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In This Package:

GaudiKernel Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
NTuple::_Accessor< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple entry
NTuple::_Array< TYP >Abstract class discribing a column-array in a N tuple
NTuple::_ArrayImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a column-array in a N tuple
NTuple::_Data< TYP >Abstract class describing basic data in an Ntuple
NTuple::_DataImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing basic data items in an N tuple
NTuple::_Item< TYP >Abstract class describing a column in a N tuple
NTuple::_ItemImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a column in a N tuple
NTuple::_Matrix< TYP >Abstract class discribing a matrix column in a N tuple
NTuple::_MatrixImp< TYP >Concrete class discribing a matrix column in a N tuple
Gaudi::Utils::AlgContextHelper "sentry" class to automatize the safe register/unregister the algorithm's context
AlgFactory< T >
AlgorithmBase class from which all concrete algorithm classes should be derived
AlgorithmHistoryAlgorithmHistory class definition
AlgToolBase class from which all the concrete tool classes should be derived
AlgTool::declareInterface< I >
AlgToolHistoryAlgToolHistory class definition
GaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >Allocator
GaudiUtils::Allocator< Type >::rebind< U >
GaudiUtils::AllocatorPoolAllocator pool
NTuple::Array< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
NTuple::Array< IOpaqueAddress * >
Gaudi::Parsers::AttributesClosureGrammar< T1, T2 >Grammar or grammar rule which derive from this struct will have two attributes: type T1 and name val, type T2 and name attrs
AuditorBase class from which all concrete auditor classes should be derived
Gaudi::Guards::AuditorGuardIt is a simple guard, which "locks" the scope for the Auditor Service is am exception-safe way
BaseObjectMemberFunctionBase class of ObjectMemberFunction
BasePtrSetterBase class to set the pointer to an object of a class derived from DataObject in a generic way
Rndm::BinomialParameters for the Binomial distributed random number generation
Rndm::BitParameters for the bit value generation: returns values 0 and 1
Gaudi::Parsers::BoolGrammarThe valid represenation of boolean values are:
Gaudi::Parsers::BoolGrammar::definition< ScannerT >
BoundedVerifier< T >Default, always true verifier
Rndm::BreitWignerParameters for the BreitWigner distributed random number generation
Rndm::BreitWignerCutOffParameters for the BreitWigner distributed random number generation with cut off;
Gaudi::Parsers::CharGrammar< RT >The valid represenation of char values are:
Gaudi::Parsers::CharGrammar< RT >::definition< ScannerT >
Rndm::Chi2Parameters for the Chi2 distributed random number generation
ChronoA small utility class for chronometry of user codes
ChronoEntitySmall helper class for implementation of ChronoStatSvc service, It also could be used as some local timer
Gaudi::Parsers::ClosureGrammar< T >Grammar or grammar rule which derive from this struct will have attribute of type T and name val
CnvFactory< T >
CommandPropertyCommand property base class (abstract)
Configurable::Configurable::DefaultNameFor detecting the default name
ContainedObjectAll classes that their objects may be contained in an LHCb ObjectContainer (e.g
ContextIncident< T >
ConversionSvcBase class for all conversion services
ConverterConverter base class
DataHistoryDataHistory class definition
DataIncidentData service incident class
DataObjectA DataObject is the base class of any identifyable object on any data store
DataSelectionAgentDataSelectionAgent base in charge of collecting all the refereces to DataObjects in a transient store that passes some selection criteria
DataStoreItemDescription of the DataStoreItem class
DataSvcData service base class
DataTypeInfoSmall class which allows access to internal type IDs
DefaultObjectCleaner< T >Basic implementation for the object cleaner functor used by TransientFastContainer when returning a recycled object
Rndm::DefinedPdfGenerate a random number Generator following generally distributed random values, given a user-defined probability distribution function
NTuple::DirectorySmall class representing an N tuple directory in the transient store
DirSearchPathSearch for files in a list of directories
Configurable::DummyDescriptorIf isinstance(v,Configurable) and not v.isPublic(): rep += v.__str__( indent + 1 ) + os.linesep elif isinstance(v,GaudiHandleArray): for vi in v: if isinstance(vi,Configurable) and not vi.isPublic(): rep += vi.__str__( indent + 1 ) + os.linesep for cfg in self.__children:
EventSelectorDataStreamDefinition of class EventSelectorDataStream
Gaudi::Guards::ExceptionGuardThe most simple guard - it execute the certain code withing typical "try {} catch" clause, used in Auditor, Algorithm, AlgTool, etc
Rndm::ExponentialParameters for the Gauss random number generation
NTuple::FileSmall class representing an N tuple file in the transient store
