddToHistogramsName(TString add)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
voidCalculateCaloCellSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumCell)
voidCalculateCaloCellUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
voidCalculateCaloSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumCluster, Float_t& coneptLeadCluster)
voidCalculateCaloUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
voidCalculateNormalizeUEBandPerUnitArea(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t coneptsumCluster, Float_t coneptsumCell, Float_t coneptsumTrack, Float_t& etaBandptsumTrackNorm, Float_t& etaBandptsumClusterNorm)
voidCalculateTrackSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumTrack, Float_t& coneptLeadTrack)
voidCalculateTrackUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::CheckMixedEventVertex(Int_t caloLabel, Int_t trackLabel)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTObject::Clear(Option_t* = "")
virtual TObject*TObject::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTObject::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::ConnectInputOutputAODBranches()
virtual voidTObject::Copy(TObject& object) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::DoOwnMix() const
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FillEventMixPool()
voidFillPileUpHistograms(Float_t energy, Float_t time)
voidFillTrackMatchingShowerShapeControlHistograms(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t coneptsum, Float_t coneleadpt, Int_t mcIndex)
virtual AliVCluster*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::FindCluster(TObjArray* clusters, const Int_t id, Int_t& iclus, const Int_t first = 0)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAddedHistogramsStringToName() const
virtual TObjString*GetAnalysisCuts()
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODBranch(const TString& aodBranchName) const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODCaloClusters() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODObjArrayName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetAODTracks() const
virtual AliAODJetEventBackground*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBackgroundJets() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetBaseParametersList()
virtual AliCaloPID*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloPID()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeter() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCalorimeterString() const
virtual AliCalorimeterUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCaloUtils() const
virtual AliCentrality*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCentrality() const
Float_tGetConeSizes(Int_t i) const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCreateOutputAODBranch()
virtual TList*GetCreateOutputObjects()
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetCTSTracks() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetDebug() const
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Long_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALClusters() const
virtual AliEMCALGeometry*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEMCALGeometry() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentrality() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventCentralityBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventMixBin(Int_t iCen, Int_t iVz, Int_t iRP) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventNumber() const
virtual AliEventplane*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlane() const
virtual Double_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneAngle() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventPlaneMethod() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetEventVzBin() const
virtual AliFiducialCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFiducialCut()
Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetFirstSMCoveredByTRD() const
virtual AliHistogramRanges*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetHistogramRanges()
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetInputAODName() const
virtual AliIsolationCut*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetIsolationCut()
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMaxPt() const
virtual AliMCAnalysisUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCAnalysisUtils()
virtual AliGenEventHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCGenEventHeader() const
virtual AliHeader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCHeader() const
Int_tGetMCIndex(Int_t mcTag)
virtual AliStack*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMCStack() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinEnergy() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMinPt() const
virtual AliMixedEvent*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetMixedEvent() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliAODPWG4Particle* part) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumber(AliVCluster* cluster) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetModuleNumberCellIndexes(Int_t absId, Int_t calo, Int_t& icol, Int_t& irow, Int_t& iRCU) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetName() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNCentrBin() const
Int_tGetNCones() const
virtual AliNeutralMesonSelection*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNeutralMesonSelection()
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMaxEvMix() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNMixedEvent() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNonStandardJets() const
Int_tGetNPtThresFrac() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNRPBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNTrackMultBin() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetNZvertBin() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
