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namespace AliMUONCDB

 \namespace AliMUONCDB

 Helper functions to experience the OCDB

 They allow to read magnetic field, mapping and recoParam from OCDB

 And also to generate dummy (but complete) containers for all the
 calibration data types we have for tracker and trigger, and to write
 them into OCDB.

 For more information, please see READMEcalib

 \author Laurent Aphecetche

Function Members (Methods)

voidCheckHV(Int_t runNumber, Int_t verbose = 0)
Bool_tCheckMapping(Bool_t segmentationOnly = kFALSE)
Bool_tCheckOCDB(Bool_t pathOnly = kFALSE)
AliMUONVStore*Diff(AliMUONVStore& store1, AliMUONVStore& store2, const char* opt = "abs")
Bool_tLoadMapping(Bool_t segmentationOnly = kFALSE)
Int_tMakeCapacitanceStore(AliMUONVStore& capaStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakeCapacitanceStore(AliMUONVStore& capaStore, const char* file)
Int_tMakeGainStore(AliMUONVStore& gainStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakeGlobalTriggerConfigStore(AliMUONGlobalCrateConfig& gtm)
Int_tMakeHVStore(TMap& aliasMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakeLocalTriggerMaskStore(AliMUONVStore& ltm)
Int_tMakeOccupancyMapStore(AliMUONVStore& occupancyMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakePedestalStore(AliMUONVStore& pedestalStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakeRegionalTriggerConfigStore(AliMUONRegionalTriggerConfig& rtm)
AliMUONRejectList*MakeRejectListStore(Bool_t defaultValues)
Int_tMakeTriggerDCSStore(TMap& aliasMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
AliMUONTriggerEfficiencyCells*MakeTriggerEfficiency(const char* file = "$ALICE_ROOT/MUON/data/efficiencyCells.dat")
AliMUONTriggerLut*MakeTriggerLUT(const char* file = "$(ALICE_ROOT)/MUON/data/lutAptLpt1Hpt1p7.root")
TH1**Plot(const AliMUONVStore& store, const char* name, Int_t nbins = 512)
voidReadIntegers(const char* filename, vector<int>& integers)
voidShowConfig(Bool_t withStatusMap = kFALSE)
voidShowFaultyBusPatches(const char* runlist, double occLimit = 0.1, const char* outputBaseName = "faulty.buspatches", const char* ocdbPath = "raw://")
voidWriteCapacitances(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteCapacitances(const char* file, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteConfig(Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteGains(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteGlobalTriggerConfig(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteHV(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteLocalTriggerMasks(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteOccupancyMap(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWritePedestals(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteRegionalTriggerConfig(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteRejectList(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteToCDB(const char* calibpath, TObject* object, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun, Bool_t defaultValues)
voidWriteToCDB(const char* calibpath, TObject* object, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun, const char* filename)
voidWriteToCDB(TObject* object, const char* calibpath, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), const char* comment = "", const char* responsible = "AliMUONCDB tester class")
voidWriteTracker(Bool_t defaultValues = kTRUE, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteTrigger(Bool_t defaultValues = kTRUE, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteTriggerDCS(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteTriggerEfficiency(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
voidWriteTriggerLut(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())

Class Charts

Function documentation

Bool_t CheckOCDB(Bool_t pathOnly = kFALSE)
 Check that OCDB path and run number are properly set
Bool_t CheckMapping(Bool_t segmentationOnly = kFALSE)
 Check that the mapping has been loaded
Bool_t LoadField()
 Load magnetic field (existing field will be deleted).
 OCDB path and run number are supposed to be set.
Bool_t LoadMapping(Bool_t segmentationOnly = kFALSE)
 Load mapping (existing mapping will be unloaded).
 OCDB path and run number are supposed to be set.
AliMUONRecoParam* LoadRecoParam()
 Load and return reconstruction parameters.
 OCDB path is supposed to be set.
TClonesArray* LoadAlignmentData()
 Load and return the array of alignment objects.
Diff(AliMUONVStore& store1, AliMUONVStore& store2, const char* opt = "abs")
 creates a store which contains store1-store2
 if opt="abs" the difference is absolute one,
 if opt="rel" then what is stored is (store1-store2)/store1
 if opt="percent" then what is stored is rel*100

