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ARM related research highlights

Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the tropics and central U.S.

Assessment of CMIP5 and 6 cloud and radiation simulations using ARM observations

Assessment of warm and dry bias over ARM SGP site in E3SMv2 and E3SM-MMF

Long-term single-column model intercomparison of diurnal cycle of precipitation

Improving triggers in deep convective parameterizations using machine learning

Local land-atmosphere coupling at Southern Great Plains: ARM data and climate model simulations

ARM data-oriented metrics and diagnostics facilitates use of field data in climate model evaluation

Improving diurnal cycle of precipitation with a new trigger: ARM observations and SCM tests

Treating the effect of sloping terrain in the constrained variational analysis

Understanding the simulated phase partitioning of arctic single-layer, mixed-phase clouds in E3SM

Regional moisture budget and land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains

Impacts of heterogeneous distribution of cloud hydrometeors on mixed-phase cloud phase partitioning

Understanding differences of ECOR and EBBR measurements and their impact on large-scale forcing

Heterogeneity in warm‐season land‐atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains

The relative role of surface energy budget on the warm surface air temperature bias

Diagnosis of the summertime warm bias in CMIP5 climate models at ARM's SGP site

Introduction to CAUSES: weather and climate models' near-surface temperature errors near ARM's SGP observatory

CAUSES: Attribution of radiation biases in NWP and climate models near the US Southern Great Plains

The dependence of SCM precipitation and clouds on the spatial scale of large-scale forcing at SGP

A Unique Look at Clouds and Their Radiative Impacts from the GoAmazon2014/15 Field Campaign