virtual TClonesArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODBranch() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODClassName() const
virtual TStringAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetOutputAODName() const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPairTimeCut() const
virtual AliVCaloCells*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSCells() const
virtual TObjArray*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSClusters() const
virtual AliPHOSGeoUtils*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetPHOSGeometry() const
Float_tGetPtFractions(Int_t i) const
Float_tGetPtThresholds(Int_t i) const
virtual AliCaloTrackReader*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetReader() const
Float_tGetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i) const
virtual const char*TObject::GetTitle() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicity() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetTrackMultiplicityBin() const
TStringGetTriggerDetector() const
TStringGetTriggerDetectorString() const
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Multiplicity(Int_t i) const
virtual Int_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetV0Signal(Int_t i) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex) const
virtual Double_t*AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetVertex(Double_t* vertex, Int_t evtIndex) const
virtual Float_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::GetZvertexCut() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
virtual ULong_tTObject::Hash() const
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidInit()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::InitDebug()
virtual voidInitParameters()
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsCaloPIDOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsDataMC() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsFiducialCutOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsHighMultiplicityAnalysisOn() const
Bool_tIsLeadingOnlyOn() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsPileUpAnalysisOn() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsRealCaloAcceptanceOn() const
Bool_tIsReIsolationOn() const
Bool_tIsSeveralIsolationOn() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsSortable() const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::IsTrackMatched(AliVCluster* cluster, AliVEvent* event)
Bool_tIsTriggerTheNearSideEventLeadingParticle(Int_t& idLeading)
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
virtual voidTObject::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
virtual voidMakeAnalysisFillAOD()
virtual voidMakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::MakePlotsOn() const
voidMakeSeveralICAnalysis(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* ph, Int_t mcIndex)
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::NewOutputAOD() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
static voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
virtual voidPrint(Option_t* opt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(basic_ostream<char,char_traits<char> >& out, Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetAODObjArrayName(TString name)
voidSetBackgroundLimits(Int_t i, Float_t l)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloPID(AliCaloPID* pid)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(TString& calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCalorimeter(Int_t calo)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetCaloUtils(AliCalorimeterUtils* caloutils)
voidSetConeSizes(Int_t i, Float_t r)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetDebug(Int_t d)
voidSetDecayBits(Int_t i, UInt_t bit)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetEnergyCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFiducialCut(AliFiducialCut* fc)
voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetFirstSMCoveredByTRD(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetHistogramRanges(AliHistogramRanges* hr)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetInputAODName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetIsolationCut(AliIsolationCut* ic)
voidSetM02CutForTaggedDecays(Float_t m02)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxEnergy(Float_t e)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMaxPt(Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMCAnalysisUtils(AliMCAnalysisUtils* mcutils)
voidSetMinCellsAngleOverlap(Float_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinEnergy(Float_t e)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetMinPt(Float_t pt)
voidSetNBackgroundBins(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNCentrBin(Int_t n = 1)
voidSetNCones(Int_t ncs)
voidSetNDecayBits(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNeutralMesonSelection(AliNeutralMesonSelection *const nms)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNMaxEvMix(Int_t n = 20)
voidSetNPtThresFrac(Int_t npt)
voidSetNPtTrigBins(Int_t n)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNRPBin(Int_t n = 1)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNTrackMultBin(Int_t n = 1)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetNZvertBin(Int_t n = 1)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODClassName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetOutputAODName(TString name)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPairTimeCut(Float_t t)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetPtCutRange(Double_t mi, Double_t ma)
voidSetPtFractions(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
voidSetPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
voidSetPtTrigLimits(Int_t i, Float_t l)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetReader(AliCaloTrackReader* reader)
voidSetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SetTrackMultiplicityBin(Int_t bin, Int_t mult)
voidSetTriggerDetector(TString& det)
voidSetTriggerDetector(Int_t det)
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector&)
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOffTrackMultBins()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnCaloPID()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnDataMC()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFiducialCut()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillHighMultiplicityHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnOwnMix()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnPlotsMaking()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnRealCaloAcceptance()
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::SwitchOnTrackMultBins()
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual voidAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::Terminate(TList*)
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual Bool_tAliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::UseTrackMultBins() const
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt) const
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const

Data Members

enum mcPrimTypes { kmcPrimPhoton
enum mcTypes { kmcPhoton
enum AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass::detector { kEMCAL
enum TObject::EStatusBits { kCanDelete
enum TObject::[unnamed] { kIsOnHeap
static const Int_tfgkNmcPrimTypes
static const Int_tfgkNmcTypes
Float_tfBkgBinLimit[20]Pt bin limits on pt content in the cone
Bool_tfCheckLeadingWithNeutralClustersCompare the trigger candidate to Leading pT with the clusters pT, by default only charged
Float_tfConeSizes[5]! Array with cones to test
UInt_tfDecayBits[4]in case of study of decay triggers, select the decay bit
Float_tfDecayTagsM02CutApply a m02 cut to clusters tagged as decay
Bool_tfFillBackgroundBinHistogramsFill histograms for different bins in pt content of the cone
Bool_tfFillCellHistogramsFill cell histograms
Bool_tfFillNLMHistogramsFill NLM histograms
Bool_tfFillPtTrigBinHistogramsFill histograms for different bins in pt trigger
Bool_tfFillSSHistoFill Shower shape plots
Bool_tfFillTMHistoFill track matching plots
Bool_tfFillTaggedDecayHistogramsFill histograms for clusters tagged as decay
Bool_tfFillUEBandSubtractHistogramsFill histograms working on the UE subtraction
Int_tfIsoDetectorCandidate particle for isolation detector ;
TStringfIsoDetectorStringCandidate particle for isolation detector ;
Bool_tfLeadingOnlyDo isolation with leading particle
Bool_tfMakePrimaryPi0DecayStudyFill dedicated histograms for primary decay photons
Bool_tfMakeSeveralICDo analysis for different IC
Float_tfMinCellsAngleOverlapNumber of cells that define the cluster overlap
TLorentzVectorfMomDaugh1! Temporary vector, avoid creation per event
TLorentzVectorfMomDaugh2! Temporary vector, avoid creation per event
TLorentzVectorfMomIso! Temporary vector, avoid creation per event
TLorentzVectorfMomentum! Temporary vector, avoid creation per event
Int_tfNBkgBinNumber of bins on pt content in cone
Int_tfNCones! Number of cone sizes to test
Int_tfNDecayBitsin case of study of decay triggers, select the decay bit
Int_tfNPtThresFrac! Number of ptThres and ptFrac to test
Int_tfNPtTrigBinNumber of bins on pt trigger
Float_tfPtFractions[5]! Array with pt thresholds to test frac
Float_tfPtThresholds[5]! Array with pt thresholds to test
Float_tfPtTrigBinLimit[20]Pt bin limits on pt trigger
Bool_tfReMakeICDo isolation analysis
Bool_tfSelectPrimariesInConeIn primary particle isolation studies, select only particles in isolation cone within detector acceptance and E cut.
Float_tfSumPtThresholds[5]! Array with pt thresholds to test frac
TVector3fTrackVector! Temporary vector, avoid creation per event
TH2F*fhConePtLead! Cluster and tracks leading pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConePtLeadCluster! Clusters leading pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConePtLeadClusterTrackFrac! Trigger pt vs cluster/track leading pt
TH2F*fhConePtLeadClustervsTrack! Tracks vs Clusters leading pt
TH2F*fhConePtLeadTrack! Tracks leading pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPt! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtCell! Cells Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtCellTrack! Cells and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtCellTrackTrigEtaPhi! Cell and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, per eta-phi bin of trigger,
TH2F*fhConeSumPtCellvsTrack! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtCluster! Clusters Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtClusterTrackFrac! Cluster / tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtClustervsTrack! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECell! Cell Sum amplitude in the eta band for cells, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECellTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum amplitude in the eta band for cells, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUECluster! Cluster Sum Pt in the eta band for clusters, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUEClusterTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum Pt in the eta band for clusters, per eta-phi bin of trigger,before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUETrack! Track Sum Pt in the eta band for tracks , before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaBandUETrackTrigEtaPhi! Track Sum Pt in the eta band for tracks , per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESub! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCell! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCellTrigEtaPhi! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCellvsTrack! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in eta band