 WARNING Works only for stores which holds AliMUONVCalibParam objects
Plot(const AliMUONVStore& store, const char* name, Int_t nbins = 512)
 Make histograms of each dimension of the AliMUONVCalibParam
 contained inside store.
 It produces histograms named name_0, name_1, etc...
MakeHVStore(TMap& aliasMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a HV store
MakeTriggerDCSStore(TMap& aliasMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a Trigger HV and Currents store
MakePedestalStore(AliMUONVStore& pedestalStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a pedestal store. if defaultValues=true, ped.mean=ped.sigma=1,
 otherwise mean and sigma are from a gaussian (with parameters
 defined below by the kPedestal* constants)
MakeRejectListStore(Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a reject list
MakeOccupancyMapStore(AliMUONVStore& occupancyMap, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create an occupancy map.
MakeCapacitanceStore(AliMUONVStore& capaStore, const char* file)
 Read the capacitance values from file and append them to the capaStore
MakeCapacitanceStore(AliMUONVStore& capaStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a capacitance store. if defaultValues=true, all capa are 1.0,
 otherwise they are from a gaussian with parameters defined in the
 kCapa* constants below.
MakeGainStore(AliMUONVStore& gainStore, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Create a gain store. if defaultValues=true, all gains set so that
 charge = (adc-ped)

 otherwise parameters are taken from gaussians with parameters
 defined in the k* constants below.
MakeLocalTriggerMaskStore(AliMUONVStore& ltm)
 Generate local trigger masks store. All masks are set to FFFF
MakeRegionalTriggerConfigStore(AliMUONRegionalTriggerConfig& rtm)
 Make a regional trigger config store. Mask is set to FFFF for each local board (Ch.F.)
MakeGlobalTriggerConfigStore(AliMUONGlobalCrateConfig& gtm)
 Make a global trigger config store. All masks (disable) set to 0x00 for each Darc board (Ch.F.)
MakeTriggerLUT(const char* file = "$(ALICE_ROOT)/MUON/data/lutAptLpt1Hpt1p7.root")
 Make a triggerlut object, from a file.
MakeTriggerEfficiency(const char* file = "$ALICE_ROOT/MUON/data/efficiencyCells.dat")
 Make a trigger efficiency object from a file.
WriteToCDB(const char* calibpath, TObject* object, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun, const char* filename)
 Write a given object to OCDB
WriteToCDB(const char* calibpath, TObject* object, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun, Bool_t defaultValues)
 Write a given object to OCDB
WriteToCDB(TObject* object, const char* calibpath, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), const char* comment = "", const char* responsible = "AliMUONCDB tester class")
 Write a given object to OCDB
WriteLocalTriggerMasks(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write local trigger masks to OCDB
WriteRegionalTriggerConfig(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write regional trigger masks to OCDB
WriteGlobalTriggerConfig(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write global trigger masks to OCDB
WriteTriggerLut(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write trigger LUT to OCDB
WriteTriggerEfficiency(Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write trigger efficiency to OCDB
WriteHV(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate HV values (either cste = 1500 V) if defaultValues=true or random
 if defaultValues=false, see makeHVStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteTriggerDCS(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate Trigger HV and current values (either const if defaultValues=true or random
 if defaultValues=false, see makeTriggerDCSStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WritePedestals(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate pedestal values (either 0 if defaultValues=true or random
 if defaultValues=false, see makePedestalStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteOccupancyMap(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate occupancy map values (either empty one if defaultValues=true, or
 random one, see MakeOccupancyMapStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteRejectList(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate reject list values (either empty one if defaultValues=true, or
 random one, see MakeRejectListStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteGains(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate gain values (either 1 if defaultValues=true or random
 if defaultValues=false, see makeGainStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteCapacitances(const char* file, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 read manu capacitance and injection gain values from file
 and store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteCapacitances(Bool_t defaultValues, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 generate manu capacitance values (either 1 if defaultValues=true or random
 if defaultValues=false, see makeCapacitanceStore) and
 store them into CDB located at cdbpath, with a validity period
 ranging from startRun to endRun
WriteTrigger(Bool_t defaultValues = kTRUE, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Writes all Trigger related calibration to CDB
WriteConfig(Int_t startRun, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Write complete tracker configuration to OCDB
WriteTracker(Bool_t defaultValues = kTRUE, Int_t startRun = 0, Int_t endRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
 Writes all Tracker related calibration to CDB
 Show briefly the number of capa values we have in the OCDB,
 and the list of manu that are actually in the config and for which
 we miss the capa (if any).
ShowConfig(Bool_t withStatusMap = kFALSE)
 Dumps the current tracker configuration, i.e. number and identity of missing buspatches
 If statusMap is true, will also take into account the status map to report the number
 of good channels
void ReadIntegers(const char* filename, vector<int>& integers)
 Read integers from filename, where integers are either
 separated by "," or by return carriage
void ShowFaultyBusPatches(const char* runlist, double occLimit = 0.1, const char* outputBaseName = "faulty.buspatches", const char* ocdbPath = "raw://")
 Shows the list of bus patches above a given occupancy limit,
 for each run in the runlist
void CheckHV(Int_t runNumber, Int_t verbose = 0)
 Check the HV values in OCDB for a given run