FindByMassRangeThe function object must be derived from std::unary_function< IParticlePropertySvc::value_type ,bool > IParticlePropertySvc::value_type is a typedef that defines the internal service storage type that is returned when an iterator is dereferenced
Rndm::FlatParameters for the flat random number generation within boundaries [minimum, maximum]
Rndm::GammaParameters for the Gamma distributed random number generation
GaudiThis is a number of static methods for bootstrapping the Gaudi framework
GaudiExceptionDefine general base for Gaudi exception
GaudiHandle< T >Handle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to gaudis
GaudiHandleArray< T >T is the concrete handle type, e.g
GaudiHandleArrayBaseBase class of array's of various gaudihandles
GaudiHandleBaseBase class to handles to be used in lieu of naked pointers to various Gaudi components
Rndm::GaussParameters for the Gauss random number generation
Rndm::GaussianTailParameters for the Gaussian tail number generation
GenericAddressGeneric Transient Address
GaudiUtils::Hash< T >Simple hash function based on Stroustrup example
GaudiUtils::Hash< const T & >
GaudiUtils::Hash< const T * >
GaudiUtils::Hash< T & >
GaudiUtils::Hash< T * >
GaudiUtils::Hash< void * >
GaudiUtils::HashMap< K, T, H, M >Common class providing an architecture-independent hash map
Gaudi::Histo1DDefSimple helper class for description of 1D-histogram The class is targeted to act as the primary "histogram property", but clearly have significantly wider application range
Gaudi::HistogramBaseCommon base class for all histograms Use is solely functional to minimize dynamic_casts inside HistogramSvc
HistoryObjBase class for History Objects
IAddressCreatorIAddressCreator interface definition
IAIDATupleSvcDefinition of the IAIDATupleSvc interface class
IAlgContextSvcAn abstract interface for Algorithm Context Service
IAlgManagerThe IAlgManager is the interface implemented by the Algorithm Factory in the Application Manager to support management functions
IAlgorithmThe IAlgorithm is the interface implemented by the Algorithm base class
IAlgToolThe interface implemented by the AlgTool base class
IAppMgrUIApplication Manager User Interface
IAuditorThe IAuditor is the interface implmented by the AlgAuditor base class
IAuditorSvcThe interface implemented by the IAuditorSvc base class
IChronoStatSvcThe IChronoStatSvc is the interface implemented by the ChronoStatService
IChronoSvc"Chrono"-related part of interface IChronoStatSvc
IClassInfoData base class allowing to store persistent type information
IClassManagerThe IClassManager is the interface implemented by the generic Factory in the Application Manager to support class management functions
IConverterThe data converters are reposible to translate data from one representation into another
ICounterSvcCreate / access multi purpose counters
ICounterSvc::PrintoutPrint counters for each element in the range [first, last) e.g
IDataProviderSvcData provider interface definition
IDataSelectorThis is only a placeholder to allow me compiling until the responsible guy does his work! M.Frank
IDataSourceMgrIDataSourceMgr interface definition
IDataStoreAgentGeneric data agent interface
IDetDataSvcAbstract interface for a DataSvc manipulating condition data (i.e
IEventProcessorThe IEventProcessor is the interface to process events
IEventTimeDecoderInterface that a Tool that decodes the event time has to implement
IEvtSelectorThe Event Selector Interface
IExceptionSvcThe anstract interface for exception handling service
IFactoryThe IFactory is the interface used to create contrete instances of Objectes
IFileAccessAbstract interface for a service or tool implementing a read access to files
IHistogramSvcDefinition of the IHistogramSvc interface class
IHistorySvcDefinition of the IHistorySvc interface class
IIncidentListenerThe interface implemented by any class wanting to listen to Incidents
IIncidentSvcThe interface implemented by the IncidentSvc service
IInspectableInterface definition of an inspectable object
IInspectorInspector base class
IInspector::_TT< T >
IInspector::_V< T >
IInterfaceDefinition of the basic interface
IJobOptionsSvcMain interface for the JobOptions service
IMagneticFieldSvcThe interface to the MagneticFieldSvc
IMessageSvcThe IMessage is the interface implmented by the message service
IMonitorSvcDefinition of the IMonitorSvc interface, which publishes Gaudi variables to outside monitoring processes
INamedInterfaceIInterface compliant class extending IInterface with the name() method
IncidentBase class for all Incidents (computing events)
InterfaceIDInterface ID class
Gaudi::Parsers::IntGrammar< RT >The valid representation of integers values are:
Gaudi::Parsers::IntGrammar< RT >::definition< ScannerT >
INTupleNTuple interface class definition
INTupleItemNTuple interface class definition
IOpaqueAddressOpaque address interface definition
IParticlePropertySvcThis class is an interface to the ParticlePropertySvc
IPartitionControlCreate / access partitions
IPersistencySvcData persistency service interface
IPropertyThe IProperty is the basic interface for all components which have properties that can be set or get