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubCluster! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubClusterTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubClustervsTrack! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in eta band
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrack! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackCell! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackCellTrigEtaPhi! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrackTrigEtaPhi! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtEtaUESubTrigEtaPhi! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECell! Cell Sum amplitude in the phi band for cells, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECellTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum amplitude in the phi band for cells, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUECluster! Cluster Sum Pt in the phi band for clusters, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUEClusterTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum Pt in the phi band for clusters, per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUETrack! Track Sum Pt in the phi badn for tracks , before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiBandUETrackTrigEtaPhi! Track Sum Pt in the phi badn for tracks , per eta-phi bin of trigger, before normalization
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESub! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCell! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCellTrigEtaPhi! Cell Sum amplitude in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCellvsTrack! Cell vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in phi band
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubCluster! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubClusterTrigEtaPhi! Cluster Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubClustervsTrack! Cluster vs tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, after subtraction in phi band
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrack! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackCell! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs pT trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackCellTrigEtaPhi! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrackTrigEtaPhi! Track Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtPhiUESubTrigEtaPhi! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt in the cone after bkg subtraction, vs eta-phi trigger
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaCell! Cells, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaCluster! Clusters, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotEtaTrack! Tracks, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiCell! Cells, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiCluster! Clusters, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubNormvsConeSumPtTotPhiTrack! Tracks, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub normalized by sum pT in cone before bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaCell! Cells, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaCluster! Clusters, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotEtaTrack! Tracks, eta band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiCell! Cells, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiCluster! Clusters, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtSubvsConeSumPtTotPhiTrack! Tracks, phi band: sum pT in cone after bkg sub vs sum pT in cone before bkg sub
TH2F*fhConeSumPtTrack! Tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhConeSumPtTrigEtaPhi! Cluster and tracks Sum Pt Sum Pt in the cone, per eta-phi bin of trigger,
TH2F*fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterEtaBand! fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterEtaBand
TH2F*fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterPhiBand! fhConeSumPtVSUEClusterPhiBand
TH2F*fhConeSumPtVSUETracksEtaBand! fhConeSumPtVSUETracksEtaBand
TH2F*fhConeSumPtVSUETracksPhiBand! fhConeSumPtVSUETracksPhiBand
TH1F*fhEIso! Number of isolated particles vs energy
TH1F*fhEIsoPileUp[7]! Number of isolated particles
TH2F*fhELambda0[2]! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH2F*fhELambda0LocMax1[2]! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, 1 local maxima in cluster
TH2F*fhELambda0LocMax2[2]! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, 2 local maxima in cluster
TH2F*fhELambda0LocMaxN[2]! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, N>2 local maxima in cluster
TH2F*fhELambda0TRD[2]! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons, SM behind TRD (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH2F*fhELambda1LocMax1[2]! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 1 local maxima in cluster
TH2F*fhELambda1LocMax2[2]! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 2 local maxima in cluster
TH2F*fhELambda1LocMaxN[2]! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, N>2 local maxima in cluster
TH1F*fhENoIso! Number of not isolated leading particles vs Energy
TH1F*fhENoIsoPileUp[7]! Number of not isolated particles
TH2F*fhEOverP[2]! matched track E cluster over P track vs cluster E, after dEdx cut
TH1F*fhEPrimMC[9]! Number of generated photon vs E
TH2F*fhEtaBandCell! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only cells
TH2F*fhEtaBandCellvsTrack! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, cells vs tracks
TH2F*fhEtaBandCluster! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only clusters
TH2F*fhEtaBandClustervsTrack! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, clusters vs tracks
TH2F*fhEtaBandNormCellvsTrack! Accumulated pT cell in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
TH2F*fhEtaBandNormClustervsTrack! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
TH2F*fhEtaBandTrack! Accumulated pT in Eta band to estimate UE in cone, only tracks
TH2F*fhEtaIso! eta of isolated particles
TH2F*fhEtaIsoMC[12]! eta of isolated mcTypes particle
TH2F*fhEtaPhiCluster! Eta vs. phi of all clusters
TH2F*fhEtaPhiDecay[2][4]! eta vs phi of (not) isolated leading Pi0 decay particles
TH2F*fhEtaPhiFracPtSumDecayIso[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH2F*fhEtaPhiFracPtSumIso[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
TH2F*fhEtaPhiInConeCluster! Eta vs. phi of clusters in cone
TH2F*fhEtaPhiInConeTrack! Eta vs. phi of tracks in cone
TH2F*fhEtaPhiIso! eta vs phi of isolated particles
TH2F*fhEtaPhiNoIso! eta vs phi of not isolated leading particles
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtFracDecayIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt frac,, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtFracIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt frac
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtSumDecayIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt sum,, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtSumIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt sum
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtThresDecayIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt threshold, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH2F*fhEtaPhiPtThresIso[5][5]! eta vs phi of isolated particles with pt threshold
TH2F*fhEtaPhiSumDensityDecayIso[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH2F*fhEtaPhiSumDensityIso[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
TH2F*fhEtaPhiTrack! Eta vs. phi of all tracks
TH2F*fhEtaPrimMC[9]! Pt vs Eta of generated photon
TH2F*fhFractionCellOutConeEta! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in eta
TH2F*fhFractionCellOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
TH2F*fhFractionCellOutConePhi! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in phi
TH2F*fhFractionCellOutConePhiTrigEtaPhi! Fraction of cone out of cells acceptance in phi, vs trigger eta-phi
TH2F*fhFractionClusterOutConeEta! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in eta
TH2F*fhFractionClusterOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
TH2F*fhFractionClusterOutConePhi! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in phi
TH2F*fhFractionClusterOutConePhiTrigEtaPhi! Fraction of cone out of clusters acceptance in phi, vs trigger eta-phi
TH2F*fhFractionTrackOutConeEta! Fraction of cone out of tracks acceptance in eta
TH2F*fhFractionTrackOutConeEtaTrigEtaPhi! Fraction of cone out of tracks acceptance in eta, vs trigger eta-phi
TH2F*fhNLocMax[2]! number of maxima in selected clusters
TH2F*fhPerpConeSumPt! Sum Pt in cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
TH2F*fhPerpPtLeadingPt[5]! Sum Pt in the cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
TH2F*fhPerpSumPtLeadingPt[5]! Sum Pt in the cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
TH2F*fhPhiBandCell! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only cells
TH2F*fhPhiBandCellvsTrack! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, cells vs tracks
TH2F*fhPhiBandCluster! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only clusters
TH2F*fhPhiBandClustervsTrack! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, clusters vs tracks
TH2F*fhPhiBandNormCellvsTrack! Accumulated pT cell in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone
TH2F*fhPhiBandNormClustervsTrack! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, normalized to cone size, clusters vs tracks
TH2F*fhPhiBandTrack! Accumulated pT in Phi band to estimate UE in cone, only tracks
TH2F*fhPhiIso! Phi of isolated particles
TH2F*fhPhiIsoMC[12]! Phi of isolated mcTypes particle
TH2F*fhPhiPrimMC[9]! Pt vs Phi of generated photon
TH2F*fhPtCellInCone! Cell amplitude in the cone
TH2F*fhPtCentralityIso! centrality vs pT
TH2F*fhPtClusterInCone! Cluster Pt in the cone
TH1F*fhPtDecay[2][4]! Number of (non) isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag)
TH1F*fhPtDecayMC[2][4][12]! Number of (not) isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) for a mcTypes particle
TH2F*fhPtEventPlaneIso! event plane angle vs pT
TH1F*fhPtFracIsolated[5][5]! Isolated particle with pt threshold frac
TH1F*fhPtFracIsolatedMC[12][5][5]! Isolated mcTypes particle with pt frac
TH1F*fhPtFracPtSumDecayIso[5][5]! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH1F*fhPtFracPtSumIso[5][5]! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum
TH2F*fhPtInCone! Cluster/track Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhPtInConeCent! Particle Pt in the cone versus centrality
TH2F*fhPtInConePileUp[7]! Particle Pt in the cone, if event is from pile-up (SPD method)
TH2F*fhPtInPerpCone! Particle Pt in cone at the perpendicular phi region to trigger axis (phi +90)
TH1F*fhPtIso! Number of isolated particles vs pT
TH1F*fhPtIsoMC[12]! Number of isolated mcTypes particle
TH1F*fhPtIsoPileUp[7]! Number of isolated particles
TH2F*fhPtLambda0[2]! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH2F*fhPtLambda0Decay[2][4]! Shower shape of (non) isolated leading Pi0 decay particles (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH2F*fhPtLambda0MC[12][2]! Shower shape of (non) isolated candidates originated by mcTypes particle (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH2F*fhPtLambda0TRD[2]! Shower shape of (non) isolated photons, SM behind TRD (do not apply SS cut previously)
TH1F**fhPtLeadConeBin![fNBkgBin] Candidate Pt distribution depending on bin of cone leading particle
TH1F**fhPtLeadConeBinDecay![fNBkgBin*fNDecayBits] Candidate Pt distribution depending on bin of cone leading particle, tagged as decay
TH2F**fhPtLeadConeBinLambda0![fNBkgBin] Candidate shower shape distribution depending on bin of cone leading particle