IRegistryThe IRegistry represents the entry door to the environment any data object residing in a transient data store is embedded
IRndmEngineDefinition of a interface for a generic random number generator giving randomly distributed numbers in the range [0
IRndmGenDefinition of a interface for a generic random number generators
IRndmGenSvcRandom Generator service interface definition Definition of a interface for a service to access random generators according to predefined distributions:
IRunableRunable interface definition
ISelectStatementA select statement can either contain
ISerializeObject serialization interface definition
IServiceGeneral service interface definition
IStatefulInterface for classes that implement the Gaudi State Machine
IStatSvc"Stat"-related part of interface IChronoStatSvc
ISvcLocatorThe ISvcLocator is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to locate services in the framework
ISvcManagerThe ISvcManager is the interface implemented by the Service Factory in the Application Manager to support management functions
NTuple::Item< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
NTuple::Item< bool >Specialization acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
IToolSvcThe interface implemented by the IToolSvc base class
IToolSvc::ObserverAllow call-backs when a tool is a created or retrieved
IUpdateableObject update interface definition
IUpdateManagerSvcInterface class to the Update Manager service
IUpdateManagerSvc::PythonHelperHelper class implemented in the python dictionary to allow access from python to template member functions
JobHistoryJobHistory class definition
Containers::key_traits< KEY >Definition of the key traits class
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >Template class KeyedContainer, KeyedContainer.h
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_InsertReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
KeyedContainer< DATATYPE, MAPPING >::_RemoveReleaseInternal functor for insertion of objects
KeyedObject< KEY >Definition of the templated KeyedObject class
Containers::KeyedObjectManager< SETUP >KeyedObjectManager Class to manage keyed objects
Rndm::LandauParameters for the Landau distributed random number generation
LinkManagerA LinkManager is the object aggregated into a DataObject, which is responsible for the handling of non-tree like links
LinkManager::LinkEmbeeded class defining a symbolic link Note: No copy constructor; bitwise copy (done by the compiler) is just fine
ListItemDefinition of a small helper class to interprete Algorithm names
GaudiUtils::Map< K, T, M >Extension of the STL map
Gaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< KeyGrammarT, ValueGrammarT >The valid represenation of map are:
  • {"file1":"path1","something":"nothing"}
  • {"file1"="path1","something"="nothing"}
  • ["file1":10,"something":20]
  • ["file1"=30,"something"=40] Inner key type depends on KeyGrammarT grammar Inner value type depends on ValueGrammarT grammar
Gaudi::Parsers::MapGrammar< KeyGrammarT, ValueGrammarT >::definition< ScannerT >
NTuple::Matrix< TYP >Class acting as a smart pointer holding a N tuple _Item
NTuple::Matrix< IOpaqueAddress * >
MessageThe Message class
MinimalEventLoopMgrThis is the default processing manager of the application manager
ModuleIncidentBase class for Module-related incident
ModuleLoadedIncidentFired when a module (DLL) is loaded
MsgStreamDefinition of the MsgStream class used to transmit messages
NTupleItemsNTupleItems namespace parts definition This header file is not intended to be included by the public! It's only used for the ntuple service
NullVerifier< T >Default, always true verifier
Rndm::NumbersRandom number accessor This small class encapsulates the use of the random number generator
ObjectContainerBaseObjectContainerBase is the base class for Gaudi container classes
ObjectList< TYPE >ObjectList is one of the basic Gaudi container classes capable of being registered in Data Stores
ObjectMemberFunction< CallerClass >This class is used by IUpdateManagerSvc to keep pairs made of a member function and a pointer to the object for which that member function has to be called
ObjectVector< TYPE >ObjectVector is one of the basic Gaudi container classes capable of being registered in Data Stores
Gaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< KeyGrammarT, ValueGrammarT >The valid represenation of pairs are: ("abc",123) or ("abc","def") Inner types of pair depends on KeyGrammarT and ValueGrammarT grammars
Gaudi::Parsers::PairGrammar< KeyGrammarT, ValueGrammarT >::definition< ScannerT >
ParticlePropertyA trivial class to hold information about a single particle properties
Rndm::PoissonParameters for the Poisson distributed random number generation with a given mean
PropertyProperty base class allowing Property* collections to be "homogeneus"
PropertyCallbackMemberFunctor< T >
PropertyListList of properties
PropertyMgrProperty manager helper class
Configurable::PropertyReferenceAllow references to options as in old style