TH2F**fhPtLeadConeBinLambda0MC![fNBkgBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate shower shape distribution depending on bin of cone leading particle, per MC particle
TH1F**fhPtLeadConeBinMC![fNBkgBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate Pt distribution depending on bin of cone leading particle, per MC particle
TH2F*fhPtLeadingPt[5]! Particle Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhPtNLocMaxIso! Number of isolated particles vs NLM in cluster
TH2F*fhPtNLocMaxNoIso! Number of not isolated particles vs NLM in cluster
TH1F*fhPtNoIso! Number of not isolated leading particles vs pT
TH1F*fhPtNoIsoMC[12]! Number of not isolated mcTypes particle
TH1F*fhPtNoIsoPileUp[7]! Number of not isolated particles
TH1F*fhPtPrimMC[9]! Number of generated photon vs pT
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPt! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlap! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and do not overlap, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlapCaloE! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and larger than detector threshold, and do not overlap, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairNoOverlap! Eta decay photons isolated, not overlapped decay
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairOutOfAcceptance! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairOutOfAcceptanceNoOverlap! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayIsoPairOutOfCone! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of isolation cone, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairAcceptInConeLowPt! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlap! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and do not overlap
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlapCaloE! Eta decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and larger than detector threshold, and do not overlap
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairNoOverlap! Eta decay photons, not overlapped decay
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairOutOfAcceptance! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairOutOfAcceptanceNoOverlap! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaDecayPairOutOfCone! Eta decay photons, with decay pair out of isolation cone
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaIsoOverlap! Eta isolated with overlapped decay photons
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCEtaOverlap! Eta with overlapped decay photons
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPt! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and do not overlap, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlapCaloE! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and larger than detector threshold, and do not overlap, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons isolated, not overlapped decay
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairOutOfAcceptance! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairOutOfAcceptanceNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayIsoPairOutOfCone! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of isolation cone, isolated
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairAcceptInConeLowPt! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and do not overlap
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairAcceptInConeLowPtNoOverlapCaloE! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair in cone and acceptance and lower pT than threshold, and larger than detector threshold, and do not overlap
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons, not overlapped decay
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairOutOfAcceptance! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairOutOfAcceptanceNoOverlap! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of detector acceptance
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0DecayPairOutOfCone! Pi0 decay photons, with decay pair out of isolation cone
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0IsoOverlap! Pi0 isolated with overlapped decay photons
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCPi0Overlap! Pi0 with overlapped decay photons
TH1F*fhPtPrimMCiso[9]! Number of generated isolated photon vs pT
TH1F*fhPtPtFracDecayIso[5][5]! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt fra, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH1F*fhPtPtSumDecayIso[5][5]! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt sum, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH1F*fhPtPtThresDecayIso[5][5]! Number of isolated Pi0 decay particles (invariant mass tag) with pt threshold,, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH1F*fhPtSumDensityDecayIso[5][5]! Isolated decay particle with threshold on cone sum density, only for decay bit fDecayBits[0]
TH1F*fhPtSumDensityIso[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone sum density
TH1F*fhPtThresIsolated[5][5]! Isolated particle with pt threshold
TH1F*fhPtThresIsolatedMC[12][5][5]! Isolated mcTypes particle with pt threshold
TH2F*fhPtTrackInCone! Track Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhPtTrackInConeBC0! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
TH2F*fhPtTrackInConeBC0PileUpSPD! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
TH2F*fhPtTrackInConeOtherBC! Track Pt in the cone, tracks out of main BC Time window
TH2F*fhPtTrackInConeOtherBCPileUpSPD! Track Pt in the cone, tracks out of main BC Time window
TH2F*fhPtTrackInConeVtxBC0! Track Pt in the cone, tracks in BC=0
TH2F**fhPtTrigBinLambda0vsPtLeadCone![fNPtTrigBin] Candidate shower shape distribution depending vs cone leading particle in pT trigger bins
TH2F**fhPtTrigBinLambda0vsPtLeadConeMC![fNPtTrigBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate shower shape distribution depending vs cone leading particle in pT trigger bins, per MC particle
TH2F**fhPtTrigBinLambda0vsSumPtCone![fNPtTrigBin] Candidate shower shape distribution depending vs of cone sum pt in pT trigger bins
TH2F**fhPtTrigBinLambda0vsSumPtConeMC![fNPtTrigBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate shower shape distribution depending vs cone sum pt in pT trigger bins, per MC particle
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinPtLeadCone![fNPtTrigBin] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone leading particle pt
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinPtLeadConeDecay![fNBkgBin*fNDecayBits] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone leading particle pt, tagged as decay
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinPtLeadConeMC![fNPtTrigBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone leading particle pt, per MC particle
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinSumPtCone![fNPtTrigBin] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone sum particle pt
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinSumPtConeDecay![fNBkgBin*fNDecayBits] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone sum particle pt, tagged as decay
TH1F**fhPtTrigBinSumPtConeMC![fNPtTrigBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate pt bin, distribution of cone sum particle pt, per MC particle
TH1F**fhSumPtConeBin![fNBkgBin] Candidate Pt distribution depending on bin of cone sum pt
TH1F**fhSumPtConeBinDecay![fNBkgBin*fNDecayBits] Candidate Pte distribution depending on bin of cone sum pt, tagged as decay
TH2F**fhSumPtConeBinLambda0![fNBkgBin] Candidate shower shape distribution depending on bin of cone sum pt
TH2F**fhSumPtConeBinLambda0MC![fNBkgBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate shower shape distribution depending on bin of cone sum pt, per MC particle
TH1F**fhSumPtConeBinMC![fNBkgBin*fgkNmcTypes] Candidate Pt distribution depending on bin of cone sum pt, per MC particle
TH1F*fhSumPtIsolated[5][5]! Isolated particle with threshold on cone pt sum
TH1F*fhSumPtIsolatedMC[12][5][5]! Isolated mcTypes particle with threshold on cone pt sum
TH2F*fhSumPtLeadingPt[5]! Sum Pt in the cone
TH2F*fhSumPtLeadingPtMC[12][5]! mcTypes particle for sum Pt, different cone
TH2F*fhTimeENoCut! time of cluster vs E, no cut
TH2F*fhTimeESPD! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUp
TH2F*fhTimeESPDMulti! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUpMulti
TH2F*fhTimeNPileUpVertContributors! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertex from SPD contributors
TH2F*fhTimeNPileUpVertSPD! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from SPD
TH2F*fhTimeNPileUpVertTrack! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from Tracks
TH2F*fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDiamond! time of cluster vs difference of z diamond and pile-up vertex
TH2F*fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDistance! time of cluster vs difference of z main vertex and pile-up vertex
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEta[2]! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDEtaDPhi[2]! Eta vs Phi distance between track and cluster, E cluster > 0.5 GeV
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedDPhi[2]! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
TH2F*fhTrackMatchedMCParticle[2]! Trace origin of matched particle
TH2F*fhdEdx[2]! matched track dEdx vs cluster E

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 Several IC
 Number of local maxima in cluster
default ctor
void CalculateCaloUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
 Get the clusters pT or sum of pT in phi/eta bands or at 45 degrees from trigger
void CalculateCaloCellUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
 Get the cells amplitude or sum of amplitude in phi/eta bands or at 45 degrees from trigger
void CalculateTrackUEBand(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t& etaBand, Float_t& phiBand)
 Get the track pT or sum of pT in phi/eta bands or at 45 degrees from trigger
void CalculateNormalizeUEBandPerUnitArea(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t coneptsumCluster, Float_t coneptsumCell, Float_t coneptsumTrack, Float_t& etaBandptsumTrackNorm, Float_t& etaBandptsumClusterNorm)
normalize phi/eta band per area unit
void CalculateCaloSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumCluster, Float_t& coneptLeadCluster)
 Get the cluster pT or sum of pT in isolation cone
void CalculateCaloCellSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumCell)
 Get the cell amplityde or sum of amplitudes in isolation cone
 Mising: Remove signal cells in cone in case the trigger is a cluster!
void CalculateTrackSignalInCone(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* aodParticle, Float_t& coneptsumTrack, Float_t& coneptLeadTrack)
 Get the track pT or sum of pT in isolation cone
void FillPileUpHistograms(Float_t energy, Float_t time)
 Fill some histograms to understand pile-up
void FillTrackMatchingShowerShapeControlHistograms(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* pCandidate, Float_t coneptsum, Float_t coneleadpt, Int_t mcIndex)
 Fill Track matching and Shower Shape control histograms
TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts()
Save parameters used for analysis
TList * GetCreateOutputObjects()
 Create histograms to be saved in output file and
 store them in outputContainer
Int_t GetMCIndex(Int_t mcTag)
 Histogram index depending on origin of candidate
void Init()
 Do some checks and init stuff
void InitParameters()
Bool_t IsTriggerTheNearSideEventLeadingParticle(Int_t& idLeading)
 Check if the what of the selected isolation candidates is leading particle in the same hemisphere
 comparing with all the candidates, all the tracks or all the clusters.