PropertyVerifier< T >Templated Verifier base class
PropertyWithValue< TYPE >Helper intermediate class which represent partly implemented property with value of concrete type
PropertyWithVerifier< TYPE, VERIFIER >Helper intermediate class which represent partly implemented property with value of concrete type and concrete verifier
PtrSetter< ActualType >Templated specialization of BasePtrSetter
NTuple::Range< TYP >Class defining a range
NTuple::Range< bool >
Gaudi::Parsers::RealGrammar< RT >The valid represenation of real values are:
Gaudi::Parsers::RealGrammar< RT >::definition< ScannerT >
RefTable1to1< FROM, TO >
RefTable1toN< FROM, TO >
RefTableBase< FROM, MAPENTRY >Template <class FROM, class TO, class MAPENTRY> class RefTable
DataSvcHelpers::RegistryEntryDefinition of an entry in the transient data store
NTuple::SelectorNTuple Selector class
SelectStatementClass of a selection statement
ServiceBase class for all services
ServiceHandle< T >Handle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to services
ServiceHistoryServiceHistory class definition
ServiceLocatorHelperHelper to share the implementation of service() among the various kernel base classes $Id:
SharedObjectsContainer< TYPE >Very simple class to represent the container of objects which are not ownered by the container
SimpleProperty< TYPE, VERIFIER >SimpleProperty concrete class which implements the full Property interface
SimplePropertyRef< TYPE, VERIFIER >SimplePropertyRef templated class
Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammarSkipping spaces and comments
Gaudi::Parsers::SkipperGrammar::definition< ScannerT >
SmartDataLocator< TYPE >A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
SmartDataObjectPtrA small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
SmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectFinderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
SmartDataObjectPtr::ObjectLoaderHelper class to configure smart pointer functionality
SmartDataPtr< TYPE >A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
SmartDataStorePtr< TYPE, LOADER >A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items residing in data stores
SmartIF< TYPE >Smart pointer to handle easily interfaces
SmartIF< IInterface >Smart pointer to handle IInterface interfaces
SmartIFBase< TYPE >
SmartRef< TYPE >Kernel objects: SmartRef
SmartRefBaseUser example objects: SmartRefBase
SmartRefVector< TYPE >Kernel objects: SmartRefVector
StatSmall wrapper class for easy manipulation with generic counters and IStatSvc&ICounterSvc interface
StatEntityThe basic counter used for Monitoring purposes
StatusCodeThis class is used for returning status codes from appropriate routines
StreamBufferThe stream buffer is a small object collecting object data
StreamBuffer::ContainedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
StreamBuffer::DataIOA small base class to handle generic data streaming
StreamBuffer::IdentifiedLinkDefinition of the contained link set
StreamBuffer::IstreamReader for standard input streams
StreamBuffer::OstreamWriter for standard output streams
Gaudi::Parsers::StringGrammarThe valid represenation of string values are:
Gaudi::Parsers::StringGrammar::definition< ScannerT >
Rndm::StudentTParameters for the StudentT distributed random number generation
SvcFactory< T >
ThreadGaudiSingleton mapping the pthread ID to the Gaudi thread ID
Gaudi::TimeBased on seal::Time
TimeExceptionException thrown by Gaudi::Time
TimePointA very crude and rought implementation of ITime interface
Gaudi::TimeSpanBased on seal::TimeSpan
TokenizerDefinition of class Tokenizer
Tokenizer::TokenDefinition of the sub-class Token
ToolFactory< T >
ToolHandle< T >Handle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to tools
ToolHandleArray< T >Array of Handles to be used in lieu of vector of naked pointers to tools
ToolHandleInfoGeneral info and helper functions for toolhandles and arrays
Containers::traits< CONTAINER, DATATYPE >Definition of the container traits class
TransientFastContainer< T, CLEANER >Container providing internal memory management
TransientFastContainerBaseBase class for TransientFastContainer
NTuple::TupleAbstract base class which allows the user to interact with the actual N tuple implementation
UpdateManagerExceptionException thrown by the UpdateManagerSvc when something goes wrong
Gaudi::Parsers::VectorGrammar< GrammarT >The valid represenation of vector are:
  • {"abc","defj","i"} or {1,2,3,4,5}
  • ["abc","defj","i"] or [1,2,3,4,5] Inner type depends on GrammarT grammar
Gaudi::Parsers::VectorGrammar< GrammarT >::definition< ScannerT >
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >A bit modified version of 'LokiAssocVector' associative vector from Loki library by Andrei Alexandrescu
GaudiUtils::VectorMap< KEY, VALUE, KEYCOMPARE, ALLOCATOR >::_compare_typeThe actual structure used to compare the elements Only "key" is important for comparison
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Generated on Mon Apr 11 19:57:05 2011 for GaudiKernel by doxygen 1.4.7