void MakeAnalysisFillAOD()
 Do analysis and fill aods
 Search for the isolated photon in GetCalorimeter() with GetMinPt() < pt < GetMaxPt()
 and if the particle is leading in the near side (if requested)
void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms()
 Do analysis and fill histograms
void FillAcceptanceHistograms()
 Fill acceptance histograms if MC data is available
 Only when particle is in the calorimeter. Rethink if CTS is used.
void MakeSeveralICAnalysis(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation* ph, Int_t mcIndex)
void Print(Option_t* opt) const
void SetTriggerDetector(TString& det)
 Set the detrimeter for the analysis
void SetTriggerDetector(Int_t det)
 Set the detrimeter for the analysis
virtual ~AliAnaParticleIsolation()
{ ; }
TString GetTriggerDetectorString() const
 Analysis Setters and Getters
{ return fIsoDetectorString ; }
TString GetTriggerDetector() const
{ return fIsoDetector ; }
Int_t GetNCones() const
{ return fNCones ; }
Int_t GetNPtThresFrac() const
{ return fNPtThresFrac ; }
Float_t GetConeSizes(Int_t i) const
{ return fConeSizes[i] ; }
Float_t GetPtThresholds(Int_t i) const
{ return fPtThresholds[i] ; }
Float_t GetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i) const
{ return fSumPtThresholds[i]; }
Float_t GetPtFractions(Int_t i) const
{ return fPtFractions[i] ; }
void SetNCones(Int_t ncs)
{ fNCones = ncs ; }
void SetNPtThresFrac(Int_t npt)
{ fNPtThresFrac = npt ; }
void SetConeSizes(Int_t i, Float_t r)
{ fConeSizes[i] = r ; }
void SetPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
{ fPtThresholds[i] = pt ; }
void SetPtFractions(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
{ fPtFractions[i] = pt ; }
void SetSumPtThresholds(Int_t i, Float_t pt)
{ fSumPtThresholds[i] = pt ; }
void SetMinCellsAngleOverlap(Float_t n)
Bool_t IsReIsolationOn() const
{ return fReMakeIC ; }
void SwitchOnReIsolation()
void SwitchOffReIsolation()
Bool_t IsSeveralIsolationOn() const
{ return fMakeSeveralIC ; }
void SwitchOnSeveralIsolation()
void SwitchOffSeveralIsolation()
void SwitchOnTMHistoFill()
void SwitchOffTMHistoFill()
void SwitchOnSSHistoFill()
void SwitchOffSSHistoFill()
Bool_t IsLeadingOnlyOn() const
{ return fLeadingOnly ; }
void SwitchOnLeadingOnly()
void SwitchOffLeadingOnly()
void SwitchOnCheckNeutralClustersForLeading()
void SwitchOffCheckNeutralClustersForLeading()
void SwitchOnUEBandSubtractionHistoFill()
void SwitchOffUEBandSubtractionHistoFill()
void SwitchOnCellHistoFill()
void SwitchOffCellHistoFill()
void SwitchOnNLMHistoFill()
void SwitchOffNLMHistoFill()
void SwitchOnDecayTaggedHistoFill()
void SwitchOffDecayTaggedHistoFill()
void SetNDecayBits(Int_t n)
{ fNDecayBits = n ; }
void SetDecayBits(Int_t i, UInt_t bit)
{ if(i < 4) fDecayBits[i] = bit ; }
void SetM02CutForTaggedDecays(Float_t m02)
{ fDecayTagsM02Cut = m02 ; }
void SwitchOnBackgroundBinHistoFill()
void SwitchOffBackgroundBinHistoFill()
void SetNBackgroundBins(Int_t n)
{ if(n < 19) fNBkgBin = n ; }
void SetBackgroundLimits(Int_t i, Float_t l)
{ if(i <= fNBkgBin) fBkgBinLimit[i] = l; }
void SwitchOnPtTrigBinHistoFill()
void SwitchOffPtTrigBinHistoFill()
void SetNPtTrigBins(Int_t n)
{ if(n < 19) fNPtTrigBin = n ; }
void SetPtTrigLimits(Int_t i, Float_t l)
{ if(i <= fNPtTrigBin) fPtTrigBinLimit[i] = l; }
void SwitchOnPrimariesInConeSelection()
void SwitchOffPrimariesInConeSelection()
void SwitchOnPrimariesPi0DecayStudy()
void SwitchOffPrimariesPi0DecayStudy()